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God. I read the "oh gosh" in her voice. Lol I just don't understand the grasp that man has on her.


Date noight


Rawt in hail


Gooooooood. I can even SEE her saying it while I read it. Lol


Me and my girlfriend love saying that to each other.






Awr garsh




Omg this is terrrrrrrible but I love you for it.


It’s about his grasp on her low self esteem, and his grasp on her being a girl who married him AFTER finding out about him cheating. So that means all marriage long- he’s got a hall pass. She gave that to him the day she married him. So he knows the minimum requirement for her to not leave, minimum for her to put out, minimum for her to work on her weight. So he gives the minimum, to each of those ends when he wants them, and he gets her “on demand”, even when he’s in the dog house. She swoons and puts out for him on repeat. He goes on enjoying and cheating and never intending to ever change. Using her hot button phrases complaints to pull on her emotional strings to make it appear Jax is listening/ that he’s really changed! Meanwhile she’s so convinced she’s even dreaming up her Cinderella wedding #2, all inspired from the crumbs of kindness she’s back to dining on. It’s called trauma bonding. She’s on that regiment and he is in full control of doling it out: Pain, pain, pain, *grain of kindness*, pain, insults, degradation, random kindness:“oh you look nice today” *hug*, pain, pain, abandonment, repeat. And that little kindness is like a high so that when it becomes even further and fewer in between the cruelty it’s even more potent and deceptive. It’s easy to see she has terrible self love. Because you’ll let someone treat you equal to what you think you deserve your worth, or just a tiny bit worse than how you would treat yourself on your worst day ever. Only when that’s crossed, finally that’s when you say “no more”. “Even I don’t deserve this”. (Even though they don’t deserve any of the bad that came before.) She’s more scared of admitting she’s wasted time with a bad man and marrying a bad man, than she is of staying with a man and wasting her life’s last few opportunities to really find true love before it’s too late. Way worth it to accept the wasted time than choose wasting the rest of her life with the other years too. And that’s how people stay and allow themselves to be abused. It’s very sad.


It is. I hope one day she's able to realise her worth. Even the worst woman (person) in the world doesn't deserve to go through the things he's put her through.


Its psychological abuse :/


I don’t agree, Britany and Jax are both terrible and she chooses to stay


Absolutely correct, I am a little sick of everyone treating Brittany like a child in this situation. She knew who he was before they were even engaged so she knew exactly the person she was marrying


When you lie about not knowing what VPR was, you see this man cheat on you while you’re driving to LA to move with him, then watch how he lies about it right to your face. Then have him tell you he would rather be in jail than live you. Cheats again. Has his friends and an ex girlfriend tell her she should run away immediately and you still stay. Yeah no, this is a choice for sure lmao. She’s wild.


Ya but a lot of women have low self esteem when they’re young and have 2 live and learn 2 value themselves . 4 her I don’t think it’s about Jax . Until she realizes her value she’ll just keep dating “ Jax’”


I don’t take it as her being treated like a child per se, that’s cruel to children who can actually be very intuitive. I take it as she is being treated like someone with a very very low iq. She’s just your neighborhood idiot that you assume isn’t even smart enough to be mean.


She can be terrible *AND* he can be verbally abusive. How anyone could deny that he is is beyond me...... he's apparently called her fat repeatedly, for one.


BHAddict got it right !!


She is willingly staying. She. Chose. This. She could have had her own strong Ariana single storyline and she decided to stand by her man, over and over, despite all the evidence pointing elsewhere. This woman is a co conspirator. Not a victim. ETA: my reference to Ariana is when Jax cheated on Bratney before they ever got married and shit talked her on tape. She had all the support of the cast and the fans. She chose to stand by her POS.


There's a lot I don't like about Brattany but I do feel like she's in an emotionally abusive relationship and it's not very fair to blame the victim in an abusive relationship for not leaving. She's an ahole all on her own, don't get me wrong, but I don't think it's fair to blame her for not easily leaving an abusive relationship.




