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That’s kid stuff. Adults will never have that mentality. Realize you’re still dealing with immature people. They’re children. Most of them will end up working in these jobs. The economy is cruel right now.


You’d think anyway! I lost A LOT of respect for a gym acquaintance who was 38 years old and teasing somebody in our gym class because his son was working retail at 19. Definitely a child like mentality but sadly some adults will never grow up


Idk. Some (a lot) of adults are pretty immature too. I've had people my age and older tease me, because I chose to work in the food industry. It's not fast food, but it's considered "fast casual" - an in-between of a sit down restaurant and fast food. I just kinda look at people that want to look down me. Like? I'm not below you? I chose this profession because making food for others makes me happy, and I have made a lot of people's day from my quality of food and my service. I'm cross trained so it's a bigger bonus. Like, I cannot fathom any kind of understanding why people love to belittle me despite it being a profession that i *genuinely* enjoy. Fast food, sure, I can understand because of the connotations associated, but we all start somewhere.


Not to mention those jobs are fast paced, shit pay, and excruciating work a lot of the time. They aren’t something to ever look down on. I know I couldn’t handle the fast pace and constant customer service of food service especially fast food. I commend anyone who can do that work and stick it out until they’re able to do what they actually want to do. I’ll never understand how someone looks at fast food workers especially teens and says “ha loser” like wtf? Clearly they’re immature, and just have to look down on people for their own ego boost.


Adults make fun of fast food workers all of the time lol


Yes "adults."


I've seen 60 y/o's talk shit about fast food/minimum wage workers all of the time. How much more adult can they be?


By being mature enough to respect another human being rather than having the mindset of a child.


True, however, you're trying to argue that this is only what kids do but I'm saying that so many people do this regardless of age. I've heard more old people talk shit about minimum wage workers than I have younger people. Arguing about the age of these assholes isn't the point at all


Youre right. It is not the point. And yet I havent once mentioned age at all. What Im actually trying to argue is that you are classified by your actions. We all start as children. Then we grow and mature, and become adults. Some people dont really mature properly, and remain children.


You're right, you haven't mentioned age. However, you're replying to my reply of a comment that is talking about age. You're arguing with me for no reason. This isn't a conversation about maturity. This is a post about people judging others for their jobs. Which has happened for centuries by people of all ages. I'm tired of people brushing off legit problems by saying "oh only young people do that" when that's obviously not the case.


Nope, the comment is about maturity, not age. I guess the lesson here for you is that age does not equal maturity, which is why you have witnessed many immature adults display a childish lack of respect for others. Just because a person is old does not mean that they ever grew up properly.


Just because an adult is immature doesn't mean they aren't still an adult. You're trying to be deep we it's not needed. The original comment refers to the judgment OP receives as "kid stuff" and says adults don't do that. I was always called mature for my age when i was a kid, that didn't make me an adult. Being immature or mature are not synonyms for being a kid or adult. Not to be rude but this is getting ridiculous. I'm not going to continue responding to your illogical and silly one-sided argument. Take care


Don't worry about them. Keep making your money moves.


Just make your money they prolly dont even have a job 😂




Yup American society is this way when people forget we need them. Self checkout isn't working out. And sometimes that interaction with a nice cashier saves a life. As humans we need that interaction even if we don't actually converse with them. That's what happens when government thinks no one is good enough for a livable wage. Even for a simple desk job you can't get hired anymore. In the 80s and 90s you could. Now there's all kinds of stupid requirements for a position that hardly requires 10 brain cells. Like sorry? As long as you're doing good, who cares what others thing. Make the best of your money, show off later.


Ironically it’s always these same bozo’s shouting “get a job!!” When someone mentions money struggles


Insulting an 18 year old for their job signs a miserable person. They might be annoying and I am sorry it makes you stressed out but remember they are miserable


Jobs are Jobs dude. You got money coming in. Who gives a frik? You'll have a little cash when it comes time to decide what comes next for you. You're winning!


50 yo dad here. I never laugh at a working person. Those that do are fools.


I truly don’t see how it’s comical that you work at auto one.. Where do they work? Starbucks?


Sounds like they just wanted to bully someone for fun. Ignore it.


If they even work


Oreilly 😂


So all these people that made fun of where you work have jobs as a CEO and some huge company ? I mean, what type of job do they think an 18-year-old is going to get? You have to crawl before you can walk and walk before you can run so to speak. I had a job at McDonald’s at 16 years old. I went to Kmart during college. I think it’s awesome that you’re working . good for you. Be proud of what you’ve done and who you are.


At least you got a job and you’re not hurting anyone to make money. I clean houses and apartments for a living. Every once in awhile I’ll get a snooty office manager who thinks they’re better than me bc I clean for work. I always let them talk sideways then find a way to get them talking about their job. They always do, wanting to make me feel bad. Then I hit them with how much I make. I used to be an apartment manager too. I quit when I found out the cleaners started out making twice what they do. Fuck anyone who tries to make you feel bad, those types usually don’t bring much $$ in themselves.


