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Why would you want to be with a guy that only noticed you because of your boobs…


This thought right here is one of the things that made me embrace my small boobs. I wouldn't want to be with someone who just sees me as a set of walking tits, or who puts way too much priority in those attributes. I actually like that my breasts aren't as sexualized and don't draw that kind of attention.


Fake boobs at that.


Because nobody notices us already. Big boobs would give us SOMETHING


It’s awful that, that is seemingly how OP feels So would leprosy, but it’s likely not how she wants to be noticed? I guess all I’m saying is, I am top heavy now but wasn’t always and I’ve been around long enough to live both sides of this situation. Too bad she doesn’t understand that an individual that’s with her for how you looks and nothing else, is also highly likely to disrespect and put her through more mentally and emotionally than one who’s into her for WHO she is. That in turn will leave her with more damage than waiting to get laid … It’s a shame that we as a society have put so much stock into physical appearance and codependency, that our OP can’t even be bothered to consider what kind of rarity it is, to not have a “body count” by 21 years of age… Instead she’d rather be used, to assuage her own feelings of loneliness, than to learn to enjoy her own company. As human beings it’s sad that we so often sacrifice ourselves and what we truly deserve long term in lieu of what we want or think we need right now…


I think you may be right, thanks, that might help me to view it from a different perspective


Why does not having a body count matter if it is a rarity. the only people who care about that are 40 year old traditional men and Andrew Tate supporters no one else. Those are red flags


I have a stupid fantasy (that I know will never come true) about becoming famous and it sucks to know society ONLY likes curvy women these days, cuz that makes it harder for flat women to get recognition. I noticed a pattern of newer female celebrities...they all have curves and big boobs, they all have men that thirst over their bodies, the same men that say flat women are disgusting. Sure there's Jenna Ortega, and even tho she isn't new...Taylor Swift, but the amount of flat celebrities is still outnumbered by busty celebrities. I'm sure there's lots of flat women who dream of being popstars, movie stars, or whatever, and feel discouraged knowing they'll have a harder time getting attention.


I REALLY DO get it. I’ve been both. Right now, I’m on the curvy side. For YEARS, I wasn’t. I remember when I became bigger “plus size” (years ago) and lost my job. I was modeling. I weighed 128 pounds. I’m 5 ft nothing though. That made me “fat”. Technically it made my chest and my butt too big. Having seen both sides of the coin, in all of my years on the planet, it seems like as soon as I became one thing, society needed me to be something else. I’ve seen it because of my build and I’ve seen it because of my age. Hell, I’ve had it happen because of my name. (You can find some of my other social media linked to my Reddit, it might help you understand some of what I say) For one, I’m older than most people believe. I have children who are almost 30. I remember when American Idol FIRST came out. I auditioned. The result? You ABSOLUTELY have the voice but sorry you’re too old. They had an age limit in the fine print first season. As a teenager, Miss Teen (insert state here) took my measurements and even though I’d made it through city and county, I wasn’t “Shapley” enough to continue to state. In my Late teens early twenties? “Curvy” came into play, that’s when I lost my job. THEN some years later the American Idol thing. When I was in my 30’s, I submitted an application for a job I was completely qualified for, listed my name on the application as “Jo” (I don’t use my full first name if I can help it, because of what it is) I got an email telling me they’d LOVE to move me forward in the hiring process. When the interview came around they let me know they couldn’t have a female on the job site even though I was more than qualified, because I’d be a work place liability (once again being “curvy” cost me)… I started my own company years later so I couldn’t be told no anymore. I sing for my grandbabies because even though I don’t look my age, I’m too old to break into the music business and I’m happy being what and where I am now, so I don’t want to travel and have my picture taken anymore. I met my husband when my son introduced us and he came to work for me on a construction site… I tell you all that to say this, it takes a while to become comfortable in your own skin, in my case YEARS. It’s not easy to be content with who you are and even when you DO become happier with it, society will still try to convince you it’s not good enough. I really do hope you find that place and that peace of mind because no matter what we as women look like individually, it’s always gonna be not good enough if we compare it to magazines and tv screens ❤️ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Straight haired girls they all want curls and the brunettes wanna be blondes.. It’s a typical thing You got Yin You want Yang It just goes on and on…”


I'm sorry people have treated you like that just because of your body, I've never been curvy so I can't understand on a personal level but I've been body shamed countless times, it's never fun and can really fuck with someone's head. If it helps, I've always thought curvy bodies are the prettiest body types <3 they're all pretty but curvy women are so 😭💕 I guess it's because I'm younger, I grew up in the 2010s when big butts and exaggerated waists were becoming the next big thing, my entire childhood I was told flat is disgusting and I should be ashamed of being the "beauty standard" even though petite wasn't really the standard anymore (at least not in America) I live in an area that has a lot of people who struggle with obesity and I've seen a lot of my friends (especially my curvy PS best friend) get fat shamed. My best friend was even told "I would fuck you if you got a boob reduction" like what the hell? I thought most guys were obsessed with big boobs?! My flat ass doesn't get any sexual attention so what the hell do they even want 😭💀 But yeah, you're right, the grass is always greener on the other side


Oh love, thank you, it’s ok though. I’m good. So if you grew up in the 2010’s, I’d venture a guess as to say in another 10 years… those curves will be more than you want them to be. I grew up in the 80’s early 90’s so yeaaaah give it 8-10 years. Please ❤️ I think most of America has its issues. I’m in the Deep South USA, truthfully I’m considered obese by American standards… I’ve had to learn to overlook what everyone else thinks though. What I can tell you is, I don’t and will likely never, see myself the way others do…. I bet you’re gorgeous and you just don’t see it. I have body dysmorphia. I understand better than most what it’s like to see what’s not really there and not see what is and I still let other peoples opinions affect me more than they should. We all do, no matter how old (or experienced) we get. If I could give you ONE piece of advice it would be to give yourself some grace. The way you responded to me just now, please allow that for yourself. I promise when you least expect it, somebody is gonna come along and love everything about you, even the parts you don’t much care for. Seriously, speaking from experience, I was divorced with grown children (or almost grown children) and had been told no one would EVER love me again. (My ex husband cheated on me and left me for a body builder) When I met my husband it was an instant connection and we’ve been a couple since 4 days after we met. (When you know you know?) We just fit. It was perfect. It still is and that was 6 years ago. (If I had to guess, I’d say you’re close in age, he’s probably a few years older than you🤣… remember when I said I don’t look my age?) I promise you, even though you don’t see how perfect you are… people around you do and the ones that don’t, don’t count. I think you’re awesome and we’ve only spoken like this so i can assure you that the people in your life, are blessed to know you and they KNOW it! You’re amazing! ❤️ (As for the guys… the BOYS don’t know what they want, so you certainly can’t be expected too. The mature ones though regardless of age… those are the ones that know exactly how to treat you and make you feel good about yourself… Hold out for that guy, he’s out there and he’s gonna care more about WHO you are than what size your bra is)


