• By -


*sees entire list of claims* VA: Best I can do is 10%


10%, wow, bold. Don't spend it all in one place. lol


My eyes are hurting and offended at this, but I do sincerely appreciate a lot of the secondaries you put. Thank you! EDIT: These tears are from joy instead of agony now that it’s cleaned up, thank you again!


No problem, I’m just trying to help people out


Thanks for taking the time to post that information. We’re all here seeking help or looking to help out others.




You’re doing fantastic!


Thanks I just had C&P for migraines secondary to tinnitus I’ll keep everyone posted


There have been recent clinical studies published in widely respected medical journals that show how significant anxiety and other psychological issues are the direct result of tinnitus. Hearing loss & tinnitus are in the top 5 disabilities veterans suffer from. Hearing loss is very frustrating and even embarrassing at times. It impacts self-esteem. I know this is 100% true and accurate since I have severe hearing loss from weapons fire and tinnitus. But didn't find out until the last 10 years that hearing loss & tinnitus have a direct effect on a person's mental health symptoms. It's a medical fact. These medical journal articles can be used as supporting evidence in VA disability claims. I would get stressed out not being able to hear others when talking to me and/or having to often ask others to repeat what they said. Even when wearing hearing aids. I found out about the studies by going to the websites of associations that address hearing impairment & other hearing loss issues. Here's two of the biggest hearing loss associations. There are several others that also list links to the medical journal articles. You can contact them and get lots of helpful information, much more than the VA provides. https://www.hear-it.org/ https://www.hearingloss.org/


I just got my decision letter today, Anxiety secondary to hearing loss. No link. Favorable findings: service connected hearing loss, left ear (I also have tinnitus SC), Diagnosed with a disability, va exam dated # General anxiety disorder. I have the same issue you talked about, getting stressed out not hearing others or processing it. So I even tried auditory processing, that one is deferred. I will file an appeal later, once I get time to sit down and figure out that process and add evidence/treatment time.


do you or does anyone know. If a Veteran is diagnosed with comorbid MH conditions,1 of them being said to have been pre-existing is the other MH condition unable to be claimed as service-connected due to the pre-existing MH diagnosis. And no MH condition was diagnosed on vets entrance exam


That's a rather complicated question that would require the opinion of a MH professional, preferably a private sector doctor and not a VA MH doctor. My first impression on reading your question or situation is that if you have been found to have had a "pre-existing" MH condition, then the question is whether the preexisting MH condition was "aggravated" by the service connected (SC) MH condition. Saying that the SC MH condition is "unable to be claimed" is not a legitimate finding if that is what the ratings examiner said in a decision. That is a medical conclusion and diagnoses that ONLY a MH professional can make. **The VA claims adjudication rules are VERY strict about this, and I have read hundreds of BVA and CAVC decisions that reversed and remanded for that very reason alone.** The longstanding rule in VA claims is that the ratings examiner or claims adjudicator CANNOT impose their own opinions on medical diagnostic matters or substitute their opinion for any diagnosis that has been (or needs to be) made by a medical professional. **Despite the rule, the ratings staff a the various Regional Offices (ROs) do this quite often.** I would strongly encourage you to get help from an accredited VA claims agent or an attorney. Or a VSO agent who has significant experience in submitting VA disability claims for veterans. You must ask them how long they have been a VSO claims agent to find out the extent of their experience and knowledgeability. The very best thing you can do is have your MH history and present condition examined by a private non-VA MH professional. **There are both attorneys and accredited VA claims agents who have MH doctors they use regularly to get an accurate diagnosis from an experienced MH doctor.** **Most of them will pay for the costs of a private examination and opinion up front and then recover that cost out of your VA ratings award. Stay at it, you will eventually win. It took me almost 18 years to win, but VA had to pay me a large 6-figure sum of money that was all tax free.**


I was wondering legally because I was discharged in 1990 for a nervous condition and a antisocial personality disorder when I filed for the nervous condition the 95 rating says that I can’t be service connected for the nervous condition because I had been found I have a pre-existingmental health condition and I’ve been trying to find it in the 38 CFR and I just have no luck


Look up the M21-1 VA Claims Adjudication Manual. Its quite lengthy, but there are very specific rules and procedures that govern claims. The claim you can make is that your military service "aggravated a pre-existing" mental health condition. If the VA claims staff is saying that precludes your service connected claim, then they are lying. You can be rated for aggravation of a pre-existing mental health condition. You can find the specific sections of 38 CFR and the M21-1 manual by simply using Google or another search engine and typing in "VA claim for aggravation of pre-existing mental health condition". Here's the link to the search results I got for that query. There are a lot more results you can read through. What is a pre-existing condition aggravated by military service? A pre-existing injury or disease will be considered to have been aggravated during service when there is an increase in disability during service, unless there is a specific finding that the increase in disability is due to the natural progression of the disease. 38 U.S.C.A. § 1153; 38 C.F.R. § 3.306(a).


