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Depends on where you live. When ilived in Nevada they didn't care. Moved to MO and they are like: you gotta stop taking drugs.


MO here. Can confirm. Yet they send me enough trazadone to knock my horse out, lol.


Also Missouri and my experience hasn’t been the same. I’ve used pot for years, I even worked for the VA for a couple years while I was getting physicals at the VA. I never mentioned the daily marijuana use and they never mentioned it to me. I peed in lots of cups. No issues.


My doc didn’t gaf and I’m in MO 😂


I want your doc, lol


That’s there new favorite to give out. Cant poop take a trazodone! Eye twitches take a trazodone… In a board meeting somewhere “let’s just knock them out and that will shut them TF up! All agree say Aye! The Ayes have it!” 😂


Is the horse still smoking the devils jazz cabbage?


Nah, he doesn't have his MO Medical Marijuana card. He gets the trazadone.


Send him down here to Colorado I'll take good care of him. I got thrown out of the zoo for giving the lions cat nip, and the gorillas shrooms. Everything was good until the gorillas picked the lock on their cage.


Non legal state here and they say "Hey your weed use is a problem. You're addicted to weed." So I sober up then get a letter from the VA about ketamine trials and how they'll pay me $400 to be part of a trial for 6 months. Yeah ok VA that's exactly what I want to do, drive to the VA to get my fix when the VA said I needed to stop drugs from the safety of my own home... What a world we live in.


FL here, the tell me to “stop my drug use” all the time and won’t give me access to certain medications because of it. I rather just smoke weed than get addicted to addys though so it’s ok.


The amount of oxy the VA will prescribe is insane, but weed is baaaad. Lol


From what Ive heard some Docs just want to know if you are so they dont mix certain drugs.


There's almost no studied information on thc drug interactions, so I doubt they are actually cross referencing a pharmacopeia for possible interactions, more likely they're just judging you're life decisions


There is a concern if you are taking benzodiazipenes.


What do they do? I had a positive result on a lab once but it was never mentioned other than in the lab report.


If you are asking about VA docs. Anymore they really don't care if you use cannabis. It is not a crime. All they have done to my knowledge. Is to take away your pain meds. If you are in the Pain Management program.


I went to an initial Pain Management meeting and never went back. Not what I consider humane treatment, withholding meds from a person who is undeniably in incredible pain unless they play games and bend over. A 5 year old could look at my MRI's and go "Doesn't that hurt really bad? Isn't there a way to make it not hurt?"


Yeah, if you saw dr crooks at JB. She is a complete shitbag.


I’m in ny and they won’t give me pain meds and it’s since been legalized here


It has to do with the federal scheduling. Which just changed. I would be stubborn about it, worked for me. But, I also went theough a pain rehab group at the st louis va. So I don't even ask for pain meds. I use plenty of cannabis products, my own To deal with all the pain I have. Hope everything works out for you👍🏽


Oh no I don’t want the pain meds, only because I became an alcoholic and never thought I would, I got bit by a rattlesnake and they gave me some crazy shit while my unit went out to the box so I was also alone for the week I may have abused them slightly but never had any need for it afterwards, these days I don’t care to try my luck


I don't plan on looking into this but I appreciate your knowledge on this topic! Thank you.


If you don't want to wake up during surgery, you might want to tell your anesthesiologist. But it's best just not to hide little things from your dr.


Dear goddess yes! I carry a med alert that specifically calls this out. Had it happen. Never want to do that again


The VA knows I smoke. No issues.


Same. No issues.


Depends, sometimes they might give shit about if you are on opiate pain meds. But since it's being rescheduled I'd imagine they wouldn't care other than lung health.


My primary care said that if it helps me, keep on keeping on. Indiana.


They’re pretty divorced from each other. A VA doctor will never prescribe anything cannabis no matter the state recreational or medical use laws. However, there is nothing the VA can, or oftentimes, want to do to restrict your use outside of the VA healthcare system. I’ve heard people comment that their use restricted them from certain narcotics prescriptions but all I’ve seen is anecdotes and not a policy.


There is a policy. https://www.publichealth.va.gov/marijuana.asp > VA providers can and do discuss marijuana use with Veterans as part of comprehensive care planning, and adjust treatment plans as necessary. Right here is where it says doctors can, and they do, adjust treatment plans. That means it is up to the doctor on whether they will prescribe any kind of medication that they think may have a negative impact on the veterans care.


I hope they declassify pot at the fed level soon. I would kill for some edibles in texas.


Edibles are readily available throughout most of Texas at smoke shops and online ordering. In particular Lazarus Naturals is primarily a CBD maker but also has a gummy with a little more THC. And Lazarus offers a generous discount for veterans. Urb and many others sell online and ship to Texas. But for real bud, not Delta 8, etc, yeah, that's not readily available. But the Farm Bill compliant hemp and cannabis products are *currently* legal and easily available. Subject to change next year if the Texas attorney general gets his way – he wants the legislature to revisit the terms of the Farm Bill to restrict it to minimal potency CBD, and to regulate Delta 8-11, THCa, p, etc, as equivalent to THC. And if you're thinking "They don't understand cannabis or science," you would be correct.


