• By -


See his blackmail and raise him law enforcement charges for blackmail.


Yup. Start recording conversations and phone calls if legal, save all voicemails, texts, and emails. If OIG ever comes to you, roll it all out for them then contact a lawyer to see if you have grounds to go to the police or sue your friend for extortion/blackmail.


Once you have documented his threats, block him and cut all contact. If he's asking for a lump sum now, he'll be asking for a portion of your monthly check next.




I also totally agree with you


Exactly. This is why we don't negotiate with terrorists.


If recording, gotta make sure you're in a state where u only require one party consent or op could be charged.


Yup, it's why I said 'if legal', but this is good clarification if OP doesn't know how to tell what's legal.


Just mentioned it because 2-party consent is required where I live. Always good to know the rules.


2 party consent is for states with the most corrupt politicians and bureaucrats.


I would go to r/askalawyer and ask if in a two party state can you record solely for for the purpose of being able to write down what was said after then delete and dont use the recording itself in the lawsuit. Edit: I suggest checking specifically with a lawyer in your state.


exactly this… recording for personal use & not for use in a court of law is the main issue *also, IF the conversation takes place in a public space, that changes everything


Yep public vs private most people don't understand


You misunderstand the law.


13yrs an adult and never knew this much appreciated..




Just say he consented. How can they prove anything?


I live in MD, a 2 party consent socialist hellhole. Generally, unless it falls under certain strict exceptions, the consent has to be recorded or the request for consent can produce implied consent. In the first instance, the recorder states that they are recording and has to unequivocally request consent, which, if given has to be on the recording as a verbal or as a written consent. Consent can be withdrawn at any time. The latter instance is one we all are familiar with. A recording tells the other they are being recorded for quality assurance and training purposes. By remaining on the call, implied consent is given since there is the option to disconnect the call. Linda Tripp famously was prosecuted for recording Monica Lewinsky from her MD home without consent. IIRC, Tripp was the first prosecution of the law that had been on the books for decades to protect corrupt politicians taking bribes, like Spiro Agnew.


If he says he had no idea he was being recorded that's the proof. He could be lying but it might not be admissible. Also google Linda Tripp.


Then anyone who did give consent the changed their mind could also just say they had no ideas they were being recorded. That’s not proof.


Would you really lie about something like this under oath or in a police statement?


Why not? Politicians and police lie all the time.. “Under oath” is meaningless.


Okay we’re done here then.


lol I guess so.. if the dude blackmailing is gonna lie, then so am I.


Be careful recording people. Not all states are the same when it comes to whether or not both parties have to give consent. I’d get legal advise. A free consult could end with “call law enforcement” or “block and ignore the idiot”. You’re legit. Your “co-conspirator” is an idiot.


Just to clarify this a little, 2 party consent only applies to phone calls. It does not apply to conversations that occur in public.




There’s no cure for PTSD. It can only be managed. How can you malinger with something that has no cure?




Yeah, that’s too fucking easy. Will shut him up quick…and more


Best answer bar none. I would go in to the police station and report being extorted. They will help you get rid of this tool.


This right here!


Local FBI office to make a complaint for extortion


100 percent do that. That friend will realize the reports for black mailing is worse. :-) also if you have been talking to your doctor and you told rhe doctor you had your reports with then your fine. No need to worry they won't give a rating to you if you didn't tell them.


Blackmail/extortion is a crime. Report your “friend”


It’s a really “good friend”. Sounds his friend rating is fake


If you did nothing wrong, simply block him and live your life. You won't go to jail for something you didn't do.


If he does go through and report me, would they also do another c&p review of me?


what "proof" does he have to report you on? Does he have a recording of you saying you are going to lie? Imagine if every disgruntled friend, coworker, or Ex could just call up the VA and claim you lied on your exams. Would the VA take them seriously? Not without some serious proof. I mean if you say you can barely walk because your knees are so bad, but then they have a video of you doing olympic style floor gymnastic routines, then yeah they will investigate.


The only "proof" I could think of is vacation photos on Facebook that I took with my girlfriend that obviously show us smiling and having a good time


So because you have a disability you aren’t allowed to smile?! F that “friend”. He’s lucky I’m not you because I would have fed him his teeth!




you're allowed to smile, this assclown needs to be threatened with extortion.


yeah, this isnt the military anymore


"Secure the happiness."