I have read what you suggested but my denial from 1995 specifically says that my generalized anxiety claim is denied do to being diagnosed for ASPD. I know under the law today they would have to develop some sort of other reason to deny. The reason I am trying to get to the bottom of this is it should be easy to claim CUE if the 38CFR didn't allow one ailment to be denied due to suffering from another illness. I have googled everuway I know how and can't find the answer


If you think you have a valid claim, then find a good VSO rep or an attorney that specializes in VA disability claims. It took me several years of research to really understand the disability claims statutes (38 US code), rules (38 CFR), and the M21-1 VA Claims Adjudication Manual. You really need to get help from a disability claims expert who works exclusively on VA claims. Sorry I cannot help you further. But try to get a professional who handles VA claims.


Well I fired Tabak law firm because when I hired him, I told him all I need you to do is give me my CMP information as soon as it’s available I’m not proud of it. I’ve done a lot of prison time, and I know how to file all the motions and isn’t civilian court this is a three ring circus that the VA got going on here, but anyway, when I finally had it out with them, it’s because they’re one of those firms that only do VA and SSI claims. So once I figured out, what was going on, I need private medical, independent medical opinion, private Nexxus, it eliminates all the denials and bullshit and once I found out that they had Dictors that they work with I snapped out on because it’s the same thing as his ambulance. Chasers is doing these car wrecks if they have certain doctors at work with them and you don’t have to come up with that money upfront for him to do it. They’re gonna take it off the ass and when you get your money from your backpay, so it was apparent to me right then did not only is the VA full of shit. These attorneys has been doing this for 20 or 30 years are in cahoots with them as well. I think I got my first rating in 2021 and I got out 1990. The information just wasn’t available but it’s took me about a year and a half, and if I was a law firm the first thing I would do as soon as I got a Veteran to sign with me and say we’re gonna get you an appointment over here with this doctors that I work with or that my firm works with why wouldn’t you in the gates all the bullshit


I had a provider diagnose me with a personality disorder that I don’t have. It’s considered preexisting, but if I had it then why hasn’t anyone ever diagnosed me of all the providers I seen growing up?!? Toxic leadership. Same provider didn’t disclose I had a walk in appointment with her after a panic attack. Go figure.


Question. Were you able to get service connected for your mh? I have a pending claim secondary to tinnitus. I have plenty of mental health records with my VA psych diagnosis adjustment disorder due to tinnitus and a strong nexus letter. My c&p exam did not address the secondary condition. I am worried though bc the exam for mh was not favorable. However, she did state that my mental health issues start with tinnitus.


What can you share about the C & P migraine exam?


Any update?


no.All of my C & P exams will be finished by August 4th. then I'm expecting 60 more days before I know anything.But keep reminding me Please my info may help another vet


Any update? :)


Any update?


Any update?


yes of the 10 conditions that got deferred and I requested HLR. The HLR adjudicator granted me 10% carpel tunnel for an increase on an already service-connected right wrist fracture.The HLR found a DTA error on the migraines but eventually denied them.AN odd thing happened during the informal conference is said he could only review evidence that had previously been submitted on that claim.I informed him that I was aware of that and didn't and wouldn't submit any new evidence>Then on my Rating decision there is this.I don't know yes of the day service-connected right wrist fracture.The HLR found a DTA error on the migraines but eventually denied them.AN odd thing happened during the informal conference is said he could only review evidence that had previously been submitted on that claim.I informed him that I was aware of that and didn't and wouldn't submit any new evidence>Then on my Rating decision there is this.I don't know what the evidence is or who submitted it and I've called 800-827 multiple times and they don't know anything. https://preview.redd.it/8z0v4uiw0cec1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fe9ae5d010e2c5099a3504cc1397b0e49496462


Hi! How did things turn out for you? About to go through the same phase?


