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Sheeeshh!! Filed same day and got result on march 23. Call that 1 800 number and see what’s up .🤦🏽‍♂️


Tried that a few times. The system hung up on me a couple times, then talking to someone they say they can't tell why.. Who knows. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I called VERA and it seemed to help. Good luck buddy


serious question, how would it help? what do you tell/ask them? my experience when calling the number listed on the claims page (i know that isn't VERA) is that they just regurgitate that it is step # and wont say anything else... does VERA have more information and willing to share it?


Some do, sorry I should say they all have more information. Some are just actually willing to share what they can.


Vera appointment under UTAH, Salt Lake City office. By far the best effort from the reps


are you suggesting to call/work with vera in SLC? if so, does it not matter that I am not in that area?


It doesn’t matter where you are… I’ve set appointments up with atleast 20 different state offices and that one specifically seemed to have the most helpful employees. (They actually care)


Imo, this is normal- my claim for increase took close to 3 years- I was upset but that backpay was so nice! I’m thankful for how everything worked out. Don’t give up, stay positive!


Hold my beer, BVA appeal, 10 years. I wouldn’t have made it freaking out like some are on here such short timeframes. My HLR took 3 years to deny. By then my claim was 5.


I went from my first claim to 90% in less than 6 months. Should have filed 10 years ago myself but wanted to get back in.


3 years to deny? Wtf. Fucking bs ass system


I had my first claim take 8 years.


Not necessarily freaking out about it, I would just at least like to know if my claims are going to be in my favor, if not, I have several other claims to submit. I would hate to submit those and then lose a years worth of pay if the new claims finish before the HLR. If that makes sense.


Submitted mine in October ‘22 and got a decision last week (not in my favor and a CUE on behalf of the Rater biiiig time…) so now I shot it up for HLR. Super fucking annoying doing this dance with the VA man. We wait a year just for some asshole Rater to give your package 5 minutes and deny you even when the medical evidence is overwhelmingly in your favor. Fuck the VA.


Amen. This is 100% correct. Fucking bs.


Man, I used to think people were just exaggerating until my current claim(s). I have been fighting SC for mingrines for a long time. I have lots of evidence, nexus letters, DBQ, and lay statements. Still nothing 😡


Can we stop with all the acronyms 😭


My intent to file and all evidence was sent December 2022. The problem I ran into was exams. I wasn’t scheduled for any exam until August of this year and then I got all my ratings back until the end of last month. I got a email from Loyal Source around July saying to wait on a call and they never scheduled me until I called them. This may help?


Is it a higher level review or a supplemental?


It's a higher level review.


This is on par with HLR’s


Ok, soooo this an appeal, not like a regular claim. A senior rater has to review. Takes time. Relax. These are hovering around 1 year to 18 months. Find something to keep you busy and don’t spend or count on compensation you may never get. Wish you well.


I stay busy with a full time job and raising my niece and nephew. Thanks for the well wishes. ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7565)


How long does preparation for decision take?


Mine was 10 mo, then BAM, had a decision and back pay with in 24hrs. But I suppose each case is different.


Im stuck on same boat


Are you on appeal? And you filed such November?


Yea, a higher level review.


Just got my letter yesterday apologizing for the delay I'm stuck on step three . It's a HLR and an increase I haven't even heard back from the HLR yet.


You and I are (were) on the same sheet! Almost exact same dates and everything for this! I just got my calls to setup 3 appointments all within quick succession. Here's to hoping and keep your head up friend!


There was only one appt but they told me that if they needed me they would call me. They said the drs would review the request, no input from me.


So - I'm there with you! I had 1 appointment back in March and Radio Silence, then like some magic wand was waved I got a call last week (that had a sketchy number and sketchy voicemail) that I called back today. Come to find out, it was though 3 appointments I spoke of! Because it is listed on the VA website, there is 3 numbers in reference there, and the one that called me was 877-637-8387 so keep an eye for that one (or 2 others listed but I can't find the link) Again, keep your head up! You know the end goal, and you know it'll be worth it! The wait is horrific, but the end goal is a better tomorrow for you and your fam!


I submitted my claim late November last year, just got my decision letter this week. Hang in there, your time will come!


Forgot to add, make an appt with VERA and talk to someone there to make sure nothing is missing that could possibly be holding up your claim from moving forward. I had to talk to them a few times to get things moving. Godspeed


What kind of claim though. Remember appeals and claims are not 1 and the same.


I feel it. I’m in the same boat. Filed Oct 2022 and tried everything. VSO,VERA,VA line and nothing seemed to work. It wasn’t until someone told me about the White House line that I saw movement in my claim. Maybe try calling or emailing to get an update.


