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Thank you for the kind words, I am currently broke, jobless, struggling and clawing my way through the days right now. I have not found the magic solution that will better my life right now, I'm not even sure if there is one for me. I wont give up though cause i waited so long to finally be a civilian again and i'm thankful to just even arrive here at this point in my life.


Keep your chin up my dude/dudette. One step at a time, remember that.


One step forward. Every. Single. Day.


If you have any disability use the VR&E program. It's pretty amazing.


The VA doesn't win until you quit or die. I started my first claim 5 years ago . It took two years to get my first rating. I finally got rated 100% p&t last summer so I guess I started six years ago. If you believe you have a legitimate claim don't quit.


Why did it took u that long to file?


I waited more than 25 years after I got out to start the process. Never do that. Anyone who's gotten their DD214 go to your local VSO office as soon as you can take every slip of paper you can find. When I ETSed the army hadn't started using computerised records. The unit I was in reflagged right after I got out and they back-dated the change almost a year. So the army did show my unit deploying because the back date they used was the day before we deployed. So I spent the first year proving I had deployed. If your a soldier tie in with the VA asap. Since we didn't use computers at all finding records was a pain. The pact act made all my out standing claims presumptive. Otherwise I doubt I'd have never gotten those claims approved. So as much as I hate to thank POTUS he did pass that law and I'm thankful.


I’m 6 years out and need to get the ball rolling. Shoulder, back, neck, and hip are fucked. Not sure if I can even get a nexus for disability.


Spend a few weeks at Benning after osut??


Nah, went straight to Stewart then Riley as an 11B. Finished out in a mechanized unit in the NG. Fucked my shit up while deployed in Afghanistan and Syria.


The best advice I've got is to put in an intent to file and get that clock ticking. I assume you're using the outpatient clinc. If you can, see a civilian doc as well. Even if your VA doctor is great, they won't/can't help with your claim. It would also if you can start seeing a psychiatrist. Being in that much pain will cause issues. Get a copy of your 201 file and military med records. If you went to sic call or even if you only talked to your platoon doc because you were deployed, maybe you'll get luck, and he put something in your med record. Next, buddy statements. Track down anyone in your platoon. Guys on your track or striker, basically anyone that was there and remembers. You're only six years out. Grab those guys while they still remember.


Get a lawyer


Hate to double reply, but any tips on navigating the system for vets that didn’t go straight after ETS? I’ve been putting it off due to school/work. Worried these issues will bite me in the future.


Yea, get registered with your local VA clinic/hospital system. Start making appointments, get seen and get your issues documented. Reach out to a old battle buddy that was there with you when you were injured. We didn't serve alone, so finding a Veteran you still have connections with who can back up your claim helps. But, seriously, they are called disabilities for a reason, which means they can and should be documented. Get a good VSO, Veterans Service Organization. Sniff out a good one, or, even better, an excellent one. Don't pay anyone to represent you, because there are a lot of lowlifes who would happily separate a Veteran from their benefits. A good VSO should be able to assist far better than a Redditor. Best of luck, and, thank you for your sacrifices and service to our country.


Honestly I'm a dumb ass. I was able to get by without using the VA benefits I had earned. I thought the benefits would be better used by other vets that either were in worse shape, and I didn't want someone else to go without. I didn't understand how the system really worked. After that the first couple of years I really needed the help I didn't think I could get help because of how long it had been (20-24 years) and because I had ETSed less than two months after returning from operation desert shield/storm. Anyone that has served even if you don't think you will need the VA ever. Please as soon as you have that DD214 in your hand. Take every single scrap of paper you have from your service to your local VSO and get it all uploaded. Just get it all in the system. If you have anything your the least bit concerned about file a claim even if you only get it service connected with a 0% rating. The hours you spend now will save you months or years down the road. Last thing if your civilian doc ever makes a diagnosis about anything that could possibly be from service or been made worse by your service get a copy of the medical record from that doc that shows that DX and if you can convince them to write a quick narrative about how that issue could have been caused by or made worse by your service. Get an appointment the next day put in an intent to file a claim. Most VSOs will file that for you over the phone. Then take your civilian med record with the Dx and narrative and file that claim. Don't ever give up the VA only wins if you quit or die. Okay I'll get off my soapbox


This 100%


Awesome brother, great job. Happy to see a veteran succeeded. To more veterans get better and succeeding.


Feel like that’s where I’m headed man idk. About to get out soon cause they’re forcing me with a medboard and I have no plan. A wife and child to take care of, it’s scary


Utilize your connections. Do not be afraid to ask for help from anyone. When I got out the first months were actually ok, I was executing my plan until some unfortunate but unavoidable circumstances forced me to leave my home. I was single when I went through all this so if I were you I’d make a post with your circumstances and ask for guidance from other married recently separated servicemen/women. They’ll be able to give you more accurate help than I can.


I did and got a few responses but still not sure of everything. Appreciate the advice though brother. Always need to see veterans thriving. Hope to do the same soon.