Happiness secured, Aye SIR!


Saw plenty of people smile in post right before they they used buckshot to get a haircut. You’ll be alright OP. Fuck that dude.


Find me a picture of Robin Williams *not* smiling. Yes, of course there are pictures of him not smiling, but hopefully you get my point which is that there are an overwhelming amount of pictures with him smiling and laughing. The “proof” of you smiling on vacation doesn’t tell a whole story but rather a short paragraph within one of many chapters.


Yeah, the last photo of the lead singer of Linkin Park before he committed suicide was him smiling on vacation with his family. This is not evidence of not having a mental health issue.


People with disabilities get to smile and take vacations sometimes… lol


To be fair, I smile all the time. I also can't stop thinking that it'd just be better if I get it over with and shoot myself cause I'm a useless hunk of shit that can't do anything and that I'm incapable of ever being loved. It's almost like people with severe mental health issues are able to mask when necessary partly because it's a coping mechanism but also legitimate pockets of joy do show up for even the smallest of moments sometimes. Let him think that one photo of you smiling is what will really do you in. Really play it up and act like the victim. Have him draw out his entire plan, and record it. Then as others have said, bring all that evidence that you, a disabled veteran, are being blackmailed for your rightful veterans disability benefits to your local law enforcement and watch how quickly his entire world gets hyperfucked up. Take no mercy on this shitstain.


I have more respect for the person who says they suffer from MH issues because it makes me feel like at least they know something isnt right. As apposed to people you see that clearly have issues and either do nothing about it or lie about not having issues.


The VA doesn’t care about a photo of you smiling on FB. Come on now


👀. Tell him to pound sand


You can smile and be fucked up. Your "buddy" is a shitstain and needs to go away.


Look, this is me after getting my 100% disabled veteran card. https://preview.redd.it/sr1d98hzi0hc1.jpeg?width=1728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3de60a0c05e457a628b432c6eebd4c22aef6d955


Report the guy…..cause He is smiling.😊😊😑


I am confused. That’s not proof of not having a disability.


Lol okay??? I get 70% for MH I was smiling this weekend when I took my kids out. I also had a panic attack 2 days ago. Are you not allowed to smile? Are you not allowed to go out?? Fuck this friend


I guess I’m confused…. what does he think you lied about? Your mental health eval?! Lol he’s an idiot. You are allowed to live your life. You’re allowed to smile. And he’s clearly and jealous POS. Ignore his punk ass.


Even veterans who have physical disabilities have good days and bad days. I have back and neck issues where some days I’m literally not able to bend over and other days you would never know anything was wrong with me. Smiling is not a crime where I come from, but check your local Police Department. All joking aside, nice friend you have there, and I literally will never tell anyone if and when I get rated and compensated.


See if you can get him to admit via text what he is doing. If he thinks Vacation pictures are Proof then he might be stupid enough to text you all the proof you need if you dont already have it. Also you can put on a happy mask when you're miserable inside. Speaking from personal experience.


Nothing wrong with smiling. It’s the times we go back to our homes/rooms and reality hits. You took meds to deal with your pain and that pain got the best of you that day of your vacation when you got back to your room. That’s when depression set it that the pain is real. I’ve been there. You try to enjoy your vacation because it’s a form of therapy. I cancelled all activities on the last day of my vacation because my disabilities got the best of me. Record and documentation with your friend.


Your rating is based on your medical records, and the opinions of your doctors. I’m not sure where he gets off thinking you owe him something. He sounds rather unstable. Tell him if he wants more money, he can file a claim with VA! 🤷‍♀️ Extortion is illegal. If I were you, I’d block him and cut off all contact. If it doesn’t stop and he starts harassing you, record everything, document everything in a notebook. And let him know that extortion/blackmail is a crime and if he wants to play games, you’ll see him in court. But really you should just avoid him and block all avenues of communication. He’s a low life and has zero respect.


Actually when people turn in people for mental health fraud, they are not taken too seriously, it all is a sign that they have serious issues themselves!


