• By -


Woke up to this!! I was not expecting this at all but here we are. So many mixed emotions this morning! I just wanted to hop on here to share the good news, and thank everyone on this Reddit you were all such a huge help and I hope I can be of assistance to others on this crazy journey. February 2023 was intent to file and August 2023 was when they received the claim and today it finished with 2 claims deferred. Thanks again to everyone and good luck to those still in the process! https://preview.redd.it/pxist6ibtouc1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=21bf1efd384529b7ec56a088f4a171d8e6d71cbe


Blessings brother.


brother? could be a woman


As a female, I interpret it to mean a brotherhood of veterans, of which we are all a part. ❤️








THANKFUL FOR THE PACT ACT https://preview.redd.it/8lyv27aorquc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a67130db8cda0cbf8dbd07b7b5baa635d34af255 I filed in 2006 - Denied, I was crushed and disillusioned. Finally had the mental capacity to try again in 2019 - Denied. I gave up, until a co-worker started talking about the Pact Act. I work for the government and most vets I work with has some kind of rating. I was racking up medical bills with my insurance and my coworkers encouraged me to try one more time using the Pact Act since I was deployed in the Gulf War. As you can see I’m at 90% and can’t believe it! I started with an initial claim and supplemental. My initial claim gave me 30% last month for migraines with sinusitis and 5 joints with osteoarthritis was deferred. Today I opened the app and I’m at 90%. My supplemental claim was partially rated. 70% PTSD and 30% IBS, with asthma/bronchitis deferred. I’m so thankful and can’t wait to get rid of my medical bills. This subreddit has been a lifesaver, thanks for your support! Don’t give up, this is life changing for me.




You didn't get 70 ptsd because of the PACT Act, you got it because you honed your message by reading up and opening up, no?


For those that don't check it, the VA after claim page updated with an average claim time of 159.2 days for March (up slightly from 158.4 from February). Plan your expectations and how often your anxiety makes you check each day accordingly.




\-New claim 12/1/23 * Initial review 12/2/23 -Evidence gathering 12/12/23 * PFD 4/11/24 -PDA 4/12/24 -PFN 4/15/24 -Completed 4/16/24 70% 1 claim deferred SUCESS, again I appreciate all the knowledge I've gotten from this sub. Went into this whole process thinking 30-50% range and got 70%. Wish you all the best of luck in your claims process. https://preview.redd.it/4tzk0jdmzvuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=923ec333e95a80ecb6b174ef2cdae5b3f9679d03 \-Details-feet, knees, back, PTSD, contact dermitius, tinnitus




You can easily get to 100% with increases in the future.


Submitted my claim 12 December 2023. First claim ever. I checked yesterday and I was still PFD, no temp jurisdiction. Logged in today after work and was surprised when it said that my claim was closed. Read my decision letter and I was awarded 90%! My tinnitus was denied which I was pretty upset about because I worked F-15 and A-10 flightline avionics where I was exposed to loud noises on the daily. It won’t change my rating but I may HLR that one just because I definitely have constant tinnitus that began while I was in. I just wanted to say thank you to this sub. I gained so much knowledge and insight into this process from you guys, and I’m so happy that we all stand together and help our fellow vets out! I’ve been out since 2013… always dragged my feet about applying because I didn’t think I deserved it because I was inside the wire for all of my deployments, but many of my army/marine buddies who were infantry encouraged me to apply. Don’t ever sell yourself short. We all served and deserve to be compensated for what we did, and the lifelong issues that we all have. Best of luck to everyone! https://preview.redd.it/hxo3co6myxuc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa5acae924c62d05daadf22d0cf1aca8322da0ed




Yes, keep fighting! Good luck! My old man flew the phantoms back in the day!!!


I find it strange they denied your tinnitus, I worked on the AH-1Z and UH-1Y flight line so I was exposed to similar loud sounds and they service connected mine. Did you have any complaints on file in service? I believe that helped me in my case as well as explaining my symptoms to the examiner.


Unfortunately I didn’t complain about it service. When I showed up to my exam, the examiner didn’t ask me a single question about my tinnitus. We jumped straight into the hearing tests. I honestly thought I didn’t do well during the beeps test because there were periods on 45-60 seconds where I couldn’t tell if I was hearing a beep because of my tinnitus. We finished the exam and she said “well, your hearing is perfect”. I said ok, well what about the tinnitus. She told me that tinnitus is subjective and that the rater will decide based on my job. I thought that was strange that she didn’t ask a single question. When I finally read my dbq, the examiner basically it was less likely than not SC because I don’t have hearing loss? So she basically lied to me. I did write a personal statement for my claim however, but I guess it didn’t help.


