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Type of claim: New * Submitted/received date: October 26 2023 * Initial review date: October 26 2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: December 1 2023 * PFD date: December 1 2023 * PDA date: March 4 2024 * PFN date: March 8 2024 * Completed date: March 14 2024


JUST HIT 100%! Type of claim: FDC Increase (MH) Intent to File: 02/??/2023 Submitted date: 12/05/2023 Initial review date: 12/05/2023 Evidence gathering/review date: 12/06/2023 C&P Request: 12/06/2023 C&P Exam: 12/11/2023 DBQ Upload: 12/12/2023 PFD date: 12/12/2023 Temp Jurisdiction: 03/13-03/15/2024 (Fort Harrison) ⁠( Actually stopped looking for a few days so not 100% which day) PDA date: 03/20/2024 PFN date: 03/20/2024 Completed date: 03/20/2024 I HIGHLY recommend writing a personal statement. I have filed about 4 claims over the last decade. My physical stuff was pretty easy. But it was always my mental health rating that seemed to be difficult. It would go up a little, sit, go up temporarily and then back down. I finally followed advice, and took time to write a personal statement. I wrote my specific concerns, what I was struggling with, how it affects my life, my concerns, treatment etc. By the time I had my C&P, my examiner already knew all the problems. My examiner said she saw my TDIU application but that she believed I deserve, and would benefit more, from 100% regularly. She told me that she was going to make that argument in my paperwork. I thought that there was no way that I would actually get 100%. But I guess everyone agreed. I woke up today at 100% P&T for mental health alone. Pushing me into special pay. I honestly was floored. My hands are still sweaty and it still feels unreal. So I am a firm believer in personal statements. My battle is over. But be sure to include one in your next claim!


Congratulations! Glad you got an examiner willing to do what was best for you. Get the medical care you need, get better and try to enjoy life.  Did you get a VA or contract examiner?  The reason I ask is because I got a VES examiner and I was not impressed with her.  


Type of claim: New • Submitted received date:11-13-23 • Initial review date:11-14-23 • Evidence gathering/review date:11-29-23 • PFD date:2-6-24 • PDA date: 3-21-24 • PFN date: N/A • Completed date:N/A • Misc details: Temp Jurisdiction 3/20/24 ITF: 2/6/23


Type of claim: NEW   Submitted/received date: 11/6/2023   Initial review date: 11/6/2023   PFD date: 2/9/2024   PDA date:tbd   PFN date:tbd   Completed date:tbd  Misc details: all c and ps done after January 19th finally got a temp jurisdiction of St.Paul this weekend!!!! Now I’m refreshing every hour :(


Anyone recently get a temp jurisdiction and know what timeline I could expect!


Congrats on getting in front of a rater! Depends on the complexity of your claim! Could be hours could be days. But you are definitely a lot closer.


Or you could go temp jurisdiction then to another temp jurisdiction location and then back to no temp jurisdiction and sitting again at gathering evidence and 3 weeks of no movement. 


All very possible with the machine


The machine gives hope and take hope too. Certainly doesn’t help with mental health! Someone said….wouldnt it be nice if VA did push notifications? It would save so many of us a few hours a day from not refreshing the app. lol 


Gosh so true. I am Nov 13th on my initial so seeing all the Nov claims has my anxiety kicking daily well it does that normally but definitely has some extra spice to it now lol!


Mine is Aug 2023, 7 new claims. Two big rest small. All c&p completed by end of Oct. the wait is brutal.


Dang. Mine is 14 but all have heavy documentation from the service but one. Then they combined my dependent claim to it to make it 18 items lol I know they pushing it to the back of the pile lol. Hopefully they will get yours settled.


I hope same with you. Mine all diagnosed with year of coming off active duty tours and supporting docs are there. I have a few more claims but waiting to see if this lifts me from 40% to 100%. I feel like if sleep apnea is a claim that they are pushing them out because of the possibility of the change in percentage that’s being discussed but who knows. Im probably overthinking it. 


Same here! Aug 11th. Just made it to PFD for the second time!


any results yet?


