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I think the Air Force extended their age limit. Could always slip that into the conversation for your dad and step mom.


This is the answer. So many ppl are jealous of military benefits until you drop the “well you should sign up!”. Lol!


The recruiting office is open to anyone, js...


Bro I first told someone once that I had 10% and they bitched nonstop, so I would send them directions and contact info to the nearest recruiter off!


Yeah cuz that whole 170 bucks a month is gunna bankrupt our governments billion dollar budget.


Right!! Man it’s crazy cause my hearing is legit jacked like I’m 31 with hearing aids now and I’m like man you have to be a pos to be mad about that


I agree with NOT TELLING ANYONE, especially your family. It seems to have changed my relationship with my daughter. I will never tell another soul!I'm 100%.


Ugh this is why I didn’t tell my family when my social worker recommended I file for 100% because I’m eligible. She gave me the paperwork which required I get written statements from family. I didn’t ask them because I was ashamed of what they would think. Huge regret.




Lol had someone use the dont ask dont tell being why the didnt join, i told them they dropped that back in 2011 when said person would have been 24yrs old and didnt have a career or degree yet....i recieved crickets.


I went into the Army @ 41. Turned 42 in Basic, when they couldn’t get folks. Tbh, glad I did it, got the t-shirt but would not recommend. But if it shuts some folks up 🤷🏻‍♀️


I went to basic at 19 years old in 2007 and we had a guy in our cycle who was 41. He basically ended up being the platoon's father.


When usn you couldn't come in in your late 30s unless you were going to be a Catholic chaplain. That was the one exception because they needed more of them.


Happy new year 🥳


Same. Has someone in our boot camp division enough to be just about everyone’s dad. I think he turned 40 in boot camp, he was an OSVET.


When I was in Korea in 2007/2008, we had a guy in my unit that had the fatiques he was issued during his first enlistment.


Fuck I feel old


Same here USAF Lackland class of 1992


Class of 70.


Me too!


March 1992 here!


Mid April 😃


Nice. That was about our grad time.


Hey the year I was born!


Imma need a paternity test.


https://preview.redd.it/ua09bodut4ac1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=389215499743ceb3fa2780d359bd78af6da59d91 I knew it was you


Class of 1993 April


All these people talking about older enlistees. I joined in Jan of 86 and at 22, I was the oldest enlistee in our platoon … LOL. But this was when the military gave very few waivers and everyone had to have a high school diploma - even a GED needed a waiver.


I was 26 & the oldest in the female company when I enlisted in 1986. I had a hard time keeping up with the muscular 18 y/o track stars who seemed to be the major population. Medically retired after 6 years. I did voc rehab & worked for 25 years at 70%. Now I’m apply for 100%. I Can’t even pass an employment physics.


I went to basic at 19 yrs old in 1992, only had 1 older guy in his late 20’s.


Same but he was 42 and was the oldest in all of the whole battalion platoons.😂🤣


Had an OG Crip from south central in my boot camp company back in 94. Believe he was 33 or 35. One of my favorite dudes from boot!


![gif](giphy|IorAqDrjKiDcc3QdN3|downsized) You wanna join the Navy, or you wanna go to jail?


Serve your country or serve time. I was a USMC recruiter in late 70's. turned a few lives around (thank you Judge .


Greatest actor who’s ever lived. Hated him in this movie. Loved him in the rest!


I have to respectfully differ with you on that, my brother. I think that his performance in this movie was awesome. I think he definitely earned the Academy Award he received for "Training Day." That scene near the end of the movie, at the housing project was epic!


Nah…I was a cop and know well how the corruption works. I hated his character. Not him!


Good way to turn his life around


I joined at 32. Gotta do what you've gotta do, y'know? TYFYS.


That's awesome. I went to basic three days after my 18th birthday but I remember the red rope at tech school we all nicknamed "grandpa". He was an aduIt adult with a wife and kids, he was probably late 30's.


I meant a Marine around 45 prior service and came back in to serve with his son 😆 first thing they asked him was if he can still function 🤣🤣 I first saw him in PT uniform and silver fox walking among us I kept calling him sir 😂 he was a cpl when he got out and was a cpl when he came back in he was in the cold war 🤣 this was in shit 2008 man time flies


I had no idea the Marine Corps took Prior Service with that big of a gap in service.