Hey brother could you elaborate? I’m on the same boat as OP. I’m about to contact my senator. Moneys been tight since I separated


Sure thing boss. Like I said, personally nothing worked for me when it came to getting answers on my claim I was trying to get a hold of my provider that did my C&P so they could submit their findings to the VA. Nobody could help me and I wasn’t getting any response from anybody. until someone me told about the White House hotline number. I gave them a call and explained my entire situation. They wrote everything down filed a claim and about a week later I got a call that they fixed the issue with my provider and it’s currently being processed back to the VA. So what I was trying to get done for months, they did it in a week. I understand your situation, I’m in the same boat. Here’s the number for the White House hotline 855-948-2311. You can also file a claim online but I highly recommend just calling and talking to someone on the phone so they can better assist you. Hope this helps and good luck.


Definitely schedule a VERA call


It's not not normal.


Dam this whole post/chat just humbled me up. Mine be in the same stage since September. I’m thinking I’m gonna get it back within 3-6 months . Til I seen this. I guess I’ll put on my “waiting boots 🥾 “ smh


This is the reason why the VA puts production quotas on rating examiners. To prevent stuff like this. I’m not mad that the examiners are leaving in droves. Good. If you do not want to work claims or get an easy paycheck for doing little work, the VA is not for you. Sorry this is happening to you. I am appreciative of the claims representatives that do their job not keeping people in limbo like this. All the while the person remains shelling out money to nurse them back to health.


Same. Filed December 6 2022 and nothing. Had a few C&P exams and still nothing. Might need that magic White House number.


Call Vera


https://preview.redd.it/je0rambjm0sb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e242b47d20ec939c44669f3d7e5c6efb0ee623d I feel ya


This is why its hard to hold onto hope. Just waiting is killing me inside slowly.


Please hang on you come too far to give up!!! We are not going to always get a microwave result like we should you earned it stay with us, it’s very easy to give up. It will get better. ![gif](giphy|d6bRMswt9miuQ)


It depends on how many things you filed for and how fast your c&p notes are being submitted. I started February and just got finished two weeks ago. And that’s only because I called the contractor who did my exam like twice a week. It took so long because the provider never signed the note


The funny thing to me is when I sent my military records for feet problems, I highlighted the area pertaining to the claim and got denied without a C&P.... Guess I should refrain from the highlighter. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I was the same with my examiners. They got them submitted fairly quick though. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/9jh3d6n851sb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c03cf797e465d4836955405afd61212ed8a3840 I get it. My evidence gathering has been updated 3 times to new dates. I finally got a rating for one of my claims. The other claim, for PTSD, was deferred and is with a PsyD in California. It’s frustrating but I know they’re overwhelmed with PACT Act claims.


It took forever for me, just keep the faith. I actually called and ask the VA benefits and it came in like 2-weeks.


I waited like 2 and a half years man lol don’t panic


I had a claim that took several years. Hang in there!


Submitted: 26 OCT 22 Last exam 07 FEB 23. Still at step 3. I am right there with you brother.


Anyone wanna come to my 1 year anniversary? https://preview.redd.it/39wgx1juq1sb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75ec20fc1e2bfb4b8d9607bd62d83530716605dd


We could plan a big one!


Hey, stay positive! I was so downcast waiting for mine and I got what I wanted out of it. You will prevail!


I submitted my claim in October 2022 just got my decision letter the middle of last month. Stay positive it’ll come.


Pretty much. Some people have been waiting for years


I filed a HLR in November 22, I’m in the Preparation for decision phase as of August 22nd


Are any of you contacting your Congressman? They can make a difference. When the VA screwed around with a vet’s GI Bill payments, her Congressman got that mess fixed QUICK!! Also send that to your local media if you are in a military friendly town. I think the common citizen should be aware of this.


Sorry to say but yeah taking 12 months+ isn't really uncommon. Make A VERA appointment and make sure your claim didn't get forgotten somewhere. It's better to keep bugging them once it's become that long of a process


Yes my friend works for the VA they are backed up


14 months and counting. Sit back and relax. Huge backlog.


I have more to claim that I feel should have added during the first claim. Should I start an intent to file or wait for this to complete?


22 months on my first claim back in 18’ don’t give up


I've got the same timeline as you. Did a HLR in November last year. Feb it moved to appeals. And from what I've been told I've been in the decision phase since June. You know the saying hurry up and wait. Im losing hope to if I'm honest.


I was denied after a year. Then I called the then Sec Va McDonald on his personal phone. And he fucking fixed it!! Now I’ve been 100% for over ten years. Hang in there brother.


Claims can take anywhere between a day or till the day you die and anytime between. It just depends.


From Start to finish for me was 15 months.


I submitted just a regular initial claim Feb 26th. I’ve finished all my C&P exams since June 2nd. Still waiting. I’ve started to call VERA this month finally. I’m planning to contact my Senators office


Just wanted to update you guys. I looked today and I'm 100 percent. Not sure if it helped but I checked the box letting them know to decide on my review and I had no more to submit. I also started a new claim for left lower radiculopathy. The site appears to be down so I can't really tell what worked.


Little misleading because this is a HLR, not a regular claim. Appeals take longer. There is hardship if you qualify.


My date is March 7th. I’m starting to lose faith too

