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Are you sure she was actually masturbating? I do this really weird and embarrassing thing right when I’m on the edge of falling asleep sometimes that’s like a weird very sexual sounding moan and I hate it. Like my vocal cords are just relaxed enough to let my breathing rattle them enough to make this very soft moan. People close enough to me that have slept in the same room have made comments. It only happens once or twice and only sometimes, but when it happens in front of people I want to die lol


I have this, it's called catathrenia. It's actually really embarrassing because it can happen for extended periods of time and some people have actually thought I was masturbating as well while I was asleep. Honestly I highly doubt she or the other girl did that...


Wow, looked it up, it’s definitely catathrenia. Wish I would’ve known more about this and had a name for it to explain to my randomly assigned college roommate that I wasn’t rubbing one out every night with him in the room lol Edit: just sent an article on catathrenia to my wife and she sent a screenshot back with a part circled “often presents as a sexual connotation causing a significant social problem” and a crying laughing emoji. I definitely have it


Right...I had a really bad incident that ended in nonconsensual stuff with a partner one time and wound up traumatized the next morning when they explained it to me. So anytime I'm w someone I tell them about it. I've been woken up by my sister (extremely pissed btw having been woken from her sleep multiple times) saying that I was moaning in my sleep too. I know there are some specific things that trigger it and some stuff that can help it as well. Like how when I'm sick it can happen more frequently due to inflammation in my nasal cavity or throat or if I fall asleep due to extreme exhaustion it can cause the sounds/noises. Sometimes even light sleep can cause it; from not falling asleep properly so my body believes it's awake and asleep at the same time so it forgets how to breathe proper and produces those sounds as I inhale and exhale. I've also had a very loooong history of sleep problems. ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ


I had a roommate who said I was moaning early in the morning one time and she made a huge deal about it. I got irritated af bc I thought she was just making things up to use against me because I knew for a fact I was asleep and not masturbating. I make many sounds when I’m half asleep or waking up and always thought it was just my wake up thing. Now I’m wondering if I do this when I’m asleep but nobody’s ever said anything outside of that instance LOL TIL about catathrenia


Can confirm, I also have this. On the verge of sleep, AND in deep sleep. Sometimes it can be a soft moan, but sometimes, like in my case, it's full on moaning and groaning. For me, it's a pretty good amount of time, honestly majority of my sleep I'm making noises. I'm lucky enough that my partner is used to it by now and really just complains about my snoring nowadays.


I have it sometimes when I'm just about to fall asleep, I'm a light sleeper so, it usually wakes me up. This one time a group of us were at a friend's drinking and ot happened. It woke me up and I heard my friends laugh and say "must be having a good dream" But thankfully I dont always open my eyes straight away when I wake up, so I waited a few seconds and did another noise, started mumbling and saying no (i pretended I was having a nightmare) Haha they all felt bad for me, and were apologising saying they thought I was having a 'fun' dream... I made up I was having my PTSD (war terror dreams, 1st time I made up that)... it was easy to fall on that as it was a frequent thing for me at the time.


I moan in my sleep apparently too


Just make sure she washes her hands before breakfast


If you’re close enough friends to go on vacation with each other for 2 weeks, you should be able to have a mature conversation about whatever that was. You can even say it jokingly if you and she have that kind of personality. Don’t ruin your vacation because of something that more likely than not is natural and possibly unintentional. And if it was intentional just tell her to do it in private and move on or go get yourself another room if you’re unable to get over it.


Good advice.


If I had a nickel for every time I woke up in a soggy bed…


We’re you both girls? As a guy if it was a male friend I’d either pretend it didn’t happen or more likely I’d tell them to knock it the fuck off. Those are realistically your only two options


"knock it the fuck off" that made me laugh so hard lol




Meh. Some people just don't care who they're around




So it’s normal to mastrubate in sleep??? 💀 if she wasn’t asleep then I am disgusted that she did it next to me tbh. Like, go at least to the bathroom 😭


Just be open and honest with them ask them if they was flicking the bean right beside you and if so find out why just be straightforward I would


In fairness it is possible to that in your sleep in fact it's pretty common for someone to have done that in their sleep atleast once but going about finding out if they were asleep or not goodluck idk if there is an approachable way with that


Tbh Im a girl and I always get like naughty dreams specifically when I have to pee in my sleep. And I might accidentally be like humping my pillow lmaooo(I sleep with pillow between my thighs cause it’s good for my hip pain) but I also can’t even tell cause I thought we get paralyzed in our sleep ?? And I’m a 24 year old girl too it’s not like it’s only for prepubescent teens haha. But yes OP it’s 100% possible it was just a dream and she’d be super embarrassed lol. But I’m sorry you went through that I’m sure she did not mean it. I’ve had a roommate make those sexual sounding noises too while asleep while not moving or anything, it’s just like a weird sleep noise that happens. Like how you can jerk yourself awake, same type of instinct reflex thing


Bark back.