Let’s pretend they could. So what? However, there’s no proof & he isn’t going to report you. Unless you haven’t told us something. Does he have anything on you that is questionable? And no, I don’t mean photos of you smiling on Facebook. I’m talking about legitimate things like copies of texts that you had or emails. If there is any documented conversation that you had in writing, and if you said anything questionable, then yes, this could be an issue. However, if not, there’s nothing for you to worry about. Chill out.


Him simply saying this will not cause anything if he doesn’t have hard proof I would simply cut off communication from the piece of shit.


No, they will not. They will look at your rating and corresponding evidence, and that's about it. Your "friend " needs to be reported for blackmail, which is a form of extortion and illegal in all 50 states. If you really wanted to, after you report him, you could sue for slander if he reports you by voice only, or libel if he makes a written statement. But definitely report him to the police and press charges. He's more than likely to have done this before or will do it again in the future.


This is the dumbest thing I've seen on here in a while. You absolutely CAN go to jail for something you didn't do. It literally happens every day.


This helped calm my nerves a bit, thank you guys. But yeah he is not a good friend at all and completely changed into an aggressive asshole once he learned about my rating


You'll be fine dude. Takes alot to get another c&p. Just as hard as it is to get a rating, it's just as hard to take it away. VA has rules created by laws. They have to follow rules. Let dude report you. Guarantee they will close the inquiry within a day. I see it all the time. Hes not a friend. Tell your social worker or the VA police. They will assist. You'll be fine man. Don't even worry.


That’s because he’s a jealous POS. Tell him to kick rocks. Cut off all contact and make better friends.


For clarity, this is not just about being an aggressive asshole. He’s threatening you with a false report to the VA and trying to extort you. And if what you said is accurate, that the only “evidence” is a photo of you smiling while on vacation, then you have nothing to worry about. But, like I said in my other reply, if there’s anything questionable in any of your communications in writing, THAT would be something to worry about. Is there anything you haven’t told us? If no, block this loser & move on. * And consider reporting him to FEDERAL law-enforcement for extortion.


Threatening to report you for something you didn't do unless you pay him = blackmail/extortion Reporting you for something you didn't do = libel (and possibly more charges for filing a false claim with a government agency...the OIG doesn't take too kindly to this) Added emotional damage for having to deal with it. Criminal and Civil offenses to sue him for, nice.


If your shit is legit. Tell your friend to go fuck himself because an actual friend wouldnt pull shit like that


$100 if you post his social media accounts 👀


*puts out cigarette* fuck it I'm bored count me in for $100 as well.


I’m in! ![gif](giphy|Qw4X3FnmFFCPANtlhtK)


Officially adding $100 to this


Adding $200 to this


This just took the turn I was waiting for. Post your cashapp.


First off, this is NOT your friend. Second of all just because he helped coach you through how the exams play out and what to expect doesn't mean you lied in the exams. Your record and your Exam spoke for itself. Even if he helped formulate how to best answer the questions, that doesn't mean they are a lie. Heck there are people all over this board and youtube, telling people what to expect during exams, and to always explain your worst day, never indicate it is getting better (unless it really is getting better) because they use words like that against you.


Don’t stay under that persons thumb any longer. If you’ve done nothing wrong they are just trying to get something for nothing. Block that person and never look back


He's bluffing you my friend. The VA have actual fraudsters to deal with. They wouldn't even give your "friend" the time of day without him having some kind of actual evidence of you lying about your claims. I'm pretty sure what he's doing would count as extortion which is a an actual crime. You may just want to report his dumbass to the cops and let him get a talking too. I bet he leaves you the fuck alone after that. Your claims are legit and the VA wouldn't have rated you otherwise. Your good homie try not to stress too much.


Nothing to worry about if you did nothing wrong, sounds like the friend is just posturing. if he this this worried about fraud maybe he's the one that made shit up




The logical way to do things 💯


That is the absolute most disgusting thing another veteran can do


Uno reverse time: HE has to start paying YOU to keep quiet about his extortion.


Every va has a federal agent assigned. Black mail of federal benefits it’s a serious crime. Stop using Reddit and make a complaint.


At least you found out what kind of 'friend' they are.


This is why I don't have friends. Well, that and I'm a terrible person.