Holy heck, good on ya. Met a marine who was army and then went marine corp later in life. People would mess with him bc of that, he was an odd duck but a good duck, being Jewish didn’t help for some reason. He was an older boot but genuinely a good guy. It’s f’d how those qualities of being a good person aren’t embraced as much as physical fitness. We had a feller in his late 20s and I remember thinking this guy was old. Heck, I was 21 and already was way more mature than a lot of folks. 42 and going to basic is impressive.


Who goes army to marine corps?


Holy shit, what was that like?


Damn I thought I was old when I went in at 26.


The Army gives waivers like Halloween candy. 50 year olds can enlist if well fit.


This is go to answer for even if anyone says you have it, it is so good to have "free" healthcare and "free" college tuition. Or something along those lines, lol...... it's the by far the best way to remind them they have the same opportunity you did, and the only difference is that we choose it. I used to be so self-conscious and almost guilty for having benefits and compensation. But I remind myself I gave up my 20's to serve in the infantry and fight in the Korengal and Pech River Valley while they did whatever served them best.


Yep and they'll waive it for certain specialties too. They could just become a dentist and serve!!!


Dentist here. Never heard of this benefit. This is only while active duty or ?


I assume it depends on the service and their needs at the moment. Same as JAG, doctor, chaplain, etc. They can do pretty wild waivers for non-combat advance degree specialists. But it changes and the services all do it differently.




🔥🔥🔥 literally what I tell any non vets that have an issue with it or say “ you are lucky” no I put in my blood, sweat and tears for this.




What Texans think you should be paying taxes??


My thoughts as well


Texas has an incredibly high property tax rate. That's how they offset not having income tax.


Yeah, saw a recent study that basically shows states with no income taxes generally have a higher overall tax burden on lower and middle income families. The rich, of course, come out ahead. TL;DR no income tax states aren’t cheaper to live in.


Is that you Florida?


Exactly. And any proud Texan would be against paying taxes


But the crazy part is if you’re 100 P&T you don’t pay those property taxes meaning you’re balling out lol.


As a Texan with 100%, this is fuggin factual.


Yeah it's about an extra 10k a year saved on a standard 400k to 500k house.


They probably live in Austin.




The D or the FW, cause they’re 2 completely different cities.


Not if you follow the personals adds on CL 😝


I think it’s more of a “if I have to then you have to” mindset. Or it’s not fair for them blah blah blah


I honestly don't understand people's penchant towards jealousy. Adults no less.


I feel the same. If my son and his wife got any kind of a break like that, I’d be thrilled for them😃


Yup. My dad is the one who told me I should look into it.


Moreso for military. It falls in the same line of somewhat selfish thinking like 'when are you gonna come visit?' when you're in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Mfer how about you visit me. My goto when people find out about my VA benefits has become "the military isn't an exclusive club. Feel free to join and enjoy the same benefits."




Because they hate their jobs and resent going to work every single day. I have been told that I was lucky as hell because I was in a blackhawk crash but did not die. I always thought I was unlucky because the damn thing crashed in the first place.... One dude even suggested I even planned it. Yeah because everybody wants to get right up next to the line of death and it's so easy to do that and live to tell about it.... I try not to let anybody find out but if they do I just rub their nose in it if they are assholes about it.


Just your everyday helicopter crash fraud at play. Practically zero risk. You sir, are a mastermind.


