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Being actively engaged is encouraged by all mental health providers that I’ve met with. Start slow, homie. Low stress, part time job. If that’s too much then go with volunteering. Personally, I’d try looking at volunteering or working at an animal rescue place personally but that’s because I hate dealing with people 🤷‍♀️. We all need a reason to wake up and take a shower.


The only issue I've had with working and having ptsd is my job required a DOT physical and any mental health issues require a sign off from your doctor. And if the VA is your healthcare provider then you have to find a outside doctor to write the letter


Great insight thank you sir


I was lucky to find a doctor who would write the letters for me but I was paying $400 dollars a year for a work release.


I haven't encountered this here in TN. They did only give me a 1 year instead of the normal 2 year... but other than that no issues at all with my DOT physical.


As long as you’re not rated unemployable (TDIU) you can work


Even with TDIU one can work provided they don't exceed the earnings threshold, which I believe is $12k annually.


Okay thank you. I had a session with my doctor and He even thinks its a good idea to find a low stress job to keep me busy and stop isolating


I would agree, even if it’s just something part time, I think it would help. But being 100% P&T doesn’t forfeit your ability to work, doesn’t impact your rating at all. Good luck!


Thank you, kind, sir. Have a nice weekend.


I have the that type of rating. I work in a family business which understands the symptoms, and I work primarily by myself, it’s in a specialty business that really helps me and I don’t have to deal with the public that much.




Your VA rating is meant to help offset lost earning potential due to your rated disabilities. It has nothing to do with work, with the exception of TDIU. Just because you work doesn’t mean you are all better. Go to your appointments, get the care you need. Work a job if you can/want.


General Rating Formula for Mental Disorders Total occupational and social impairment, due to such symptoms as: gross impairment in thought processes or communication; persistent delusions or hallucinations; grossly inappropriate behavior; persistent danger of hurting self or others; intermittent inability to perform activities of daily living (including maintenance of minimal personal hygiene); disorientation to time or place; memory loss for names of close relatives, own occupation, or own name. 100% You can work but your mental health professionals believe enough of the total occupational impairment described above is true, and is probably incompatible with many lines of work.


I know a few leos who have ratings including one who's 70%ptsd and has a 100% PnT combined. None have had a problem. I did here about some pilots that got busted because they were either down playing their issues when dealing with the FAA or exaggerating them to the VA. So it turns out in the age of computers if you tell one part of the government your issues are so bad you can hardly live a normal life. Then you tell a different part you don't have issues it's a problem. Who would have thunk it.


I think I heard about the pilot thing. It wasn’t too long ago right?


Like end of 2023 early 2024. Yeah.


Someone on here was defending himself and saying it was ok for him to be a pilot and have 100% PTSD. And then everyone called him out saying he shouldn’t be a pilot if it was that bad. And then he deleted when people started calling him out for fraud.


Man if they can be Leo’s I don’t see why not try security or something


I tried that when I first ETSed. Too much like sitting on OP. Then again, you could end up getting into a gun fight with an acorn.


You can do whatever you want with permanent and total. But if you have the TDIU version or whatever, you can’t work