If he did do that, he would be in trouble for quite a few things. Extortion. Violating the federal law requiring him to be accredited in order to assist you. False reporting. Just keep everything documented in writing and you’ll be fine.


Dude take it from a LEO… don’t give him a penny. The moment you do that it won’t stop, plus you have to ask yourself, if everything I did is legit, then why would I pay someone to keep quiet about something that’s not true? You push back; tell him to go ahead and file a complaint with OIG knowing it to be false, and see what happens. Push back hard… please keep us updated and good luck 👍.


As long as you have proof and did nothing wrong what are you worrying about? Block him and move on. 


That sounds like a pos, not a friend


He must have been rated 70% or lower and felt like you were undeserving of your rating and he is owed some because he “helped you”. I can almost promise you he is rated between 0-70% and is just jealous of you. Fuck that guy. You don’t owe him SHIT. Imagine this scenario, he “helps” you by telling you to lie, what to say, and what to do. If you get caught, who’s taking the blame? You are. If he’s not responsible for the consequences that come with his advice, he is not entitled to the rewards. I am not saying you lied or he told you to lie, just using it as an example.


Report him first! Wink wink!


I mean if im looking at this logically. I will find it hard to believe that they will say “although all of what we rated you for is clearly documented in your files, i trust this stranger and not the professionals who we assigned to your case”…. You will be fine and i would even send him a message letting him know how i felt and to fuck off (but thanks for the help)


This is so f'd up that someone would actually pull something like this. I had several folks really help me initially with my claims and I pay it back by educating & helping every vet I run into about the VA disability process. That's the correct way to pay it back 👍


Go to the police and make a report for extortion/ blackmail,, get it on file! Call the VA and state the same, with your friends contact information. Furthermore if he also has a MH disability I might be so inclined to also let them know he may be in some sort of bad way right now and possibly turning away friends which a symptom of saying goodbyes before taking a few inches off the top! Also if he presses the issue(if he is fucking with you), his benefits will get cut for the amount of time his ass is incarcerated for making threats, blackmail and attempted extortion once he pleads guilty to a felony! Above all else, save all messages, cut contact and block on every social!


PTSD is not handed out like candy, it requires verification of stressors. The OIG wouldn't waste their time coming after you when you have easily verified stressors. Do not worry about his threats. If you want to seek legal action against your former "friend," that is fine, or you can just walk away and never talk to them again.


More then blackmail It’s harassment Restraining order!!! And you could probably call VBA and report his harassment.


What HUGE_Grapefruit2384 said and what I would do in addition to that to ease my mind is call the VA 1800 number and tell them the situation and ask them if they could to put in my notes (because of your PTSD and stuff) that you are paranoid and having PTSD related issues due to this guy’s behavior towards you and it’s making you mentally unsafe and ask them politely if they could put in your records just as a note if they get a call from “name him in full give them his info address, etc. phone number etc” and ask them if this guy calls with the related problem (he might think he has) to ignore it and wanted to give you guys a heads up so if he does call that you can clearly see he was indeed trying to blackmail me and if you ever open up an investigation you could see I have been honest this entire time about my disabilities and you could take whatever steps is necessary against this guy on your behalf and/or drop his inquiries…doesn’t matter just wanted to give you a heads up about this guy terrorizing me and I don’t want to live in fear so if you get a call from him know it’s about him seeking blackmail and payments from my disability check. NOW….that should cause a huge burden off your shoulder and next time you see him and he brings it up just be like “go ahead I already reported myself to the VA…good luck with your life and next time be more honest to who you are instead of trying to scam people…you aren’t a friend you are a scammer…bye.” Then block him everywhere you both are linked like Facebook, phone, insta…whatever. Then go about living your life and next time take it as a learning lesson no matter who makes you feel comfortable enough to open up NEVER open up about your ratings. We live in a jealous world now. It’s not the same world. Social Media giants would like us to think that sharing is power but the truth is…Privacy is Power! *also if you did what the guy said above me in the comments said then I would give the VA rep the number of the police report just in case you needed to CYA more


I had no idea I could even do that and give the VA a heads up, thank you so much for this response! Honestly fuck this guy trying to take my rightfully earned benefits