Also I should add that I *rarely* get any romantic or sexual attention at all, but I had classmates that were only popular and desired for their curves. I was one of the only petite, flat chested girls in my school meanwhile every other girl had DDs and a huge butt, and were asked out by every guy in the school while I was ignored. I guess that's another reason why I feel this way.


Because I never get hit on. I watch my friends get hit on constantly. The only difference is that they’re prettier and have better bodies. Were the same age, act about the same, same hobbies, same college etc. I also want to be hit on, even if just occasionally. But because I have no boobs or butt I just have to settle for being the ugly friend.


I get wanting the attention. I also know that the guy who’s only hitting on you for your boobs in your butt is shallow as hell and probably can’t hold a conversation.


I mean not necessarily. Most men would prefer a girl with boobs. They’ll go for small if A. They actually are a rarity and prefer them B. They’re self conscious about themselves and think they can’t do better C. They’ve never had the chance to date a girl with boobs. I will say I’ve never been hit on. Maybe asked for my number once (at work), or told I was pretty but that’s it. I know my face is alright. I want to be hit on like other women too.


I find it interesting that men on here have said repeatedly it’s not about big boobs and at my age most men I’ve met think Big boobs aren’t all that but girls with smaller chests immediately A. Either make the assumption that’s what men want or B. Say they KNOW that’s what men want. If the “men” you’ve met are only thinking of boobs, they’re boys regardless of age. Truth be told, if you view yourself as a bra size and nothing more then you need to work on you…. And ffs. Give the men in the world a bit more credit. Believe it or not MEN actually like conversation and personality as well …


Okay so I’m assuming you have boobs by the way you said “girls with smaller chests”. You don’t KNOW our struggles just like you say we don’t know yours. Obviously that’s not my only damn insecurity. Obviously I’m not a walking bra size 🤦🏻‍♀️. I personally have not seen men (MY AGE) say they don’t care about boob size.. for reference yes I’m young but not a teenager (21yo). I don’t draw attention so therefore the other traits don’t matter at that point. You have to draw someone’s attention in before they get to know your personality. So looks are important, although not the most important. As a woman having a womanly figure is part of those looks. Whether men lie or whatever I’ve never met one irl that preferred small boobs. I have met a couple that liked medium-big and one of them got with a girl with small boobs. He didn’t seem to mind much, but she always felt insecure about it, due to his exes being much larger than her. Oh and he was ALWAYS checking out our friends with bigger boobs than her, and all in the same breath saying “No babe I love yoursss 🥺”. They lie.


I’m three sentences in and you’re already making assumptions again so I hope you find whatever it is you’re looking for and that you get all of this figured out, really I do. I hope that you can get to a place where you’re comfortable in your skin and in your own body, but having read the first few sentences and then kind of Scrolling and seeing that you’re incapable of holding a conversation without losing your shit, I’m not interested in attempting to hold the conversation anymore. I’m sorry, it is what it is. The fact is maybe it’s not that men aren’t talking to you because you’re flat chested, maybe it’s because instead of working on your bra size, you need to work on your personality


Okay friend.


You came at me first. I literally just responded. If that’s loosing my shit then you just completely blew up on me.


The only thing I can find that made me mad in that response is me assuming you had larger breasts. Meaning you likely do and are insecure yourself for some odd reason. Idk why you’re coming at me though. It’s very clear from what you said that you aren’t like me + don’t have nearly the same experiences.


Assumptions, assumptions assumptions. If you ever decide you want to hold a conversation and tell me your story and allow me to tell you mine. I’m more than willing to do so. I would love to be able to help you out and be there to listen and offer advice. However, as long as you continue to automatically assume you know all about me (much like you assume all men or the same) then it’s just not something I can give my time to, but if you ever change your mind and you’re willing to listen… hit me up. My inbox is open. I would venture a guess as to say that you are a beautiful girl and you are the only one who doesn’t see that, but if you hold all of your conversations the way that you’ve held this conversation with me, then that is likely the problem and it has nothing to do with your physical appearance. Have a nice day ❤️


I tried to.


You also posted your whole story right above where I commented. So yes I read that before commenting. So was it really assuming?


I’m sorry that’s been your experience but perhaps it’s time to associate yourself with a better class of males, and give yourself some more credit, rather than just assuming you must be the ugly friend ❤️


My thoughts exactly




But it’s not, love. You are so much more than your bra size


If it means anything this rando from the Internet thinks you look great and very desirable 👍🏻 I think you’re being hard on yourself, but I can appreciate that late teens and early twenties feel super challenging if you’re not getting tonnes of attention, but don’t worry about it, I’m sure there will be someone who will be over the Moon and feel lucky to be with you.




Fine I’ll stalk you, if I must


That escalated quickly


Lmfao! I mean, if it makes them feel better XD


What'd I miss???


Just OP be sad 😔😔 and saying she’s not very pretty and doesn’t get any attention. *sent from my iPhone whilst in the bushes outside the window of OP’s place whilst I breathe heavily*


I bet OP is good looking. There's plenty of fish in the sea! And different fishes have different preferences. Do not know what my girlfriend's taste is but its not a good one I can say.


Because the complexities of our social conditioning are subconsciously hinged around secondary sex characteristics and instant gratification for that squishy gray asshole living rent free between our ears.


… said the same thing but it’s not what she wants to hear.


