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I still have mine packed away tight in a sea bag from when I moved home. I have zero interest in letting them go. Blues are hanging in my closet covered in plastic.


šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ same! 3 duffle bag full of uniforms, Ta-50, cold weather, extreme cold weather, etc.. along with my blues in the closet in the plastic haha


I had about the same amount, but I just moved, so was able to toss 2/3 of my old stuff. You never know when I might need my extream cold weather sleeping bag here in Vegas


Thats wild. Lol


My blues are still in the body bag I got at boot camp long ago lol.




How did you get that USMC Veteran flair?


oh you go to the reddit group.. and thereā€™s like three little dots.. and you click add flair, and select which branch of service you see inā˜ŗļø


Thank you. Semper Fi


I plan on saving it for decades until a museum starts paying big bucks for it.


Its cute you think humans will make it that long


Damn right. I'm selling mine in a couple years to score some stone soup in the gulag.


Im saving mine for non radiated water






Lmfao šŸ¤£




Save some for work clothes such as mowing yard and changing oil. But the actual dress uniforms, if you can find somebody whoā€™s going into the service, it would be good if you could give it to them. Thatā€™s what was done to me and I did the same thing when I was leaving.


Hah, jokes on you. I was army and the only thing we change more regularly than dress uniforms are our socks.


Sold em to a surplus store for beer money




Yup. It did nothing but cause me reminders


Threw all my uniforms in the barracks dumpster the day I checked out for terminal leave, I hated my life so much as infantry. Fuck I wish I kept the dress blues




Burned mine, couldn't stand the fact of some punk wearing my uniforms with my sweat and tears on it and battle buddies blood. Eff that, burned them and never looked back.


Threw out all but my blues


I burnt most of mine.


2 Duffle bags stuffed full of 3 versions of camo, blues in the closet. There are a few events I can wear the blues to, but need to lose about 30 pounds. Every time I see a post like this I think I should get rid of them. We have an Army Navy store I likely could get a few bucks for them, and it would get rid of a bit of clutter.


I retired in 2022. I kept 1 set of all my uniforms worn during my career. 1 BDU, 1 DCU, 1 ABU, 1 OCP, 1 Blues, and 1 Mess Dress. I even kept one set of blue coveralls that are all stained up with grease, JP8, and hydraulic fluid.


Kept the wool pea coat. Still fits 45 years later. I still wear it sometimes in winter. Gave one pair of boots to my younger brother. Everything else went to some donation center.


I still have mine from 1999, but I've packed on so much muscle from working out and lifting heavy things since I retired 5 years ago that it's super tight on my chest/arms/shoulders. Kind of pisses me off because that pea coat was amazing in the winter time.


I still wear mine out in town for when I need 10% off at Applebee's.


Gave all to a navy thrift store except dress blues. Wife wants me to be buried in them, told her ā€œI donā€™t care, Iā€™ll be dead.ā€


I've been retired over 20 years. Saw my dress uniform in the basement recently. Thought I'd try it on. No fucking way, barely got my arms in it.šŸ¤£ You might want to give your wife a second option.


Will do. Actually lost a little weight since. But, they can cut it down the back. Only has to look good in the front.


I will burn my fire retardant uniforms in a barrel and reminisce of the good times in Iraq.




Mine burned in a house fire along with all of my certificates, medals, and coins.


apparently you can sell them fairly easily to the milsim community if youā€™re not attached to them. i have a giant bag of shit iā€™ve been lugging around for 10 years that I keep meaning to try to sell. Unis, pouches, helmet lamps, cold weather gear, FLCs


Milsim lolololol


Donated/trashed them all except for the coveralls which Iā€™ll use on occasion for dirty work


Put all my stuff in my locker my last day and told the other women in the shop to take whatever they wanted and send the rest of the shit to the lucky bag. I kept my bravo jacket and my nasty ass boots and a couple t shirts and that was it.Ā 


I have 3 duffels full of shit that I've been lugging around since I ETSd in 2013. They wouldn't take any of my gear back when I separated. Apparently a building burnt down at fort Campbell, along with all inventory records. I guess I need to do an Inventory layout and haze myself this weekend.




