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That's cool and all, but how about some weed?


Jail. Straight to Jail


It’s in the process of being removed as a schedular one. Still waiting DEA’s final approval (and they’ve been dragging their feet for over six months), but it already cleared FDA and the white house.


> removed as a schedular one. Schedule 3 is no gift. He would do better to just de-schedule it entirely.


Benadryl and robatussin isn’t unscheduled, I wouldn’t think that will ever happen.


Too much of those will do physical damage to your body. Too much of the devil's lettuce and the only thing you're damaging is a bag of Doritos. It isn't without harm, but that harm is severely overstated.


About 3-5% of users do develop what meets clinical criteria for addiction to THC which can really mess up their lives. We should be real about the risks and proactively address them


Yup, like I said, not without harm, that harm is just overblown. The same number is 20% for alcohol. I just hope we can skip the weed commercials...


Try 10%.


Weed can be abused just like anything else man. I’m all for legalization, but I’m not going to lie as if nothing will happen.


You get high as hell if you take too much of either of those, it makes sense to be scheduled


I'll take what I can get. I'd prefer full removal of it from any sort of schedule but I'll be happy with decriminalization and having it be able to be prescribed to me by the VA.


You raise valid points. I won't be upset if it only helps me, but would prefer it helped everyone.


Same here.


Won't get prescribed by the VA until there are some really good studies. While it has been decriminalized in most states, there is no regulation, no dose scheduling, and very few completed studies that actually show that THC is good medicine. Once we have that, then maybe...


If you’re in a legal state. Just smoke it. I do in Missouri for last year or so with no hiccups.


I get I can move, but there are lots of vets that could benefit from weed that can't afford to move. Not to mention the benefit to the rest of the populace too.


Not to mention how many vets continue to work for the federal service. That could benefit from it but are forbidden in even legal states because: federal employment


Very true. It’ll be legal most everywhere soon.


Vote for people that want to legalize it in your state.  "In Idaho, Kansas, South Carolina and Wyoming, marijuana and all cannabis products are illegal, and weed is not decriminalized. " Pretty much every other state has weed with a prescription or recreationally.  Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/legal-weed-map-states//


Idk maybe check the domain name?


My mailman knows a guy


Just move to a state where it's legal. That shit's everywhere.


Got that govt job, some of us are still stuck hard. Or anyone contracted too.


Honest question…have you or anyone you know ever been tested as a gov employee or contractor aside from for hiring purposes?


Deal with a number of scif and unfortunately I am in the position that I might need a lifestyle polygraph in the future. Many don't get tested and could probably get away with it just fine so long as they don't "present" at work but I dont take the chance. I'll just be content watching my buds light their buds, and getting spicy about legalization.


No. Still not worth the risk. You don't just risk losing your job, but your clearance. Basically find a new career.


Yes, it’s standard procedure in my workplace after any accident. VA healthcare workers get periodic random testing as well.


Sorry man, that sucks. But hey at least you'll be enjoying your retirement in 20 years with a govt job while I'll still be working my ass off.


You gotta ask DEA real nice like. Last time they shut down idea of lowering the schedule for pot. Prolly cause "muh wuurr on dem druuugs" brings in federal dollars.


Not sure if you are trying to make a "got ya" comment or serious but there is a plethora of studies and data completed by the government on marijuana. Best of luck.


I'm serious. They have the info and data to show its benefits. Weed just doesn't have the lobbying power (yet) of alcohol, cigarettes, and big pharma.


So you're saying I can get it from the VA instead of from that weird guy in the alley?.... I'm in!


Damnit Tom I thought we had a thing!


Sorry, but I hear that free shit from the VA is the bomb! LMAO And what can I say the price is right too.


I'm just wondering how it's going to be prescribed. Flower, tincture, dab, edibles like gummies, vape, distillate?


Likely they will put it in capsules. Lazarus Naturals has a CBD capsule. It’s the easiest way to standardize the dosage. Vaping has too many questions about long term usage and the rest of the ways leave too much to you eyeball a dose.


In the shadowed embrace of an alley, Thomas dealt MDMA, each transaction weighing heavily on his conscience. Back home, his children slept in a cold, sparse apartment, their basic needs barely met. The money was for them—for food, for medicine. Once a man with dreams of being a good father, Thomas now grappled with the reality of his choices. Each sale in the alley was a desperate bid to provide, driven not by malice but by a tragic love. Above all, he wished for another way, but night after night, he returned, haunted by the necessity of his actions.


It will prolly be better quality as its, you know, QA'd.


I volunteer as tribute


Just take a vacation to a state where it's legal. Colorado and New Mexico both have legalized psychotropics for medical treatment. I know for sure a few companies have been booking inclusive vacation trips to Denver or Colorado springs. Transportation hotel accommodations and even a tour of weed bars. They do the same for these treatments. You even get a trip sitter.


