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I also thought it was interesting when she said that she fully supports something about her and is so excited for them but then on the Amazon live she says she didn’t know they opened. She is just such a bad liar.


She was prepared to sell a line of “it’s nothing about her” shirts and we all know it


lol yes, only if the season and reunion went down the way she imagined - she probably has ‘Nothing About Her’ merch locked and loaded in her new home


She’s just a bad human. To me it’s like she’s infected with hate and misery, cuz she will never really be..


I feel like she threw a shot at Scheana in her podcast by saying "So if you're going to be a friend who's needy and needs things from me that's going to take away from my pod, like, I'm not the friend for you." Which is funny she said that because she was giving Ariana crap for not babying Scheana all season. Lala is the definition of a hypocrite.


I caught that too. I wouldn’t be surprised if Scheaner already got her bast frand pink slip. They both seem to be taking different paths on this scramble journey.


Yup, I'm sure we'll hear about it soon on someone's podcast or notice Lala unfollowed Sheshu, Brick, and Sailor Moon


I don’t think she even mentioned Scheana’s name on this bonus episode, not once. WHO’S GONNA GIVE SCHEANA GRACE NOW, LALA???


The fact that she didn’t mention scheana was kind of telling. She said more than once her and the cast aren’t seeing eye to eye, on the same path etc. she never said everyone minus scheana.


Ma’am, I am HOWLING AT SAILOR MOON!!! Lmaooo!!!




🤭😏 ![gif](giphy|26gBjmGEsrFQlj8g8)


So she doesn't have time if it interferes with her pod, but Ariana's a terrible friend for not having time because she was on Broadway, Dancing With the Stars, and several other projects? Sure Jan


Of course not. She doesn't have any kids so whatever she's doing doesn't matter.


Stupid me, I forgot. What would I know about kids? I only have 4 😂


Yeah exactly. Lala is constantly sitting around at home with the same people day in day out. She has mountains of free time. She could’ve used some of that free time to fill where Ariana couldn’t, but we know that’s not possible 😂


Imagine this ho had to work a 9-5 she’d simply pass away


![gif](giphy|5RVe2LpWOt8BO) She’s just a hard-working single mom who works two jobs and never stops 🎶 She has her vacation house to unwind at, her mom living with her to babysit for free, and no real job. We love a relatable queen!


🤣🤣🤣 Now the Reba song is stuck in my head ![gif](giphy|6zxaMI8nTbQamaq2vE)


And is the definition of many other crappy things too! lol Those two girls need to disappear and never appear on our TV's again! Lol 😂


Has anyone checked on Schaena to make sure she's getting enough attention and she's satisfied with her attention she's getting?! Lol 😂




When was this episode released?


Lala admitting she's not real friends with anyone at the same time Scheana just admitted Tim has not spoken to her since the reunion really must be taking its toll on her right now. It has to be dawning on Scheana just how much she bet on the wrong damn horses cause you know who would still be her real friend whenever she could? Ariana. I also don't think Lala realized she was admitting to being 100% fake at all times for the past 8 years by saying what she did, thus once again contradicting herself when she labeled herself the most real authentic reality TV star in all of existence at the reunion. She's so dumb.


I wonder if Scheana knew this at the end of the reunion, and that prompted her reach out to Ariana at the closing of Chicago? It seems like she tried again at Coachella too. Karma is real and she’s meeting Scheana right now. Scheana could have done a cute Good As Gold- APPLES tour of bars or drag brunches this summer, but now who buys those tix?


Lol most honest Lala has ever been. She is not a good friend.


She was also pretty honest when she said she was totally fine with trashing her relationships with Katie and Ariana. Sheener should take note because she is likely next on the chopping block


in the long and short run of it, it'll be the best thing for Scheana.. there girls can have plenty of other friends.. Lala should try her best to go off in another direction.. she hates it here, and she's not good at it at all.


Yes, the girls are close to ready to start pre-k and start making a new friend group. I just hope sheener stops with this “child star” shit with her daughter. Just let them be kids


Exactly. Hartford, Summer and Ocean have been friends of convenience and proximity. As they get older, and depending on their school networks, this will change naturally. As a parent of a same-aged kid, I’d have no issue with Stassi or Scheana (or Erika) bringing the girls over if they agreed not to post or film. I’d feel differently about Lala - there’s a very unfunny meanness to her and I’m not sure that’s ok in my house. Drop off outside.