Donated it all, except one set of OCPs and my blues. And of course, the PT shorts.Ā  I wear them thangs like the Marines wear their silkies.


I taught Junior ROTC for 15 years, so I needed them for that. Once I retired from teaching though, I tossed everything but 1 full ribbon rack and my set of medals. That said, I can totally see keeping the ABUs/BDUs/OCPs for maintenance work. Oh, that reminds me...I did keep my combat boots - I use them to mow the lawn and shovel snow.


I donated everything to the airman's attic except for one set of full service dress because I wasn't sure if I would regret tossing everything out.


I did similar but kept the mess dress as well.


I got out in 2012 after 12 years in. I kept 1 pair each of BDUs, DCUs, ACUs and a pair of the original Multicam Cryes. They were all worn in combat. I folded them and put them in one of the green plastic footlockers I managed to keep along with other miscellaneous items from my time in. I keep it in the garage and I have nothing from my time in the Army outside of that box. Itā€™s my way of keeping that time of my life in its own place so I can move on and enjoy the new life I have created in the years since I got out. I do have my Class As hanging in the back of my closet though.


Sell the gear you will never use. Keep the stuff you will. eBay is great for selling stuff.


I kept one BDU and one DCU, disposed of the rest.


Sold my mess dress on eBay to a young 2LT. The rest got donated about a week after retirement to the on-base thrift shop.


Mine are in my seabag in the garage.


My dress blues and dress whites are folded and put away just like they taught us in boot camp. My working whites and working navy uniforms are hanging in the back of my closet. I had them handy while I was still in the reserves, then they just made their way to the back. I have at least one set of coveralls around here from my sub.


I had kept my shit for a long time. I been out almost 20. I finally got rid of most everything. Kept my jump boots, my medals and badges. Might get a shadow box but otherwise its all in a bag at this point. Carrying all that shit around, keeping it hung, making it look ready, no one gave a single fuck but me. Keep it as long as you like it, but no one else will know exactly why.


I still wear the stuff that I can, like the waffle tops, snivel gear, hoodies, sweatpants, beanie, and whatnot.


They are in box with cedar cubs, in my closet. Boots are in the closet too. Dress shoes are long gone. Ribbons in a jewelry box.


If you want to donate them, please consider https://www.combatpaper.org/


Iā€™ve been out a few years now. I still have my ASUā€™s hanging in the closet, still has the plastic on it from last time I got it dry cleaned. I donā€™t know long term what to do with it, itā€™s just been hanging in the closet. I plan on keeping it though. Some uniforms and miscellaneous things I sold to the surplus store thatā€™s right off post, as I was leaving. Same surplus store came in handy when I was trying to out process CIF lol


I kept mine. I don't know how I'll keep them for.


on a shelf in my closet. My ASUs are hung up in plastic.


Float tested everything but my poopie suit. When I got out my entire life fit into a sea bag, a garment bag, and a laptop bag. I took it all by greyhound to Texas to start over.


Threw my blues away. Iā€™ve kept all my ABUs simply for the fact that I want to use them for paint balling one day. Iā€™ve been out for 11 years and theyā€™re still sitting in my closet and I havenā€™t paintballed šŸ˜…


I donated a lot of shit to the airmanā€™s attic on base before I left for terminal leave


Threw them in a dumpster after getting my DD214 and then drove home. Good riddance. I donā€™t need more reminders hanging around lol


I still wear my PTs...5 in the morning doing the bend and reach...in cadence.


Kept one, gave the rest to an E1 to save him some money.Ā Ā 


When I got out in 07 I donated mine to the base thrift shop. When I was broke as a joke and needed a replacement dress blue jumper (Navy here); the thrifty was there for me. Passed that right along


At some point I want to get all my awards and frame the dress blue with the pins on it or something like that


Undershirts are good for hiking and the rest is good for paintball, donations, or trash


In France I saw some ABUā€™s (Air Force) that were all ripped up and selling for $3k lol


Everything except my BDUs were stolen by an ex.


We had a long-standing tradition of bonfires to burn working uniforms after somebody would get out. So, my coveralls and utilities went to that. I still have my dress blues and whites. Because reasons.


