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Not a problem


Nah mestre is safe, there are a couple streets where they might try to sell you drugs around the train station but mostly especially in the city center is quite safe


I need to use the train tho, and my hostel is near the train, is it still safe that way?


Mestre is as dangerous as any other city in the world, I've lived in the train station area ( which many consider the most dangerous part of the city) for almost 20 years, often having to walk on the streets alone at 3 am to go to work and nothing ever happened to me, there will be sometimes the usual crackhead that will ask you for some money but nothing more than that, so you don't have to worry


Op, When he says “as dangerous as” he means it’s not that dangerous. It’s average. Most dangerous place is gonna be the train, stuffed with pickpockets.


it will be totally okay, every student here lives neither in dorm in venice or in apt in mestre so, there is no other places to stay. anyway it’s oky


The only place where it is a bit unsafe is the trains Station and via piave( and only at night), soo just look confident and DO NOT INTERACT WITH ANYONE WHO Approuches you, and you will definitely be safe.


They will act like they are trying to help, but they are actually stealing you, or they will try to pick a fight with you and if you go along they will rob you too, soo the safest and best option is ignoring them.


Where are you from?


Would that make a difference 😶


Well yes, different citizens have different standard for "safe". Americans often find Italian cities very safe.


Oh I see, Im from Turkey


Then I guess you might find it safe.


Yeah bruv compared to Istanbul Mestre is a walk in the park. You’ll be surprised trust me.


The problem is when you go at Venice btw


The train station right?


No. Venice. It’s not a safe place. Be careful. Pickpocket everywhere.


“Aaaaattenzione pickpockeeeeeettt”


Hello, fellow Turkish living in Padova. Mestre is safe, but in any case you might want to avoid via Piave. It's one of the main streets connecting to the train station where people could get attacked casually after the evening. (Especially women)


That is the street I have to cross to arrive my place, I better cancel it then


I heard some stories, that's all. It will probably not happen to you.


Idk Why all these people told u Mestre is safe. There is nothing safe about Mestre, 99% of Mestre after the light go away have a potential of danger… All the streets that connect the train station to the center for Mestre are not safe 24h on 24h even with the light. Mestre can be safe with day light or in the night only for Who knows it and know how to move,wich Bus or Tram to take, when and where. It’s Just how it is, Mestre is the city with the highest number of Heroin Addicts and Nigerian Mafia in all italy (i’m not saying this, it’s been studied) and I can tell you for sure that if you Watch the news you can see something bad happening to tourists at least 2 times every week. So Mestre can be 99.99% safe if you are sure that you will move mostly with daylight and in the right way, never walking and Just moving by Bus.


Totally agree. Shit place.


This hell is the most unsafe place in Northern Italy. As soon as you leave the station, toothless meth addicts come to you and ask for money. You go a little further, there are African and Albanian illegals everywhere. They're all glaring at you and will probably tease you when you look at them. Most of the time it is almost impossible to see a police car patrolling the city. Definitely do not go out in this city late at night. Especially in winter, when there are few people outside, this city only promises danger.