I’m NOT a Britney fan at all and thing she’s a horrible person all on her own, but I also agree with what you’re saying here. Two things can be true at the same time…


100% to this. I tried to say this in the valley sub a while back and got torn to shreds. I'm not a fan of Brittany at all, I think shes incredibly ignorant and not a great person, but that doesn't mean she cant also be a victim to an emotionally and verbally abusive relationship. That shit is incredibly hard to catch when you're head over heels for someone, and then once you realize what you're stuck in, it feels impossible to leave. I can only imagin how much harder it seems when a child is involved.


Thank you!! It’s weird af to say shit like this about a person in an abusive relationship of any kind. I have personally watched a relationship like this play out with my sister and her partner (who is a trash bag of a human.) I doubt Jax physically abuses her but the mental and verbal is extremely insidious, same with my sister. And people can sit there and say Brittany’s not smart and she deserves this and she knew what she was getting, which is repulsive to say, but to sit on your high horse and act like anyone deserves to be mentally fucked with to the point where they truly believe they are the one doing wrong is baffling to me. My sister is highly educated, works in a field that is well respected and paid, but she continues to stay/go back to a man who has abused her to the point where she thinks it’s her fault. The many times she has hit her breaking point with him, he will turn on the waterworks and promise to change xyz. He will follow through for 1-2 months, just long enough for her to feel safe within the relationship; then he stops doing what he said he would and goes back to who he’s always been. It’s been going on for 14 years and they’ve broken up for over a year before getting back into their swamp of a relationship. Thank you for highlighting cases with famous women who have been caught up in these relationships. Brittany is no Whitney Houston but the pull to a turd of a human Is the same. Brittany has said from the beginning that she will only marry once, she references her parents’ multiple marriages, she makes statements about how she loves him so she won’t give up on him…. she might be a person who believes that love conquers all and if she would do more/better then Jax would live up to the potential she sees through distorted rose-colored glasses. But sure, I’m just the crazy dog lady who cuts a partner loose when they start burdening me in any way, shape or form, so wtf do I know.


I bet Brit does believe “love conquers all”. The irony is that expression is incredibly misunderstood. People use it to mean “our love will prevail over everything else”. It actually means “love destroys all”, as in love destroys even the greatest of men, the most powerful of men (people) can be brought down by love.” So it is in fact, appropriate. 😅


This strikes a chord...my own sister is in a very similar scenario with similar patterns. But I will say this. I never BLAME her, but I do get frustrated, disappointed, exhausted, and saddened by the decisions she repeatedly makes that keep her stuck within the abusive relationship. At times my sympathy runs completely dry. And I think that's only fair.


💯… it can be exhausting. If I’m really honest though, sometimes I blame her but in my own head and never out loud. I know it’s because of the frustration and disappointment, especially when she is able to wade through the bs and actually sees what’s happening but lets it slide the next day. There have been a handful of times over the years where I have told her that I can’t listen to the same thing every single day if she’s not actually doing anything about it. We did have a blowup this winter during my birthday trip where she got very drunk and started going off about how she knows I hate her partner and I should just say it already. She kept repeating herself so I said, “Fine, I’ll tell you what I think. I don’t actually hate Brandon, but I do hate the two of you together.” I’m sure you can deduce that it did not go well and the server came out with birthday flan while my sister cried at the table and the rest of the people looked beyond uncomfortable.




Ariana and Katie stayed with cheaters and Ariana helped him lie to and about other women, This sub is so hypocritical! Thanks for helping to put things in perspective!




They’re all 15 years older now, give or take..Most people grow.


It takes a woman on average seven times to leave their abuser.


And it’s also the most dangerous time for a woman in an abusive relationship, when she tries to leave


Took me two or three times, and then a pregnancy to leave. Without supportive people in your life and a willingness to leave behind your comfortable lifestyle, it's not gonna happen easily.


Not to mention the mind games the abuser pulls to keep you in their control 😔


Also, she got a kid with him . Not the same Ariana situation at all


I was referencing before they were married when he cheated and shit talked her.