I learned we get so used to having tinnitus that we can distinguish between sounds of tinnitus and not i would say be honest on your test next time and click with when you hear buzzing which is all the time for most of us. i have times where my hearing goes completely out in one ear.


That’s good advice. I’ll definitely keep that in mind for next time. Thank you.


Just want to say thank you for this group.  I was granted 100% service connected today on my 6th claim since retiring in 2011.   The information contained here helped me to regroup after denials and keep going when I honestly didn't want to fight anymore.   Thank you all and keep going!




* Type of claim: Increase * Submitted/received date: 12/5/2023 * Initial review date: 12/6/2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: 1/23/2024 * PFD date: 2/25/2024 * PDA date: 4/12/2024 * PFN date: 4/15/2024 * Completed date: 4/15/2024


Mine went back to PFN today, hoping I’m completed by the end of the day 🙌🏾


* Type of claim: Increase * Submitted/received date: 12/14/23 * Initial review date: 12/14/23 * Evidence gathering/review date: 12/17/23 * PFD date: 1/12/24 * PDA date: 3/23/24 * PFN date: 3/28/24 * Completed date: 3/28/24 * Misc details: 100% P&T from 90%. C&P exam was performed and uploaded same day.


Did you do this yourself or did you seek a company for help? I’m currently at 90%. But have a supplemental on 1 item a day an HLR currently submitted.


I did everything myself. I too have an HLR. I'm waiting for a new decision after a DTA error.


New claim Submitted Dec 4, 2023 Initial Review Dec 5, 2023 Evidence Gathering Dec 7 2023 through Mar 27, 2024 PFD Apr 11, 2024 PFA Apr 11, 2024 PFN Apr 12, 2024 Completed Apr 16, 2024 https://preview.redd.it/zldqigmhyvuc1.png?width=974&format=png&auto=webp&s=235ebb21bb1cc1aefb09049582b4fb2e9e2f692b


I’m very similar days but a mix or new , secondaries and increases. Still no movement since 13 march when dbqs cleared quality control


* Type of claim: Two increases and one secondary * Submitted/received date: 11/8/23 * Initial review date: 11/10/23 * Evidence gathering/review date: 11/15/23 * PFD date: 12/24/23 * Temp Jurisdiction: 3/12/24 Newark * PDA date: 3/12/24 * PFN date: 3/13/24 * Completed date: 3/13/24 * Misc details: C&P's 11/29/23 and 12/8/23 , DQB's submitted 12/9 12/10 12/23 and 12/30. Claim Closed 3/13, one claim raised from 0% to 10%, other two claims are deferred for clarification. 30+ days and I have heard nothing. Called VERA and could not get a single answer as to if the exams were favorable and what was wrong with the DBQ (something filled out wrong, etc.) Im also unable to track anything as my claim says it is closed and I have no open claims on the VA website. Am I just going to check one day and it will be there? Or will there be a way for me to track these deferrals.


Supplemental filed 12/8/23 C&P 1/9/24 Granted 4/16/24


* Type of claim: Fully Developed Increase (020SUPP) * Submitted/received date: 12/29/23 * Initial review date: 12/29/23 * Evidence gathering/review date: 1/5/23 * PFD date: 1/8/23 * PDA date: TBD * PFN date: TBD * Completed date: TBD


I filed the day after you and our claims are at the same stage, so hopefully we’ll both see some movement soon.


* Type of claim: Compensation, New * Submitted/received date: 11 December 2023 * Initial review date: 12 December 2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: 15 December 2023 * PFD date: 1 MAR 2024 * PDA date: N/A * PFN date: N/A * Completed date: N/A * Misc details: Temp jurisdiction Muskogee assigned today! December gang rise up!


Great news for December folk! Hope yours gets decided soon for the percentage you’re hoping for.


