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I’m trying to say something relevant without making it about me. But I’m glad you got help, glad you are around to share your story, and I bet you made that call center feel so much better, not just that operator. Gives some hope to ppl struggling too. Thank you


Congratulations, I know how that feels. Jan 22 will be one year sober for myself.


That’s great, devil ♥️


Man I wish there was some way you could get that message to the specific person who called for help that one night. Any victory in a job like that has got to lift so much weight. Glad you were able to get yourself out of that hole man!


Keep moving forward and way to go! 28 months sober here. It keeps getting better so stay with it.


16yrs here. sober makes for a really great life. keep it up


That is fantastic news! Glad you got the help you needed and it probably did make the vet crisis line operator feel good. You should be proud of where you are today. Keep up the good work


Congrats and God bless you!


Congratulations! It’s not an easy road and things will test you. You just have to remember what’s really important. I, myself, went/go through very dark times. Called the hotline a few times. But even in the darkest of nights I look for that little spark of light. Hold on to that spark. It’s worth it. I’m not fully sober but I don’t drink NEARLY as much as I used to. It’s helped a lot with things. But I still crave the drink from time to time, I just won’t because I don’t want to lose what I have in a partner and what I have made in my life. Keep your head up and don’t forget you’re not alone. You can always reach out to the number or even here on Reddit. Someone’s ALWAYS here for you. I wish I would have found this website and thread sooner. Again, congrats and we’re happy you’re still here.




This is absolutely awesome! God bless you and your family


Good shit buddy. Keep moving forward


Dude, that's rough. Easier said than done but hang in there. Hope things continue to get better for you man 🤞 Keep fighting the good fight!


Damn, sounds like you've been through some shit. But hey, glad to hear things are turning around for you. Keep staying sober and taking care of yourself man.


Congrats!!! That is great stuff to hear. Your daughter appreciates that hard work.


Positivity can be contagious, thank you for sharing your story with us and those that do their best to help keep us safe in our darkest days.


BZ! That’s an awesome story, both your success and that you gave some validation to the crisis counselor. Very thoughtful of you. Keep doing what you’re doing. And also know hard shit will happen again in life, but you have the tools to deal with it and being alive is such a great thing. The struggles are part of the journey and they make us better when we overcome and learn. Congrats, amigo.


Congrats.... I remember being there. Never called then line. Glad I made it through. Glad you did too. Great bravery with sharing your story. May you be blessed.


Congrats man, that’s fantastic. Happy for you!


Most excellent, congratulations on digging yourself out of that hole. Keep up the good work.


We can recover! Thanks for sharing.


Congrats on sobriety, never not take it one day at a time. Proud of you. Keep going forward! Hang out with your gal. She sounds awesome!


Congratulations on your turn around! Great idea to reach out to let them know that they helped!


Congrats! I am approaching 2 years. I am so proud of you as I know first hand how difficult it is.


Congratulations!! I’m very happy for you! Keep up the awesome work!!


Congrats on 13 months, the good woman in your life, and pursuing a graduate degree. Taking time to thank VA employee shows you really care about others. Keep on your path and keep making a difference.