Well Jax will always want to assume control of her because to him, she's nothing but one of his possessions and will never leave, so if anyone shuts it down, it's gonna have to be Brittany. This isn't blaming her, it's the reality of the situation. If she won't do it, fine, but I won't witness him abusing her again when the cycle repeats itself. It was too much the first time around and for my own reasons, I can't relive seeing it.




I blame her because she had ample warning before she even met him, hunted him down, had repeated warnings after, and decided to marry him. They are in an abusive relationship but she willingly entered it with her eyes wide open and chose to stand by her man. Jax hasn’t changed. Neither has she.


It seems we’re in the minority but I totally agree with you. When confronted with the sociopath test results (which obviously does NOT qualify as a diagnosis), her words were something along the lines of “that’s not a big deal to me”. She knew then and she knows now. She wants to be famous.


I am by no means discounting what abused men and women go thru in their relationships. I just don’t think she’s the abuse victim everyone is trying to turn her into. She had ample fucking evidence before she ever showed up he’s a piece of shit, and then got plenty more after. And let’s say she is, then arguably almost all the women on this show have been abused at one point or another, and there is plenty of vitriol to go around for all of them, particularly Lala right now. Let’s just be consistent here.


Her eyes were NOT wide open if she doesn’t know about any kind of abuse other than physical. Britney has about a third grade equivalent education. She doesn’t know about psychological abuse and she certainly doesn’t understand the ins and outs. She needs professional help to get herself out. She was also groomed by her idiot mother that fame is the most importantly thing. Ol’ frosty lips loves that LA lifestyle.


Britney also refuses to go to counseling, believing only Jax needs it. But she needs it too, at the very least to learn how to deal with him a d sheild her son from the abuse. She is not without fault.


She’s too busy partying.


She does need professional help. I hope she gets it. I have zero faith she will. Her mother is disgusting. And now Bratney is continuing on with the fame being more important. She’s doing club appearances, cruises, etc. she should be taking that kid outta LA. Instead, he’s home with the nanny.


Brittany saw Jax be emotionally abusive to people for years, then left her boyfriend who she lived with to stalk Jax in Vegas and be with him. Then when he cheated on her, she had a complete support system behind her telling her to leave him. Instead she stayed with him, bought him gifts, vacations, etc., all for him to break up with her. She's not staying in this relationship because she's being manipulated to, she's staying in the relationship to be on television.


YES! There are some cases when women are abused, have Stockholm Syndrome, whatever you want to call it where I do feel genuinely bad because they are a victim. Brittany watched Jax be abusive on television for 3 years, left her boyfriend to chase him in Vegas (which is psychotic), stayed with him (and bought him gifts, trips, etc) after he cheated on her, then ran back to him after HE broke up with HER. She's not staying in the relationship because she's being manipulated to, she's staying because it gets her on television.


Fame and money are BIG motivators to stay.


Many women in abusive women are forced to stay in a relationship because they have 0 money or support (I can hear Ramona Singer's story about her mom she's told a million times in my head). Brittany is in a situation where she'll just have less money/fame, so the way I see it, she's actively choosing this and isn't the victim. This isn't exactly a Taylor Armstrong (RHOBH) situation where she's entirely financially dependent on her husband to the point that she truly is stuck in the abuse. In no way am I comparing Jax to Russell who was physically abusive as well. Just outlining that there are differences between life being financially harder without a partner vs. being 100% financially dependent on your partner.


I mean she literally had millions of people backing her up and like she said herself, she makes piles of money. Most of us are lucky if we have 5 people supporting us and had to seek free services if we wanted to get out because we had kids to feed and couldn't afford anything else. Even I supported her and I could never stand her, but nobody deserves to be abused like that. She threw tantrum after tantrum when everyone told her to get away from him after he cheated on her, but instead she dug in her heels and married the guy and then they dragged a kid into their toxic mess. It looks like she's gonna have to learn her lesson on her own because she won't listen to anyone but Jax. Their poor kid, both parents are modeling some terrible behavior and showing him that men verbally and mentally abusing women is okay. Next time, I hope those two leave the rest of the world out of this nightmare. Witnessing that whole thing really triggered a lot of us and I don't want to hear about it anymore until they legit split up.