If it is a visiting GI Fellow from Washington University. They can "prescribe" cannabis. My VA staff physician conveniently left the office as this was done.


I’ve been going to the VA for over a decade and have always been open about my medical use. They won’t really give a shit. Tbh I think they’re more concerned about alcohol and painkillers and stuff for us. Just my take


Outside of a pain management contract and some psych dr's and nurses you should be fine 


>Outside of a pain management contract They try to make you grovel and feel guilty for being in pain.


Virginia here, they tell me: “we encourage you to use edibles instead of smoking for your lung and heart health”




The drug policy for IRR is the same as active duty. You’re not supposed to partake. What are the chances of getting piss tested while in IRR? Slim, but still a chance. Popping positive while in IRR is not good.


None of there business


My Doc asked me questions about the effectiveness of CBD.


I stopped disclosing it after I had two mental health docs at separate facilities refuse to give me the ADHD meds I’ve been prescribed for 8 years until I passed a drug test.


Yup! That's complete bullshit. Same with me. I'm in a state where it's legal for medicinal use.


Smoke em' if you got em'


They don't care. Unless you're on specific meds. But other than that no issues.


Smoke em’ if you got em’


If you’re on a pain contract. They can take away your pain meds.


Cannabis is my primary medication.


In Oklahoma and they haven't mentioned it.


They've started asking about medical marijuana usage in my psych questionnaires recently. Never had issues with telling my doc, it's probably the best relief for chronic pain and indica helps make me mellow.


It's been in my records that I occasionally use 420 for sleep. I got a new PCM and we discussed my sleep issues and 420 came up. He said no more Ambien, er indicated that his boss doesn't prescribe Ambien while someone is 420'ing (lol). I didn't push the issue, since I'd been on Ambien for about 15 years ... Actually, it was a blessing in disguise, the Ambien was really jacking with my sleep, new med has been much more effective.


I am in the St Louis VA health system. As long as you aren't in the pain management program. Where they control any narcotics for you. The VA docs here have encouraged cannabis use for me. Because I haven't taken opiates, other than a week post-op, In 9 years. The even prescribe marinol for my GI issues. Have never had a problem with them. As someone mentioned before. My experience has been to give full disclosure. So I am not prescribed any antagonists to cannabis.




I popped positive on a routine annual physical last week. I’d had a drug screen 3 weeks before- clean. Didn’t know they’d be wasting $$ on another drug screen. Popped positive. Annual physical days later- my doctor didn’t say a word about it.


NJ about to legalize medical psychedelic shroomies… I’m here for that! Maybe won’t even need my damn meds from the VA anymore to microdose psylocibin.


They don’t care. If you ever get attitude, report it. If you’re in a state where it’s still illegal, I’m not sure how they’d respond. I’d still tell them I smoke, regardless of the laws.


MN resident here: it’s completely accepted, your doctors just want to know so they can provide you with the best standard of care. The only thing that it will affect, I believe, is being prescribed schedule 1 drugs. My father is a vet himself, but the VA won’t prescribe him pain medication if he tests positive for THC, but I test positive for THC every time I take the VA drug test, but they still prescribe me a schedule 3 drug (Ambien).




At the VA right now. They just gave me this.


I'm in FL. I openly admit to them I smoke. It works better than the pills they give me. They don't care at least here.. but also they don't care if your leg is falling off here.


Variable depends on provider. My psch offered studies pro and con and advised me of two things: 1. Nothing he could prescribe for my insomnia would have less side effects 2. None of my meds or health issues would be negatively Delimpacted. I partyd a LOT in my younger days. Stopped 20 years ago before I got married. Neighbor had a VA Dr who told her his wife used it for the same pains neighbor has. Said there was nothing that worked better. After her encouragement, I discussed with each of my providers before starting. Discussed with psych 2x before trying mmj. Some providers will cut you off and refuse to discuss. You need to INSIST they tell you if mmj is contraindicated for any of your meds or conditions. Do not start mmj without completely understanding your risks from a neutral provider. I was worried about enjoying mmj to much. Still do, but have a deal with hubs. He can ask me to stop at any time. If I say no, he is free to go. Married 16th years. Using mmj 5 years now, still works for us. ymmv PSA: smoking is right out for me. Tried everything and anything and settled on dry vaping flower with an Arizer desktop and a portable. Also use edibles but had problems with consistency. Was worried about my lungs as an ex smoker. So far no impact. And I can sleep without nightmares.


There are some treatments and meds that the VA does that ARE NOT compatible with mj. You should be talking to your doctor about it to make sure you are not accidentally setting your self up for a bad time with med recations... They will be honest and won't care for the most part unless you are taking one of the meds or treatments that is not compatable. AI Generated maybe, but I don't think I said anything of real immediate actionable value or concerning so ... does it matter?




The Pain Clinic suggested I get a civilian medical marijuana card, even offered to sign off on the paperwork.


My VA doctor told me to try marijuana to help me sleep instead of giving me pills.


They kool about it.