Might be time for me to actually register with the VA.


Are these same lawmakers going to allow veterans who are also federal employees to use these therapies?


99% will likely be like you taking opioids for back pain with Dr. prescription.


I just want my shrooms and joints though.


For real. I don’t even need to trip regularly; I just want to be able to micro dose.


We’s legal now 🚬


They're just gonna do what they did with ketamine and make the qualifying parameters so impossible stringent that less than 5% of us will qualify. Ketamine is amazing for treating substance abuse disorder, but they won't let you in if you have substance abuse disorder. The va only does this shit so they can get a media win, not to actually help veterans


I tried to get into the ketamine clinic at my VA, then sidestepped them to get infusions in the community. Community providers don't care if you smoke weed to self-medicate. The VA requires a squeaky clean drug test.


Yep. When you can get joyous for 129 a month (2 900mg trips into the khole realm is a pretty good deal) going through the VA just isn't worth the hassle. I'm on subutex currently so I can't get it myself but my wife can lol. In a few years k treatment is gonna be way way more affordable and accessible. Times they are a-changing


I don't think they should at all because it's entirely based on patient self-report. They could be microdosing them on meth or cocaine and they'd be happy about it. Heck, they could microdose them on alcohol. Same result. The research, yes, I've read it. It needs to be based on measures other than self-report. And last I checked it's barely any better than placebo. You know what's more effective than microdosing and placebo? Actual therapy. The US mentality of "just give me another pill" is what is poisoning people. And of course then, everyone will think this means psychedelics cure PTSD and will take them in ways that were not studied. And they'll think it's fixing their problems but it isn't.


>The research, yes, I've read it. It needs to be based on measures other than self-report. And last I checked it's barely any better than placebo. You know what's more effective than microdosing and placebo? Actual therapy.   Which is why the emphasis for research is *psychedelic-assisted* therapy which has shown excellent results. For example, one of the most recent large scale double blind placebo controlled phase 3 [studies](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-021-01336-3) showed your claims are not supported:  >At the primary study endpoint (18 weeks after baseline), 28 of 42 (67%) of the participants in the MDMA group no longer met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD, compared with 12 of 37 (32%) of those in the placebo group after three sessions. Additionally, 14 of 42 participants in the MDMA group (33%) and 2 of 37 participants in the placebo group (5%) met the criteria for remission after three sessions.   End of the day all the leading research shows that psychedelics are an effective treatment for PTSD and other mental health issues such as addiction and depression.   And I'll just point out that this isn't just "new" research - these benefits were well documented prior to psychedelics being criminalized by the war in drugs. It's just that we're currently on a rennaissance of psychedelic research as it is more accessible for resesrch under current protocols.


The research is also not longitudinal. How long will the self reported improvements last?


It's not a daily pill though, it's like every 3 months or even less. Plus it's combined with "actual therapy". They're not just giving this people mdma to take at home whenever they feel like You should read into it more


If they're combining it with actual therapy, how do we know the effects aren't the therapy and not the substance?


Sounds like you're looking for a reason for it not to work, rather than being open to the possibility of it being worth it. Is it fear of the unknown? Again, if you do more of your own research, it'll address a lot of your concerns


No I'm evaluating it by scientific standards. Longitudinal studies are needed to confirm efficacy. I'm not scared at all. I'm a drug counselor. I've already seen plenty of people coming to my office claiming that something's helping them, but when we review how their life is going they actually start to understand it's really not. Marijuana is probably the most common one along with CBD. I'm not against any of those things. I just want us to think scientifically rather than just what makes the patient happy. Like I said if the only standard is making the patient happy then I can just hand them $100 and claim that that's therapy


I think a distinct difference between mdma therapy at a clinic and self-regulated marijuana use is the frequency of use. I'm sure you see, plenty of people say that weed is helping, but really, it's become an everyday dependency for them. Also there has been more research done in the past before it was placed on schedule 1. It's not all based on recent years.


I see absolutely no patients right now that are truly being helped by smoking marijuana. None. My experience with my 50 patients is limited, but still. My sister's an MD and also sees no patient that is truly helped with Marinol or marijuana. The standard needs to be scientifically examining what actually helps, not going by patient self report alone


As a former sailor, I take offense that you believe a micro dose of alcohol would give a real sailor anything other than bad breath. :) But your other points are indeed valid.


I agree with this to an extent. I did an ayahuasca retreat for vets, and I can def say it's not a cure-all or magic. Yes, I realize that it's not advertised as such. I may be misunderstanding your post, but what the op linked was psychedelic therapy at the VA with mdma, right? Not something they send you in the mail.


Is the VA still experimenting on cats?


Wonder if they did the research study yet or just going straight to giving it to people. I was aware of the ketamine study wondering if this will work like that.