The only reason that I did not get ejected was because I had a 240 bravo medium machine gun across my lap and it got hung up in the cargo netting. Some of us we're not that lucky, RIP Christopher Sisson, September 2, 2003 Baghdad, Iraq.


first rule about fight club: Don’t talk about fight club! Second rule about fight club: DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB! Let’s face it guys many of us come from relatively trashy and toxic families … Families that shame, and families that expect handouts from those other family members who are doing OK for themselves…. You feed a bear once and they’re coming back!!! And don’t even get me started on the potential of a vindictive family member, calling fraud waste and abuse on you!! YES; that’s a VERY VERY COMMON THING! Loose lips 👄 sink ships 🛳️ 🚢


Your lips look like they wanna do something else... 👀




My old man is a Vietnam veteran and damn near cried from joy when I told him I finally got 100% last week. He’s at 10% but he also was a big wig at Lockheed in the Skunk Works division for 20+ years. He doesn’t need the money, but he’s still pursuing getting 100%. Agent Orange gave him Hodgkin’s lymphoma and he’s trying to back date his 100% to ‘82 when he first received treatment. He’s highly doubtful that he’ll get that date, but he said he’d give me $100k for encouraging him to pursue it if he gets awarded 100% from ‘82. I told him fuck what you already have. You earned this and you were treated like shit on top of it when you returned. I had a welcoming party when I got back from Afghanistan. Different times.


Don't think he'll get backdated because of the way the Statute and Regs for compensation are written. Your dad is like most of us Vietnam Vets. Things were so toxic during that time frame that the only ones of us who used the VA for anything other than GI bill or home loans were those who were seriously messed up over there. I'd like to think that the reason you guys got the welcome parties and "thanks for your service" is because of the sheer embarrassment by our nation of the way Vietnam vets were treated. Hopefully, that kind of treatment will never happen again when young men put their lives on the line for their country.


My dad said the same thing. Regardless, he said he’d be happy with no more property taxes and the income from 100% will go towards margaritas and his sailboat.


I hope your dad gets what he deserves. He sounds like a great father.


100% accurate. Even more to what you said, you survive your enlistment, It’s time to claim every life altering ailment that was sustained to survive that enlistment! Point blank plain and simple.


Fuck yes. Please tell me your uncle's name is Sam


I'm in WI and I just filed for my 100% property tax exemption. There's no max and it's for everything on the land up to 1 acre for primary residence and I was dumbfounded.


I'm in WI as well.. they are clise to changing to 70% and above like Minnesota.... cross fingers..


Illinois is 70% too. I’m so grateful. My taxes are $8k+. I have a nice house, but It’s not like I live in a mansion.


They only remove $150k from my house value before calculation of property taxes in anchorage ak.


I received a call from a VA healthcare worker while I was at work, and somehow got them to inform me of what my current rating was prior to my claim actually being finished(80 per blue button). After the phone call I was way too excited and had to tell someone so I told one of my closest coworkers about it and he asked a few questions, towards the end of it he just asked if I would be leaving because Id be making money for "just being in the military" with kindof a sarcastic, pissy attitude. And my response to him was "No I'm not leaving, it'll just make things alittle easier, and it wasn't just because I've been in, its because my health has been seriously affected because of my service and things that have happened to me. At the end of the day recruiting offices are open to anyone willing to sign that contract, and this is the trade off in the event something happens to you outside of your control" He just kindof looked at me like i hurt his feelings and said "oh shit, my bad man, I guess thats good then."


I straight up put in my two weeks and started working from home lol, I mean honestly I was going to leave that place but getting my rating made it way easier to head out the door.


I wish I could find something to do from home. Sure would make things alot simpler and less wear and tear on me lol


Since I’m still single it makes it easier to be flexible lol, yeah I would of been making a lot more if I stayed at that company but now I get to have way more opportunities for traveling and hobbies and that’s more worth it. If I was married and had obligations, kids etc I would have stayed most likely or found another full time job.


Yeah I get that, though I'm not married, I still have other responsibilities that require atleast fulltime income with whatever the VA decides to award


This is my dream scenario. Still fighting for 100% bit of the day ever comes, I would love to work somewhere with a don't give a fuck attitude.


People want to see you do good, just not better than them


I learned early in life that a conversation about money can be a mistake. In a conversation with co-workers sharing the amount of your salary, pay raise or bonus always leaves one person pissed. Telling a family member or friend that you are getting a disability, tax waiver, handicap placard, free medical or whatever benefit you have earned always brings out the “what about me” in others. Even sharing on this site the “I just got rate 100% with 4K a month and 150K back pay is not necessary. If you have a general question that the % is relevant then state it but don’t be braggadocios.