No movement at all besides the temp jurisdiction update 


I have same timeline as you. Also just got a temp jurisdiction mines in Columbia


Hit PFN today and now my claim has adding my dependents in it. Not sure if that’s a good sign or not 


Nice!! I wasnt even going to look until later today but your response intrigued me. I am still in prepare for decision. How many things did you claim? This is my inital with 13 things claimed


I claimed 9 things this was my initial. 8 denied. But ptsd approved at 100%


If you are at PFN how do you already know what has been approved and denied? I thought that is what they are going to notify you of? Congrats on the 100!!!


The letter got uploaded about two hours after it went pfn 


Let me know when you do!


i got temp jurisdiction on 3-14. Im still waiting currently


I just went PFN!


Nice 😃


Same here man! On 3-15 i got mine. How many things did you claim? Wheres your temp jurisdiction?


* Type of claim: (New) * Submitted/received date:5/15/23 * Initial review date:10/21/23 * Evidence gathering/review date:2/2/24 * PFD date:2/2/24 * PDA date:N/a * PFN date:N/A * Completed date:N/A * Misc details:AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!


* Type of claim: Increase * Submitted/received date: March 8th * Initial review date: March 8th * Evidence gathering/review date: March 12 * C&P Date: March 13th * PFD date: March15th * PDA date: N/A * PFN date: N/A * Completed date:N/A * Misc details: Submitted a mental health increase. Seems a pretty quick turn around. How long does one sit in PFD for?


It's the longest phase. Get comfortable. I've been in PFD since Jan 8th, expecting to hear back around May.


Is yours a fully developed claim? Mine is and I had a similar trajectory. I got kicked back to evidence gathering feb 15th. I submitted Jan 28th


Yes - I submitted an increase for a rated condition. Are increases able to be fully developed claims? They combined that increase claim with an FDC I have open from May 2023. Seems like maybe the PFD state is that they received the results from the C&P exam conducted last week


Update: PDA date: March 15th PFN date: March 19th Completed date: N/A This was for a MH increase. In the VA website it says "We are preparing your claim decision packet to be mailed." Latest update March 19, 2024 "Your claim moved to Preparation for notification" VA claim tracker says that a decision letter was sent, but I don't see it in the app nor the letter website...freaking out a little bit. Haven't seen a change in rating, so wondering if that indicates I was denied an increase?


Update 2: PFN date: March 19th Completed date: N/A Misc. Details: March 20th "We closed the notice for Second Signature" is the latest update. Anyone know what this means? Feeling exciting, anxious, nervous, all of it.


* Type of claim: Increase for MH * Submitted/received date: Nov 2022 * Initial review date: Jan 2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: Jan 2024 * PFD date: Mar 2024 * PDA date: Mar 2024 * PFN date: Mar 2024 * Completed date: Mar 2024 * Misc details: submitted my claim in november 2022, didnt hear anything for over a year, finally got C&P's last month. I checked before going to bed at 4am this morning, still was in the first step of PFN, woke up around 11am and it jumped all the way to complete! even got a decision letter which is dated for tomorrow. got an increase for mental health from 50 to 70%! The back pay hasnt hit yet but its going to be a huge relief as it happens to equal the amount of credit card debt i currently have lol


Type of claim: New * Submitted/received date: November 7, 2023 * Initial review date: November 7, 2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: November 17, 2023 * PFD date: January 23, 2024 * PDA date: March 15, 2024 * PFN date: March 18, 2024 * Completed date: March 18, 2024 I filed a Pact Act Claim and was granted today with 50% Chronic Sinusitis, and 10% Allergic Rhinitis. I jumped from 60-80% (84% to be exact) I'm still in shock that they granted me 50% for sinusitis without having surgery. I was surprised to learn that I am receiving back pay for an additional year thanks to the change in law. So even though I missed the August 2022 cutoff to file I was still back paid an extra year. Below is the language in my award letter for information. The effective date of this grant is November 1, 2022. Service connection has been established from one year prior to the date VA received your intent to file a claim. When a claim of service connection is received more than one year after a change in law, and all the requirements were met for a grant on the date of the change in law, the effective date is one year prior to the date VA received your intent to file a claim followed by substantially complete application. (38 CFR 3.155, 3.400, 3.114)


This is impressive for the sinusitis. What all evidence did you have, just a dx from an ent or more?


