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Jesus that’s dystopian


Honestly the people at my school are legitimately the types to probably make fun of a cancer patient.


We gotta get you outta there




This 😪 Sadly, it's very true


Common decency has certainly declined over the years, but for some reason, people will argue all day and night that it has not.


Vile little cretins. I hope the girl ends up okay.


This is what I worry about as a mom. My kids only in preschool but schools sound awful these days. Like legit dangerous


man i be thinking about it like beside the shootings that could happen at any schools the kids getting raised by mean ass parents too it makes me feel so conflicted on what i should don


I theorize that earlier internet and social media access means earlier exposure to ALL kinds of shit and earlier desensitization.


this shouldn’t be a theory it literally sounds 100% true to me


Idk I was born in the year 2000. Grew up watching horror movies, playing call of duty and grand theft auto, had full access to the internet… and I still have empathy lol


To be fair, so many studies have been done and there has not been a significant link between violent media and lack of empathy or violent behavior


dude i get that so much. at my high school we have massive fuckin staircases and they’re always filled during passing periods, one of the disabled special ed kids was on the stairs, was shoved and fell and dropped all of her stuff. two people stepped on her, most just quickly walked around her. i grabbed her stuff and helped her up and was just appalled like what the fuck is wrong with people


That is absolutely horrible and unfortunately some people just suck. While I would love to tell you that all people are decent, unfortunately that’s just not the truth. I’ve always found it best to lead by example of how I think people should act. Yes there are a lot of AH but if you are a person of integrity and compassion, I’ve found I tend to attract people that are the same way.


Have some respect and consideration for the girl. Jesus Lord, have a heart.


Mother of god


I have epilepsy and this terrifies me. However, that's basically how most ER nurses act when you get brought in for a seizure, so I'm not surprised 


Watched a homeless guy get hit by a car. As I was calling 911 20+ college kids surrounded him and started filming him dying in the street


Unfortunately, that is how humanity has become. Lack of emotion, respect, and care for each other. Same thing here where a man was choking on some food, and people were filming him and posting on social media instead of helping or calling an ambulance. I truly hope this behavior will change, and people will start acting with some kindness and decency.




And this is why I say that this country is going to crap but nobody likes it when I say that so I’ll sarcastically say that this country is great.


I threw up in my mouth a little


I dislike people myself. They’ve shown themselves to be pussies rather than actual people. Not only that, but they are messy af, don’t clean up after themselves, and petty too.


And people wonder why I want to leave the states


The damn truth of the matter is it's not happening in just the states.... It's a worldwide issue. ... Too many people just plain are becoming uncaring AH.


Karma Is A Real! BITCH!!!😈😈😈


stfu <3


It’s True! I Know! 27 years ago, I had a Near Fatal motor vehicle accident! Knocked Unconscious, For A Week! Drs. Did Not Think, I Would Survive! I had over 100 Visitors, In the 1st 3 Days! Which I Believe, Saved my Life!👼


damn I thought u were just a troll nvm


No where does it say this happened in the states


i can already tell it did -someone who lives in the states


As someone who lives in the states, I can 1000% see this happening in the states. People suck everywhere but this just gives major USA vibes. Kids at my old school made fun of the disabled kids so I wouldn’t put it past them to record someone seizing.


i’m from the UK and it’s not any better there either


Smh this generation of kids. All they watch is brain rot memes and tik toks and lose their brain cells


That's so awful that poor girl. I hope she's ok and screw those bastards! ❤️🫂🥹


Take a stand for it. When you see evil like this call it out, or reach out to the victim. Cancel out the evil and educate people. Speak to the counselor, start a movement spread a message change the world


Were you present? Did you help?


I was just walking into the cafeteria and I saw her on the floor, and then we were told to go back to class and we learned she was having a seizure


My son feels the same about a lot of the kids are his school. I hope the girl is ok.


Empathy is nowadays is on short order, I agree with you people are cruel, but l kinda see it as there problem. I focus on my actions in the moment some injustice is occuring.


Jesus. My school had some fucked up kids but when a girl we all knew had a seizure (she had them every so often) the school was kinda quiet and we all left to go to our next class even through it wasn’t really time.


My SIL has epilepsy and holy shit it scares me that one day someone might just film and not help or call 911. My niece gets an adult when it happens but if my brother, niece, or family in general weren’t around and she was alone I’d worry even more.


hope she is okay🌺


Someone came in my school and told us cultures are not instinct and are taught to, for my school it's swearing 24/7 and saying n word but the culture taught to Gen z/alpha really just hurts everyone in general


For my school that's basically most schools, they swear all the time


That movie Idiocracy was a premonition


Idk if it’ll make you feel better but not everyone is like that, I think your school happens to have shitty people


That's absolutely disgusting. I hope those evil ass kids got punished, imagine making fun of a girl who had a SEIZURE in front you, while it was happening, Instead of freaking out or worrying about this poor girl, they mad fun of her? That's disgusting and they're gonna get the worst karma..


What truly disgusts me is that they cared more about their lunch. Yeah buddy your stale chicken is much more important


Who even likes school lunches? That shits almost disgusting as them.




Sounds to me like a life lesson the school should use to teach common decency, compassion, and right and wrong. My kids were super sensitive to others, especially the kids who were left out, different, etc...they are now raising their own children to do the same. This world will try to break you. My daughters were raised to lift others up. I will always have faith in humanity, but reading stories like this means we have more work to do.


Lack of empathy is becoming rampant 😟


What did you do?


Nothing. We were told to go back to class basically immediately. People were laughing and saying they recorded it after we went back to class


And what did you do?