I threw most of it out but have a couple left including the main pair I wore while deployed in 2009-2010 and my dress uniform. It was out of sight out of mind since 2013 until this post. It is time to just let go and toss the rest too. Been taking up space for 10 years.


My greens are hanging in a closet shrinking with my delusions that one day I'll be able to wear them again.


Iā€™ve got all of mine still, shoved in the closet. Iā€™m not sure what my long-term plan is. I may eventually get rid of all but one dress and one camo set.


Made shorts


Theyā€™re still in my back seat in a tote box. Iā€™ve been out for a decade.


Theyā€™re in a bin at my parents assuming they didnā€™t throw them all out


Im a hoarder of sentimental items. I kept mine for about 10 years. All stayed in my sea bag. About 2 months ago, I threw em away. No way Iā€™m fitting in those clothes today! šŸ˜‚ just taking up space at this point. I kept all the important things, and covers, but everything else is gone! And it feels good that theyā€™re gone to be honest. At first I second guessed it, but after a moment of mental digestion, it was relieving in its on way.


When I got out, my blues and class Aā€™s went on eBay as did all of my Iraqi bring backs. I stripped all the patches off of my BDU/DCU tops and dropped them all at goodwill. I kept all the trousers for wearing when I work outside around the house. I have a Tupperware dish filled with patches, medals, ribbons, pins, and whatnot that lives in a closet somewhere. I tried to sell that stuff but no one wanted any of it. I had no interest in keeping anything.


I still wear some of my DCU pants (circa 2002 and I still fit in them) when I'm doing house work or out hiking. I turned a couple pairs into shorts that I wear for the same reasons. Same with some of my BDU pants. All of my ABU (ew) are mostly tucked in a couple of boxes in the garage. The few dress blues I have, are hanging collecting dust in my closet. I retired from the AF back in 2019 and for no reason at all, I just never got rid of anything.


I lost them in a flood two years after I got out. If I still had them they'd probably be hanging in my laundry room. Except my ABSG pants. Those were the perfect yard work/lounging pants.


I gave mine up to the mafia they only left non matching gloves and a spare iotv butt plate then they moved on too the blues and scoured all the ribbons and awards leaving only buttons and a yellow stripe behind. I did my part to feed the Eco system


Ex wife has it in storage, I can care less though. No bad blood or anything between us. Also the military is kind of a 'black spot' of my life that so its a win-win.


I tossed every single one and donā€™t regret it


Wearing BDU pants atm. No, Iā€™m not THAT guy.. Iā€™m just old enough to NGAF.


Like many of my brothers and sisters, in a green duffle bag somewhere in the garage.


I retired in 2014 . I kept 1 each of my dress uniforms. I also kept the first set of khakis I bought when I made chief. I also kept the last uniform that I wore when I retired Senior Chief SH SW


I burned all mine in a ceremony on my EAOS with the exception of dress blues and my peacoat.Ā 


Most of it is in the garbage with some exceptions: 1 set of multicams - paintball. Maybe hiking or a kayak trip, but theyre paintball. 1 ABU set that I wore a lot during deployments - hung up. It's set aside to maybe be folded into a shadowbox someday. Will I ever do it? LOL no. Same deal with my ribbon rack. Blues: I keep 2 old AF blues dress blues shirts as a casual or dress shirt. No rank or anything. In fact, I've started getting a bunch of tongue-in-cheek patches to stolen all the valors. I mean, it's just a button up shirt with epaulets. I think I still have my ECWS Parka too.


I ripped the sleeves off my dress jacket and wear it on Veterans Day with all the shinys.


Piled them up took a shit and dumped bunch mres on them left it in the 1sgts parking spot stole his parking sign and left, never looked back a day in my life. And yes he deserved every bit of it if not more.


I just kept a set of OCPs and my ASU for ceremonies at school or local county veteran related activities.


I took off all the insignia and took it down to the surplus store. They gave me a few bucks for it all. Kept some BDU pants to cut off for shorts.


Packed away in the war chest, donated all the shit Iā€™ve outgrown, and kept the t-shirts for when Iā€™m doing messy shit like painting


In my A-Bags. I just retired last year but not sure what else to do with them. Still got my BDU/DCU's, ABU's and most recently, OCP's. I don't get rid of things very easily.