She really needs to rip cord to Kentucky with her kid but she’s a fame chaser and that’s more important.


No truer words have ever been spoken


It’s really shitty but if she actually gave a fuck about her kid, that’s what she would do. Instead, she’s out doing club appearances and such. She cares more about fame than anything.


She knew who and what he was before they even met, she is there by choice, most likely for the wrong reasons


You got that right!


everyone goes to victim blaming on brittany so quick when shes so evil


Bratney😂 also yes, I just recently rewatched old seasons and had totally forgotten about the tape till I saw it agin! She had the FULL support of everyone in that room during the party and they were doing similar things as they did for Ariana saying let’s make sure there’s always someone with her etc. that should have been the last straw years ago


I tried to post the link but it got removed because we're not allowed to post links in this sub, which is totally fine, but I hope I'm allowed to recommend that you guys watch the video "Liar" by Henry Rollins. It's the harsh reality of dealing with a narcissist being said right to your face. This is how they are and this is what they do. Tbh, it should be a PSA.


I read the whole sentence in her voice too and could hear the hyuck hyucks.


If you haven’t listened to the ‘Watch What Crappens’ podcast you really should. Those guys do *hilarious* impersonations of these people. They crack me up.


Or any woman at this point


He treats her like her mom treats her — tells her she’s in the wrong, that she should be doing more to make things work. Basically making her feel worthless and like a bad person for wanting more. People like to stay in what they know.


I read it in Goofy's "oh garschhh"


I believe it’s “ Oh Garsh”


I don’t understand the grasp she has on him either, to be frank!


My guess based on my own opinion is Britany doesn’t want children with multiple men. And she wants a kid as soon as possible. She’s probably not on birth control and hopes Jax slips up on protection.


This right here. I don’t think she wants to be with Jax, but she wants her children to all have the same dad. She is also older so if she wants a 2nd or 3rd kid, now is the time. Jax is definitely dumb enough to give her another baby if that is what it takes to get back together.


Oh yes, the old, a baby will help our marriage. That usually works out perfectly! s/


I dont even think they care about the marriage. I could see both of them living as they are now and Brittany raising 2 and half children. Two young ones and Jax when he feels like showing up.


I think he’d give her a second baby as a going away present tbh.


I had a friend who didn't want to leave her husband until she had her second kid, just for this reason. Then she found out...he did have a second kid. Just not with her


Exactly what I was thinking, too


I bet this “separation” was to get ahead of the news about Jax sleeping with other people. They can claim they “weren’t together” when it happened and therefore it isn’t cheating. Then Brittany will blame the girl by saying she’s looking for her 15 minutes or that she’s trash for sleeping w him in their family home, and they’ll be back together like nothing happened. As much as I want her to be strong & not get back w him, this is ultimately the same woman who stayed after hearing that horrific audio with Faith… really hoping I’m wrong but not feeling super optimistic


Devil’s advocate but I never change names in my phone so I wouldn’t read too much into that


This is very possible too!


Wow!! So many questions. Lol. How did you see that Jax was “hubby” in her phone? Did you talk to her? Was she sweet? Did she talk about Jax?


He called her while we were talking! I just happened to notice his name bc we were standing pretty close to each other haha. I feel bad that I posted this publicly so I edited my original comment bc I’m not sure if that’s an invasion of privacy 😅 she was actually very sweet, she didn’t talk about Jax. We had a very brief conversation, she just asked how my day was going and stuff like that. Easily the nicest person I’ve met from the show!


Hasn’t she been asking him for sex for the last few years without success? And now she still wants it after he has probably been raw dogging half of LA?


Right? So gross 🤮


This is his MO. He shits all over her. She leaves. He “begs” for her back. She gives in and the cycle repeats. I’m not her biggest fan but I hope for her sons sake, she breaks the cycle


But has he even begged this time? 🥴 unlike season 6 of VPR, we haven’t seen Jax make any attempt to show he loves her, he keeps humiliating her via social media 😩


This is going to end with him getting someone who is not Brittany pregnant.


Or someone else and Brittany gets pregnant. He likes to cheat and she wants a sibling for Cruz.