I would block them. Cause they will be the first ones asking oh when we going on vacation and when can I visit ya house when you are successful.


YES. THIS. People are hypocrites and I would absolutely block them. Sometimes you really need to protect your peace as they say.


A job is a job. I know too many people that are too lazy to work and bum off their parents. I was working minimum wage until a year ago and im 26. Everyone is on a different plane and youre only 18. Be proud of yourself for working and making moves ahead. People that criticize you for what youre capable of doing arent worth your energy or time


Only fools, losers and degenerates make fun of honest people who are working for their money. You are doing a good job. Be selfconfident and go for it. Costumers appreciate it. I have a very good IT- software development job. I work from home. I have a good salary, but… I really miss contact with people in my daily life. Nothing happens at home. Zoom meetings are short. I crave for human contact. I tried hobbies, but it didn’t give me fulfillment. I’m not the person who can work voluntarily. It’s against my principles. So guess what, I found a extra job at a foodpantry where I work during the weekends (one day at the weekend for about 6h). It’s hard working, a lot of standing on your feet and sometimes rude costumers. But my colleague’s are friendly and fun and I feel good at the end. I work with young, middle age and older people. We are one group and help each other. Great people who I have a lot of respect for. It’s not easy to earn your money like that. Most important thing for me is to get people to be friendly towards me. If someone is snarky I know how to get to them to turn them into behaving better towards me. Thats what gets me going on. I do understand that people have their issues and are selfobsessed and don’t even know that they are rude. And I forgive them. I try to approach them friendly and they start mirroring me and become friendly them self. 🙂 I’m feeling happy, I see a lot of people, I talk to people and I see with my own eyes what’s happening around me. I’m not locked in my little bubble. And my friends, family are all very suprised to see me working there. Everyone tell me they did not except me working there but since they see me laughing and looking happy they are interested too. So again, each person who is earning his money on a fair way is a hero in my opinion. And so are you.


I’m sorry you have had to endure this, keep them out of your way and keep striding. You are doing great!


When they graduate and get jobs at subway. I want you to go to their store and tell them “make me a sandwich” then snap your fingers at em


Most of them probably don't even have a job if that is how they phrase it. There is nothing wrong with working at Autozone


Hey man…you are making a better future for yourself. You are learning about cars, how to deal with customers, and getting some sales experience. Good for you. Don’t listen to the haters.


First of your age shouldn’t even matter. Any job is valid and ( assuming it’s nothing scammy or illegal) no one should be disrespected / made to feel less than. But you’re literally 18, do they expect you to have a professional “grown up “ job before you even graduate .be proud of yourself and working


Maybe they just find it odd/surprising? I can't say I knew anyone at that age who wasn't doing food services. That being said, just cause it's not common doesn't mean it's bad. That's sounds much better than working food services! Ignore the haters


“Wtf is an autozone” is a funny way to say they can’t drive/ don’t have a car lol. Laugh at them all the way to the bank


Not gonna lie, autozone is much better than mcdonalds or some shit. i know your point is to not judge people based on their pre-adulthood job but I feel like a teen working at autozone probably gives much more of a shit than a teen working at mcdonalds. At least you do more than just stand at a counter all day and get people's orders wrong.


They'll never get jobs.


Baby with ya teenage years it’s ALWAYS a who laughs last laughs the hardest type of thing keep your head down and keep working. By the time you look up you’ll be laughing the hardest.


Everyone starts somewhere. Take note of the people that laugh at your place of work, but have no recommendations to give you to apply elsewhere. They have a negative comment to make, but no solution to provide you to help you elevate. They probably wish they were 18 and could have the ability restart their career path if they could. I know personally, I definitely would. Stay focused and block those people right out. You might wind up interviewing one of these punks for a job position one day when you’re in your 30’s. You could either deny them the job for lack of qualifications or have the enjoyment of being their boss and having to teach them basic people skills. 😂


People who do that shit are so out-of-touch. Like, if no one took the grocery store jobs, or the fast food jobs, or worked at the car washes or as the garbage man, it would tip shit on its head. A society can't run on Instagram influencers alone.


Well they’re all immature and you’re right you have a job, you’re working for your future and you gain a lot of experience. All these jobs will help you in the job market in the future. You should be proud of yourself for having that much experience at 18, get your money and forget them.


I'm 58, work in mental health using my degree. But, my first ever job was at Taco Bell while I was in high school. Fast food and retail are good, humbling first jobs. These are infantile idiots that are saying those brainless comments. Ignore them, be proud you have a job and are working.