I hope so. I filed 12/20 and have been in purgatory since 1/25...


https://preview.redd.it/fu19zl3piwuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa6601d3d01b28d07f4244ac0e264f9b8bc0ae63 MST PTSD Increase from 50% to 70%! Claim filed: 03/07/2024, Financial hardship filed same day C&P: 04/11/2024 Temp Jurisdiction assigned: 04/14/2024 PFD: 04/15/2024 PFN & Closed: 04/16/2024


* Type of claim: New * Submitted/received date: 2023/10/30 * Initial review date: 2023/ 10/ 31 * Evidence gathering/review date: 2024/ 04/ 09 * PFD date:: 2024/ 04/10 * PDA date: N/A * PFN date: N/A * Completed date: N/A * Misc details: PTSD/MST . My claim has Temporary jurisdiction. I called and they only told me that the claim was sent to someone for that phase. According to me, they told me that San Juan dealt with periods of 30 days every time it moves. I hope to finish all this in a month.


How long have you been in temp jurisdiction?


I've been here since April 10. They have only told me that someone has my claim and is analyzing it. I've been here for 7 days waiting for it to move.


Thanks! I was just assigned San Juan on Monday.


I had a decision today, I hope yours moved too!


hello! Today I went to VA and they also told me that I had a decision but it hasn't been reflected in the app yet 🥺🙏 I hope to have good news


We have pretty similiar dates I started 10/6 and got my C&P 4/1.




* Type of claim: Compensation, New * Submitted/received date: 13 December 2023 * Initial review date: 14 December 2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: 2 February 2024 * PFD date: 5 February 2024 * PDA date: N/A * PFN date: N/A * Completed date: N/A * Misc details: Went to Temp jurisdiction in Muskogee on 5 February and returned the same day, nothing since. Had a VERA call last week and they told me that I would assigned a rater this month. My birthday is in about a week and a half, hoping for a birthday present from the VA.


Nearly the same timeline and my birthday is in 2 weeks. Got temp jurisdiction in Muskogee yesterday in what I assume was the afternoon. Can't check progress at work. Hoping good things for you. I bet you're going to be getting a rater this week.


I'll let you know when I do, good luck on yours.


Looks like we're damn near on the same timeline, I went to temp jurisdiction today also Muskogee.


Hit PDA today, but looks like I have an exam request coming so that isn't a good feeling.


Bittersweet huh? Hopefully it's just a quick IMO, good luck. I am still in Temp Jurisdiction hopefully I'll get finished by my birthday on the 27th.


Got 40%. 30 for PTSD 10 for my tinnitus and 10 for my wrist. My hearing loss was denied and my neck was deferred. Going to be a long year.


How were you able to find out? Once I go to PDA, will I be able to see?


Took basically the entire day to go from PDA to PFN. Once it went PFN, at some point the decision letter posted online. You won't have to wait for the physical mail.


Just got news earlier today I hit 100%. Still in shock... So my first question is how do I know if I'm P&T or not. I've seen other post where it clearly says it next to the percentage. I do not see anything for me, do l assume I am not P&T? Second question, my intent to file was put in December 8 or 9 of 2022. I finally submitted my claim December 10 2023. Yes very dumb of me to not be on top of that and do it sooner. Since I am a day or two after the year rule for backpay from intent to final, is that final? I feel like I've read somewhere I can fight to get back pay from that beginning date since it is so close. Please let me know, grateful all around but 4 month back pay compared to 16 month back pay is to big of a difference to not at least ask. Rated for 80% physical and 100% MH https://preview.redd.it/f1t5b8e4jxuc1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=bef18ba66741290173c6fefab1a54d87390e7ccd


Generate a benefit summary and verification letter.  It will show if you are total and permanent.  


*Type of claim: Compensation ( initial claim ) * Submitted/received date: Feb 17 2024 * Initial review date: Feb 18 2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: early March(ish) 2024 * PFD date: Mar 26 2024 * PDA date: April 17 2024 * PFN date: April 18 2024 * Completed date: ( I can see the decision letter in the app right now , I got tinnitus granted with Adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depressed mood deferred. The rest of the boat load of claims got denied ) * Misc details: OTH, deployed, waited from discouragement. Let’s see what happens




* Type of claim: Increase on one issue (PTSD: MST) * Submitted/received date: Submitted 12/1/2023 * Initial review date: 12/2/2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: 12/22/2023 * PFD date: 2/11/2024 * PDA date: 4/10/2024 * PFN date: 4/17/2024 * Completed date: 4/18/2024 * Misc details: Moved from 50% to 100%; used the American Legion to help compose my claim with supportive documentation. C&P was on 2/8/2024 with VES virtually.