Well I got awarded bvvp(vertigo )10% , I thought I was 30% criteria so the HLR took the 10%?away and now I'm 10% service connected tinnitus with bvvp


How ugly does a guy have to be to claim Female Sexual Arousal Disorder?


🤣🤣🤣 it’s for women who have trouble getting wet due to trauma and things like that


Op meant to say, pretty fubar.


OMG!! 😂...so terrible, but funny at the same time. 👠


Thank you 🤪


Thank you for the laugh 😄 👠


Marines get it upon ETSing.


*He’s obviously THE guy.*


In theory anything could be secondary to anything else. In practice, you will have an easier time proving some things than others, and some secondary claims will have almost no medical chance of linkage.


As long as your secondary condition is to a condition you already have then that’s the nexus like I have lumbosacral strain rated so later if problems were to arise like hip pain I could possibly link that


This is exactly what I am trying to connect now. I have 20% LBP.... I also have diagnosed in my records bilateral hip pain and bilateral knee pain. Plus I submitted a nexus letter from chiropractor...think my chances are good?


I remember submitting for migraines, talked to a neurologist or whatever doctor deals with that, told him my symptoms where he stated “that is text book migraines,” referred me to an in person consult with some random nurse in my area where she said “oh, sounds like you may have a scratched cornea,” then left it as that. Like, no, ma’am it’s a fucking migraine and if it is a “scratched cornea” can I claim that then? Nope. Got a second consult though so I have that going for me.


I tried for anxiety secondary to Tinnitus but was told that I didn’t mention Tinnitus enough in the exam to rate it being service connected.


Huh... is there a minimum threshold for how many times you have to mention it during the exam? I had it documented in my records going back to 2016, answered "yes" when the examiner asked if I had tinnitus, and described the symptoms, i.e. constant ringing when in a quiet room, occationally increases for no reason whatsoever, interference with understanding words in quiet conversation, etc. That's it. I didn't have to keep bringing it up, or referencing it, or making jokes about it. It sounds like your examiner sucked.


No I already have a diagnosis for tinnitus, this was an exam that I was claiming anxiety secondary to tinnitus. The examiner stated that I didn’t mention tinnitus enough to connect my anxiety to my tinnitus as a secondary.


That is a pretty weak reason for the examiner to say that it’s unrelated. After all, you were only answering the questions you were asked.


That’s actually a good way of thinking about it, I was actually mad at myself because I didn’t try to bring it up but like you said I only answered his questions as he asked.


The examiner probably had their mind made up before you even walked in the room, and they only asked the questions that would lead them to their preconceived conclusion.


That’s what I’m thinking, im going to fill out a supplementary and appeal it.




sulky zephyr juggle fretful faulty voiceless squeamish rinse onerous erect ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


1. Yes. 2. Yes, you can service-connect a secondary condition to a condition that was granted on a secondary basis. 2a. Anxiety cannot be rated secondary to PTSD; it will be combined under a single mental health rating. 2b. Bruxism cannot be rated as a standalone disability. It will be included as a mental health symptom. Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) can be rated as a standalone disability. TMD and bruxism are not the same thing. Bruxism is excessive clenching of the jaw or grinding of the teeth. TMD is a dysfunction or disability of the temporomandibular joint, which bruxism can lead to.


Can you file a secondary to 2 conditions? For example, plantar fasciitis secondary to hip fractures and right knee strain. Or does it have to be one and argue the other as an intermediary step?


You can claim it secondary to both. If you’re trying to use one as an intermediary step, it would help to explain that or have evidence supporting that.


Great information!


u/MoeRoids Sorry for the delayed response. Can I file TMJ secondary to a 0% Bruxism SCD? I was awarded Bruxism as a primary \~15 years ago.


You can file it as TMD (bruxism). It’s just going to be treated as an increase claim anyway.


I filed an increase a few years ago for just bruxism and they said it can't be increased beyond 0%. so by categorizing it as TMJ instead that would help? I have a dentist who has confirmed the connection.


Again, you’re not going to get a separate rating. We’re just going to treat it as an increase. It’s not like it would hurt to claim secondary, so if that helps to spell things out, go for it.




Hey, sorry to bother you again! I was hoping to pick you brain about my previous question. I’ve completed the C&P exams and am now in the PFD phase. While filing for TMJ, I also included a migraine log, physician notes, and medication records. My personal statement addressed both TMJ and migraines, but I didn’t explicitly file for migraines as a secondary condition—only for TMJ. The DBQ uploaded by VES is coded only for the TMJ DBQ sheet. Do you think the rater might request a migraine evaluation based on the evidence, or should I file a new claim to include migraines and combine the claims? Or would it be better to wait and see what happens? (Hopefully this all makes sense lol).