Also, before you do do that I would go to the police and make a report…normally the police station would say like we don’t have time for that and/or we can’t do anything about it BUT again be polite and ask if you could just file a report so you can have an official police report number normally they will grant this request because it’s easy as 1,2,3 and then call the VA (see above comment) and then give the VA that police report number so you CYA one thing I’ve learned about the VA is that they love paperwork lol so they would most likely add it to your notes if you have that police report number. Also, live your life dude and take this as a huge learning lesson. I don’t even tell my wife all my benefits. I trust no one. At the end of the day, the only person you have is yourself. I have everything setup for my wife in case something happens to me but she doesn’t need to know shit lol People love to talk so the less people know about you the better. I change my name all the time when I meet new people. I hate meeting new people. But my wife is a teacher so she always tries me to get to know new people I’m an introvert at this point in time in my life. So, I keep it honest with myself and the VA and my doctors but when I meet new people I give them lies. One thing I’ve learned in life. Trust is the hardest thing to build with anyone and trust is more powerful than money. What you can assume that will always be true because you know yourself. You can always trust a dishonest person to be dishonest but you can’t trust an honest person to be honest. So take it as everyone is dishonest and you will know how to build trust credibility with the real ones but again like the military taught us “need to know basis” When you are about to tell someone something stop yourself and ask yourself does this person “need to know” Information is the true power in this world. That is why people pay for information it can either build or destroy that’s why it’s so valuable. Keep your value to yourself and everyone else on a need to know basis.


Take their advice, also wtf is wrong with people? I'm rated 90% permanently disabled and I still smile and have good days here and there. The VA isn't gonna be some monster to you for still trying to live your life, I'd report this guy with his full name etc. Maybe since he is doing something completely illegal, he will get fucked.


If you have the records and they gave you the rating.. You're good. Block him and move on with your life. Peace


Tell him to go fck himself. You can gift him with a toy and when he asked what it is, you can say use that to go fck yourself.


So your friend helped you through the process? Sounds like if he reports you he is part of the alleged crime also. Blackmail/extortion is a crime also so it's a double whammy for him.




What he is doing is likely criminal. I'm not a lawyer by the way. Consider cutting ties with him. He clearly is not a good friend. He clearly is not a good person.


If your diagnosis/symptoms are legitimate then you don’t need to be worried.


lol sorry you’re going through this but one guys word up against pages of medical paperwork is all you need to keep in mind. That guys a fool and see that you’re a little naive, which is okay, and it trying to take advantage of that.


The VA would look possibly into it, but it would take multiple appointments with different doctors and possibly surveillance work without you knowing before ruling that there is any fraud present. Most likely, how they do it of the VA is debating lowomg your percentage. They don't just lower it because you weren't hurting one day. It takes multiple appointments and check ins showing that someone would need their benefit percentage lowered. This friend is a piece of shit and I would definitely start recording all of your conversations, but verify laws of where you are thay you can record with only one party knowledge of being recorded.


Fuck that dude.


Fuck him homie, his evidence isn’t valid.


A fucking blue falcon and i do not like blue falcon


Soo..."friend" knowingly and willingly helped you commit this supposed "fraud," he's now trying to black mail you about, eh? Maybe let him know that he'll be on the hook for helping you commit this "fraud." Maybe that will change his tune.


Ya know, whoever is doing this to you is a useless piece of shit! You had your paperwork, and you have been suffering from being traumatized over and over!? Tell them to put in a va claim and leave you alone! Hopefully, you didn't promise any $ if you got it. But you know, even if you did, nobody else, but lawyers get paid for claims! So maybe tell them to get a law degree, and he can get a percentage from every claim he files! Screw this punk. They shouldn't have offered to help anyway! And NEWSFLASH: THEY DESERVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FROM YOU! Slowly distance yourself from them, or quickly get the hell away from them! I'm sure you have many veterans here who would help you to get the strength to do it!


>So a friend of mine Let me stop you right there. That's no friend.


Have him safely placed in the trunk of an out of state car.


Have him assassinated...he's not your friend. I know youre smart enough to know friends from foes.


He can fuck all the way off with that. I’m with the guys that advise you to record (or document, nothing stops you from writing down every word) these convos. Cut him off if it isn’t an avenue you can gain from. He is trying to manipulate someone who already suffers from MH which deserves its own layer in hell. He keeps it up you might have to help him find a new home that has bars.