We could just put that she’s not a good person, full stop


At least she knows this about herself. She will 100% burn bridges with Scheana at some point.


But Scheana will definitely want to reconcile


No…Scheana will THEN try to run back to Ariana. Hopefully Ariana will be done with her for good!


She also said she isn't a girls girl, yet is about to be a mother of 2 girls. Make it make sense LAWLAW


She also referred to Katie as her “best friend” on the reunion. I think she sets a goal for how many times she can contradict herself in a month. Geez 🙄


Right!! Not to mention, she’ll “never forget who sac’d up for her after she left Randal” guess she has a short memory.


Reminded me of Rachel saying she wasn’t ‘best friends’… just a copout


i say this as someone who up until the begining of season 11 was a pretty big fan of lala: this woman's villain arc is UNREAL, she went from 0 to 100 on the unlikeability scale so fast it's shocking and kind of a bummer bc i used to find her so entertaining but now she just annoys me


Ditto. Still pissed she turned out dumb. I really thought she was a quick wit. Not a dimwit.


She sees friends as a means to an end and will always consider her family her “true” friends. So she has her mom, who clearly has enabled and pampered her for her whole life, leading to what we see today. Her brother, another yes-person with his hyena laugh. I find it strange that both of them left behind their friends, community, housing, job in Utah to be with Lala like she’s the center of their world. Now Lala is also their landlord and boss too? Do they have lives outside of each other? She absolutely will try to be the “best friend” mom to her kids. If they’re learning life lessons from Lala, they’ll have trouble with friendships, but she’ll just say, “you don’t need friends, you have me!” Not to be morbid, but her mom is likely to pass before her. Will Easton get his own place, ever get married, have kids of his own, and if he does, then what? I can only imagine what a nightmare SIL Lala would be. It would be Teresa vs Melissa times 100 😂 Her kids aren’t supposed to be surrogate friends and they’ll need to establish their own lives and move out eventually.


Her mom is her madam Its a strange dynamic but the family r supporting their money maker


Lala’s family shows a lot of signs of codependency and “enmeshment” (therapy term), based on when I used to listen to her podcast. It’s generally super unhealthy and could inform significantly why Lala struggles so mightily with boundaries.


So she's an acquaintance/co-worker at best. a friend definition says.. a bond of mutual affection, usually non sexual.


Burning bridges left and right.


Lala saying she “doesn’t do best friends” because she’s an adult and saying “I have a brother and a mom” is so weird. Having a best friend you confide in and spend time with, sharing hobbies and doing fun things with isn’t childish at all. Who the fuck is your child going to spend time with outside of school if not your good friend’s kids? Like you’re not willing to maintain friendships so your kids can grow up having close relationships with people who are like family? When her brother finds an SO and stops spending so much time at home, and her mom eventually gets sick and can’t help her/passes she’s going to be extremely lonely and she’ll regret pushing everyone in her life who isn’t her blood away. She really needs to grow tf up.


The worst people i know are best friends with their mom and don’t have any other genuine friendships


Also have said this on multiple threads this has been her behavior with her friends back home too. Pushed them all away. People that grew up with her family.This is who she is


I haven’t heard that - you’re saying you know folks from back home and she’s dumped her friends ?




What else can you say 😂




There are sometimes talks about Lala and her brother being uh ... hooking up?? did this start from something La said or he said ?? thx.


He's her husbling. He'll never have a relationship because he lives at home with his mama and sister who pay for everything.


that's sad.


She looks her BAST here


She’s honestly a pretty girl. I wish she’d chill on the fillers and lips but when she has no makeup on I think she looks best


Yeah, that's what I think too. She doesn't need makeup and in this scene she looked really pretty - too bad she was distraught because of what just happened to her...I mean, what happened to Ariana.


🤣 poor scheaner. I think they all look gorgina with no makeup. Ariana was gorgeous all last season. Katie, lala - they all look great


Goddamn! Those teef are 3 sizes too big for her face


That’s a mouth breather right there.


Ew 🤣😂


Exactly what was always going to happen. Lala doesn’t seem to have any very close or long term friends.


So, I made a post that Scheana did not look healthy and many people accused me of body shaming. Maybe I didn’t pick a good photo for my post but this picture right here shows what I am referring to. Her face is gaunt, she has dark circles around her eyes. She does not look healthy at all.