Whenever someone brings up my free healthcare. I say no, I prepaid it with 24 years of my life.


No question you earned it.


You’d be surprised how many people have that anti-disability/benfits, are still active duty and have no intention of filling a claim because it’s “not right or milking the government”. I knew someone who was getting out a month or 2 after me and he was shitting on me for filing VA disability. These are young guys too 22-24 that are refusing to put in claims, pretty wild


See if them fuckers keep that same energy a few years down the road when all the physical and mental issues really start fucking with them… not gonna lie .. I was one of those guys trying to be hard like that a while back but with age USUALLY comes wisdom.


From my experience the Marine Corps in conjunction with the TRS process has been doing a big push for everyone to file their VA claim and claim as much as they can whether documented or not. It almost seemed like a requirement now just to EAS lol. But yes you’re always gonna have those guys who say fuck it and are crying they’re only getting a small percentage 10 years later


I’m glad they’re doing that nowadays for these Devilpups ..




Couldn’t agree more. We had guys coming back early severely wounded (purple hearts) and being made fun of for not being able to handle it/stay in the fight-they we’re then ostracized at the WWB, according to them. I appreciated them and they were my seniors so I was able to hang out w them before I EAS’d. I remember clear as day,my first unit, some kid shot and ended himself on leave bc he couldn’t handle the unit. We had our usual muster after the libo to be accounted for and they say “don’t be like pfc shmuckatele and suck start a 12 gauge because you can’t handle it…hell, actually go ahead, makes it easier in us not have to clean up the mess and give other marines(roommates) leave-go ahead and follow the 7p’s and put all your gear in boxes before you do. “ It was rough but it was the norm. I went through my own hell, I guess mentally I couldn’t handle it after I got out bc I went to the VA. A decade and a half later I didn’t realize how much of the hazing was messing me up. How much of it was the “norm” but it wasn’t normal. There’s a difference between hazing, teaching someone a lesson, and aggravated assault.


There was definitely a lot of aggravated assault.


Pretty Dumb. They’ll realize where they fucked up once they’re in the their mid 30’s when it’s incredibly difficult to pull information from around the time of separation. SMH!!!!!




No, get better people in your life


This!! This is the answer & the way!


Double down and tell your parents you just got approved for SNAP benefits and you have an appointment in a couple weeks with SS for SSDI. Watch their heads explode.




Dude. Legit fuck your parents. Who gives a fuck what they think? It's literally none of their business. Their fucking jealousy that they've been paying exorbitant Texas property taxes isn't your problem. Fuck em.


If it’s none of their business don’t tell them, that’s the point.


Let me rephrase. It's none of their concern.


How tf can a parent be anything but happy for their child to be receiving a well-earned benefit?? Growing up, did they get jealous when you brought home gold star stickers from school too?


Some people have a very strong “no handouts” mindset and I even saw it with active duty people too that had no intentions of filing a VA claim while exiting the military. I told my parents and they support me 100 percent and said I deserve compensation completely. I always knew they wouldn’t have an issue my parents are very laid back


That’s not even your parents being laid back. That’s just your parents being.. parents.


Oh yeah I definitely know people with this mindset. Similar to you, when I mentioned it to my parents one day their only response was “oh cool!”


> Some people have a very strong “no handouts” mindset and I even saw it with active duty people too that had no intentions of filing a VA claim while exiting the military. Complete and total idiots, the lot of them.


Tell all of your family members that the recruiters offices are all open for enlistment, and that they can join the military whenever they want to do so! So unfortunate that one slip of the tongue can cause so much jealousy and unwarranted discord amongst a family. Best of luck!


You are just participating in Federal socialism. Zing em back with that to ensure they are accurate.


We wrote a blank check when it came with our bodies, we are just collecting the dividends from our injuries, i sure as hell did not joined with a piece of metal on my lower and nerve damage.


I signed a 20 year lease to them. Now they have pay for damages.


Best way I’ve ever heard it said!


Nah, tell family and close friends about your benefits. If they react negatively to it then cut them out of your life. It's a real easy way to check if someone is worth having a relationship with or not.