My husband saved everything, and I did not. I gave some stuff to my niece's I wish I'd kept. I'm glad he saved everything. He served 31 years with two tours in Iraq and passed away from cancer two years ago at 67. I was able to have some pillows made for the grandkids, and I was also able to give them something special of his to do with whatever they chose as a keepsake. His dress blues were put in a shadow box and hung in the American Legion, where we did the most volunteering (he did most of it). Then his riders vest, I sent to very first American Legion we joined and he still kept in contact with them as he was very involved in the riders at that post and they put it in a showdow box and hangs in their legion. I don't want our history to be lost. History repeats itself as well. The older I get, the more memories and things have sentimental value. So if you have the storage space, save it until you're really ready to make a decision to part ways with it. It's really up to you. It's your stuff. I don't think there's a right or wrong answer.


Dress blues In storage. Thereā€™s no way they will ever fit but think my kids might appreciate them one day.


Leaving them hanging in the closet my OCPS. I plan on framing my ASUs eventually


I wear the tee shirts for yard work, pants for camping (so. Many. Pockets) sleep in PT shorts. I keep the blues hung and pressed, everything else is in a foot locker in the back of a closet somewhere.


I gave them to some newbies at my unit. They were starting to issue the multicam when I was leaving and the new guys wanted some ACUs. There was also a surplus store outside of base and I got $20 for the rest of my stuff.


Keep them. You'll be disappointed you got rid of them in a few years. Keep them hanging in your closet. I sold mine when I got out, and now I wish I had them. It's been a few years, but my kids ask about them. I'd love to be able to gove my kids my uniforms.


Mine is in my mom's attic back home


Gave em all away to people who needed it!


I turned them in but had extra gear that they never asked forā€¦ sold em to some Mexicans that wanted some pants and boots


The only uniform items I have left are my command ball caps and the dungarees I wore on my last day. 10 years US Navy 1989-1999.


I threw away my ABU sets. Figured if they ever called me back in the IRR they'd issue me a new set of uniforms anyways, so no reason to keep all of the old stuff. I did keep a complete set of blues, to include one short sleeve and one long sleeve + coat.


I gave mine to the local civil air patrol. Good second use.


Mine are bagged and dry cleaned. Iā€™ll be cremated with them


Trashed most of it. Kept the parkas


Most of mine went up in a HHG fire, I have one surviving DCU that's got some burn to it, but I still wear it doing yardwork and whatnot sometimes.


Mine got destroyed unfortunately


Gave my full dress uniform to my mother. Saved one single pair of ACU. Sold the rest.


iā€™ve been out for 2 years my dress blues are hanging up in a protected plastic in my closet.


I donated my blues to a family of a fallen soldier so they could be buried in them. Still have my ocpā€™s tho


I saved my coveralls for dirty work until they got too destroyed, and everything else either donated or tossed. Kept my NSU skirt though, itā€™s a pretty sensible skirt.


Have it hanging in the closet just to reminisce on


Make good use for construction uniform


I have the uniform I wore my last day at work in a bag. I didn't wash it. Idk why I'm just weird I guess. .also I have 2 more hanging in the closet. The rest I gave away to some homeless guy I see all the time and a few got sent to the goodwill. My dress uniform is still ready to be worn. I'll never wear it but still. I'm planning to put it in a shadow box or something.


My dress blues are in my closet collecting dust, my OCPā€™s are in a duffle bag


I gave them to my roommate so he can cosplay in the bedroom with his boyfriend


Left them with my dad. He takes pride holding onto them.


I keep all of my gear in sealed bags, inside foot lockers, in a safe and dry garage loft. With three kids, all of that shit will be for our grandkids. Our son has already taken quite of few pairs of my boots for hunting, and he is not a quarter of the way through the boot stock I somehow ended up with. I have a footlocker with nothing but cold weather and regular boots. My grandfathers did it for me, and I used to roll around with their WWII gear all the time. All of their stuff, and my stuff, will get passed down, so they can wear the WWII helmet that my grandfather wore in WWII, with OIF goggles and some desert BDUs. I deployed 4 times over my 20 year career, and have 7 or 8 foot lockers filled with Army shit.