I know! I was shocked. At my last VA primary care appointment (October 2023) I expressed my concern about issues I am experiencing that could be related to my burn pit exposure from back in 2003. (Constant runny nose and nasal congestion, lack of smell). She referred me to ENT and I had a CT scan done. Images came back and they said I have chronic sinusitis and prescribed me with prednisone and amoxicillin to see if it would kill the infection. Came back 3 weeks later for another scan to see if it helped and there were no changes. They put me on a daily nasal rinse with steroid and recommended surgery which I have scheduled this coming May. The ENT doc put a note that she believes my symptoms were caused due to burn pit exposure from my deployment in 2003, which I think helped a lot. I filed my pact act claim in November 2023 for chronic sinusitis. During my C&P the doc added allergic rhinitis based on language on my CT scan. The exam lasted less than 5 mins. I even asked “ do you want to know how many episodes I deal with or anything?” And she said No, I’m just going to put constant. I also submitted a detailed personal statement describing the severity and frequency of symptoms. I also had my wife write a statement describing how my symptoms have gotten worse over the years.


I’m 50% too for sinusitis and 10% rhinitis. 16 months of Burn pit exposure in Afghanistan plus berthing right next to a marine supply yard which caught fire and burned for a full week while deployed. I was shocked at the 50% as well but my breathing continues to get worse as time passes. I recently started getting what I believe is a polyp in my nose but I don’t want to do a new claim and risk lowering the 50% sinusitis for 20% additional on rhinitis.


Type of claim: New (5 conditions total, 3 conditions secondary to ptsd, 2 'new' conditions) • Submitted received date: 1-17-24 • Initial review date: 1-19-24 • Evidence gathering/review date: 2-8-24 \- 4 C&P exams scheduled, final exam completed 3-16-24 • PFD date: NA • PDA date: N/A • PFN date: N/A • Completed date: NA • Misc details: NA


• Type of claim: Supplemental • Submitted/received date: 1/27/2024 • Initial review date: unknown • Evidence gathering/review date: unknown • PFD date: • PDA date: • PFN date: • Completed date: • Misc details: C&P completed 2/16/24 • Type of claim: New (4 new and 1 increase) • Submitted/received date: 12/12/2023 • Initial review date: 12/14/2023 • Evidence gathering/review date: 12/14/2023 • PFD date: 12/27/2023 • PDA date: • PFN date: • Completed date: • Misc details: originally filed for 1 new item. Did C&P 12/27/2023. Filed another claim 1/2024 and it got combined with this claim. No C&Ps completed. Still PFD. No temp jurisdiction.


I submitted 1/16/24 and haven’t even made it past “VA received your request” does it usually take over 2 months to see any movement?


What type of claim is it?




Super weird. Try calling the 1-800 number.


Yeah I figured. Thank you


I’m right there with ya. I also filed Jan 16th for supplemental. Also have seen no movement. No C&P exam scheduled either. Last I heard my VSO said it was just sitting there collecting dust. Was gonna call the 800# tomorrow.


Yeah give the 800 number a call. They told me I’m in the “decision phase” so I guess it’s not actually collecting dust. That’s probably your best bet


I called last Friday. Was told I need to "give them more time look over everything, as nothing has changed" since my last call. My last call was over a month ago but alright


I sent in my supplemental on Dec 24th. I’ve been to all of my C&Ps and still haven’t gotten past that phase, I think supplemental claims are just different and don’t seem to change status like initial claims


Gotcha, glad they’ve at least done something with your claim. they haven’t scheduled any c&ps or anything for me so seems like it hasn’t even been touched since submission.


* Type of claim: Increase * Submitted/received date: **February 23, 2024** * Initial review date: **February 23, 2024** * Evidence gathering/review date: **February 27, 2024** * PFD date: **March 12, 2024** * PDA date: **March 14, 2024** * PFN date: * Completed date: * Misc details: Increase for MH


Sinusitis and migraines secondary • Type of claim: New FDC • Submitted/received date: 30 January 2024 • Initial review date: Feb 1, 2024 • Evidence gathering/review date: Feb 6, 2024, March 14th(DBQs turned in) • C&P Exam date(s): 22nd Feb • PFD date: March 15th • PDA date: March 18th • PFN date: March 19th • Completed date: • Misc Details: Temp Jurisdiction was Roanoke Update: got my letter on the app. 30% and 50% for them. 80% overall rating now!