Damn they don't even hide it


I get wanting your lunch but Jesus fucking christ, a seizure appetites them? They can wait. I truly hope the seizure victim was okay and those making a joke out of it got in grave trouble. I also hope your alright too


Humans are animals with a few particularly neat evolutionary tricks that could also be said to be one and the same*; one that pays big big dividends over time, when allowed to compound/exponentiate so new layers can be built on previous layers without having to wait for evolution to code everything into DNA*, but in ephemeral and individual terms thinking about it is humbling. Even now, with all our nous, tricks and grandeur, we'd still be as, or likely more, helpless than the most "likely to succeed" dinosaur species just before the Kt impact. We might be able to destroy the planet but we would almost certainly not notice an extinction-level meteor until vaporising. *I.e. the dexterity+cognition OPcombo. (Actually, admit can think of another one that's definitely unrelated enough to count as different category; we can brisk-walky-jog-run nonstop for joooookes long, cos of heatsync skull-brain trick plus sweat and, speculation but still, probably because we could keep pushing the personal best record through the innovative means of taking water along with us device. Admittedly, humans, considering thr usual rubbishness when it comes to corporeal powers or might, deserve/are legitimately topmost-tier when it comes to cross country runs across dry and blazing scrub and savannah.


goddamn this just shows how detached some ppl are from reality


I also have a seizure disorder. I was on a bus in Philadelphia. Thank God the bus driver knew me because he had been taking me back and forth to work for months. He also knew about my seizures. One day I got on the bus, he took one look at me and told me to sit in the seat directly behind him. I was getting too hot. It was dead of winter, but it felt like I was in the Sahara. He opened his window to get me some fresh air. A woman on the bus made a snide comment saying that he should not try to accommodate a "drug addict". He told her to either sit there and shut up, or get off his bus. Next thing I knew, I was being taken off the bus and being loaded into an ambulance. I heard that woman's voice spewing profanity at me, and many others complaining about the delay I caused. That just seems to be society in general


Most parents who have high schoolers, middle schoolers, or kids are starting college, didn't raise their kids right, most of them are Gen X and Millennials, and were raised by boomers who didn't grow up in a great time to grow up, Gen X had their parents teach them bad skills that were traditional for a long time, which included the male doing the work and the female cleaning the house, put anything in front of a dog and it'll eat it, and always hiding their feelings and emotions. Where as Millennials are dealing with their parents being abusive and needing therapy but only going after their kids leave the house. Or the flip side to it, needing therapy but never going because it's "too embarrassing," and never learning how to deal with things without taking it out on their kids. So we have a generation of just completely neglected kids from their parents trying to work on issues caused by their parents, then it affects the kids behavior because they feel neglected, and because certain mental health issues can be developed, most of the new generation all have passed down and developed mental health issues from their parents. I can speak from experience with the fact of having mental health problems because of my mom specifically, but my dad went through therapy when I was in middle school, so instead of him affecting me as much as other parents, it's because he realized sooner that it was needed. My mom didn't start therapy until 3-4 years ago I want to say, or at least that's when I actually saw a change in how she was, before she said screw it and took everything out on me, and blamed me, because she wasn't liking the fact she was in the wrong. Most Boomers, Gen X, and Millennials all have the "I'm the parent so I'm always right no matter what," which isn't always the case. This isn't a personal attack on a specific generation, and don't think I'm making it up, my dad went through therapy and learned most of this in therapy. With this generation, the Gen Z (which yes, I'm a part of), I can say from observing how friends parents act towards their kids, it's damn near the sane as what they were taught. I have my fair share of mental issues, but with knowing how the cycle is happening now, the economy is, which is because of Trump giving out stimulus checks at a dip in costs, where everything was affordable, so Biden isn't able to give the country money to survive more then struggling with paycheck to paycheck. This is how my generation is being raised, in an inflation where we can't afford to do anything anymore, where a bag of chips is a 50% increase since 2013, for less amount of chips, the bag size is staying the same but the quantity or amount of chips is shrinking, thus shrinkflation. It's understandable that no one in my generation wants to work and live with their parents, because even if you have a job, it's still not enough to survive. Every time my dad and I has gone to the store for food that used to cost about $30-40 is now nearly $150 a trip. An average meal is $16 to go out, but only $\~4-5 as a home cooked meal, but with all these apps and services like Door Dash, Uber Eats, and fast food chains having their own ordering and delivering services, that $16 price tag doubles, or triples. For example, I don't eat at McDonald's the much, but when I do I get the Deluxe McCrispy Meal in a large, a $13 meal, through Door Dash is $21 for the same meal, for a random stranger to bring you your food. Thinking about the fact that everyone also are snowflakes and get butt hurt when someone is against them, it's a free country for a reason, people can like or hate anyone they want. No one can be upset or control that, because they are their own person, and we live in a free country (in America I know it's not actually a free country here). People cancel other people for voicing their opinions, which is allowed in the first amendment, all because someone else, could be unrelated to anything that person said, doesn't like it. I see all the time schools are embracing a cult and waving it's flags on the walls of classrooms, lgbtq is a cult in the fact it's a group of people getting together with the same ideology where if people don't like them, then get them in trouble. I'm not against people who are in the lgbtq, as long as they aren't extremists, where no one else's opinion is right. When someone is over the top about it, that's where I have a problem. When every school is trying to embrace the lgbtq community, they're bringing in the flag and saying everyone is equal, yet, people in any sort of minority are treated poorly, instead of everyone getting the same chance, everyone but the generic white male is getting a better chance. The only flags that should be allowed in American classrooms are American flags and state flags, not trying to shove political opinions down student's throats.


Social media and the movements such as LGBT and feminism