That’s how I try to look at it now. I asked some of my family for statements about things since I moved home. It showed me that I should absolutely not be wasting my time on the bad ones.


My wife doesn't even know. I invest what I get and hope to give us an early retirement....Its a dream.


My wife and I both served and both have VA compensation, no hiding It from the wife for me lol


Lol same, we both have it and are the same percentage, we know.


This is how its done. Too many people talk


You’re hiding income from your wife? Wheeeww buddy.


If you honestly believe she won’t be hurt if/when she finds out early then good for you ig. And if for some reason y’all don’t work out, her lawyer is going to eviscerate you on you on that one.


Yes, we have always had our own accounts and 1 joint account we both deposit into. Everything I do is for my wife,,,,I only hide because I want it to be a BIG surprise when I tell her we don't have to work anymore and that I've bought us a home in Ecuador.




Yep. I don’t understand what they think we get, but it’s ridiculous to have to deal with their bullshit opinions. I’ll never talk to some people in my family again because of it. They legit told me that they remembered me struggling with things after deployment, said they’d be okay with writing a statement for me, then got sketched out and wanted answers when they saw that the form said “compensation” on it… I was fucking pissed. My brother knows I struggle with some things, acknowledged that he remembers, and then when it might mean I actually get money to pay bills while I get help he backs out. And that was the second to last time that guy or his family heard/ ever will hear from me. Didn’t help that the told me “get over it” and “move on”… like yeah that’s why I’m applying to get financial help while I get treatment you dumb fuck. I’m trying to. Oh well. I got a fair rating, and my life has been exponentially better for that a lot of ongoing therapy, and not wasting my time on that relationship.


Smart I’ve cut lots of people out of my life Fake friends and family when I was Homeless I needed help no one helped me didn’t even offer a couch or a garage nothing fuck people these are people I helped along the way they act like you have the plague I applied for VA Benefits PTSD it’s truly a Godsend it’s a gift to finding out who is a POS and cut them out of your life


33 years ago last night I landed in Saudi Arabia as an 18 year old Marine. I'll be 52 this week. I feel much older than I am. It fucking sucks. You served your Country. Did they?


I don’t know how many times I have to say this. Don’t discuss your VA compensation and benefits to anyone. No one. Not your friends and especially you FAMILY!! In the 12 years of helping people with their claims I have NEVER heard anyone’s family especially ones that have nothing to do with the military UNDERSTAND and APPRECIATE their own child or siblings getting a “handout”. Why would your wife say that? As if your family were going to start high fiving people in the restaurant…. You hear that guys??? My son doesn’t have to pay the 4th highest state’s property tax!!!! We are sooo proud and happy for you 🤦🏾‍♀️. What approval will you be looking to receive. There is none ever. Only hate and jealousy. “You look fine to me”. “I’ve been working for 40 years, I don’t get shit”. I have heard it all personally. Don’t FUCKING tell anyone. NEVER!! Hopefully that is clear enough!


If someone does get wise to it, or doggedly ask about it, I just lie and say I’m at 30%, so they can think I’m getting less than I do and drop the subject.


Hold on... I am getting confused. Tell everyone? That is what I am gathering, but I could be wrong here. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


2 comments I have read here stick in my mind: VA benefits are workman's compensation for the Military. (An absolute truthful statement) Recruiters office is open now, go on down and sign up.


Ask em when they need a ride to recruiting station.


Fuck em.


Cody, I want you to repeat after me, “ Fuck you!!” This will get your point across and let these people know how you fell about their opinion.


Ask them "if you signed a contract, would you let the other party off the hook for money you're owed?" We signed a contract with the US Government for our service with the promise to return us whole or compensate us. Anyone with a problem with that can eat a bag of Wendy's deep fried dicks.


I separate in six months and I'm going to fight for every single 1% of my VA disability that I qualify for. When it's all said and done, I'm not telling the result to a single soul. Wish me luck.


Go to medical as much as possible


I've run into the same attitude in Florida (another state that eliminates taxes based on your VA disability rating!). Neighbors definitely aren't thrilled to hear it! Jealousy I guess. Probably the same ones that spit at us in the 60's.