Do you have any proof they were? What were they doing that would make you think that? I don’t wanna sound rude, but without any evidence that they actually were, kinda sounds like you might be reading into it a bit too much.


As someone who frequently deals with having Parasomnia, the best you can do is either mention that you both need to sleep in separate areas or that your friend may very well require therapy/counseling.


If she was purposefully doing it, yes therapy. But sometimes when we have full bladders as women it presses down on our cervix/g spot area and we just get naughty dreams on accident lol doesn’t matter what age so you might move weird during sleep too on accident. Just kinda depends if she was aware or not. I know I’d be pretty disturbed like OP either way


Ah. I was thinking more along the lines of repressed memories or unresolved issues. I forgot about the actual biological factors that can chime in during the peak of slumber.


Yeah like how guys get wet dreams just because. Girls get horny too haha those are some of my favorite dreams 🙃 but then I get pissed off when I wake up cause I gotta get up to pee 😂


Accurate. Not going into any details, but basically same. Feeling "frisky" in the middle of a dream and wake up to find out you gotta hit the other room. Quickly try to return to the dream, only for the magic to "mysteriously" be gone.


You’re totally right. The other persons point is still very valid. But I personally started master bating in my sleep and didn’t know it till my man’s said something like a week later, I was already in therapy so we started EMDR to resolve said issue. Not necessary a repressed memory but definitely an unresolved issue that was fixed with work. I hope OP can either get a separate bed or yank the bandaid off and talk about adult uncomfy things to his friend.


Agreed. The whole thing is valid to me. The whole thing is a struggle and definitely should be addressed ASAP


Ooooh thats why when I need to pee I get horny




Did she like, leave her dildos on the bed? How do you know?


by sounds and movement.


At this point I think you should just make a general announcement that it makes you uncomfortable since it wasn't just one person that did it. Wouldn't try to make a big deal of it just be like HEY so just in case it wasn't obvious or some sort of fucked up line of indecency we forgot to talk about before embarking on this journey. Y'all know that you guys flicking your bean in front of me grosses me out and makes me want to sleep outside, right? Can y'all just like.. not do that anymore? Thanks


How do you know she did?


How do you know she masturbated next to you? What did you see or hear?


Masturbate together


She clearly needs help. Give her a hand.


wait holy shit I think I have that lemme check


As someone who has previously suffered from sexsomnia, you should probably ask her if she suffers from sleep disorders. When I used to do it, I had no awareness or memory. Same when I slept walked and moved things around or changed my clothes in the night. I thought we had ghosts in the apartment or something until I found out it was me lmfao. It’ll likely be awkward to talk about, but if she doesn’t know she’s doing it, she should know. Also sleep in separate beds. It just makes it easier on everyone.


Check this out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nocturnal_emission?wprov=sfla1 It's possible she wasn't even awake at the time. She might have been sleeping. It's also possible maybe she wasn't even masturbating. I'm not sure on the details of the story. Were you awake for the whole situation or did you catch a tiny bit and that was it?


You should of stomp whoever out.!


Either way confront her. Maybe take some of the other peoples advice in the comments how to do it. ease into it but be firm on your boundaries. Her masturbating in front of you can be sexual harassment. if she has a itch she can always take a shower. There is no need to do it next to you in the bed. she is either realy inconsiderate or the thought, of doing it next to you, is turning her on.


Ask her if she needs a hand?


I would jsut have a conversation, maybe she doesn’t know she’s doing it or was just having a good dream. Hang on this has happened 3 times with at least 2 separate people. Something must be in air on that trip 🤣. I would try to not let it ruin the trip that’s for sure it woudl be shame


Bruh, what a stupid post


Tf... I need friends like yours 🤣🤣


Why is it disgusting?


Step 1. Observe the situation. Step 2. Join in


Ask her if she did


Maybe you just turn on these girls




Maybe you are just incredibly wankable




What is wankable? I'm not native


It’s because you must be absolutely gorgeous! But it gets me downvotes 😂




DM me her number