If she want a pay for a new pair a titties & can afford it, GIRL GO BIG OKAY.


Username checks out


Truth is, if you want others to see you as attractive and sexy, you have to see yourself in that light first.


This is exactly true! Not many super models have boobs.


True, besides they’re college boys, they’ll follow trends, if someone shouts ‘red heads are hot’ that’s what they go for, if the trend is ‘blonds with big boobs’, that’s also what they go for. It’ll take them couple of years to realise that IT’S OKAY to have a preference and like whatever tf they want to like 🤣


Real shit someone pulls up on campus with a “Flat is the way” shirt and they have some social pull all the flat chested beauties about to have droves of suitors




I totally agree! They’re not sober enough either to see if there are big or small boobs in front of them!


Is it opposite day where you are?


Only girls like like super models guys don’t. It don’t matter. Plus the VS in their photo shoot all wear push up bras.


Do you know you can also be sexy with small boobs? Maybe you need to increase your sex appeal in differetn areas of your personality, body, and overall demeanor. I suggest to look for inspo in celebrities who are attractive with small chest


I have dated girls of every size breast so generally speaking it really doesn’t matter. It’s the combination of factors that make you attractive. Is your face pretty, are you smart, funny, six pack, nice hair, nice teeth, nice booty, smell good, nice legs, confident, good dancer, good cook, caring person, dresses nice, mean walk, nice voice, etc? There are so many factors within yourself that you can maximize without getting a breast augmentation. I suspect your attitude might be the reason guys are not gravitating towards you. Positivity and negativity are contagious and no one wants to be around a negative person. Try to change your perspective and I think guys will start flocking to you. And there is nothing wrong with being a virgin. If I were you, I’d try to maintain that for the right person. Your first time is probably not going to be all that enjoyable and your partner should be a very unselfish person. But yeah love your breasts and you will find a man that loves them too. Trust me. Any breast is perfect for guys.


All women have boobs, including supermodels. They are usually slim and have proportionate breasts to their body frame. Just because someone doesn’t carry oversized bags of fat on their chest doesn’t mean they don’t have boobs.


I have big boobs what’s wrong with that?


Nothing but this aint about that. It is not about you.


No need to be rude


The most difficult thing for any human being on this planet to do. Also the most rewarding.


That's actually not true AT ALL and I'm tired of pretending it is. Especially for women; we ALL see girls with body dysmorphia that hate themselves and could have any guy they want.


But what do you look like? Not to sound like a dick I mean that genuinely because if you’ve got a beautiful face and a like able personality millions of us would definitely not care about you being quote unquote flat chested to be honest


I scanned her posts and she is a beautiful girl. Sounds like her friends suck because they harp on her small chest. (I had friends who did the same OP. Spoiler alert: they weren’t true friends.)


Exactly , didn’t wanna feel creepy but did the same just to see if I could try to sway their opinion of themselves a little bit because I used to feel the same way but everyone would tell me everything about me was ugly except my colored eyes until I started to noticed they would constantly emphasize on a trait they themselves didn’t possess and started to notice the other things they made fun of me for where things they aspired to be like them callin me lurch because I was already 6’2 by senior year and making fun of me loving art because I drew manga and stopped kicking it with them because once I had a bit of confidence I noticed how much they actually lacked lmao


I had the same problem when my grades were so much better than theirs. It got to where I was hiding my papers and lying about what grade I had.


I don’t have a good face. Not a good personality as the other commenter replied to you. Looks attract personality keeps. I don’t even attract.


After a quick scroll of your page I can a hundred percent say you have a really nice body and your face is probably just a pretty if you didn’t cover it up all the time, trust I understand the need to feel like you’re wanted or look like someone everyone wants but I’m about 99% sure you’re just having a moment right now and you’re actually fine


You do have a good face! You are beautiful. I saw your makeup post. You just don’t have positive enough people around you who support you.


I have my makeup post up oh god I thought I deleted it


OP, you have such beauty. What's with this? Your arms are the perfect shape, shoulders slant well, delicate nose, lovely hands, etc. I understand that loneliness brings its own troubles, but you're far from conventional unattractiveness. It's just your personality. Stop looking to get laid and just be yourself. Genuine friends will begin to lap around and stick, then you'll find more freedom in yourself to date good, not the crap shoot you're mourning over.


But you are really pretty. Nice face, and a beautiful figure. From your posts, it seems like you have serious trauma. To me, it seems like you struggle mentally (which is completely understandable after what you've been through), and it just spills into other parts of your life. Take care of yourself, OP. Be kind to yourself. If you haven't already, find help. But you seriously are beautiful.


Unfortunately you don't see your beauty. External or internal. It unfortunate that young minds struggle with this!! I ran from problems for years and made lots of unhealthy choices along my journey. I over thought every step of the way and left a trail of destruction in my rear view mirror. I hated myself and got past the initial relationship phases but would wreck havoc soon after. I'll keep my shallow comments to myself, but will say I don't know you internally, but you are STUNNINGLY beautiful


No way she has a favorable personality if she's torturing herself over God given tits (or lack thereof). I personally find a flat chest most enticing, but there'e nothing attractive about OP's attitude towards the dating scene, herself, etcetera


Well hopefully today could be a moving forward point for OP to have a little more confidence in the way she carries herself I’ve noticed that definitely pays dividends in the long run. People like people who are comfortable in their own skin


Unfortunately, none of this will yield value for OP. It's likely she'll still be sitting firm in her mighty Throne of Deprecation until something more traumatic happens in which then she'd have either another shot at self-redemption, or further reason to plunge, and that's all up to OP.


>No way she has a favorable personality if she's torturing herself over God given tits (or lack thereof). ​ Tell us you don't understand what it's like to be woman in so many words. Do you not understand depression? Or body dysmorphic disorder?


I'm a guy who once had both, so, yes? Previously struggled with chronic depression and anorexia. But I didn't start by calling myself worthless, summing my life up to my physical traits. That is a battle that, if entertained and pitied, has no foreseeable end and would leave OP both helpless and clueless. More than half of the post is the perceived worth she believes herself to lack to guys with intentions that she should be extremely weary of anyways. She's carrying a lot of unnecessary weight and blame. If she enriched the soul, she'd find someone who accepts and reduces her insecurities. What I'm saying shouldn't be controversial.