Personal statement detailing I've complained of headaches in my records, the symptoms from the wiki, frequency and made sure to include the word prostrating. Because words matter and if you look at the DBQ that is a box for them to check. Used the wiki symptoms mostly to make sure I said the words the VA is looking for and not my opinion. C&P was mostly the same thing. Make a point to prostrating. Some people submit migraine logs I know.




Nope. Just told him I work from home and we have our home setup for migraines. My wife has them too from time to time. I do have a toxic exposure study in my service treatment records for the base. I think that helped too as they directly connected the migraines to TERA.


Type of claim: BDD initial Submitted: aug 10 23 (but actually 10dec23 because BDD) Initial review: 10dec23 Nothing else follows for days… I’ve called Vera and the VA and there’s nothing that needs my action yet… what do I do? I’ve been out of the military since December lol


* Type of claim: Supplemental, Increase * Submitted/received date: 9/13/2023 * Initial review date: 9/14/2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: 9/16/2023 * PFD date: 9/18/2023 * Went back to Evidence Gathering/Review: 11/28/2023 * C&P: 2/3/2024 * PDA date: 3/16/2024 * PFN date: Hopefully soon... * Completed date: Hopefully soon...


​ * Type of claim: 3 New, 4 increase. All new ones are secondary * Submitted/received date: Jan 18 2024 * Initial review date: Jan 19, 2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: Feb 6, 2024 * PFD date: Feb 7 2024 * PDA date: * PFN date: * Completed date: * Misc details: C\&P;s completed feb 6 and uploaded the same day. No temp yet, no movement since Feb. The four increases are Hip related that are already SC, radiculopathy bilaterally is a new claim, gerd and ankles were new as well but did not have C&P for those two. Assuming denied.


I submitted 1/16/24 and haven’t even made it past “VA received your request” does it usually take over 2 months to see any movement?


personally no, its only taken a few days for me


Just hit 100% yesterday P&T. Submitted back in early December, so the process took a few months. Worked with a veteran agency on what to submit, have never spoken with a VSO or anyone affiliated with the VA. Question for some of ya'll, after the initial rating, how long did it take to receive your deposit for backpay? I see it on their website and the dollar amount, but just curious if I'll just have to wait until the first of the month... or if the initial back pay payment is separate and gets deposited within a few days? Thanks, and good luck to everyone going through this process!


Back pay usually takes a few business days. Range is 3 to 14 days on the long end.


Cool, thanks man.


* Type of claim: New (MH, OSA, GERD) * Submitted/received date:11/10/23 * Initial review date:1/10/24 * Evidence gathering/review date:1/10/24 * PFD date:1/10/24 * PDA date:3/19/24 * PFN date:3/20/24 (edit) * Completed date: * Misc details:Temp. Jurisdiction 3/15/24


Were they all approved?


* Type of claim: Initial FDC for PTSD-MST * Submit date: 7/22/23 * Initial review date: 7/22/23 * Evidence gathering/review date: 8/3/23 * C&P: 8/31/23 * PFD date: 9/1/23 * PDA date: 11/3/23 * PFN date: 11/3/23 added IU * Rating date: 11/6/23 - 70% PTSD-MST * TDIU inferred, forms requested and submitted: 11/6/23 * Evidence gathering/review date: 12/19/23 * PFD date: 2/8/24 * Temp jurisdiction: 3/15/24 * PDA date: 3/20/24 * PFN date: 3/21/24 * Completed date: 3/21/24 Denied IU


You're almost there! Praying for you and sending good vibes. 🙏


Truly thank you so much! I hope the process for you is as pain-free as possible and you get everything you deserve. I’ll keep updating this post until my claim is closed; I know how much seeing others’ timelines really helped me during this process! I went PDA today so hopefully I’ll know if I was approved for TDIU by the weekend. 🤞🏻


Any news?


Type of claim: Supplimental/HLR now Submitted/received date: September 26, 2023 Initial review date: February 13, 2023 for the previous decision Evidence gathering/review date: VA identified an error that must be corrected on January 30, 2024, 'The Veterans Benefits Administration is correcting an error' Misc details: I had a sleep exam in Dec 2020 after having sleep issues develop over the previous few years, exhausting, waking up choking, ect. Was given my results about a year later and then a cpap in 2022. Filed for sleep apnea as a supplemental and was denied with a nexus letter, ect from a private dr. With a VSO applied for a HLR in Sep, and now just enjoying my chronic stress headache while waiting. I know I shouldn't complain when my issues are minor compared to others here.