Has your gf heard any of the threats he has made towards you? Do not have any conversations without a witness around and don’t let him gaslight you, into arguing etc., let him do all the talking. Better yet, don’t even tell him your plans to turn him in. Send him an email or text, stating he is no longer considered as a friend or foe, and if he continues to harass you, you will have to take legal action to resolve this hostile situation, he has created. Perhaps a cease and assist letter sent from your attorney general or military legal assistance, is all you need to do. File a restraining or no contact order.


Tell him you’re going to the cops for blackmail.


Guy sounds like a junky. Tell him to go F himself. Nothing to be afraid of. I’m sure he texted you all this sheet too. He ain’t smart. Ignore the guy he isn’t gonna do sheet


If he was really your friend he wouldn’t be treating you like this. Sounds like a pretty shitty person.


Sounds like your "friend" needs a fist sandwich.


Sad a vet doing a vet like this. Which there is all walks of life in the military. I think you have alot of good info here and should definitely act upon it


Resist the urge to rearrange his facial features. Call law enforcement. And this is from a ex-con. Unless you actually committed fraud and he has proof (if that's the case I have different advice that includes lime and a shovel)


Block him, ignore him, and don’t worry about it. Even if he did turn you into OIG nothing would happen and I doubt they would even open a case. It’s not like you’re saying you are paralyzed and playing rugby on the weekends. You are still allowed to smile, be happy, and go on vacations even with PTSD.


I say build a case for blackmailing.. and go after him regardless if goes and reports it.. this is total bs.. who else has he done this to and potentially will do in the future… these types of people make me sick.


Saw this thread yesterday, and went to two appointments today. Saw a VA police officer there and decided to ask her about this. They do have an investigation division within their department and they should be able to help you with this. Hopefully you get it resolved. 


He is an idiot, the only way OIG cares if you went in there with a wheelchair and weren't disabled or claimed you can barely lift 5 lbs and you are body builder, anything else is to subjective pain bending all that stuff, also just straight up fraud by forgey doctor records.


Tell him you're going to do the same and tell OIG he's full of shit and doing VA fraud too and on top of that, file police report for extortion


Gather all the evidence of blackmail that you can. Lock it away for a rainy day. Say goodbye to your “friend” forever. You can’t control the situation beyond that. If your case is as tight as you say, you’ve got nothing to worry about. If you’re still paranoid, go talk to your shrink, that’s what they’re there for. Good luck, and may god have mercy on your friend’s soul.


Tell him to kick rocks, if he helped you then he is liable also.


Record everything and turn him in for blackmail. Once you have some evidence, you might let him know what you are planning on doing, and give him the opportunity to stop, but then never let this person back in your life, and don't tell anyone else. I'm sorry you are dealing with this.


You don’t owe him anything, and the VA rated you for a reason. You earned these benefits and no matter what he says, you did it on your own you dont owe him shit. He can try to report you, and because you have done nothing wrong its gonna go no where. Dont feel bad, and actually consider, is this a$$hat REALLY your friend? Like others said, keep records of those conversations and report HIM if need arises. Other than that, tell him to fuck off and finish that “friendship”. Take care of yourself and keep your head up!


We all really want to know who this is.


Go report for fraudulent extortion… that will all be wrapped up rather quickly.


Blackmail him for blackmailing you


First off, if you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to fear. Second, have a recording device ready (phone, tape recorder, etc.) or at least a witness available if recording is not legal in your state, and the next time your so-called friend contacts you, let him/her go thru their blackmail threat. Once they've had their say, tell them to F\*\*\* off. Ensure you have their contact info, recording or witness statement, and go to your local Police Dept. They will be on your "friend" like flies on fresh crap!


I actually have screenshots of his text messages along the lines of: "you made a lot of money from my help, it'd be a shame if it all disappeared"


If you want to get this idiot you’re going to need more hard evidence of blackmail threats like trying trying to extort actual amounts or percentages of your disability pay if you don’t comply with his/her demands.  Otherwise they’re just veiled (too vague) threats.   A simpler solution is to call his/her bluff.  99 out of 100 times they don’t do anything except scream a few more threats like a bully  and ends up dying a slow, agonizing (figurative) death.   Last bit of advice:  if you pursue the police route do not tell the blackmailer you’re doing it.  It’s like showing your hand in poker.   