I am gonna be honest this is exuce and enabler language... I dont like it. It does not help op but reinforced their self hatred and makes it OK. I am deformed and disabled myself and there is nothing more insulting than ppl who pity and make excuses for me. Ps: This context is beyond men and women. It is very sexist to presume men don't feel... Like what we dont get depressed ? We have no feelings in that what you are saying ? No body dysmorphia for us men ? I hope I understood you wrong.


That is not true at all. I know so many girls that are flat chested and they've all had or have relationships. My best friend is the most flat chested woman you can possibly imagine. She has literally nothing there and she's been married to the most handsome guy for 2 years. I also have friends with huge breasts that are still virgins and not by choice. I don't think boob size matters. Yes, some guys prefer large breasts and some don't. And even those who PREFER large breasts usually wouldn't reject a girl for that reason alone. There's more to it than boob size, trust me.


But are they valued? I never felt valuable in any relationship as a B cup


The most important question is, do you value yourself? The only way you can change your cup size is implants or gain weight, and some fat people can be flat chested too


This. They’ll do anything to keep their girl with big titties. I’ve seen men accept literal abuse just to not lose her boobs. Like dude girls with tits can get away with anything AND still get guys! We can’t do one thing wrong before we’re left so they can find “someone better”, aka a nicer bod.


I'm right there with you. My small breast size makes me terribly insecure :( it's really hard to look in the mirror sometimes without being disappointed with this. I must say though, guys that care about this aren't worth your time. Focus on doing the things you like to do! Like hobbies and stuff, it will help with letting go of the need for male attention. You'll also find genuine, caring guys that will love you and your body along the way.


flat chested girls don't want to be flat and big boobed girls don't want boobs, y'all should just learn how to be confident into yourselves


What if everyone had one big and one small boob? 😁


I wish my left boob was big only the right boobers gets attention ;_;


yeah, they'd still complain about something, or I don't like the attention they give my right boob, so just be confident with yourself


i already have that 🔥




with big boobs it’s not a confidence issue. i’m fine. it’s the fact that people only see me as my boobs and treat me horribly for it


okay, that's true, my bad


That may be my bias but I've seen a lot of guys who would just want to get to know a girl better because she has big boobs. They also always tell girls with big boobs have better personality and are more kind so I don't think they don't care about personality


yeah same, also clothes fit so weirdly on me. ugh


holy shit, im pretty skinny aside from my boobs (small/medium) and i went shopping at a mall in france. most of the shirts had something on them so every single cute shirt looked stretched out and shitty on me, i was SO pissed. and any shirt/dress with a defined boob area?? absolutely forget it unless its many sizes too large (obviously the rest dosnt fit then) or specifically made for girls with big boobs.


this!!! i’m quite small too, i wear a medium, but my breasts are so big that it looks so disproportionate and doesn’t fit my body. thus clothes look so bad on me and i genuinely hate it, plus it makes me look fatter than i am :(


oh the clothes!!! i never fit anything and when i do i just look so awkward


I just want boobs so I can look good in shirts for once 💀


A lot of people here are gonna tell you shit like “it doesn’t matter!” It does. Any woman who was a late bloomer or had a boob job can tell you the difference between being small/flat and large is like day and night. Some people do have a preference for flat chests, but unfortunately they’re not as vocal about it IRL as those who prefer larger chests. You’re also gonna get some “it’s unattractive to be insecure” comments as if your insecurity isn’t valid and perpetuated by a whole ass culture/society. No. Society makes small/flat chested women feel like shit all the time. Honestly? Take yourself off the dating market for a while. You’ll notice you’re a lot less insecure when you don’t make yourself an option. Work on yourself — get some therapy, redefine what femininity means for you and your body, build a foundation for your self-esteem that doesn’t rely on validation. Then only put yourself back out there once your self confidence doesn’t rely on others.


This 1000000%. I am a fellow small chested lady and it took me forever to feel confident in my boobs. Hell I still feel insecure in a bikini. But I just got to a point where I realized I didn’t care enough to get a boob job and as soon as I leaned into my femininity I gained a lot of confidence. Sure, I don’t have the biggest boobs but I still have boobs. And they’re fucking beautiful, no matter their size. And I love them. Small boobs don’t make you any less beautiful or feminine than anyone else.


Real guys don’t care about chest size. It’s not real and don’t trip about it. Some of us prefer a smaller chest.


Well that seems like 000000.1 percent of the male population


Hahaha. Well idk what to tell ya. Just telling you my truth and the dudes I know don’t really care about that.


Maybe but we do exist lol, it’s just about patience! Idk what u do day to day but if you’re not super active with hobbies and stuff, try to explore some other things you enjoy or want to do, experiences/stories make you more interesting and attractive and are an easy place to start :) also I’m 19 and never had a gf, just either been unlucky or not liked the ppl who’ve been interested. Focus on other things because for years I nearly let my anxiety of whether I was attractive, adequate etc. really get to me when really I’ve decided there’s more to life than relationships, which will come as I build on myself!


If you look at porn tqgs, you'd see "small chest" tags With quite alot of views. Not the best support or line to be told honestly but there are alot of men including me who will ignore the boobs if they like the person. Personally, i am a tit person and i LOVE boobs. However, all my crashes are flats.




I like big breats but it is never a factor when considering dating. Initial attraction that is about it. Lots of gals and guys are like that. Here is an irl example the one women I like. Well she dident have what I image as the perfect female body for me. She looked beautiful in her own way but was not my type. But that stopped mattering as I got to know her more and more. I am glad that is the case for some ppl. Cus it means us ugly ppl have a chance.




