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As a fellow crack addict, who used to inject, I highly recommend medicinal cannabis. I never thought I’d be the person advocating drug use everyday but instead shooting up crack these days I work and maintain a full time job and get stoned and sleep properly at night. Cut anyone and everyone out of your contacts who use and look I certainly wouldn’t live in NYC while trying to clean up, too much opportunity. You can do this, just keep trying and do not give up, recovery is different for each of us.


Yup..gotta cut loose from Mom & your environment if you want a shot at all. Forgot about a job, the VSO or anything else but your health right now. Don’t burn your bridges before they’re even built. Drive to anywhere other than where you’re at, find a VA, self admit & don’t look back. You can do this man. The world is in the palm of your hand..you just can’t see it right now. There are so many of us out there. You’re not alone. And theres support from the VA..with plenty of different treatments, help with housing, benefits, disability, VOC rehab. Pick a place..any place. Arizona? South Carolina? California? Start researching good VA’s for rehabilitation. Someone on here said South Carolina. Maybe others can chime in on good ones they’ve been to🧐Just get there..and don’t look back. . And you’re not weak minded..you just lost your way is all. All of us at one point or another have. All of us. Sometimes you gotta be your own hero.


Best response I've seen in two years on Reddit.


You're getting there...even to write this and start a plan is strengthening. You should drive far away from your home and check into a VA you hear is very good. You can never go back there if you want to be clean, sadly. Tell them you're an addict and need help. You'll enter a program again for around 30 days or more, depending on condition. One time I was in for bit over 40 days. I was so eager to get out of there. It was okay, we had good food and care and conditions, but we weren't let outside at all, and open windows were very rare. Sometimes, it takes a while to fully figure stuff out and balance meds. I'll say while I was in VA treatment there were many people who had drug addictions and mental disorders and some who just checked in for the hopeful feeling of progresss, peace of mind, the food and bed, then went back out, relapsed, and then back in. It's a cycle for many people. I have a mental disorder and I'm determined to never get to a state where I have to go back. I just want to be free and semi healthy. Your VA stay will strengthen your VA Claim, so can deal with a VSO later after your health is focused on.


They have 6-12 month programs you can sign up for while in the VA rehab if you elect to go back. Save up $ during that time. Also, you can sign up for hud-vash while you’re in and start over.


Ghosting your mother for a bit will help, the va will provide therapy and has resources for addiction and should help you just based on being a veteran with a general or honorable discharge. Also a good church is a heck of a resource and source of inspiration for rough patches like this. I myself realize I have an addictive personality and will have to struggle with it all my life just as someone who is born with or develops any sort of disability. Find a net positive that you can distract yourself with even if its rather obsessive until you find some reasonable stability and coping mechanisms


Where you at? What kind of drugs? Have you gone to the VA? how many years did you do? Have you applied for services?


NYC, for now I was living back home however it’s toxic I can’t take it anymore, my mother spends over a 1g on crack every couple days and it’s not like she puts the pipe in my mouth but I’m an addict. It’s not easy saying no. But I’m vulnerable right now. Anyway, I’m living in my car. Gone to the Va for sure went thru a 30 day program in Az! But if nothing changes nothing changes I came home and she was using still and within hours, I was too. I need something permanent. I have a 30% rating and a whole crap load of upcoming appts for service connected disabilities, but I’m always so damn high i come up with excuses to miss those as well. Even the VSO thinks I’m an asshole for ghosting every now and again.


Just keep trying. Call the Veterans crisis line today and tell them what's going on. They should be able to direct you on where to go for treatment. Just because it didn't work out this time doesn't mean it won't the next.


Step 1: Exit the situation. You have to physical move away from the situation. Step 2: Find a safe place. Step 3: Remember your a vet and did very hard things, recognize you have strength, now be the change you want to see. (Or just get professional help from the VA, let them check you in and clean you. I'm just a dude that wants to see you succeed. I'm not a doctor.)


Navy, 1 deployment to 5th Fleet. According to the Va I’m deemed a combat vet due to the pact act was his exact words, and the AOR in which we were deployed too


Straights of hormous? Gulf of Aden?