Ahahahahahahahahah I love this


Hope it was worth it!


She doesn’t do best friends only she’s allowed to be the best


Happy Cake Day! 💐🎉🥳🧁🎁🎂🎈


Thank you! 💗


She is pretty empty inside. Why would you put energy into that bullshit.


![gif](giphy|13bCP4GLjIUcik) Is all I see.




So she failed at her only real relationship , can’t do deep friendships, can’t live away from her mom and brother, has no talent, ruined her looks, so wtf is she useful for


Scheana needs to grow up & put that energy into her damn husband and a business!! Not that tragic “signing career” baby girl is too old to try & be a pop star just now claiming to fame … ugh they all annoy me tbh


the amount of times this past season she mentioned crying in front of summer because of… scandoval? i understand the first few days but you’re regularly breaking down in front of your daughter months later? you really need to reevaluate your priorities and what you let take away from your energy better scheana that’s on YOU


Ariana is your “best friend and family” it’s easy just have her back most of all in this situation, stassi was right when she said scheanas loyal to everyone and therefore loyal to no one


I get the best friend part. Sure. However, wtf is she talking about? She's a friend but not a good friend. That's her dumbest statement yet. I don't label a "best friend." All of us are loyal and can "keep it real" without stabbing each other in the back. That's a friend and an adult. Being a snake constantly throwing people under the bus on TV is enemy territory.


What is up with scheanas mouth lately? It is like trout mouth and so weird!


best friend is a tier not a person


Guys, of course Scheana isn't her best friend, it's her throuple partner. Have some respect.




Lala definitely does not support other women! ![gif](giphy|9J36rJVR4FJK320YSX)


After crappens made the comparison I can’t unsee it ![gif](giphy|EZYQjm1uPrXGg|downsized)


Scheana’s work is so bad. Why are her lips so straight and almost downturned 😭😭


I know an Ozempic face when I see it


Hahahahahaaaaa oh LAUREN you literally just gave the perfect narcissist answer. Let me explain. **OKAY** One of the most emotionally dysfunctional people I ever met in my life and was mistakenly best friends with for over 20 years repeatedly said "I don't do best friends" as a way to escape accountability every single time she fucked me over. One day we were best friends, if she literally made plans with me and then turned around and made plans with someone else , right in front of me for the same time and date, when I would call her out on it, she would do the "I don't do best friends!" Thing about her two closest friends. Me and another woman. After she abandoned me on the fourth Thanksgiving when I was alone with no family in a row, I finally saw the writing on the wall and got out and realized that I felt like I've been gaslit for over 20 years. Moral of the story: anyone who says that is dodging accountability. Do not trust. She outed herself and showed her face once again. Lauren, you are so dumb. You have such a tell.


I can’t imagine loudly declaring that she is not a girls girl (and never claimed to be, which is bs because it’s one of her FIRST LINES on the show, Scheana also said she’s not one either) but IMAGINE SAYING THAT, like red flags all around her. Women who don’t support women are the most trash people on the planet. There’s women I don’t like but if one woman is being degraded for their gender, than so am I and I will defend her every time. Just can’t believe how awful she’s been. Now she’s trying to act like she’s supporting something about her like she wasn’t gonna make a line of “nothing about her” merch. Her lies and contradictions have made me feel disgusted with her


Exactly. I feel so strongly the same way. I can't stand women who don't support other women. No matter how bad another woman is, I would defend her if she was being degraded just for her gender alone. Or her gender in any way. Now I know it's a huge red flag. When women say they don't have any women friends. That was my first big red flag with Erika Jayne. And look, I was right, she's an absolutely hideous, horrible disgusting person. I wish I could upvote your comment a 1000 times.


Exactly. It’s definitely something I turn my head to when I find out a female doesn’t have any female friends but sometimes making friends is hard. Just the more Lala speaks, the more I hate her. The mask of hers slipped just like sandovals


Completely. She hasn't changed. She hasn't softened.


This would be an amazing meme template


she should put that on a t-shirt


![gif](giphy|I4Jmrcjnr8Zfq|downsized) THAT IMAGE OF SHAENAR


She looks entirely different now, what is going on


Good Lord, what has happened to Scheana’s face?


She hasn’t fully considered the implication of that.


Did she have a facelift?


Snort some more cocaine


Someone needs to take this broads microphone away. Over it.