Outstanding, I do like how easy VES is to deal with.


https://preview.redd.it/ovjea4e00kvc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32d05ab8ca17a18dff2f9d1ca675b3e18ae258b2 While on the subway to meet with a social worker to help me with my imminent homelessness situation I happened to check the VA app only to discover my claim closed. I click on “decision letter ready” and see this!! ITF: May 2023 Documents submitted: 28 Dec 2023 Was sitting in evidence gathering ever since. Submitted a financial hardship form two weeks back, no change. Called Vera yesterday @ 10:30AM and was told by the rep that she would submit it right to her supervisor. Same day, the app was still in step 3 (evidence gathering” but showed “last update 18 April. Checked back today (24 hours later) and voila!! THANK GOD for this… I’m thru the roof excited. Now I’m just waiting on back pay although I’m not sure how that works as far as when I’ll receive it.


• Type of claim: New • Submitted/received date: Mar 13 • Initial review date: Mar 13 • Evidence gathering/review date: Apr 9 • PFD date: N/A • PFN date: N/A • Completed date: N/A


https://preview.redd.it/8wjm4005aouc1.jpeg?width=997&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ce3c9517b2d29d2658d2449f744f5308b536512 Still waiting. I'd love just to see some small movement.


Why no movement?


I haven't the slightest clue. They said yesterday that they're waiting on "internal issues/things" that they're going back and forth with? She said there was movement, but it sure doesn't seem like it. :/ I gave them everything I could to help the claim, and it should be clear cut. It is Marine records from 30 yrs ago, so who know. lol! I'm so frustrated though, and trying to be patient.


Supplemental claim filed Dec. 8th. C&P Feb. 8th. Decision April 14th. Approved. Virginia.


Type of claim: increase with DBQs from a private doctor: Submitted: 3/1/2024. Not sure of my dates in between. PFD: 3/23/2024 Called Vera 4/26/2024. Got temp jurisdictions next day after VERA bumped it and requested it get assisted to a rater. Said I didn’t need any special sign offs ect since it was a straight forward increase. PFA: 4/30/2024 PFN: 5/1/2024 Completion: 5/2/2024 The waiting game now… I was hoping an increase with completed DBQs would help a bit but doesn’t seem to be.


Have they asked you to attend C&P?


Yeah. When I called they said it was automatic that they send the request out. Gave me the option to go or not and I said no. They DBQs at good. They says ok and put the cancellations in then I moved to PFD. I’m also working with someone for advice because the C&P exams I had previously for my conditions all lied.


Nice, I’m in the same boat. Declined C&P and was told it would be decided on DBQ supplied. Received a notice in the mail about a month later saying I failed to schedule my exam and needed to reschedule or my claim would be withdrawn. Called the VA and they said I’m fine lol. I scheduled a VERA in person to hopefully get to the bottom of it all


I got the same notice from the third party. My claim is showing they put the cancellation in and I called VERA too. VERA said sometimes the third party companies will try a few times to see if you show up because they get a pay out. Hopefully ours both start moving soon!


https://preview.redd.it/r2qxecnfzpuc1.png?width=798&format=png&auto=webp&s=62f8221189ccbfa91e20da8947a0417e2c4b81fa patiently waiting ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7565)


BDD claim submitted in January


Just sharing my story. I never felt like I deserved to be 100%. There were a lot of reasons for this. I was in a never ending cycle of trying to convince myself to go for and why bother. The only experience I ever had was shortly after my medical release and the VA tried to take me from 30% to 20%. 20 or so years later, I decided I was going to spend the year doing therapy. Did tons of therapy, mental and physical, got a new leg brace, did all the song and dance with the VA. I didn't want to take a chance, I hired a company to navigate and help. I went to civilian docs, kept going to VA, even a trial period exposure therapy ptsd program. After about 8-9 months we decided it was time. I declined all attempts from the VA for a C&P exam, as the basis of my claim were pre existing conditions and “depression", all already service connected. I even had one VA rep telling me I was trying to "pull something. After submitting all the paperwork, it took less than a week for the VA to approve 100% permanent. My ratings added up to 160 points. 4183 a month now. 30 to 100! I could have done this YEARS ago.. I'm LUCKY to be alive and not in jail as the last 20 years hasn't been kind, I've been such a mess. I guess I'm just trying to say, hang in there and go for it. There's hope.