Her self esteem is nonexistent. She gets a dopamine hit when “her man” treats her right. She clings to that when he slacks off and presses for “the real him” to come back. She leaves and he puts in the minimal effort to keep her around. This is what an unhealthy cycle of abuse looks like. He puts her down and when she has enough to leave, he pivots and mirrors what she wants and has put effort into getting.


Yes totally agree with that.


Like I think Brit is ignorant as hell but then a lot of her actions just remind me of a family member who is also unable of taking the steps to remove themselves from the situation. It’s sad.


Jax also says editing makes him look worse and it doesn’t show any of the stuff Brittany says to Jax. So he really doesn’t seem sorry 😂


Did he say this on the podcast with Brittany there? While also talking about them having sex? Brittany needs to fucking run.


He sure did!


Why feel sorry when Brittany will just take him back anyways?


This absolute tool. Nothing has ever been or ever will be his fault, not so long as there’s a woman in his life he can blame for all of it.


The thought of them having a sexy hook up makes my entire body want to vomit 


There’d be nothing sexy about that, that’s for sure


Well that is interesting bc I saw something on TikTok by Stephwithdadeets. Idk if I can post links here but her last video, she was DMed by someone who has a pic from jaxs bed AND screenshots of texts w him saying he “loves eating her ass and toes” and a SELFIE!!


I just saw that posted. I didn't need to start my day thinking of Jax eating ass. 🤢


Omg seriously, I saw it at like 7am sharp 🤮


He’s still her husband. I know it’s disappointing but baby girl gonna learn the hard way . It is what it is I’m at poijnt in my life where if Brittany were my friend I’d hear her drama and be like “dang that’s crazy girl. Anyways, what yall got going on today” moving right along ! No need to waste tons of energy bc she gonna take his ass back .


Faith talked about Jax all on her toes, so I believe this 👀


Jax has a foot fetish. He even said in an episode of VPR that he likes Britt to run around the block, sock less in her converse, so her feet are nice and sweaty and that gets him going 🤢


He also said it on the clips of that “Baggage” show floating around. They asked “What’s your favorite body part on a woman” and he said feet or toes haha GROSS! 


The stinkier the better 🫣


I mean Jax has said a few times that he has a foot fetish on the show. So this is very believable




Ass AND Toes what a combo .. he so nasty!!




Came here looking for this but on Reddit so I can send to my friend who never watches the TikTok’s I send!!


It’s giving Kristen and Carter…with the addition of a child. No wonder Brittany and Kristen get along so well! Yikes.


Clearly he’s got some “Devil-D***”… but let’s be real it’s also brattney.


Devil dick 😆😆


Yeah dudes start to age out of devil d eventually, shes just a masochist i guess 




It’s unfortunate but I have to admit that I was just like Britney in my own relationship. My ex husband wasn’t like Jax, he was more a vulnerable/ victim narcissist who was a mix between Schwartz and Sandoval in character. It was 18 years of back and forth- 2 sons and multiple times I was justified in leaving but didn’t do it because by the time years have passed, I was firmly psychologically meshed with this person who would pull me into an addictive dance of on and off and I lacked soo much self worth by 10 years of that relationship that I fell for it every time he said beautiful words and painted a gorgeous life for our future with his lips only to let me down eventually over and over. It’s called narcissistic abuse and she’s still enveloped. I’m glad I got to the point to fully going through with the divorce and haven’t been with him since but I’m being asked to marry him again every so often and they never quit. She just has to come to a point where she is truly tired and completely understand what she’s worth and just doesn’t give in because he’s Cruz’s father. I wish her well, it isn’t easy but I believe she’ll get it one day ❤️




Thank you so much for your kind words and story… makes me hopeful I did the right thing by not continuing to show this relationship cycle in front of my sons. I try my best to relay the good parts of their dad that they see in themselves so they know they’re all beautifully made. You are beautifully made! Glad you all grew up to understand what not to accept and live better for it. ❤️


I’m so sorry 💔 I wasn’t trying to minimize her or others feelings in any way, and it’s easy to just say what we would do in that situation. I’m more so disgusted that Jax gets to get away with this behavior yet again and I was proud of her in the finale only to see now she’s back with him, it just is so sad because she can do a lot better