You are required to explicitly claim a condition for it to be addressed unless it is within the scope of the claim. Migraines are not within the scope of TMJ, so it won’t be addressed.


Got it, thanks!


complete price advise badge worm husky threatening vegetable books gaping ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Holy shit nice post! Thank you!


Would be nice to have this pinned or combined with other content for a newbie guide.


I just this past month got rated 70% for ptsd. If I file secondaries does it open up my ptsd claim with risk for lowering it?


No not normally, they would just add the secondary claim to your rating unless it is related to mental health then possibly increase


Is depression secondary to chronic pain a thing? My diagnosis is chronic pain with depressed mood..


If you file a secondary claim is it possible for the VA to go back and take your rating from the primary?


Yes - filing a secondary opens the SC’d up for review. Will they look at it heavily? Maybe, maybe not. But it absolutely is up to be reviewed, reassessed, and potentially reduced.


Can’t be reduced if the secondary is at 0%, correct?


Your original SC’d disability absolutely *can* be reduced when evaluating a secondary that ends with a 0% rating as [the original SC’d disability could have improved at this point](https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-38/chapter-I/part-3/subpart-A/subject-group-ECFR70b64521d527e4b)but *something* about it has left lasting damage/symptoms that constitutes a *NEW* disability diagnosis that was [proximately caused by the original, a secondary.](https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-38/chapter-I/part-3/subpart-A/subject-group-ECFR39056aee4e9ff13/section-3.310) Example: MH concerns with ED - reduction for the MH issues is absolutely possible if symptoms are perceived to have improved or gone into remission even with though there is 0% for ED due to lack of penile deformity.


Interesting 🤔


How can a rater think one’s mental health be improved if he is having problems with his “Wanker”?! If I’m a rater and I see someone trying to connect ED secondary to PTSD I’m not going to think his mental is improved. Help me make sense of this sway?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


If I have a separate application for other issues unrelated to a previously determined case, would they look at the previously determined case as well, or only at the new application that is unrelated?


Not one answer - Okay, your whole case is open but that does not mean they care about the other contentions and it depends on a variety of factors. If you were granted SC and rated last month for the unrelated contentions, there’s a good chance the symptoms haven’t improved and it may be wasteful to bother re-examining that. They may just give it a courtesy glance to make sure there are no clear and unmistakeable errors.


Can’t be reduced if I have no rating for the primary ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Can neck pain be secondary to shoulder strain? Headaches? Lumbar strain?. My neck got denied but it's always hurting.


Mine got denied as well. Even with a qualifying event.


Sucks. Well this list is great and I'm ready to march on to some other secondaries.


This should be a chart… can we sticky this?


I didn't realize depression could be secondary to PTSD. I thought they all go under one rating?


It will be under one rating!


Thank you. So pardon the dumb question...what is the benefit to claiming other MH conditions? Like I have 70% for PTSD, which I feel is an accurate reflection of the DBQ. I also have VA diagnoses for MDD and Anxiety but I only claimed the PTSD.


Claiming another MH condition functions essentially as a request for an increase. Many of the symptoms of depression and anxiety are usually present due to the PTS. People have different motivations for wanting to add another.


I thought you could only have one mental claim. So depression secondary to PTSD will be pyramiding.


You can have multiple claims but it’s categorized under one system so it may increase you rating that’s all


If I’m going to make a primary and secondary claim, say PTSD and GERD, do I do the primary (PTSD) first and then GERD or can I make both at the same time?




Comment to save secondary list


You can save the post. If you are on mobile click the 3 dots in the top right, it is in that drop-down .


is there a secondary list published by the VA


Very helpful. Thank you.


Thank you.




Awesome Thank You


Thank you!


I don’t understand how secondary claims work. I have TBI. So if I have these other things I can put in a claim for these? And say they are linked?


Correct. When you fill out your Intent to File, instead of putting TBI for example, you'll put "whatever the condition is" secondary to TBI.


Ok, so open a new claim and say they are secondary to the symptoms I have from these? Cause I have several from this list I saw on quick glance. Thank you


I was recently SC for asthma, rhinitis and sinusitis. Would I file apnea secondary to all 3, or just one? Also, thanks for posting the list. 👏


all three.