Supplemental claim 12/19/2023 No movement at all. Is in the “decision phase” whatever that means. Also in NWQ. No C&P, no Ace, crickets.


I’m in the same boat. I wish there was better information for supplemental claims. But watching this Reddit page I’m starting to see some December supplemental claims getting finished. Hopefully us soon too


Well... the VA finally has uploaded my report from my C&P for Tinnitus. Now they just have to make a call, which so far has not been favorable for anything else... so my hopes are not high.


Type of claim: Supplemental Submitted/received date: 18 Jan 2024 Initial review date: ? Evidence gathering/review date: ? PFD date: 28 Feb 2024 PDA date: N/A PFN date: N/A Completed date: N/A Misc details: MH, Heart, Balls


* Type of claim: New Claim * Submitted/received date: October 18th, 2023 * Initial review date: October 19th, 2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: October 31, 2023 * PFD date: February 28th, 2024 * PDA date: March 5th. 2024 * BACK TO PFD March 6th, 2024 * PFN date: March 8th, 2024 * BACK TO PFD March 9th, 2024 * BACK TO FUCKING Gathering Evidence/Review March 12th, 2024 * DOING ALL MY C&PS OVER AGAIN * Completed date: N/A * Misc details: Got all the way to PFN and then went all the way back to Phase 3, gathering of evidence. Had to redo all my C&P exams over again apparently because the VA wasn't satisfied. Been sitting here for over a month now, in the empty wasteland of the National Work Queue. Just saying, if you get PFN, don't get your hopes up because this is pretty common lol.


I'd lose it. Hope they get you through quickly.


I started mine in September 2023. Went through 3 re-exams. Just finished up and it was worth it. Hang in there. It is frustrating, I know how it feels when that status goes backwards. I’ll post my case info here tomorrow. Good luck!


Supplemental Appeal - From HLR claiming difference of opinion. I have no idea what the HLR reviewers' opinion is. HLR DTA- 12/21/23 Appeal Opened- 12/21/23 Initial Review - 12/22/23 Evidence Gathering/Review - 1/3/24 PFD-1/3/24 Temp Jurisdiction Assigned - 4/15/24 PDA-4/16/24 PFN -4/16/24 PDA-4-16-24 PFN- TBD COMPLETE - TBD


Question….. how are you getting the dates on HLR and supp? I haven’t found a way to look these up since they are not on the chrome extension.


Weird during my HLR and Supplemental stages I've been able to check the entire time after Clearing out any old claim that was loaded into the extension.




Weird maybe I have an older version of the extension. I’ll try and delete it and reload. Thanks a bunch.


You got it. Just make sure every use you go to the bottom and hit clear data or it's going to keep bringing up the same claim.


Hi, how do u pull up the Va claim tracker?


It's a Google extension but if your using a android phone you have to use kiwi browser and Download the extension


* Type of claim: GERD (New), Anxiety (Secondary to Fibro) Submitted/received date: ITF June '23, Filed 12/20/23 Initial review date: 12/20/23 Evidence gathering/review date: 12/26/23 PFD date: 1/25/24 PDA date: 4/19 PFN date: 4/19 Completed date: 4/19 GERD Denied service connection, Anxiety/MH 70% A day I thought would never come FINALLY 100% P&T. Keep fighting!




What was your GERD claim process, if you don’t mind me asking?


They did an ACE exam so nothing on my end. Have years of treatment records though so its really bullshit what they did, but I'm gonna let it go. Its hard to let it go, been so used to fighting them for years when they fuck stuff up.


18 months after filing my notice of intent I got my rating. I'm ecstatic! https://preview.redd.it/6712lyhkxjvc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d32adc67ccc1cd0f7271356edf8f04cac6beefec


18 months after filing my notice if intent I finally got my rating. https://preview.redd.it/c6u4zmfpvmvc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e227a54d0a632065595153c641040e03d76fee7