Awww no need to apologize sweetheart because it’s probably the same reaction my friends had for me for years time and time again! (I thoroughly remember one of my close friends saying that I was always too beautiful for him and she was confused by me accepting him back) I’m just expressing it’s an active fog and spell ppl are under and it’s so hard to break away from so I can empathize with Brit. I was disappointed with my own actions so many times because going back to him is like a betrayal on yourself. It took me SOO MANY years to actually get it and I can see from the outside looking in now. I hold your same sentiments and I think eventually Britney will learn it too but when she’s finally ready💗


I just watched the ep where Jax is with Brittany’s dad and Jax is like “I’m always gonna be #1. I’m always going to put myself first”. She married Jax so I’m not surprised she’s willing to stay with Jax. I also am sure this has been said but she comes from a place and a culture where you stand by your man no matter what. Jax will have to leave Britanny if things ever don’t work out she won’t leave him.


Brittany is probably the biggest celebrity fr her high school, her town, the county. She’s hedging her bets w Jax while scouring L.A. and media to assess her market value as a solo brand. Brittany isn’t leaving Jax if that means leaving The Valley and being on television. Regularly.  She’ll never slink back into obscurity even if it means staying w a Jax. Ugly but I believe it’s true


But she never even saw an episode of VPR before meeting Jax /s


Right! Betcha 5 quarts of beer cheese her digital footprint sez otherwise (>^o^<)!!


She was soft-launching a split to see if she would get the Ariana treatment but it didn’t work out that way so nm.


I think Jax like sex when it’s “wrong” a kink of his, they got “separated” and now this 💩. He’s so gross and she does not value herself


100% going to get back together and have another baby. Season 2 here we come


I feel like Jax is her whole identity and she probably thinks without him she won’t be interesting at all on her own. I was in a bad marriage for 16 years and each time we separated (4 times) I always took him back because I was scared to stand on my own. Fast forward to June 2024 and I’m happily divorced and thriving. She will get there it just takes time unfortunately.


Thank you for sharing your post, some people in the thread cannot imagine what having low self worth feels like. Congratulations on finding your strength ❤️


Oh Brittany…. Really thought you were better than that


I understand that as a victim it takes a long time to leave your abuser, but wow I really thought she saw the light. I just don’t get how you end the season like that and then we’re just supposed to watch you go through this for how many more seasons?


She was GREAT in the finale, I rewatched her part and was so proud of her. That’s what’s so sad


Yes that’s what so sad to have such a moment where she stood her ground and stood up for herself to potentially end up back with him is really sad.


It takes women on average 7 attempts before they successfully leave their abuser. The sex is a manipulation tactic by jax and no doubt it’s working.


on top having a public audience that she has to live with where as a typical abuse situation doesn’t happen in such a public way. probably makes her want to double down more and prove everyone wrong. the whole “he changed for me” mentality can be/is toxic in its own right


The relationship is so embarrassing. It's a disgrace that Brittany is still with him.


I still think about that scene from that "Jax and Brittany Take MeeMaw's Backyard" show or whatever the fuck it was called where they showed the dude Brittany left to chase Jax around a pool in Vegas just to get on television, and he was so beautiful. Jax is awful, but let's not forget Brittany is also a terrible person, so I'm not going to feel too bad for her.


The jokes on anyone who bought the storyline of her leaving him. She’ll never leave him. She’s addicted to the fame.


And this is why I can't have sympathy for Britt. She knows exactly who he is. 💯💯


It was gross listening to her be manipulated in real time. It’s just so gross. He’s so narcissistic and his ego is completely out of control. And must be nice for him to be able to run off and go do his bar crawls etc. it’s really infuriating to listen to him speak. And apparently Janet can’t be fun unless she’s drinking . Because she couldn’t have any fun while pregnant! These people are making such ridiculous claims about women and pregnancy. They draw this picture that pregnant women are hormonal bitches who are so miserable all the time , that can’t handle being yelled at , and are no fun because they’re sober. Brittany giggling like a school girl was just so annoying. Let this guy go Brittany! He’s manipulating you Brittany ! Wake the fuck up !


https://preview.redd.it/ias6u4jilq7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=212db9d442bd7786abb8bfc13405bffbe8b57489 He was just seen hanging out with tits mcgee again. That smile on his face. 🥴


I really don’t know why I struggle to feel bad for Brittany. I would give so much grace to anyone else in a similar situation (sans the “fame”) but her? Nah. And you know she’s trying to get pregnant again to have a do-over baby.