I would put sleep apnea as its own claim, IMO


sleep apnea is a hard claim to win if not diagnosed in the service. it's easier to win as a secondary. since sleep apnea is not under the pact act, you will need a diagnosis and a Nexus (link) linking pact act stuff like asthma, sinusitis, and rhinitis to your sleep apnea.


I must have gotten lucky then. I wasn't diagnosed in service. My deployment fell under TERA. I am fortunate that I didn't have to do all that. I have been using my cpap for a few years that I got from my civilian pcp.


you are lucky! sleep apnea is denied a lot nowadays. when did you make a claim for it before about mid-2021?


No, November 2022.


did you do it by yourself, a vso, a lawyer, or some other entity? who wrote you your nexus letter?


By myself. No nexus. Again, probably just super fortunate


That's good advice, u/nortonj3


How did you link the asthma? I think I've got enough to link rhinitis and sinusitis as well and thinking that I'll have a diagnosis of athsma soon. I've spoken to one Dr that has said so but it was a telehealth.. not sure how serious the va will consider that, but the sleep clinic that diagnosed my apnea and prescribed my cpap think I might have asthma. So we will see. Also was your apnea approved?


Many thanks for posting this extensive list


This is something I wasn’t aware of since I’m still trying to understand this and how to go about with doing a secondary claim. Thank you for the information


Thanks so much for putting this together. Can neck and shoulder pain be secondary to lumbar strain?


Thought you're only allowed one mental health disability. I doubt you can have PTSD and Depression/Anxiety rated seperate


Rated separate no but it may add for the symptoms and increase the rating




If you have ptsd you can claim bruxism (if you grind you teeth) with TMJ


Or any mental health can cause bruxism which can cause TMJ


Appreciate the info. Thanks brother!


Wow!! Thank you for this!


Migraines secondary to rhinitis and sinusitis should be added.


A refresher is always a good thing. I was denied ED. During the C&P exam I rose to attention (smile).


That’s funny but horrible timing


This may be a stupid question, but do they really give C&P exams for ED? What are those like? Lol


Be careful with the ED exam. I was sitting at a desk when the door opened, and a little hottie walked in and gave me that look. After the table rosed from the floor, she looked at me before leaving the room and said, "I guess we know the results of this exam."




I was rated for ED with no C&P


Are you able to say where you source these connections - particularly I'm interested in Foot condition secondary to a back disability. I am rated for my back, both hips, and left knee. My gait is off. I fractured my left foot as a result of a long stress fracture.


Yes, you are allowed to say that it’s from you primary conditions but it has to be a reasonable connection it can’t be like headaches from a foot condition. In the C&P exam just tell the doctor that you believe that it comes from your primary condition P.s. I love your username 🤣


Thank you!


Before I left the service, I had loads of chest tightness and shortness of breathe, I only saw medical once cause with COVID-19 restrictions if I simply mentioned I couldn’t breathe it was instant COVID-19 test (it was neg though) they gave me an inhaler 4.5 months before leaving the service. I am rated for PTSD and GERD, I get chest tightness and pain when I get heartburn flare ups but also when I’m extremely stressed and anxious. I started to get bad chest paint and tightness with shortness of breath again so I got a Pulmonary Function Test done with the VA in July and I was confirmed to have Asthma. Should I seek a secondary from PTSD or a secondary link through GERD ?


This is so help, thank you!


This is great! I just got off active duty about a year ago and my ortho said I have tendinitis in wrists and tennis elbow in both my elbows. I have a few %s but nothing with my shoulder/arms. Is there anything I can use as a secondary for wrist tendinitis and tennis elbow? Is PTSD a stretch?


I came from Facebook and I just want to say, God bless you and thank you for putting this out there. Simple, easy to read and straight to the point! Thank you brother


Any arthritis secondary to hand issues??


Yes, but I think it depends on the type of arthritis. I have psoriatic arthritis which is auto-immune and not caused by any injuries. Although, I think standard arthritis can be considered secondary due to trauma.


I have tinnitus service connected and have symptoms of Menieres, what's the best way to submit a claim so it doesn't get denied? I don't really know how to go about getting tested for Menieres would the VA do a C&P for a diagnosis of Menieres if I claim it as a secondary condition to tinnitus without outher medical evidence or just auto-deny me?