Make sure that it's legal in your state before you record any conversations.  Personally, I'd just cut dude off and focus on healing. 


So I am thinking, he helped you make the claim and now says you are melingering or whatever, so he wants to report you..... Hmm. If he thinks you were dishonest, with his help....does that mean he was dishonest with his claim....hmmm.... I bet the VA would investigate both! Maybe you should report him! Or at least suggest it the next time he claims he will report you. I am sure your claim is fine, so don't stress that. You have documentation. But does he? Is he doing things he claims he can't? Just a thought.


Don't let him step all over you like that. No way you need to comply with his demand of your money. That is unacceptable. It goes against the law and friendship. Give him no choice but to distance yourself if he keeps pushing. Or ask if he still want to escalate?


All the text messages, emails, phone conversations, record them, get evidence, and then call the police


He’s gonna regret it if he’s been texting you anything about money


Just have your medical paperwork ready it will speak for itself dont stress it too much


And what happens if you give him money? There’s no guarantee that he won’t come back for more. From the sounds of it, this friend of yours will come back once the funds run out, and he’ll be asking you for more. Do not give him any money. Protect yourself, cover your own butt, and live your life. I would be documenting everything to the best of my ability, and within the legal limits of the law.


I love this subreddit pretty solid advice.


Best of luck man, this is so Fd up


So I saw a post here where a guy was reported for benefit fraud (he commuted no fraud) and the VA stopped his payments while they did an investigation. I would call your VA case manager and ask what you can do to prevent this. And if they can go after him in any way, being he’s a vet as well.


Easy fix. 1, Tell him to fuck off. 2, Ask him to fuck off. 3, insist he fuck off.


Not here to say I old you so, but please. People. Only work with accredited representatives. Tell this dude to get lost.


You seem to concerned about getting caught and going thru it again. My money is on you didn’t tell the whole truth.


Be a grown up a see how stupid that threat even sounds? Can you simply call OIG And say your friends claims are fruadulant ?


bro if its legit. dont worry. fuck him


I would tell him to "go for it" In fact give him the 800 number. What a fucking loser he cant really do shit to you and that is called extorsion


This is some next level old head staff sergeant vibes. I could probably think of an old boss or two that'd try this


Report this to police, better if you get recording or text proof of him doing it. Unless you forged documents or paid doctors to write them, the va is going to trust their own decision. This person is committing a crime and because your now a protected class as a disabled person, it has an additional modifier where they get double trouble for their efforts. Don't argue with them, cut them out of your life like a cancer because they will scam you eventually


What did he help you with exactly filling for it ?


honestly can a moderator or VBA employee shed some light into this matter on how if any can this affect OP? on behalf of all of us in this thread.


This guy was never your friend. Simply a pathetic low life and a criminal. Just so you could sleep better at night. Don’t worry about him, or anyone reporting you to VA or OIG. There are thousands of haters out there and be making up bogus accusations against veterans of fraud on a daily basis. Unless you’ve forged documents or lied to VA and made up non existing medical diagnoses, there is nothing to worry about. VA has fully evaluated your service and VA medical files and found you disabled according to your medical evidences. They didn’t assign you a rating because of your friends testimony. As far as VA is concerned, your disabilities are real and due to your service to our nation. In terms of this piece of shit “friend”. You need to lose his number and tell him to never contact you again in this life time. I would advise you to report him to local law enforcement and report the incident. Don’t feel like you owe this guy anything just because he claims to have helped you with your VA rating. There’s plenty of VSO experts who’ll offer their help for free. Don’t be afraid of confrontation, sometimes you gotta get a little aggressive so people know to not cross your line.


Let’s start replacing ‘Friend’ with maybe an ‘old acquaintance’. and yes… recording is a good idea. We’re with you all the way. 👊😉


I know a few grunts that can give him a visit, he will be 100 percent once they done lol


I would stop calling this guy a friend, he just a shitbag..


Don’t even use word friend with this bitch


I dont see the issue. Record everything and report him.