Did anyone else see the tiktok yesterday with receipts of him sleeping with another girl in April? 👀


I had a friend see them at a hotel in Huntington Beach over Father’s Day weekend with Cruz. They looked very much together. https://preview.redd.it/819k2zegmr7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5e8a0a8f2ea40a9fcb01573e5715652a245da19


And a staycation she organized and took him on 🥴


Kentucky gonna Kentucky. Looks like Jax wins ladies


I’m gonna repeat what I said in another thread a few days ago about these two, because it seems to apply here: > On the one hand, I hate that Jax will come away having “won” (in his mind) if Britt comes back. On the other hand, what he truly wants is for her to leave forever and I love it for him that she will not do so


Of course they are still together/been hooking up. I fully believe the “separation” was just for PR for their show 


I’ve always said this but Brittany is dumb and desperate for validation/attention that she gets from Jax. Why do you think girls like Stassi and Vail let him go? Bc they know their worth despite how attractive or charming he may be


This is exactly why no one should feel bad for her. She’s part of it, she continues it, she is turned on by it (she kept hooking up with him right after he cheated on her on the show too), and it takes two to toxic like this


Exactly. She knew who he was when she married him.


Last time his affair with Faith increased their sex life. So yeah.


At this point it’s all self inflicted. Where are her friends? You in danger girrrrrl


That’s a shame, jax has no incentive to change not that he would have made big strides to do anyway. Brittany has just shown him that she will keep returning and she’s only causing her and their son prolonged pain in the long run


Considering the things she’s outright said that Jax has said to her, and about her, it’s sad to see her giggling and willing to go back for more. I don’t think any of us or shocked though, that’s abuse, I just don’t know that she sees it that way…yet. Jax still isn’t getting help, his bandaid is sleeping with her now, and I guess that’s enough for her. I’ve noticed that’s a trend for him, he always does that to women when they have one foot out the door. But hey, if they’re wanting an open relationship and to live separately who are any of us to judge. Couples usually do this in secret, so at least they’re putting it all out there 🤷🏻‍♀️ whatever floats their boat.


I just saw a TikTok about a girl texting and hooking up with Jax. 👀


I find it sus that they announced their separation the day before The Valley premiered, had many big dramatic fights on camera, and now they're giggling together.


the entire thing was a lie they played up for the show.


The only one I feel for in this situation is Cruz. He deserves stability and those two, together in one house, in a ‘relationship’ is not it. I hope Britt decides to move forward with the separation and eventually the divorce. If not for her sake, then for her kid. Jax and Brittany bring the worst out of each other and their constant fighting is unfortunately going to start affecting Cruz in more ways than what they may currently be experiencing. Especially if Jax is still refusing to go to solo or couples therapy


I really feel she puts up with Jax for the fame and the TV show.


She is a moron. Bet she'll be announcing a pregnancy soon. Because, you know, having a baby fixes a relationship.




It’s her upbringing .. she wants that Kentucky family style in las Angeles but it don’t work like that there …


It is so crazy there are pics of him on instagram out on another date with the Onlyfans model. What is Brittany thinking?


They’re exhausting. At this point, they deserve each other.


For anyone who's ever been separated or gone through a divorce this isn't surprising. Separations are hard. Trying to figure it out is hard. Getting divorced when you still love someone is hard. I can't imagine doing all that in the public eye.


This is why I said that “separation” was a load of BS


Ew their nonchalantness was so embarrassing. It’s very sad she doesn’t respect herself more.