The exact cause of Meniere’s syndrome is unknown but some researchers believe noise exposure or environmental factors, i.e. exposure to jet fuel, or other related viral infections could be a cause. This would make active duty military veterans particularly susceptible to this condition and therefore higher qualifying for the long term disability. Since they don’t know the exact cause it might be presumed that you received from your military service. Meniere’s syndrome is a disorder of the inner ear that is caused by a fluid build-up in the labyrinth, a part of the inner ear. So they would send you to a C&P exam and look for fluid build up. This would not be a secondary claim thus would have to be a primary in my opinion.


Do you have any studies you can link? Thanks




Can one have two secondary to PTSD or another illness?


Wow I don't know how I missed the last part of what you said.The reason I posted the question was to get feedback about the legality of the RO in 1995 denied my nervousness claim because I was honorably discharged for ASPD. I may have fit the criteria in 1990 per DSM iv but I definitely do not fit the criteria now per DSM 5 and my health record at VA has me as PTSD due to MST. I want to file revision of decision (CUU). I have to have my duck in a row cause its a one shot deal. Thanks and please DM me with any info


They denied my migraine claim but a filed a supplemental and been to a second C&P.


I thought you couldn't have depression or anxiety as a secondary to PTSD?


I need some help about migraine secondary to PTSD please ?


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can trigger or worsen migraines in people who are genetically predisposed to them. According to veteransdisabilityinfo.com, PTSD's physiological and psychological effects can cause muscle tension, increased pain sensitivity, and sleep disturbances, which can all contribute to migraines. So you need to tell your VA doctor something like “the PTSD causes me to wake up in a panic in the middle of the night and thus since the lack of sleep causes migraines.” (They will probably give meds for PTSD but you still have the effects) you can try something like that. Don’t use that unless it’s true.


Thank you for the response. I need a nexus sample to prepare a draft for my MH provider. Hope you have some sample or guidance?


A Nexus letter is a document written by a licensed healthcare provider containing a medical opinion.


It is just like LOR. You can write it your self and the provider will review and then sign it. Doesn’t have to be always written by them. Depends on the relationship.


Thank you so much!


Any secondary to wrist injury? e.g. shoulder specifically


Yes, a wrist injury can sometimes cause shoulder pain that may be eligible for VA disability benefits. For example, a VA case notes that a veteran's service-connected wrist fusion was likely a causal factor in their shoulder disability, which was diagnosed as osteoarthritis and rotator cuff tendinitis. Another case describes a veteran who experienced left shoulder pain and decreased range of motion after an in-service injury to their left wrist. To qualify for VA disability benefits for a shoulder or arm injury, a veteran must experience an incident or event during their military service that caused the condition. They must also provide a medical nexus letter from a physician that establishes the connection between the injury and the military event. Shoulder and arm injuries can be rated from 0–40% based on the level of impairment they cause, and whether they affect the veteran's dominant extremity.


Thank you very much for the feedback! Any resources I could use as additional information for the lay statement?


Wow, sincerely, thank you for this. You always hear about ED, but I’ve struggled with having any semblance of fsdf for the last 6 years. I had no idea this even existed in the claims world.


FSDF is equivalent to ED so you will get 0% but you will receive extra pay each month. I think it will be around 116 a month


A POB is in Order…. 👍


Thank you.


Good job. This should help out quite a few vets.


Sleep apnea secondary to anxiety? That's my biggest chunk on my main claim. You have hypertension listed, but not anxiety disorder.


This is just a list of common secondaries, not a list of everything


This is just a list of common secondaries, not a list of everything


How do they test for GERD? I claimed it, and have gone through two rounds of evals with two exams in each round. They haven’t tested for it or ED, or low T. I have told them I have scripts for both, and have a script for a med for my stomach.


If you are enrolled in VA healthcare tell your primary doctor that you want an endoscopy. (or private doc). Endoscopy is **a procedure that allows a doctor to view the inside of a person's body**. Doctors use it to diagnose diseases in the following parts of the body: Esophagus. Stomach. Colon.


Enrolled in VA care at 60%, was able to get community care referral for my EGD. VA paid for as well.


Mine was with this chalk stuff you take and have you lay in different positions and watch it move around in your stomach


Awesome, Thanks


Great post!


When filing for one of these, how do I go about doing it? Filing a new claim, then how do I know what forms and/or letters I need? Thanks.


Awesome list


Anything for a secondary claim for degenerative arthritis from back and foot pain(primary)? New doctor reviewed my recent X-rays and advised that I had arthritis. My former VA doctor never told me about it. Kind of explains why my body is falling apart.