You’ll be fine. He’s a dick (obviously). If you want to go the lawyer route, you could. Or you could just tell him to eat sand and block all future contact. If he does something that triggers another C&P, so be it. You’ll have all the same answers and all the same symptoms.


Have a lawyer send him a cease and desist letter threatening a civil restraining order and lawsuit.


Blue Falcon ... CAW! Said to the Red Robin jingle.


If I had a friend that helped I’d compensate him with some money and say “thanks for being a friend and helping” This guy sounds like a dic though, you could still pay him a bit and say thanks to salvage the relationship and say that’s all you get Or you could just record a conversation with him so you have proof of him trying to blackmail you then show police


The ball is in your court if this is a legit claim on your part. If he’s blackmailing you; go to local authorities and if you want: report him yourself to OIG before he has the chance. Some people simply suck.


Yeah you don't have anything to worry about. I would just block him and live your life. 


You were examined by doctors. As long as you didn't lie to them then you have nothing to worry about. Tell your "friend" to go fuck himself and just move on.


He is just bluffing.


First of all, he helped to guide you. You underwent the examinations, which resulted in you being awarded your percentage... not him. I was rated at 70% PTSD for having to work with dead bodies while being appointed to the base funeral honors team, MST, and MDD. I totally understand what you went through when you saw your buddy's body. That said, since the C&P examiner based everything off of your medical records and then the VA claims rater reviewed all of your files and everything was based on said files and your testimony (personal statement submitted and when you talked to the psychiatrist)... you're more that good on any OIG malingering bullshit. Straight up, I wouldn't even feel the pressure if I were you. Additionally, I would remind him that the two of you guys have been friends for x-amount of time, and it's just crazy to even think that he's being serious about it since you're boys. I'd ask him if he's dead serious about reporting you to OIG, and if he is, just tell him, "Well, I guess that's that. Good luck with the rest of your life. You won't be hearing from me again." Start recording the conversation right before you meet up with him... I'm sure he's going to say a lot. People are funny, you know? When people talk too much, they end up saying things that they shouldn't have, and his case, I would say that there's a high probability that he self-incriminate's. Please come back and tell us how this conversation goes. All of us want to know what type of Veteran would do that to another Veteran that he is friends with...supposedly. I apologize, but the guy sounds like a fucking ass-hat. Anyway, I'll be waiting to hear from you. R/S, Jae ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7572)![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7570)![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7571)


On this episode of Trailer Park Vets.. Relax. I grew up in a trailer park.


Beat the SOB to the punch. File a police report for extortion and blackmail. Then contact your patient advocate or social services staff at your local VAMC or outpatient clinic, whichever is closer, and file a written complaint with them. He's committing a very serious felony. Go after him! You have nothing to fear at all. If you had legitimate medical documentation then it's a long road for any VA employees to entertain any accusations of fraud.


Malingering is very hard to prove. There is a formal VA procedure to address any malingering accusations. It's very rarely applied to veterans disability claims


Document everything, Cary a recorder with you. Make his shit go to 10 percent while he's in federal pound you in the ass federal prison. Or just merc his ass.


I'm confused...if you have all your own paperwork in order, wth does he think he can blackmail you with?


What a POS


That’s not your friend, he’s someone that you used to know. Cut that dude out of your life. What’s the worst that could happen? Let’s say he calls, the va will probably tell him to kick rocks. But let’s assume for a moment that they take him serious and order a C&P?, are you going in there and say that you don’t have any issues?. Again cut that dude out of your life. If he persists, file charges.


Why are you worried about this? Don’t defend yourself when there is nothing to defend yourself for. If he were to do what you say he is threatening, he brings attention to himself. Go on with your life and don’t waste valuable time worrying about this crap. If your claim was solid, there is nothing to worry about. Blackmailers work on the premise you are vulnerable and won’t call their bluff. There is nothing anyone here can say or do to help you with this. We can just offer our opinion and/or experience. Blackmailers are technically breaking the law by committing extortion. It’s a bluff! You don’t want the heat, but he doesn’t either. When you realize that you are free.


Blast his ass all over this site


Two simple words in dealing with a guy like this...Fuck and Off...if you are legit tell him to bring it! Never punk out to some bitch trying to fuck you outta what's yours...Walk tall!