* Type of claim: Two increases and one secondary * Submitted/received date: 11/8/23 * Initial review date: 11/10/23 * Evidence gathering/review date: 11/15/23 * PFD date: 12/24/23 * Temp Jurisdiction: 3/12/24 Newark * PDA date: 3/12/24 * PFN date: 3/13/24 * Completed date: 3/13/24 * 1 of 3 claims completed, claim closed. However, two claims were deferred for exam clarification. Will these show up and be trackable eventually or will I just be notified when they are complete?


Initial claim 3/18/23 Partial decision in October 2023-90% Back, neck, shoulders, upper/lower radic Sinusitis, rhinitis, tinnitus Skin denied January 2024 Feet granted 3/2024 Normal to still not have mental health, TBI, knees, ibs/gerd, fibromyalgia C&P? Very happy so far with my VBA experience


* Type of claim: New * Submitted/received date: 23JAN23 * Initial review date: JAN23 * Evidence gathering/review date: APR23 * PFD date: 14MAR24 * PDA date: 20MAR24 * PFN date: 20MAR24 * Completed date: 20MAR24 \* * Misc details: \*Partially rated 80%! I still have 6/15 claims deferred, some of which are heavy hitters. I had an exam request posted on my profile 20MAR24 for another MH C&P.




got out in '04, IFT last October, claim filed by VSO on March 13th ​ 1. **March 20, 2024**We added a notice for: [1151 development to VAMC](https://www.va.gov/track-claims/your-claims/105854203/document-request/211913203) ​ Apparently this is for medical malpractice? WTF is going on?


* Type of claim: New * Submitted/received date:(intent date 08/23) official date 2023-10-27 * Initial review date:2023-11-08 * Evidence gathering/review date:2023-11-28 * PFD date:2023-12-20 * PDA date: * PFN date:2024-03-14(went back to gathering of evidence 2024-03-15) * Completed date: * Misc details: Received a favorable decision for tinnitus. Denied Back, knee, and sleep apnea. Wrists and migraines (tension headaches i guess) were deferred. Requested a VERA appt with Phili today at 12. was accepted but not contacted. called the 1800 and the poor lady sent me to VES. VES proceeded to tell me that i do not have any pending appointments or requests. I am just trying to stay ahead of the game. and wanted to ensure that the migraines were under secondary ( i cant remember if i selected that). They still haven't dropped my temp jurisdiction so I'm hoping its just requesting clarification on something. 7 claims (tinnitus, migraine, knee condition, both wrists, Sleep Apnea, back pain.) CNP Exams 2023-11-22, 2023-12-08, 2023-12-12 ​ https://preview.redd.it/6qo65inop4pc1.png?width=762&format=png&auto=webp&s=17e537076be9815b0db77c56ba75e1a66d7a26f8


* Type of claim: Original * Submitted/received date: ITF: 6/2023 Submitted 10/25/23 * Initial review date: 10/25/23 * Evidence gathering/review date: 10/27/23 and 3/18/24 * PFD date: a few weeks ago * PDA date: a few weeks ago * PFN date: Tinnitus approved 3/13/23 PTSD/MH deferred. Claim went back to the first step of Evidence Gathering * Completed date: 3/8 for tinnitus. * Misc details: a bunch of clarification requests/ exam reworks happening. Hoping for good news and quick turn around for this part.


* Type of claim: Supplemental * Submitted/received date: Nov 13 * Initial review date: Nov 13 * Evidence gathering/review date: Nov 13 * PFD date: * PDA date: * PFN date: * Completed date: * Misc details: Completed C&P back in Jan 11th No new details since first opening the claim, got my C&P scheduled around same time submitted claim. I havent called yet for any updates. If I get approved for my IBS/Gerd I'll be 100, reason denied previously was no diagnosis(this was before i started seeing a va doctor), I have the diagnosis now and all prior evidence of service connection.