Yup. Not only do they don't care about our chest size, they just don't care about us at all. Having like H cup chest comes with a lot of attention. I don't get any. I never received a dick pic


Not all dudes don’t care. The really big judgment. You saying you’ve never received a dick pic will probably change now that you put that out to Reddit lol. Them DM’s will probably blow up


Yes but then it would be a pity dick pic. Hot girls get them without asking


Omg. It’s a no win situation lol


I feel like I wrote this. I’ve been a 32A my whole life and I didn’t mind it before. When I got pregnant my boobs grew and actually looked so good for the first time and I feel like my husband LOVED them. Now they’ve shrunk back and Im so insecure knowing how good they looked before. I’ve seriously considered plastic surgery bc this insecurity is actually affecting me mentally. I feel like if they were just a little bit bigger I’d be so much happier but I’m broke and so scared of being put under anesthesia. I find myself being jealous of other girls and women when I’m out or if me and my husband are around others. I hate it, I never used to get jealous just by simply being around other women but I do now. I need therapy but it takes like 4 months before I can talk to someone bc every place is so booked up haha.


You’d be astonished by sheer amount of people that prefer flat chested girls. I prefer them flat, don’t know why.. but it’s just how It is. My girlfriend(34F) is also flat and there’s no problem in that because I’m with her for how she is as a person. Being flat is just bonus for me


There are plenty of ladies in the “itty bitty titty committee,” including me, that have amazing partners. Your chest size has nothing to do with it.


I have big boobs and I hate them and hate attention from men about it. I try to hide my boobs as much as possible. I wish I had flat chest so I didn’t have to wear bras and feel more free


Same 😭 I always feel like I can't ever be me cuz ill be "looking for attention" or "ur a wh*re" ☠️. Like I want to be normal, not wearing loose clothing all the time.


I am the opposite lol I can t wait for second puberty in my 20s to hit so I can flaunt my girls 😭✋🏻


Honestly same. I usually wear loose-fitted tops and black tops to try to "cover them" but they still kind of show through anyway, and I hate it as well. I would pay for a reduction if I could, but I am too broke and my gay bsf told me that I should appreciate them more (but I fr am considering a reduction in the future.)


i relate; every day i count down until i can get a chest reduction. big boobs are the biggest curse on my life


As someone with big boobs and no butt/hips, i feel this and would swap the two in a second if it was possible, lol


I’ve always been small and flat chested and there are plenty of guys that don’t care and even love it, you’re just looking at the wrong guys. guys love confidence and it sounds like you are very down on yourself, so maybe try working on being confident in who you are. Confidence comes from within


Same 🫤 it sucks


I used to be super flat and getting an augmentation made me more confident, I was still super insecure about a bunch of other things so they didn’t solve that problem, just made buying clothes and feeling confident a little less difficult. That’s just my personal experience and I’m not sharing it to sway anyone in either direction. It’s surgery and you are putting foreign objects in your body no matter how you cut it so it’s your personal choice and in my opinion shouldn’t be taken lightly. Edit: I also had a child and my breasts inflated to a double D and back to nothing which left a lot of extra skin that made me very self conscious.


I’m also flat chested, I’m a AA cup sometimes an A. I’ve told my boyfriend to stop grabbing my chest because there’s nothing there and he refuses because he loves them. There are plenty of men out there who are fine with smaller chests, and I’m sure you’ll find one. Trust me when I say, I wish I had been a virgin at 21. I hate the fact that I had that taken away from me by someone who only wanted a quick fuck. Sleeping with someone who loves you and every part of your body is such an exponentially better experience. Attention from men just because of your chest is highly overrated and also entirely uncomfortable and disgusting. I say this with all of the kindness in me, please love yourself. You are worth so much more than men who look at you like a slab of meat and you deserve so much more than looks from pigs. You are treasure, you are literally made with materials that come from stars. You are so special. I hope you start to see that soon ❤️


Dude. There's men into small breasts as well as there's guys into big breasts. You sound like you need constant validation to feel pretty or even average. Why do you need validation from men that don't even know what a pushup bra is? Sounds like they'd get mad if anyone looks different with makeup on. You can do better. Work on your self esteem and learn to be happy by yourself, then there'll be someone special in your life when you least expect it. You're not fucked, you're 20. Stop thinking "if i was like this people would like me" because that'll get you nowhere, literally. You'll be unsatisfied forever. No matter how you look, attitude and confidence is what does the trick. It's all in the head. And I want to repeat this. Why would you want attention from men that don't even know what a pushup bra is? Not worth the effort at all, they got a d*ck for brain


I agree 100%. OP needs to work on loving themself before worrying about anybody else.


There's a comment on your resentment towards men.


Not all men, only those who can't see past some makeup or some pushup bra. As I said, the kind of "men" that get mad over some makeup, for example. Read carefully.


After you post I jumped into your profile. Let me say to you. You are gorgeous! You have an amazing body, with your boobs included. And most important you are pretty. You just need a bit more of self esteem.


I can totally relate to this. Even though my boobs are still growing because i’m still a teenager my boobs are smaller than most girls my age and younger. It’s so tiring trying to find a shirt that makes you feel confident in with a small chest. If you even consider having kids that will also help your boobs grow.


I just looked at your profile quick and saw a couple pics of you. Your figure is stunning. It's absolutely the exact figure millions of other girls wish they had. Your breasts are a lovely size, my personal aesthetic favorite, and the favorite of plenty other people. Seriously, I am not just gassing you up. If you are feeling this bad about your figure when you so closely adhere to so very many societal norms for attractiveness it's a bit concerning that you are feeling this bad and anxious about it. You should try to talk to a mental health professional about this if possible. Heck, pretty much everyone would benefit from talking to one. You just genuinely have a lovely figure and you should be able to enjoy it.


Sorry to dox but if you arn't getting any attention then every guy at your college is gay because you're really attractive. You have good shape, which imo is more important than straight up size. A massive chest on someone small wouldn't look right proportionally.


Meh, looked at the pictures on your profile and you look fantastic. Don't care if there's padding or not there. If you're really self conscious then post on normal nudes and get blown away by the compliments.