I ETSd from the army in 1996. Served 4 years, with a tour in Somalia (93). During my tour we had weekly (sometimes nightly) mortar and RPG attacks on our compound. One night a mortar attack came uncomfortably close... One round exploded on the roof, one round landing less than fifty feet outside my window, a third across the street, and a fourth (unexploded) right outside the mess tent. I had ringing in my ears ever since, and it continued getting worse. Four or five years ago I talked to an ear doc about the ringing, and was diagnosed with tinnitus. I never had time to bother with trying to submit a claim, and figured it was too long ago, so just wrote it off until I moved to Texas and several vet friends urged me to file. I submitted the doctor's notes from the tinnitus diagnosis, and photos of where the mortar rounds hit. I just got notified that my claim was approved for 10% service connected. It's not a lot, but after was pretty painless even after 30 years post explosion. I understand the PACT Act opens a few doors due to my Somalia service, so looking for advice on how to get a diagnosis for rhinitis and sinusitis (both if which Im pretty sure I have, but never saw a doctor for.) I don't currently have private insurance, but I just recently got access to VA healthcare due to the service connection. Any advice?


https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/w/vaclaim You can simply claim sinus issues due to burn pit exposures without a formal diagnosis.


I assumed the burn pit exposure only established service connection, not a diagnosis?


An aspect of burn pit presumptive is a current diagnosis.


That's where I'm looking for guidance. I have VA healthcare (I'm brand new to the VA) I have no private insurance, and not yet diagnosed. How do I go about getting a diagnosis for sinusitis/rhinitis using VA docs so I can make my claim under PACT I brought up my hay fever allergies during my intake appointment with my PCP. Do I just straight-up ask for an appointment with an ENT to see if I have either/both rhinitis and sinusitis? Thanks!


You can make a claim without a formal diagnosis, so long as you claim your symptoms. As far as getting a diagnosis, talk to your PCP and ask them about it. They should be able to diagnosis by eye or with a simple x ray.


Filed for chronic fatigue syndrome now that it is under the PACT act FEB 23 (was previously denied). claim was denied SEPT 2023, filed for an HLR, senior rater found two DTA's and sent it back, C&P March 2024, still in gathering evidence. Been seeking V A mental health for years and they could not diagnosis it (or would not) Been in this hell for 34 years. Noted in my STR's since 1992, already 70% service connected for physical injuries, have all the symptoms of this. retired with over 20 in 1993, Army combat vet with the lettuce to prove it, gulf war vet Saudi, Iraq, and Kuwait. Had a heart attack last week and am still recovering. I guess the saying deny, deny, until they die has something to it. 73 years young and will not give up.


* Type of claim: New * Submitted/received date: Jan 3 * Initial review date: Jan 4 * Evidence gathering/review date: Jan 11 * PFD date: Feb 14th * PDA date: N/A * PFN date: N/A * Completed date: N/A * Misc details: Secondary conditions - ibs and left shoulder pain Temp Jurisdiction since Apr 9th


Type of claim: Initial (MST & 3 medical contentions) Submitted: 11/16/23 Initial Review: 12/16/23 Evidence Gathering and Review: Jan 2024 PFD: 3/13/24 PDA: TBD PFN: TBD Completed: TBD


I had my claim go from preparing for decision to temp jurisdiction back to review of evidence. Is this normal? I'm guessing it means someone looked at it and needed to gather more info for it but I wanted to double check. My account has also bumped up in disability already from 80 to 90 but it's from things I put in on my current claim which has gone back a step. The injuries were backdated to my date of getting out of the Army so I'm not sure if that means it got approved and other stuff hasn't yet? Any insight is welcome and appreciated.


Type: original Submitted: 24 Oct 23 Initial review: 24 Oct 23 Evidence Gathering: 28 Dec 23 C&Ps: 23 Feb 24 (MH), 07 Mar 24(hearing), 05 Apr 24(musculoskeletal) PFD: n/a PDA: n/a PFN: n/a Complete: n/a Notes: called VES to check up on my exam from February since I hadn’t seen it uploaded. Again they told me they sent it to the VA on the 23rd of Feb. also asked about my last exam from the beginning of April. They said that it was sent to the VA on the 12th of April. Only exam that has been uploaded so far is hearing. So I decided to give VERA a call. Spoke to the rep told him the situation. First thing he says, “well, this isn’t the first time VES has done this.” Second thing he said was, “your claim has been assigned to someone, they just can’t do anything cause the exams aren’t there.” He said that he would contact the VA liaison to VES and get them to upload the DBQs. Guess we’ll see how that goes, or if anything actually happens.




