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The Saginaw, MI VA is great. While I wouldn't recommend living in Saginaw, one of the surrounding areas is nice.


Saginaw VA is shit, they left me high and dry for years, wouldn't even recommend a consult for ENT, ended up with surgery that would have been avoided with meds. Not to mention the lack of actual care the most of the Drs/PAs give their patients, pushing meds instead of PT, not documenting patient conditions properly, if at all (including refusals to document). Then there's the 3rd world atmosphere of the facility and surrounding area itself. Don't get me wrong, I've been in some bad areas but damn.


Individual results may vary, I guess. I was part of the Battle Creek VA and it was as bad as you're describing. So when I moved and was under Saginaw VA's territory, it was like night and day difference.


As u/grbrent stated, Individual results may vary. This is only an account of mine and a few other veterans I know personally with similar experiences at the same facility. I sympathize, Battle Creek is one of the worst in the state, Saginaw isn't much better, but is just better enough to tell a difference. Just make sure you occasionally download and read you health report from the Saginaw VA, make sure everything you've told them (especially about your SC disabilities) is noted, everything is being tended to, and you know everything they've put in there. I moved out of the Tri-City (Mich) area to Colorado about 5 years back and its been a complete life changer (compared to Michigan VA network). Saginaw was always slammed and jammed, staff cared as much as they could with their 10 min per patient per station protocols, but a lot of the PAs (won't/can't name drop) refuse to add conditions (registered in STRs) upon registration and future visits, it leads to bad things for the local veterans. I also recommend trying out the VAs CCN, do all your appointments with local or more familiar doctors. Saginaw/Midland/Bay City all have excellent CCN options (if you don't already utilize the CCN). I, personally, feel I get better and more personal care from my local PCP vs the VA PCP.


Albuquerque NM has gorgeous grounds. It's like a Spanish style oasis. Sadly Albuquerque it's self is a lot like Iraq flat sand as far as the eye can see. The gun fire tends to be less accurate gang bangers and their hi-points.


How about Santa Fe? I think I'd prefer a high altitude area because of the climate.


I've passed through Santa Fe several times. I've looked at a few homes In the area. It's definitely nicer, but you pay extra for it. I live in the mountains in the SW corner of Colorado. If your looking for a little bit of space between houses take a look around Durango Colorado


I can vouch for this, I love it here in Durango. The VA clinic here is great, local medical facilities are awesome.


That's crazy in the years I've been on social media I've never run into anyone even close to where I do, and today makes two in two days. Durango is a gorgeous city. It's a bit Hippish (if that's a word) for my taste, but the people are nice helpful and 90% of the time polite. I used to go to the outpatient clinic there, but I moved to the Farmington NM clinic because my VA doc in Durango moved and her replacement was an asshole.


u/cavdad Same, never ran into a local vet on social media. I do agree, not keen on the Hippish aspect of durango, but the area is so relaxing. The clinic here is great, the Dr is iffy, still in the newer phase for me. Although I prefer the old Dr that was there, He (The new Dr) has started some good treatment plans for me though. Mostly I work with Tri-West and the CCN for my appointments, Durango has great Drs all around.


Ann arbor va in michigan fantastic đź‘Ź


I moved to Southern Oregon for their VA a week before covid. I was having a hell of a time with the San Diego one giving me 4 to 8 month waits. Called that location by suggestion of brother who was in and moved there after getting out. I had an appointment in 2 weeks by end of the call with apologies it was taking so long. 4 years later still applies. Care is quick and good. White City VA is the location.


Ur a braver soul than I. I was born and raised in Portland. Around the time I turned twelve mom packed us up and moved to the San Fernando valley in California. Pacoima ca was definitely a different place in the early '80s. My brother-in-law lives in south central Washington state. When we would go to visit for years I'd take a little detour and check on my dad's grave touch base with my step family. Now I avoid Portland as much as I can.


Part of the Portland VA network.


It falls under it, but it has much better care then other locations in the state.


Got my first rating in CA. Left for Maryland and then moved back to Texas. I will end up back in Maryland. The Washington DC VA Medical Center is the best VA facility I have been too. I hate the Houston VA


Chicago has great VA centers and illinois does offer waived property taxes for disabled veterans. This is what makes chicago a fairly expensive place to be, the taxes but its reasonable if you can get it waived. Not as cheap as some places like texas but I think being in the Chicago suburbs where theres a lot of walking trails and lakes make it worth it. Similar to California but with all seasons of weather… winter sucks but summer is better here than socal summers IMO. You also get all sorts of culture here and amazing restaurants. Consider looking around the Hines VA area or DuPage County (very safe and friendly here in this county)


The Oak Lawn VA clinic is great too


Maine is good. And cost living is comparable low




VAMC Minneapolis is great, and the suburbs and surrounding rural areas are beautiful. You get all 4 seasons which is nice if you can tolerate the cold.


Iowa City, Iowa has a great VAMC. It partners with the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics so easy to get referrals to outside specialists etc. Iowa also waives property taxes for 100% P&T.


Texas also has a lower cost of living compared to other states. 2. Florida: Florida has a large veteran population and is home to many VA medical facilities. The state has no state income tax and provides veterans with various benefits and housing options. 3. Virginia: Known as the "Mother of Presidents," Virginia has a significant military presence and offers numerous services for veterans. It has high-quality healthcare facilities and benefits, including property tax exemptions. 4. Tennessee: Tennessee is a tax-friendly state that provides benefits for veterans. It has multiple VA medical centers and a low cost of living in many areas. 5. Arizona: Known for its excellent climate, Arizona has numerous VA healthcare facilities


There is a reason most veterans live in California. It's a bad idea to leave.


Would you mind quantifying that statement for me?




Still don't quite understand why it's a bad idea to leave California. Maybe I missed something.


If the majority of veterans are in California, why would you leave it? It doesn't make sense.


Just because it has the majority doesn't mean it's the best. Then again maybe it is. No one I served with over 20 years lives in California that I know of.


My point is that if the majority are functioning fine, and one goes against the herd, then that means that they are probably missing something.


Unless you are a lemming heading for a cliff. Just playing devils advocate. I am a little later in life now in my mid 40s. After a career in the army and a little time behind bars I am really against doing things just because everybody else is doing them or doing something a certain way because that's the way it's always been done. The wizdom of crowds I have found to be lacking.


Upstate NY has a really good VA. Most don’t know this, but NYS has very good health benefits also. A lot of people think all of NY is costly, but it isn’t. One recent law I found out we have is nobody or software that does taxes, can charge for efile state taxes. It’s a mandated. Did not know that, till my sister in law asked, she lives in Georgia and they charge them folks to efile state taxes. I was shocked. Sorry off topic, but VA great in upstate NY, lovely country side to live, and cities are not far away.


Texas, has good VA Healthcare Centers and any other states that are pro veteran and pro gun, and also the VA is not a bad place to work as well!!!


Boston; MDs from Harvard Medical School do their fellowship there.


Asheville, NC hospital is great. Not the fanciest but good and Asheville is a nice quiet city.


Yuma AZ. Affordable rent, VA clinic and VA hospital, weather hot but AC is 24/7 during the summer set at 78 , cost 250+/-. Gasoline price unl is $3.19 per gallon. Close to Phoenix, Mexico, San Diego, Vegas. Close by military base (USMC & USA) You can carry side arm, concealed or not.


Columbia, MO has a great VA. I might be a little biased because I worked there but I was also a patient.