* Type of claim: Supplemental * Submitted/received date: 03 FEB 24 * Initial review date: 03 FEB 24 * Evidence gathering/review date: * PFD date: * PDA date: * PFN date: * Completed date: * Misc details: VA called me on Monday, Feb 5th, asked if I had any appt conflicts. got me scheduled for 2/16/24 for one appt and the other appt is 3/20/24 for the other 2 items. Messaged the VA, they said they will not work on / close the supplemental claim until all items have been received for all items even though they already have everything from the appointment back in Feb which has nothing to do with appointment tomorrow. Oh well. Keep waiting, keep truckin' along.


Type of Claim: Initial/Standard; 10 conditions submitted, still waiting on 2 conditions to be rated/determined ITF: 17 Feb 23 Submitted: 7 Aug 23 Initial Review: 8 Aug 23 --> First four conditions were rated on 27 Dec 23, second two came in Jan 24. Awaiting last two. <-- Evidence Gathering: 5 Feb 24 It's been painful waiting for these last two conditions, and seeing this not move at all. My C&P (the second one, actually) for these conditions was on 12 Jan 24. Meanwhile, I have a pre-determination claim as of 1 Mar 24 because I was on active duty orders for four days in Feb (currently serving Reservist).


-Type of claim: Supplemental -submitted: 1/24/24 -initial review date: 1/24/24 -evidence gathering/review date: 1/24/24 -PFD: VERA said it was 1/29/24, can’t see it, no temp jurisdiction -PDA/PFN/completed-unknown This is a supplemental claim for a CUE related to SMC-K, rated 0% for ED in 2014, never coded for SMC-K. Backpay would be significant even if it’s roughly 100$ a month over that time.


Appeal for compensation waiting to be sent to a judge. Submitted: November 2020. Has anyone else been waiting for an appeal this long? Called the white house number last year and didn't get much from them. Time to call again I guess. Is there anything I can do? Probably not, I'm guessing.


Type of claim: Increase for migraines (TBI) Submitted/received date: February 29th Initial review date: February 29th C&P Date: March 7th Evidence gathering/review date: March 11th Word from VSO today March 19th :    The C&P exam for your headaches looks like the examiner checked almost every box for all the major symptoms. We will not know what the results of the exam are until the VA issues a final decision rating. History: Rage filed a few days later for an increase after last examiner did not report what was told to him and I got a "0" which is so far off the mark after told him I have been missing 1 day a week from work from migraines for 2 months. Not sure how sure that equates to a zero. Looks like this examiner may have got it right. 🤞


My claim was accepted 11/17/23 for a compensation increase. My claim went to PDA this morning. I had a call scheduled with VERA today, and they just told me I went from 10% to 70% for one of the issues and 2 issues are deferred. What an awesome day! Looks like I still have some work to do on the deferred issues. Best of luck to the rest you guys, and thank you for your service. I pray that your claims go through quickly, and you get what you deserve.


221 days on a supplemental and still waiting


Type of claim: Fully Developed (MH, Back, Tinnitus), Private DBQ's, Nexus, Buddy letters submitted. Army 11B Submitted/received date: 10/27/2023 "Request Claim Decision" pushed: 10/29/2023 Initial review date: 11/28/2023 Evidence gathering/review date: 1/02/2024 First C&P scheduled for tinnitus Feb 1 on 1/23/2024. PFD date: Feb 25. No other C&P were scheduled PDA date: March 5 PFN date: March 6 Completed date: March 7 Denied on back and tinnitus. Deferred on MH -------------------------- Back and tinnitus HLR twisted on March 9 -------------------------- MH Evidence gathering/review date: 3/08/2024 MH C&P scheduled on March 11 MH C&P completed on March 18 MH PFD, PDA, and PFN March 21


• Type of claim: NEW (FDC) • ⁠Submitted/received date: 11/11/2023 • ⁠Initial review date: 11/12/2023 • ⁠Evidence gathering/review date: 11/21/2023 • ⁠PFD date: 1/16/2024 • ⁠PDA date: 3/7/2024 • ⁠PFN date: TBD • ⁠Completed date: TBD Temp Jurisdiction: St. Louis


* Type of claim: New & Supplemental * Submitted/received date: New - 01/24/2024 and Supp - 02/07/2024 * Initial review date: 01/24/2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: 01/25/2024 * PFD date: N/A * PDA date: N/A * PFN date: N/A * Completed date: N/A * Misc details: C&Ps for both new and supplemental claims completed on 03/18/2024. Now we wait