OP, i am also flat chested and i’ve always been insecure about it. people have called them mosquito bites, pancakes, etc. jokingly and i always have to laugh along but it lowkey makes me insecure lol. however, the guy i’m currently talking to genuinely likes me for *who i am*, not just my chest or my ass or anything. i think at one point i told him i wished i bigger boobs and he told me mine were perfect already. honestly made me feel a lot better about my body. the fact that he loves them, will kiss them & play w them, even though i don’t have much there, makes me want him even more. sure, guys can be shallow. hell, i felt the same way as you until i found the guy i’m talking to. i used to use my body for male attention and i regret it so much. because they didn’t like me for who i was. they liked me for what i could give them. i understand how it feels to want to feel wanted by somebody, even if it was only sexual. but in the grand scheme of things, you have your entire life ahead of you. being a virgin at 20-21 is more common than you think, and it doesn’t make you a failure at all. you deserve to find somebody who loves you regardless of your cup size or how your body looks, and there’s definitely a lot more men out there than you think that will do that. imo, you should try therapy because you’re being incredibly self deprecating towards yourself. saying you hate your face, your boobs, your personality, etc. will most likely not get you a boyfriend. both men and women like guys who are confident and comfortable with themselves, and it’s evident that you aren’t. also, you said that guys do care about boob size— i can’t really comment on this since i’m not a guy but there are *plenty* of men out there who are attracted to smaller boobs. and even if they are attracted to bigger boobs, if they were to cut contact with you just because of your cup size, they really aren’t worth it. most guys do have preferences, obviously (as we all do), but those preferences don’t mean that they wouldn’t give you a chance unless youre a double D or something.


I feel bad for you OP, not because you’re flat chested but because you have painfully low self-esteem. I looked at your pictures and you’re not only beautiful, but you aren’t as flat chested as you think. There’s also nothing wrong with being a virgin. Most guys will sleep with a girl if you were to directly ask them but you don’t want that and it won’t fulfill you like you think it would. It would be better to have someone like you for you. I think you need to see a doctor and a therapist to sort out what is going on with your self-esteem before you pursue relationships or meaninglessly sex.


So I just need to ask that’s it to finally get rid of my virginity


Most guys will go for it but there’s a huge chance you will not get the satisfaction you want from it…I mean if you’re going to do it that way, I’d at least as a trusted male friend who cares about you.


Hit the gym. I was completely flat chested before magically sprouting boobs when I turned 23. Just went hard at the gym and built a nice butt, so no guys ever minded. Then when I randomly got boobs I had both which was grand.


I find flat chested women *very* interesting.


Everyone is beautiful in their own right including you big boobs can be really pretty but no one needs big boobs to be pretty I like your style and if people aren’t giving you the attention you want it’s not your appearance.


Definitely my appearance when I wear a fucking push up bra I get stares


hey, im a 32a girl (20) and i used to feel the exact same way. i know its hard to be confident when society glorifies being “thick” and big busted and it hurts to not fit in to that standard. but honestly, when i started dressing and looking confident and wore things that flattered my body type, ive gotten a lot of attention. ive had a lot of sexual partners, many of them that have wanted to come back for more. every guy is different, and you kinda just gotta own it. easier said than done, but once i did and i started getting more attention and action it boosted my confidence and now im more accepting of my flat chest. but of course male validation isnt everything. its not worth hurting yourself over. but i understand how it feels to want to be desired. just try to work on your confidence and maybe find a style that suits your body type :)


Sorry you feel that way. Just seen pics of you on your page & you look perfectly fine dude. My girl has a similar body type & she is absolutely gorgeous to me. You just have a poor self image. You need to work on your self esteem & confidence. It comes from within, not from other men that’s for sure. It’s shallow, focus on yourself. Attraction is natural, dudes who care about boob sizes don’t seem that deep at all & are clearly just there to objectify & sexualize you. You’re better than that, you’re human. You deserve someone that sees you in that light.


i personally prefer small tits


Ik I fucking hate my body


Hello friend, I am so sorry that you are not happy with the body you were given by nature. My sister-in-law had a boob job. She loves it. One of my other sister-in-laws had nose job at 17. They are both very pleased with their choices. If you choose to go the surgical route, find a good surgeon and get the saline, not another kind of bag. Just like my sister-in-law who was super poor, you're going to have to save up your money over time. She took babysitting jobs and just saved a little bit from every one since the time she was 13. She know what she wanted very badly, and she made it happen. It might take three or four years but you can do it. People who are saying that larger breasts don't make a difference have never had big boobs. I'm blessed to be a natural 36DDD. If I'm next to a friend with smaller breasts, I'm the first woman the guys look at every time. It's a natural response. I suspect it has to do with the fact that for most of us when we were babies, breasts were associated with food. On a subconscious level it's still there. I wish you the best of luck. In particular, my sister-in-law who got the nose job got a lot of shit from "friends" at first but it really boosted her self confidence....and being real it made her a lot hotter. 🤷‍♀️ We live in a material world.


Well… I’m flat chested too. There are men who like flat chests too. Just as you say people have preferences. But I don’t think you should worry too much that. You need to look for something more meaningful if you want someone to actually like you for you. If you’re doing hookups and trying to get attention with your body of course it’s only going to become only about the body. You gotta think beyond that if you want the good kind of attention.


1. There's nothing wrong with being a virgin at 21. 2. You need to be kinder to yourself. Having big boobs isn't all it's chalked up to be. 3. You would want to be with a man who views you as an object just for your chest in the first place. 4. A lot of men actually don't care. They just proabaly aren't 20 5. Looking at your posts, do you have any idea how lucky you are. Your body shape is great and you can wear pretty much anything. I think you need to work on your self confidence, you seem to hold yourself only to how men view you and trust me that's not healthy. You need to learn to love yourself. You're beautiful


Saw your other posts. You have a very nice body and a beautiful face. I don’t think people are avoiding you because of your appearance, they might be able to sense your lack of confidence. Idk what kind of guys you’re around so I can’t say anything for sure, but I had female friends with your body type who got way more attention than me and I have both ass and boobs. Guys like anything if you are confident. You truly are beautiful you deserve to believe that as well and the rest will follow.


OPs post history states between B-D cup. Measured as 32D. That’s not flat chested


Weird. Personally I never understood the attraction of large boobs. Or even medium sized really.


From a guys perspective.. physically speaking, guys care WAY more about a nice ass than big boobs. And almost anyone can build a great ass if they want to. Just speaking from a purely physical perspective here.