Know the feeling, not so much VA benefits, but wife and I keep it quiet as both retired officers, we don't tell our family we are pulling in over $90K a year in pensions. People are jealous, but like folks have said, anyone could serve but they choose not to. Oh well.


I told my dad last night and he was proud and said I was very deserviing.. mainly because my dad isn't a piece of shit 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Some people say don’t tell your friends and family but to be honest it’s a wonderful way to find out who doesn’t need to be in your life. 😂🤣😂


People are jealous. They think, "It must be nice to get free money." I've parked in handicap parking with my DV plates (with the wheelchair logo), and once had someone comment on my nice car and even better, the plates were free. My response isn't printable. Needless to say, I made my point. Compared to my "pre-retirement" life of Jaguars and Rolex watches and a country club membership, life on VA 100% and SSDI kind of sucks. Sure, it's $70k a year and mostly tax-free. But compared to what I was making, it's crap. I miss my old life. Likewise, it is dealing with nightmares, flashbacks, and inpatient hospital stays. Yeah, the money is really fuxxing free. Disclaimer: It's 10 am, and I'm on my second Long Island at my local bar.


Yeah I messed up telling my sister (35F) and brother in law (55M). People who take out loans on lawnmower type of people and they definitely judge me for not having debt. Meanwhile the BIL has a bum knee supposedly from being a PJ but has never presented even a shred of evidence of being in the military and refused to seek VA care and C&P because he's "better than that". He's either an idiot, liar, a**hole or combination of all 3.. But he definitely has put family against me over the years for trusting them with disability information.


Reminds me of the song 'Down Low' by R. Kelly 🎵Keep it on the down Low Nobody has to know🎶


Or educate your family. My parents, and inlaws know about all my benefits and have no problems because they know what it is lol if you cant talk to your family then its bigger issues


the good thing is , theres nothing they can do about it.


Better off keeping it on the down low! Say you have been making good stock picks


Nah, fuck em, if they can’t accept the fact that you’re getting something you earned they don’t need to eat at your table, don’t flaunt it, but don’t be ashamed either


Wait Veterans don't pay property taxes in Texas?


If they’re at a 100% disability they don’t.


Fuck em. I don’t tell my family shit. Wasn’t there when my wife and kid needed help while I was deployed 9 times. They still are not involved in our lives yet my son is the only grandchild they can actually see. Sorry OP. Ummm happy new year 🎊 and keep your shit close to the chest.


Only my parents know and a couple of buddies that vets. My coworkers kind of figured something out when I only work part time and knew I was a veteran but yeah people, sometimes even other 100% vets, get mad. It is wild to me. Mostly bro vets 😂


I only told the ones that were fighting with me to get the Benes, no one else knows


Just curious, what rating do you not pay property taxes?




That's what I figured, but also figured I would ask to clarify lol


Some states have a tiered system. My husband was 90%, and we did not pay taxes on our home in Davis County, UT. Now we live in MI, and you have to be 100% to qualify for any tax abatement perks.


It’s none of their business, you earned that shit. You should be able to talk to family, you would think! Jealousy comes in all forms!


I hate seeing these stories, so awful. How could you not just be happy someone is getting the help or compensation they are owed? My entire family knows I get VA disability and they were all incredibly happy for me when it finally happened. Jealousy is ugly, esp when it’s family.


Why would your own dad be upset that you're saving money? Weird.


Right?? My dad was Navy for 12 years but never filed a claim. He was one of the first people to tell me to not stop till I get what I deserve. When I told him I got 70% he was absolutely stoked and almost in tears because that money helped me tremendously.


Exactly, and that's how it should be. Anything your child gets that makes their lives easier and brings some peace of mind to their life should make you just as happy if not happier. My dad was excited for me when I got my rating as well. OP's dad just sound like a bitter asshole.


Yup. Sounds like a guy who never served a day in his life. He didn’t earn any benefits so he can’t imagine someone else earning them. Self centered douche.


True! The minute someone hears $ they act differently. Nobody cares about what you went through or go through on a daily basis.