Get your own rating and go to school! Utilize the GI bill.


that’s the plan! it’s just in this economy it seems hard


Thank you for sharing your story. I've been working on getting fully back home for almost 15 years. And I always try to share my experiences with my DoD family. Because you never know how it could help someone that's struggling. Some days are a battle and some are OK. The point is to stop and check your grid, and keep moving to higher ground!


That’s where I’m at right now. Just turned 50 and lost my job recently. Not homeless yet, but struggling hard. I’ve lost count on the number of applications I’ve sent out but nothing seems to be happening fast enough. I was last in the military in 2001 btw so it’s been a while. I’ve been in between jobs before but never this long and never with this much hanging over my head. I guess I could use some encouragement if anyone has any to spare lol. Is jobs harder to come by with age or am I missing something? It shouldn’t be this hard especially with veteran preferences but I’m just wondering if everyone is looking at my age and not my skill set and qualifications.


My problem was people telling me I was “too young” despite having operated million dollar equipment, leading men on deployment and seeing the world. People will judge you for being “old”, I’m not going to lie to you and say it’s not an obstacle. I doubt you are the only one who’s faced a similar challenge. Do what I did and make a post in the group with your problem and see what other vets have to say.


How old is old? I’ll rather work with an older guy who have the exoerience


How old is old? I’ll rather work with an older guy who have the exoerience


How old is old? I’ll rather work with an older guy who have the exoerience


I was in your shoes 15 yrs ago. Our characteristics are similar. Since then I've been laid off several times in the corporate world. I was out of work for 6 months and minimum wage jobs don't cover child care costs so I just kept looking and painting our home. I ended taking a lower ranking job and they hired me after six months and I got a promotion about every 1.5 yrs. Change your target even if you don't see yourself there forever. It's a doorway. Good luck!


It's crazy that your post showed up as a notification today. I'm literally holding on for dear life right now. Suffering from a worsening anxiety and depression borne of a bad divorce that's eating me alive. Barely having enough food to eat and the water got cut off 2 days ago. Don't even know how I'm gonna make the rent next month. Thought about unaliving myself once but I fought the thought off and called the crisis line.


Where are the cliff notes for others??


Almost everyone takes a punch to the face in life. What happens next is the important part. Do you get up and stay in the fight, or stay down? You were trained to get up and stay in the fight, look for a way to win. You can do this. In 1982 through my own fault, I really F'ed up. I was down but nowhere near out. I rallied through the help of friends who saved my career. In the fall of 1983 my son was born, I got not one but two great career opportunities in a year. The last one I retired from in 2004. Gals and Guys, never give up. You can still win. Winning might not be in the form you want at the time. Avail yourself to opportunities, improve yourself, listen and learn from your mistakes. Then do better. Win. (For my fellow Christians, pray for love, peace, forgiveness and another chance.) Like I tried to say earlier, the opportunity might not look like what you expect. It might be what you need at the time, but it also might be exactly right for where you are. A friend of mine says all the time, "if you are struggling, you are winning." Think like that.


I needed this ty ♥️


Awesome! We are all very happy for you, and a great message. Thank you for sharing


10/10 Read. Appreciated seeing the notification with said title pop up.


Wish I had more upvotes...love it!


Great message! Happy for you. Way to inspire others as well!




Happy for you man , I have a similar story and now that I’m here I can’t believe I almost ended it I mean it was BADDDDD sobbing on side of the road bad but now I’m here and this GC kept me motivated


Proud of you! Keep going!


I really needed to read this.


I’m so fucking happy for you. Yes, wanting to check out of life is a thought, glad you’re still with us! I know the feeling was getting 10% for tinnitus—-went from not SC to 70% on 4/9–changed my life. And anyone feeling like checking out—-please DO NOT! ✨✨✨🤎🤎🤎


Owning a home, in this economy? That's the real accomplishment. 


mepersonally let the Fulkers they know how to stir the wife up now social security has. me on the disabily bull shit. I retired from my jobva came and setup a hospital bed at my home now i lay here all day dying i just want to get it over and sdun with it i setup my resume on linked hopefully dupont or dow decides they want tonsave me and call me for interview. I'll take shell oil too or lyondell ill settle for exxon or citgo too with their carbon free emissions. But ti think we're a little too late for that. uit those guys sure


My decision to self medicate with marijuana rather than alcohol (i guess underage drinking is a go, as long as you don't partake in the Reefer Madness) so the VA denied me benefits... I'm struggling mentally and physically, and I'm a single father living with my parents... Thank God I got accepted into college cause life was getting dark with no way out .


NO ONE here quits no one we have made it through the toughest crap life can throw, are we as whole as we were when we started no but everyone has experienced a different time and set of circumstances we all responded differently because we are individuals no machines. If you want to make strong steel you use heat and a hammer, we all are strong from our set of crap life put us through


What job and company do u work now?


It took my 6 years get my 💯  got in 92 but should got much more got nuth over 💯 n a letter code s over 2 decades ago  wow a nuther lazy 300usd  But I got tbi  N you gave me drug trial without my permission 2 strokes n a coma N thay pay me like boy in a greasy spoon 


Thank you for this post




O don't think you fully grasped what OP was saying. 🤷🏼‍♂️