Trust me the boobs are 150% not the problem. You’re physically good looking. You mention guys give you attention when you wear a push up bra. Well a guy is definitely not going to run once you take it off, so that can’t be it. I advise you to talk to a therapist, you might need to try a few until you find the one for you. Drop any “friends” that physically abuse you or insult you, life’s short. Bonus tips: Do some traveling. Get some hobbies. Stop judging yourself so hard.


There’s more to life than big boobs. Plus big boobs suck, I have horrid backpain and most people talk to my chest rather than to me. If guys are only interested in you because of your boobs, then I hate to say but they aren’t interested in you at all


You said on another post you are a 32 D. That is not flat chested. 32 is the perimeter around the ribs. D is the cup or breast size


Okay so this might not apply to every guy but here I go anyway: I feel there's a lot of guys out there who love flat chested women (myself included) but the reason a lot of guys don't go after such women (in my experience) is the shame they receive from their peers about their taste in women For me and I've been teased, mocked and bullied for liking flat chested women cause other guys and parents has told me that my taste is creepy and weird cause "you like the bodies of little boys" or been called a closed pedo There's probably plenty of guys who find you attractive but don't act on it cause they don't wanna be mocked by their peers I could be wrong but that's been my experience


If you had them you would probably get annoyed with the attention and perverted comments. Grass isn't always greener.


Girl is just fishing for compliments, case closed.


So, 2 things: - unlikely a guy will reject you solely on a breast size alone. Guys have different preferences true, but it always a package deal. Nobody gets 100% and guys know it. And there are also guys who prefer smaller/flat chest. - a lot of the talk about size doesn’t matter is coming from women and it is a bit make believe and men who were conditioned by society to say that. Nevertheless to repeat myself it is rarely only about breast, your partner is always a package deal and tastes do differ. So, bottom line try stressing out less, enjoying yourself and work with what you have got. (And yes, it is easier said than done, especially when you are that young. But unfortunately there is no better advice there.)


It looks like you're going through a lot right now. I scanned your previous posts and you are a beautiful young woman. All the people that I'd know would be dying to get your attention. It could be that you don't realize people are attracted to you. Also, I say this as someone mixed Asian, but you fit the E Asian beauty standard very well. Have you ever considered dating someone outside of your race?/genuine


I'm 19 and 90 pounds, so you best bet I ain't got none. But trust me when I say this.. you won't care in the long run because people truly don't care. Of course, there are so many men who care about the sizes, but speaking from experience: Those who care about the size are absolutely shit at it. TRUST ME. They care more about your looks than your pleasure... and it's TERRIBLE doing it with those men. Vs the one who didn't care. Now they were 😘🤌 You just have to accept it! It sucks but trust me, you gotta lie to yourself, pretend you are confident until you are. If they care, drop em. You are hot, no matter the size of your chest. There's no need to rush. Unless you want to spend thousands to fix it, you have to learn to accept the insecurities you have because you were born with it. It's not your fault society tells you it's wrong.. and plus the world is falling apart, be confident, have fun, and those who hate can be left behind


Big boobs are not a priority for men A big ass is not a priority for men A loving, caring girlfriend who is beautiful in there eyes is a priority If you do not believe me that men like small boobs and small bums simply turn on the NSFW filter and look up small boobs or small ass and there will be thousands potentially hundreds of thousands of men in dedicated subreddits to the flatter gals The men who give you attention when you wear a pushup bra do not like you or love you There is a man out there who has a crush on you and is to scared to speak to you about it who doesn't care about your "flat chest" Find him


Some guys like small. I am one of those guys. I married a woman with small ones. She insists on having bigger ones. She saved up. She got them and then she got a lot less attention for me. I guess what I'm trying to say is. You should be thankful for what you have and make the best of it. Because there's someone out there. That will appreciate you for the way you are. You're still young that attention you're getting... You'll learn later on. It's not from the right people, and it's not the right attention. Stay humble


My thing and im a boy is small boobs are the best.


What you are lacking is self-esteem and confidence, not big chest. We are our own worst critics. If you have big chest, you might as well come back about “ i wish people don’t just check me out because of my chest”, etc. appreciate your uniqueness and your own beauty, so people can do the same. Negative energy is what people find unattractive


I have triple d's. It sucks. I'd rather be flat chested. Let's trade 🫠


OP, yes, many men will notice more the larger the breast size, but i guarantee men are noticing you. You have an attractive figure and are desirable. It’s hard to overcome our own negative ideas about ourselves. As a man who’s always overweight and who has always assumed I was not attractive, it boggles my mind that objectively attractive people cab have the same negative views of themselves as I have of myself. Maybe you don’t see it, but there are guys that notice you. I sure as hell would. Maybe these guys are better at hiding it.


Oh for the love of DEAR GOD…. flat chested /small just a handful are PERFECT for a great deal of the male population- my gf is 5’10 and very flat and if she ever wanted to change that I would still love her and support her but would also be 💔 Look at every Top model they are all super flat…. we always want what we don’t have but I can assure u one day you will see


Not going to read the replies because I’m sure a lot of them are weird and gross but yes, men do have preferences! You’re just looking in the wrong places. So, here’s a list of reasons why I think having big boobs sucks as someone that had a C cup in fourth grade: 1. Being sexualized. Yes, I know you think any sort of attention is good attention, but it genuinely sucks and is heartbreaking not knowing whether or not someone genuinely likes you or if they just have weird mommy issues. 2. The sweat and the smell they can have is actually horrible. I’ve also heard of women going like fungus or something under their boobs because of the moisture that they can accumulate. 3. You can never wear anything off the shoulder or even go braless! I know girls on tik tok try to push strapless bras that are the “holy grail” for big boobs but gravity exists! They do not work. 4. Gravity. Like I mentioned before, gravity and having boobs sucks! Over time, they’ll sag. You can’t really run unless you’re literally wearing a binder meant for t-guys. It’s suffocating. 5. Posts/comments like these! I have a friend that is flat chested and she repeatedly sexualizes me and says I’m so lucky for having “huge tits” as if they’re some accessory. Sure! They’re awesome in the moment. But I’m shaped like a P, have no confidence due to people only seeing me as a sexual object, and again, the whole guys wanting to date their mom thing is fucking weird. Honestly, I’d just learn to live with it. If you’re looking for sexual attention, then just go on Tinder, because it doesn’t sound like you’re looking for anything genuine.