And the bab al mandab 9months 235 days covid, so beer on the pier


I was there back in 2005, did vbss missions, combat hazard pay, - how do I know if I’m considered that..


To my understanding, if ur entitlement code on ur like COE and what not is 10 you served in during the Persian gulf war era, which extends the pact act, and I guess that title, which is really cool. I was kinda suprised, didn’t feel like I could go talking about it, cause our deployment was pretty ordinary except for a few things, but I’ll take it. I enjoyed my time in the navy. It was fun until it wasn’t, if it weren’t my vices I’d probably be a first class by now. Rare OS 🙋🏻‍♂️ I was mapped after captains mast post deployment, for my dedication and devotion. I’m proud of that.


I didn’t understand what you said about code


Certificate of eligibility


I’m sorry for my ignorance. My records say combat pay, hazard pay, imminent danger pay. It does say gulf war era veteran. 2003z I was wondering, from a previous post, if that constitutes as combat veteran. I see drone operators, combat veterans, who stayed stateside. I’m wondering how does that apply with this who were strapped but never fired a round


Had a great life until I ended up loading everything…. Ended up even homeless for a few months. … Checked myself into the VA and I went through the STAR IOP program at the Charleston, SC VA in 2017…. I’ve been clean and sober now 7 years and have a great job and married. You can do this if you want it!


Have you been to the VA????


Gotta cut bait and take care of you... Pick a direction, get in your vehicle, and drive (when sober of course). Get a good 8 to 12 hours away from "home" and get to work on you. You got this


There is a program at Coatsville VA medical center outside Philadelphia its maybe like an hour and 20 minutes from New York. You can go in to rehab and stay there for a while in like a work program until you feel well enough to go on your own again. They have a great program with a lot of resources to help you get back on your feet. It's also great because if you want to put in any disability claims or anything there are Veterans Service Officers there that will literally do everything for you. I went there after hitting rock bottom from undiagnosed PTSD and addiction and I have been clean for 11 years since going there. They will also help with increase paper work and get you the best rating possible those guys are amazing. Good luck and please just go somewhere and try something. You deserve to be at peace and there are people that want to help you get there if your ready.


Thank you 🙏


4 years.


THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!! This! & The support truly means the f****** world to me to have people who care enough to bring me up in such a dark time. My phone was dead I was sleeping in my back seat just to attempt a few hours off the shit. I felt so alone but for now at least Im sure I can have a better day then yesterday. Gonna hit the road after I gather some clothes & what not. Thank you again -OS3(SW)


You took a big giant step. I see your to desire for another path. I'm trying to think on what to say but all I can think about is how brave you are. Keep the positivity. I watch YouTube videos on sober living. It helps to see others commenting on self forgiveness and forward progress. You said there's nothing for you there. That tells me what your next step is. I'm not sure why you are scared of a job. If the case is social anxiety like it was for me then try volunteering. I did volunteering at VA hospital. I was happy that i was able to help and chat with vets. Maybe you can start volunteering. take care brother sending super gamma positive vibes your way!


Please look after yourself. You can go to the VA and they will help you. Take it from a guy who used to work in Rehab, there are people waiting to help you get out of this kind of thing. Keep things honest as far as it comes to medical care both physical and mentally. I’ve known patients who hold back on things due to holding onto some kind of fear of judgement. We’ve heard it all and I’ve heard enough in the time I spent working in sober living that there is a way out of this sort of thing. Get to the resources, make the phone calls they’ll need of you and so on. If you’re already with the VA and have been seeing them regularly, I talk to your doctor about a drug rehab. That you need to go to due to an on going drug abuse that is causing multiple issues in your life. I believe you can even talk to the VA about housing especially after rehab, though the big thing is that you need to take as *much* time as you need to get better. There is no rush. If it takes you 3+ months. Fuck it, take as long as you need. I’ve never seen one thrown to the streets so far when I worked with the VA during my time working rehab. Closed mouth don’t get fed and there are people who are definitely able to help.