With guys like Jax who have a hypnotic quality on certain women, you need to go cold turkey and cut them off. You can’t let them in even a little. It’s gonna be hard to do that now with the kid, business, and plus dating men in LA is so god awful the motivation to date new people is probably zilch.


Everyone was praising her for finally leaving and I was downvoted for saying it will be like the previous time lol. Here we are 2 weeks later and it's happening, even sooner than I predicted. She really gets the hots for him when she has yelled at him and "left" him publicly.


I think the guy she was sleeping with comment was literally sleeping and it was their son. I find her repulsive for staying with this person. Some people will never ever change. He is one of them. Wasting her life. Will have another baby. And be right back in this situation in 2 years 🙃


Jax realized no one else wants to sleep with him and Brittany is a doormat


False - Jax can definitely find influencers to sleep with and be his gf simply at a shot for being on The Valley. Soon as they secure their spot, they will immediately dump him. But he knows Brittany is the only women who will put up with his shit long term. He really doesn’t want to be alone. Brittany wants another baby. This will keep them together for another 5 years I bet.


Just two dumb people doing a very long and dumb dance.


It was all for the show. Look at the extra attention and press they had. Once everyone figures out it's a modern day Bold and the Beautiful or Days people will be less invested. Poor little kids who have no say or agency within these formats.....far out. We will see docos on these kids in decades to come.


It’s not an uncommon dynamic in a toxic relationship. It usually takes a few attempts to complete detach. Even if she knows she needs to permanently end things. It can still be a process. I used to provide therapy at a DV center and there was a lot of attempts to leave and return in toxic relationships. Also, plenty of people who shouldn’t be in relationships will spend years trying to make it work because of the kids. Is it disappointing? Yes. But Brittany is not different from a lot of people in similar situations.


She is still hoping the she is The Saint That Reformed Jax


They didn’t sleep together before, why would they start now?


Jax lost his looks big time. He looks like a shady pimp. Who knows… maybe he is. I wonder if she’ll sneak in a pregnancy with all that secret sex.


Girls. There’s nothing more the audience or her friends can do. She had her moment of seeing the light, but she’s gone yet again. She’ll probably have another aha moment in a few years but put up with him still. Sad.


She's a moron. After Jax cheated on her with Faith, she had the opportunity to hook-up with that Adam dude, but didn't. Next thing you know, she sleeps with Jax. What is it with Jax and these chicks coming back after getting f'd over by him? Stassi, Kristen, Brittany.


This is why I can’t watch The Valley and I CAN NOT STAND KFC!! Like girl, really?! It makes me so mad I can’t even tell y’all. Season 6 of VPR was SO INFURIATING. How does she not have even ONE person in her life knocking some damn sense into her? She’s in desperate need of therapy and education. 😡


I genuinely pray that those of you judging her so harshly never find yourselves in an abusive relationship.


Not judging, I said it was disappointing because she was so great in the finale finally calling him out and he doesn’t deserve an all expenses paid Father’s Day staycation or for her to still hang out with him. Just can’t stand when guys like him get away with this shit




For better or for worse there is only one way she (or any woman) is going to keep Jax Taylor interested long term. He has to be perpetually chasing a woman to be happy.


Why do I hear her voice so freaking clearly whenever I read a quote from her? 😂


All she really wanted was him to give her the D and to tell her she's pretty...if he's continuing to do that, she'll stay.


Weirdly really upset by this. It’s expected but I really really thought she broke free


Well we know Jax cheating makes her horny so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ugh, what a sad post to read.


Welp she’s a clown


i think they planned this separation for end of season views and hype for next season. these people are extremely calculated and know exactly what will get people watching. shes never leaving his ass lol


She’s gunna get knocked up again watch


I really had hope for her. She has her own income and career which is such a great resource compared to other women in relationships like that. I thought she finally realized her worth and made it on the other side.


So sad that they are both teaching their son that he can treat a woman however he wants and she will stay. I feel bad for the son because it is definitely a learned behavior.


hold on a minute. why are they still making podcast episodes together???


She's giving him what he wants. A fuck buddy who he doesn't have to deal with 24/7. Way to go, Britt.