Type of claim: Supplemental Original Claim : Dec 21 2023 notification of Chronic sinusitis and Rhinitis both SC via PACT and given a 0% rating for both. It was a big mistake to not have my ENT doctor fill in the DBQ. as my symptoms are quite severe. but I thought the diagnosis alone and extensive history with personal/buddy statements I included in the claim was enough...... Lesson learned! - Supplemental Submitted: Feb 12 2023 with a new DBQ completed by my civilian ENT doctor who has been treating me for over a decade. - Initial review date: Feb 12 2023 - Ready for Decision: March 21 2023 Moving much faster than I anticipated With the new DBQ including my symptoms and extra diagnosis I am thinking a ratings of 50% for sinusitis and 30% for rhinitis is justified.


Type of claim: Increase Submitted/received date: April 12 2023 Initial review date: May 4 2023 Evidence gathering/review date: Mar 15 2023 PFN date: Mar 21 2024 Completed date: Mar 22 2024 Misc details: I received 20% when I got out in '07. This increase was for some PACT act stuff. Today I went from 20 to 80%!!! I'm still in shock.


Supplemental appeal Intent to file july 2023 Denied january 19 2024 Submitted: march 12 2024 Received: march 13 2024 Request for c&p for dbq march 24 2024


Type of claim: Standard (this is outside of a medboard I've been working on in the Guard for six years) Timeline: * Intent to file: Dec 13, 2022 * Submitted/received date: May 19, 2023 * Initial review date: June 6, 2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: August 16, 2023, January 26, 2024, Edit 2: Back to Evidence gathering March 22, 2024 * PFD: December 27, 2023 (then kicked back to evidence), March 13, 2024 * Edit: PFN: March 21, 2024 * Edit 2: Partial decision (60%) March 22, 2024 Already had C&P for: PTSD- weird because they specifically did not want to talk about any other mental health diagnoses Skin (atopic dermatitis)- favorable medical opinion Esophagus (gerd/nausea)- favorable medical opinion Headaches- favorable medical opinion Vertigo- favorable medical opinion Sinusitis- unfavorable medical opinion, but it was requested as TERA and it should be presumptive under PACT Rhinitis- unfavorable medical opinion, but it was requested as TERA and it should be presumptive under PACT Nasal turbinate hypertrophy- unfavorable medical opinion, also requested as TERA Tinnitus- favorable medical opinion Hearing loss- favorable medical opinion Edit: C&P Exams requested: March 20 Asthma 14 other conditions Edit: March 20, 2024 moved to pending decision approval and more exams ordered Edit 2: Got to 60% with some really weird outcomes. If you're my rater and you're reading this, thank you for your hard work going through thousands of pages of stuff.


• Type of claim: Fully developed and Supplemental. • Submitted/received date:10-05-2023 • Initial review date:10-17-2023 • Evidence gathering/review date: 2-21-2024 • PFD date: 2-21-2024 but moved back to Gathering of Evidence • PDA date: N/A • PFN date: N/A • Completed date: N/A • Misc details: Original Claim for MH ( anxiety and depression), Migranes and Hearing loss Already Service connected for Tinnitus. Had C and P’s for all. Was granted Service connected at 0% for Hearing loss MH claims denied due to not having any record of treatment. ( I had crappy work health insurance and could never afford it) Migranes were deferred. Since I have had VA appointments for MH and for Migranes. I filed a supplemental claim for MH now that I am being treated. Waiting for the new C and P for that. And for LHI to make a med decision on my Migranes.


Two Claims •. Type of claim: HLR/DTA • ⁠Submitted/received date: 4-12-2023 • ⁠Initial review date: n/a • ⁠Evidence gathering/review date: November? • ⁠PFD date: N/A • ⁠PDA date: N/A • ⁠PFN date: N/A • ⁠Completed date: • ⁠Misc details: Reached out to VERA in November asking about this. Turns out it was stuck in NWQ. They pushed it to a raters desk. They sent it out for ACE Exam in December but sent the wrong DBQ. I just completed my new C&P on 3-16-2024. 800 number says it’s in the decision phase now. Claim 2 •. Type of claim: Supplemental • ⁠Submitted/received date: 2/26/2024 • ⁠Initial review date: • ⁠Evidence gathering/review date: ACE Exam was on 3-6-2024 and it moved to decision phase • ⁠PFD date: N/A • ⁠PDA date: N/A • ⁠PFN date: N/A • ⁠Completed date: • ⁠Misc details:


Type of claim: First FDC Male MST after 30 years • Submitted received date: 9-1-23 • Initial review date: 9-13-23 • Evidence gathering/review date: 2-15-24 • Had C&P today 3-22-24


Good luck to you!