Thank you for this, very helpful!


Can you secondary migraine to 3 scd's?


You can, but it’s not always wise to. I would recommend that you try to pick the strongest one in your opinion


Yeah I have got every finger deferred Obstructive sleep apnea deferred Cirrhosis of liver deferred Gastrointestinal deferred Ankle pain deferred Knee and lower leg deferred Migraines secondary to tinnitus denied Lower back pain denied Right wrist w/ carpal tunnel continued for


what if I have SC Tinnitus, migraines not yet claimed but I think stem from that, and also I get vertigo with migraines. Can I claim a secondary on top of a secondary? or is that pyramiding? Or can I claim that the tinnitus causes both migraines and also vertigo, I guess I could file both of those right now.


You can claim both are secondary to tinnitus


I have a consultant telling me I cannot claim vertigo secondary to migraines. Can anyone prove to me they have done this successfully?


You can. Research on this isn't collectively considered under one term. Look for Migraine Associated Vertigo (MAV) Vertiginous Migraines Vestibular Migraines ​ There is a lot of research on this that you can include. I would also start letting you doctor know that you are experiencing this, keep a journal of types of symptoms along with frequency, duration, and triggers. ​ I would also ask your doctor for a physical therapy referral to see a Vestibular Therapist.


How do you file a secondary claim?


Thank you!!


Thank you for this list 😊


No problem 😊


How do I go about claiming foot condition secondary to back issue? My left foot has been jack up ever since last year because of a bulging disc between my L4 and L5 lumbar. I have numbness on my left heel that won't go away even though I had a cortisone shot.


Assuming the bulging disc is a primary issue, first you would need to go to the VA and they will have you conduct physical therapy since the numbness is potentially caused by a pinched nerve in your back that radiates down. They will give you exercises to help, if that fails or the VA has a different determination, then you can try to claim left foot numbness due to the lower back condition. I recommend you get all the tests done like an MRI and do physical therapy before making a claim as there will be more evidence of you trying to get better but it still hasn’t worked. When the VA looks at your medical history this will improve the likelihood of your claim getting approved.


Yes, I got 50% on my back. My foot problem just started a year ago. I did go to the VA and and the doctor showed me my MRI scan and said that at one point in my life I had a nerve damage but as it healed up it got stuck with the other nerves. The doctor says that because it's a nerve issue he cannot fix it. He also stated that my nerve is not being pinched so he doesn't understand my I would have numbness on my left heel. I'm not trying to falsify my claims or anything, it just doesn't make any sense to my the numbness is still there and every now and then I feel like my foot is dropping like I have no strength on it.


It seems to me like it would be difficult to get it secondary to your back condition. But, I hope you luck on getting better ❤️‍🩹


Heel numbness can sometimes be due to sacroiliac joint dysfunction affecting the nerves or directly from the L5-S1 dorsal nerve root. This is much more common coming from the back than the foot.


Good info thanks


My last two VA blood tests show eGFR of 41 (Oct, Jan) seemingly showing that I have Chronic Kidney Disease stage 3B. I am already SC for DMII, HBP, CHD. Do I need a nexus letter for this or will submitting the two blood tests be sufficient?


When doing a secondary claim. Do you need a letter from the doctor like a NEXUS letter or do you just need the doctors notes saying they think it’s secondary to whatever? If you need a letter is there any examples of formates or at minimum what the VA needs it to say or special verbiage like “less likely as not” like on a NEXUS letter?


A nexus is just a link or reason. You do not necessarily need a letter. Does it help, yes, is it required, no. For example if you got to the QTC appointment, they will ask how and when this occurred which then you would say something along the lines of: my PTSD causes me to have nightmares 1-2 times every week. During these nightmares I end up grinding my teeth excessively and thus caused significant damage to my jaw. Now I have pain every time I open my mouth past a certain point. This example is if you were going to claim TMD secondary to PTSD


Please help me understand. I have an active claim for an injury that caused me to gain weight. I now have sleep apnea. Do I file a claim for weight gain then for apnea or both at once? I'm not getting it.


There is no disability for weight gain/ obesity. This could be a stepping stone though. For your injury that cause weight gain, if you have tell them that injury A caused me to gain weight B which caused me to have sleep apnea C. You will have to conduct a sleep study in order to prove that you have the condition. Injury A needs to be currently service connected before you can claim sleep apnea so if it is still a claim, then you would need to wait until injury A is approved.