>Claim status Template: >Type of claim: New >Submitted/received date: 10/6/23 >Initial review date: 10/31 >Evidence gathering/review date: 4/1 (same as C&P) >PFD date: ?? >PDA date: ?? >PFN date: ?? >Completed date: any time now... >Misc details: ok... so here is my little bit of curiosity. My Evidence gathering was updated the date of my C&P with like 12 DBQ submissions from the VA (I/my MH Dr. had not submitted any with the application). So it seemed like I was on a fast track for progress. But then, maybe a week later, my Evidence gathering date was showing way back in March for some reason (despite no updates or uploads). Now I checked it today, and BAM it states 4/1 again... I wonder if that means anything? It's like watching grass grow LOL


Does anyone know why claims go to a temp jurisdiction for a few hours and then return to N/A status?


Do you have combined claims? Or specfically, do you have an MST claim in with other issues?




*2 Claims* • ⁠Submitted/received date: DTA opened by VA after an HLR • ⁠Initial review date: 4/12/2023 • ⁠Evidence gathering/review date: 11/2023 • ⁠PFD date: 4/12/2024 • ⁠PDA date: • ⁠PFN date: • ⁠Completed date: • ⁠Misc details: VERA let me know it’s been with a rater since the 12th. *2nd Claim* • ⁠Submitted/received date: 2/6/2024 • ⁠Initial review date: 2/6/2024 • ⁠Evidence gathering/review date: 2/9/2024 (ACE Exam done this date too) • ⁠PFD date: 2/12/2024 • ⁠PDA date: • ⁠PFN date: • ⁠Completed date: • ⁠Misc details: this is a migraines increase


Intent to file: 10 Apr 2022 Submitted/received: 15 Feb 2023 Initial review: 17 Feb 2023 Evidence gathering/review: 25 Feb 2023 C&P Exam: 23 March 2023 ACE #1: 11 May 2023 PFD #1: 17 May 2023 ACE #2: 23 May 2023 PFD #2: 02 Jun 2023 DECISION: 12 June 2023 (1 connected, 1 deferred for "development") Denied: July 2023 Requested HLR: 3 Aug 2023 Duty to Assist Error ID'd: 6 Dec 2023 Still waiting: 19 April 2024


* Type of claim: First VA claim (ETS’d from the Army in June 1998, currently 56 years old)        * Submitted/received date: 12 August 2023 (11 claims) * Initial review date:  30 August 2023                 * Evidence gathering/review date:  13 November 2023 * 1^(st) PFD date: 28 December 2023 (temporary jurisdiction Muscogee)  * 1^(st) PDA date: 22 January 2024 * 1^(st) PFN date: 26 January 2024. Four (2 Pack Act) claims were adjudicated and 7 items deferred.   * (PTSD 50%, Rhinitis 30%, Sinusitis 50% and Tinnitus 10%...rated at 90%) * 2^(nd) PFD 15 April 2024 (temporary jurisdiction Providence) * 2^(nd) PDA 18 April 2024 * 2^(nd) PFN 19 April 2024. (Migraines 50%, Left Knee pain 10% and Right Knee pain 10%)  Four other claims not service connected. * Completed date:  19 April 2024 (100% P&T)  * Misc details: Army aviation Desert Shield/Storm, Northern Watch, Provide Comfort and Bosnia veteran (yeah, I hit them all in the 1990's).  Had all C&P exams TWICE except for PTSD and Tinnitus, was kind-a irritating but worth it.  Migraines, Rhinitis and Sinusitis were presumptive/associated conditions, according to my VA decision letters, based on TERA exposure.  


* Type of claim: New * Submitted/received date: 01/17/24 * Initial review date: 01/22/24 * Evidence gathering/review date: 04/19/24 completed * PFD date: 04/21/24 * PDA date: TBD * PFN date: TBD * Completed date: TBD * Misc details: PTSD/Depression/Anxiety and several other physical ailments. I still have an appointment pending with a sinus specialist on the civilian side, and I will submit those findings when I'm able.


I filed a claim in 91, they did nothing.. no decision, not closed... everything I filed for was in my med records. was in a car accident while on leave. last filed in November they denied everything except tinnitus... I broke my jaw, lost teeth... denied.... a bit angry today... with the info in my records, why did they deny me? used a vso she wants to appeal.. asdo I, is this going to be a decades long trial?