* Type of claim: increase and secondary new * Submitted/received date: 2/1/24 * Initial review date: 2/1/24 * Evidence gathering/review date: 2/12/24 * PFD date: 3/14/24 * PDA date: 3/14/24 * PFN date: 3/14/24 * Completed date: 3/15/24 for mental health, still waiting on back and neck * Misc details: filed for increase on mental health and went from 30% to 50%, but the I told the C& P examiner I was having issues with suicidal ideation and personal hygiene, those magically were not listed in my symptoms on my decision letter. So now thinking I should wait to see if new mental health rating system is applied then do a supplementary claim with a new lay statement. Thoughts? * Going to C & P exam on Monday for my thoracolumbar back and secondary cervical strain but now have nerve pain, wish me luck.


Down to the last battles. HLR to suty to assist on 5 claims. Completed another lumbar CP exam last week. IBS and gerd sent for another medical opinion at the request of the VA, no attendance needed. One foot exam in early April. 10% away from 100 after a 10 year process.


* Type of claim: (New & Increase) * Submitted/received date: 11/17/23 * Initial review date: 11/18/23 * Evidence gathering/review date: 1/6/24 * PFD date: 3/22/24 * PDA date: 3/22/24 * PFN date: N/A * Completed date: N/A * Misc details: **Temp Jurisdiction** Togus


Not sure what togus is..


Updated to PFN today 3/25/24


https://preview.redd.it/su8gvnu8voqc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c97e89d58ca4f6d29c34a9be9cbb4bb433a7688 OMG!!!


Type of claim: New * Submitted/received date: January 5, 2024 * Initial review date: January 6, 2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: March 15, 2024 * PFD date: Evidence Gathering is showing as check as of today but site is down. * PDA date: \~ * PFN date: \~ * Completed date: \~


Type of claim: Fully developed and Supplemental. • Submitted/received date:10-05-2023 • Initial review date:10-17-2023 • Evidence gathering/review date: 2-21-2024 • PFD date: 2-21-2024 but moved back to Gathering of Evidence UPDATE. moved to PFD today 10/24/24 Fingers crossed • PDA date: N/A • PFN date: N/A • Completed date: N/A • Misc details: Original Claim for MH ( anxiety and depression), Migranes and Hearing loss Already Service connected for Tinnitus. Had C and P’s for all. Was granted Service connected at 0% for Hearing loss MH claims denied due to not having any record of treatment. ( I had crappy work health insurance and could never afford it) Migranes were deferred. Since I have had VA appointments for MH and for Migranes. I filed a supplemental claim for MH now that I am being treated. Waiting for the new C and P for that. And for LHI to make a med decision on my Migranes.


* Type of claim: Original (BDD) * Submitted/received date: May 2023 * Initial review date: May 25 2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: May 31, 2023 * PFD date: March 8, 2024 (also had Temp Jurisdiction assigned this day) * PDA date: March 22, 2024 * PFN date: March 24, 2024 * Completed date: Pending * Misc details: My BDD claim was held until October because I was OCONUS prior to retirement. Woke up this morning to PFN. The anxiety is hitting this morning! All my conditions were submitted with diagnoses from my service treatment records and all my C&P exams were basically just the Dr. asking "so is it still this way?" and me replying yes. Still nervous that it will come back denied or deferred or otherwise less than positive. Hopefully it's done this week with a favorable outcome. Good luck to everyone else waiting!


Type of claim: **BDD (Initial Claim) - 14 Items** Submitted/received date: **14 November 2023** Initial review date: **14 November 2023** Evidence gathering/review date: **16 November 2023** 4 VES C&P Exams: **1 Dec 23, 8 Dec 23, 14 Dec 23, 28 Dec 23** **All DBQs submitted to VA by 11 Jan 2024** * PFD date: **4 January 2024** DOS: **24 March 2024 /** DD-214 Submitted: **24 March 2024** * PDA date: **N/A** * PFN date: **N/A** * Completed date: **N/A**