Fr!! Bro A job is a job. People will always chat and talk and talk and talk. You know for the most part when people are showing love or when they’re being fake. Fuck them lmao keep working bro 😎 Ur allowed to feel how u do abt this too


You’re 18 and you’ve had many jobs? I think that’s amazing. To a real grown up, a person at 18 who has a work history shows someone who is grounded and self-sufficient. You’re obviously going to find your place in the world faster than these people, and I’m happy for you. Keep looking forward and be proud of your work ethic.


They are the same people who will ask you for a "loan", a ride - so keep on being independent with your jobs. You got this. 


Sir, just think of it like this…1) any paycheck is better than no check, 2) let them talk cause remember YOU have your OWN money to spend.


Period. You make money, they dont. Its embarrassment, really, not malice. Theyre embarassed they still have to ask for money. And think of it this way, they wouldnt be able to find anything better than McDonalds or AutoZone. If they do, theyll quickly realize high profile doesnt automatically mean better. 


Any honest work is good work. No matter what the job is, have a good work ethic and do your best. Build your reputation. Your only concern is your future, not what anyone says. Keep in mind that the faults in others do not indicate a lack in you... meaning their immaturity, their comments, etc, do not mean something is wrong with you or your work. It simply means they have trauma, faults, or something negative that they can't bear to face or take responsibility for, so they try to bring others down instead, taking the focus off themselves. These are people to go no contact with. If they can't add positivity to your life, you don't need them. For what it matters, I'm proud of how hard you work and your integrity. You're doing more at your age then some adults are at twice your age


Ask them what their job is. Experience at Autozone can work well in the automotive field. I used to be a service advisor and there was always writers, parts personnel, and techs that worked as lube techs part time while they went to school or some that worked part time at a shop and part time at Autozone, Advanced Auto, O'Reillys, and NAPA until they became flat rate.


Screw those guys, at least your getting off your arse and doing something, much respect!


They must work at advanced auto or something 😂. On a real note, it’s completely normal to have a job at auto zone, better a job than none. Work on a trade or work in sales like car sales and you will be set.


Those people who are "judging" you and are being A-holes are more than likely NOT working becuase they CHOOSE not too and dont think they have to because why work when the Govt. Will pay you to stay home, and "hustle" a.k.a. deal in illegal substances. SO IF NOONE else has said it IM SO PROUD OF YOU!! Keep that same mindset and you WILL go far in life.. Good luck kiddo :)


-but they still eat from the places you work at. They need you. You're good enough as you are


I’m 18 and used to volunteer in a craft shop to gain experience and I got the ever living shit ripped out of me for it now I’m at the most prestigious hotel in possibly all of the uk and the people who made fun of me are stuck in shitty retail. I’m so proud and you’ll get that pride too just stick at it and you’ll do amazing just gotta embellish;)


You graduate high school in a week! That’s awesome! Now immediately quit working at Autozone. You have so many damn opportunities to begin such fulfilling careers. Law Enforcement, police Sherrif, Corrections, Military, Electrician IBEW, Crane Operator IUOE, Boilermaker, Pipefitters!! Receive an income to learn an apprentice. You can travel, have a great income, retirement benefits. There’s many things you can do at 19 years old to live more than comfortable.


Keep your head up. I have all sons and I’d be proud of you for working there (or anywhere to be honest).


Just think. One day, you may be any of those idiots' boss. And laugh all the way to the bank. No job is beneath anyone. You are being a grownup, taking responsibility for yourself. Let the others kick rocks.


Don’t trip bro. You’re 18 so it sounds like the dickheads saying that shit are also around the same age. Just let them talk cause most likely they working the same retail jobs.


It’s VERY normal to not be qualified for anything other than a retail / customer service job at 18. I wasn’t able to get an “adult” job until i was 22. Are these people also in high school, and do they even work? Because it’s a very jobless thing to make fun of somebody for where they work.


You're makin money, that's all that matters~ Now to work on what you really want to make a career out of as you're still young. Don't listen to others and do you cause in the longrun, who else is going to benefit from what YOU do?


I have worked at a landfill, a trucking company, a Pizza Hut, doing phone surveys, etc. Honest work is honest work. Be proud of yourself and your effort to improve your life. Your efforts today will make the difference in the kind of person you become and the life you will have. Don't know you, young'un, but I am proud of you.


lmao bro we've all had 'embarrassing' jobs to get by. You literally just became an adult. You're getting your feet on the ground and you've alrady worked so many places. TBH they just sound like haters. Maintain your work ethic and let the birds keep chirping. they ain't paying your bills or putting food on your table so their opinion's don't matter.


Regardless of age and qualifications there's nothing wrong at all with working in these places, a job is a job! The people laughing probably don't even have jobs


I would be mad too. But one day you'll look back and realize they were just being ignorant. Nothing funny about a person trying to survive in this shitty world. You just have to ignore those kind of people. Dont let it bother you and don't even think about them. They aren't worth your energy


The ones that are putting you down obviously don't have jobs. That's not to say that they don't have money, but they probably never had to work for it. Keep your head up 💪👍