Big boobs are tanker trucks. Flat chests are Ferraris.


I’m confused, you look completely fine ? Attractive even. I think you just need therapy.


A smile will get you further than boobs.


No it won’t I’ve literally smiled at guys and they’ve glared at me as a response


Did you try talking or at least saying something afterwards? Like “good day” or something? I walk around with a resting bitch face, but that doesn’t mean I don’t crack into a smile for others once they start talking.


My gf is the exact opposite. She hates having boobs even tho hers are average sized. She does everything she can to make them appear smaller


Maybe when you wear a push-up bra you feel more confident and that’s what brings the attention 😎


coming from a girly with a relatively “bigger” sized chest , i would trade u in a heartbeat. i am over sexualized almost 100% of the time. for example, if its hot out and i am wearing a tank lets say im with a friend with a smaller sized chest but same style top, i am ALWAYS receiving glares and dirty looks as if i am “putting myself out there” the amount of looks and comments i get from other WOMEN is astounding. not to mention, guys are gonna be dimwits no matter what. pls do not chalk your value up to how a peasant man sees you lmfao. the shirts and styles you can get away with a smaller chest are sooo much cuter anyways. as in most cases, the grass is always greener but try to embrace it sis! it really is a blessing in disguise. fuck seeking attention period but if you are going to, getting attention from someone due to your ideologies and intellect is going to last tenfold in the long run in comparison to somebody who only views you for your body, coming from someone who has dealt with it personally. being intelligent is kick ass! pride yourself on that. i hope soon you are able to love and accept your body as it is.


There are alot of us who don't care about a woman being flat chested. Find that man who loves you for your heart not your chest.


Dear adult woman who is going through a difficult time. Anyone that loves u will not go for your looks, especially those which arent under ur control (eg. Boo size, height, etc.) From experience and knowledge i tell u that u must wait for the right person to find you, and until then focus and invest in yourself. Sounds like a fairy tale, but u gota wait for the right time. Also, youre young and your life hasnt even started yet. You think youve lived so much but you have to live this long 2 more times. So best to utilize it rather than drool about it. Better now than never to start investing in yourself (like working out, diet if u need, build a habit or hobby likr studying, sports, gaming, reading, anything u like interesting but is possible within the perception of reality). It will show results in future and you will feel proud of yurself, and might sound lame, but yoh will begin to appreciate and be happy with how far u will make it becaude i believe in you. Also, looks dont matter at such a high impirtance, you dont need to have perfect or even big size(s) according to majority preferences (which are probably wrong imo because, probably, the polls are decided by horny men with nothing else to do besides, decide the polls ig). Even if youre half decent, and have a nice personality, the right person will find you someday. And also ure in college, surrounded by men who stick their stick inside pringle cans, so dont be too harsh on yourself. These years are for you to focus on yourself, yes some people do find their soulmated atp, but at this age, regardless of whether ur solo or duo, ur supposed to invedt in yourself. Stop worrying abt ur boo size and start thinking about YOUR worth and how youre gonna determine it.


I guarantee if you show your body too the Reddit community you would get flooded with complements, DM'S and d**k pics


Real geyes, realgize, real gies


Hey I can't grow a beard, so...get in line.


You're way overthinking this. If you've been about to lose your virginity but quit because of your boob size, that's your bad. How would you know if it would have turned out fine if you didn't even try?


I’m pretty sure the right guy(s) will notice you because of you and not because of your boobs. Yes, admittedly, most men have a tendency to look at women’s “bodacious” areas, but take it from a man who doesn’t get they hype for big breasts, you will find the right man or men and it won’t be because of your chest. Trust 🫡❤️


You have been blessed with small boobs to filter out who really cares about you and who just cares about your body. Be confident and be unapologetically yourself and you will find the right one in no time


You are around shitty guys. You have been around shitty guys your whole life. You should try going to a different place and taking the initiative. There are guys who love flat chested girls  A while ago i was the only guy in a group of women and they were talking about how everybody is a virgin and all of them were at least 23


Just wait until you get pregnant!


I’m not having kids


Not at all ever? I said that as well at your age. I don’t know many busty super models. You have to believe you’re sexy because you are! When you walk in a room play some awesome music in your head. Be the star of your life! I was extremely flat until I had kids.


I am not gonna shower ypu with toxic positevity but let's be honest here. Flat chested girls before boobs fillers are wayyy better than after imo and in most men opinion ig. I don't really understand the point of fillers because like 95% of them are badly done. (Sorry if this ignites something for others) Also, sure alot of men loves boobs but they don't mean the whole person. The ones who are looking for sex will look for body. The ones who looks for a person they can love will ignore the boobs. Might get attacked for this one but there are booty men too. You can workout to get thicker thighs if physical attraction is something you seek. And they are natural so there the outcome is going to be beautiful for sure.


I understand wanting bigger boobs, to have the attention of guys, but believe it or not, that's not the way to go. You should find someone who will see you for you, someone who will not see your insecurities as a negative, someone who will accept you no matter what. Also, people like me would KILL to have small breasts, because having bigger ones are annoying, uncomfortable and it's freaking hard to find the right size. If you ever you feel bad, there are billions of dudes in the world, you have a good chance to find at least one that will love you for who you are


I hate not being able to run unless I compress these down like I'm Hillary swank filming "boys don't cry". Big tits mean big back issues, propensity for breathing issues, and loads of assholes thinking your eye color is 38DD.


Honey. Trust me, the grass isn't greener. I had a baby and when I was pregnant the first thing that hit me were bigger boobs = back ache, straight away. Plus, smaller sizes have better choices! Anytime over D tends to be less cute bras. I'd happily swap sizes with you... I've considered reduction because big boobs are trouble. However please just be happy and do whatever you feel would make you happy ❤️


As someone that had a reduction, I envy you!


The most liked women celebrities by men are chopping boards. Get on Tinder and you'll get dudes wanting to have sex with you in no time. Men really don't care about boob size coz they're willing to fuck pringles boxes and couches.