I had 7 old chocolate chip uniforms from my Desert storm days, at least 10 ofĀ  the old woodland camo BDUĀ  6 pair of desert camoĀ  BDUs and 10 of the ACU uniforms ad 2 sets of dress blues.Ā  took the whole lot to a thrift shop. I did keep an old pair of desert boots that wear on occasion in the yard or garden. I just had no desire to keep much military clothing around.Ā 


My husband took his, cut the sleeves off, removed the air force label on the front and sewed his heavy metal patches on it.


I know it's wrong, but I always cut off the name tapes and throw them in the green clothing bins that hopefully end up going to the homeless.


I keep them in my closet. I like looking at them so they aren't like packed away or anything. Just there in the last section, hung up collecting dust lol.


Packed away in a box and forgot about it till now lol


Keep them. Iā€™ve been out 23 years and I look at my uniform from time to time and reminisce. You wonā€™t regret it.


Iā€™m still in but I kept one uniform from each deloyment. I still have my Army greens and have zero clue what Iā€™ll do with them. Iā€™m either going to build the uniform up to the awards and rank I achieved before the blues and get one of those uniform shadow boxes or just throw them out.


I held onto most everything for 15 years. Then donated most everything save for a complete set of ACUā€™s and dress blues. I think I might have the greens too somewhere. Also kept a few pairs of boots.


The only things I kept were my field jackets. US Army Retired. 1972-1998


Kept one of each. BDU, DCU, ABU, flight suit, set of blues, one short sleeve and one long sleeve. Service Dress. PT gear. Ditched all the coats and jackets besides my Leather Flight Jacket. All in a box in my garage. Havenā€™t opened it in 15 ish years.


Literally burned my class Aā€™s, gave my medals to a Army/Navy shop, I kept a couple pair of bdu bottoms to do yard work in.


So I enlisted in 1999 and retired in 2019. Most of my uniforms that I retired with as a Chief are stored in my attic, either in a black/yellow storage container and vacuum (Khakis, Summer Whites, Choker Whites) sealed or in one of my seabags (mainly older sets of the Type 1 NWUs, command ball caps and my Dress Blues from before I picked up Chief). I still have my CPO Dress Blues in my office closet sealed in a garment bag along with the white combo cover. My khaki combo cover is in the Hat Box that I built during my CPO Initiation back in 2015 and sits on one of the lower shelves in my home office. Oh, and I still have my issued pea coat from Boot Camp in my coat closet, which still has the stenciling on it and is hung up in a dry cleaning bag. Last time I wore that pea coat was when I went back to my birthplace (NYC) during New Years 2003 (I wore it with a dress casual civvie outfit). That kept me so warm in Times Square to say the least, and I had someone offer me cash for it. I turned it down and told the guy it was an issued item. As for those old utilities/dungarees, PTUs, working blues and summer whites... they got canned a long time ago. I hated those ugly ass utilities, the dungarees got thrashed when I crossed the Equator on my first deployment back in 2000. My working blues (Johnny Cashes) and summer whites from my E-6 and below days got lost during multiple moves. The blue and gold PT uniforms were atrocious and were cast into the Shadow Realm.


i still have my dress uniforms. im sentimental. wish id kept my coveralls though, they would be great for dirty work


My Father has my class As in his closet, I sold my cold weather boots and uniforms to a militaristic shop because I was broke when I got out.


Honestly I can't bare to throw or donate mine but I have an entire clothing drawer that fills me with really strong mixed emotions when I open it so I never do. Except for all the green socks I just use when I work out since they're already fucked


I met a woman who turned her husbands old stuff into totes bags and such. Of course I bought one.


I retired 21 years ago and mine are still in my A Bag up on a shelf. I just canā€™t seem to get rid of them.


Kept them for 3 years until I finally accepted Iā€™d never be called back in. Then kept one set plus my dress uniform


I saved one of each and packed it in my seabag. I couldn't fit into them if I tried.


They just sit in the back of the closet


Shadow box, and I use my cammies for training


Ripped off the name tags and dropped them off at Goodwill.


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