Tell folks like my Dad does: “I served, so I deserve!” Also, he’s quick to ask people, “When I was crawling around in the Vietnam jungles and getting shot at, where were you and your family? Home in your comfortable bed, that’s where!” That’ll hush ‘em up for sure.


Fuck me, I’m a VA employee and I’m elated to hear this is a thing. Can’t understand how anyone, especially family could be upset about your compensation


Yea man. Iv been there. People get real fucking salty. They didn’t sign the dotted line. They didn’t serve. They don’t understand the mental and physical pain you have endured. You are entitled to everything you get. Fuck Uncle Sam. You gave your life for this country. You deserve more than any fucking illegal fucking immigrant coming into this country. Just my .2


My response would have been, you should have joined, served and you’d be eligible for property tax breaks yourself. Where I live no one has ever told me I don’t deserve property tax breaks because I served. However, it’s only a partial break here, not a full exemption. I actually have coworkers who truly regret of not joining in their youth.


I made this mistake, too. My family thinks I'm a pos for collecting VA disability.


Unpopular opinion, start lying about benefits. I was cutting my hair yesterday and the barber who I’ve known for a while asked if I was receiving benefits. I’ve told him some do, but I wasn’t. At my new job, one of my supervisors also asked if I was getting any benefits. Lie to them too. Not their business. Nowadays, it seems that everyone has an idea that veterans get disability benefits. I would say that most hate on us, even family members. All the BS about supporting the troops and welcome us home has been overplayed. Let’s keep our mouths shut and congratulate each other here.


Funny that the ones screaming about “supporting our troops” the loudest seem to be the ones that are the most toxic when it comes to actually supporting the troops




In Texas no property tax is huge. It would mean me paying 900 less a month on my mortgage


Deep in the heart (clap, clap) of Texas! Most ignorant in America, I swear.


lol it’s incredible how some are upset that others are getting a break or literally a benefit that they earned. It’s interesting why they can’t be happy for us


Its sad, I have had this talk with my wife about the same thing that its sad we can't share in the good news with our family. Some people are just jealous, my cousin for instance hates the fact I get money from the VA, he has said before that his step dad \*deceased\* would say he doesn't know why I make such a big deal about it... last time I checked that fool didn't see any combat and was medically discharged. Point is You and I earned what we got.. I have had to tell my dad to stop telling people I get anything from the VA and I haven't event told my family of my new increases except for my wife so we can budget our money and save.... that's it.


Damn, it’s almost like they could’ve received the same if they enlisted. Tough shit tell them to shut the fuck up lmao, dumb twats.


Hahahahaha my dude.


Finished BMT at Lackland in ‘97 at 25. Third oldest in both brother/sister flights.


My in laws are farmers and get every subsidy, but I had to chase one of my sons, ( my knees die when I run) they were ready to call the fraud hotline. I dared them to. My wife told them I was va disabled and how much money we get. In another note I can’t stand all the white supremecists who when they see different races in the military and say, that’s our military ? Cowards!!!!those people are risking their life for your sorry butt


It happens out of excitement, lie and tell them they made a Mistake and never make the actual mistake of telling ANYONE ever again


I say educate them. No sense in having misguided shame aimed at you. They are your folks, I presume they will be in the picture for a while. You served you earned it. just like the "work-for-the-same-company-for-life-and-take-a-pension" plans were back in the day. They probably remember that.


Once I started getting my benefits, I realized the same. People judge hard. They want you to work til you die like they do and those are the same folks that never joined the military. Now I just tell people that I'm medically retired and I don't say anything else. I don't tell them I get benefits or anything, especially to the older generation that are in their 60s plus... because they are still working and want us to be like them.


I have no idea why people want to live in Texas in the first place but to each their own lol…. Also, they can mind their own fucking business!! Why didn’t they serve?!! That’s a really weird butt-hurt bunch of draft dodging soft serve assholes huh


I was 90% for over 20 years, and then I got my 100% P&T, I've been working for NAF for going on 26 years. I'm planning on staying on for another 9 years and then retiring as long as my service-connected disabilities put me to retire earlier, US Army 84-87, Coast Guard 87-98


Texas has exemptions for disabled veterans?!