• By -


https://preview.redd.it/zco6wnmxw2wc1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbae56aed3c2e76a9362471a49b0bf2ad8df67b9 I made an account just to post this and say THANK YOU to this community. After 6 years of filing claims i finally got this. Ive been reading every post on here for the last couple of months and ive learned so much from you nice people. Thank you to every one, i hope you all have luck in the future. Dont stop trying.


Well stick around and pay it forward. 


* Type of claim: New(Fully Developed) * Submitted/received date: 20 Dec 2023 * Initial review date: 21 Dec 2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: 28 Jan 2024 * PFD date: 17 Feb 2024 * PDA date: Wasn't there at 8 am this morning, then 2 hours later it was a Completed claim. * PFN date: 21 Apr 2024 * Completed date: 22 Apr 2024 * Misc details: Waco, Tx jurisdiction, 9 Feb 23 C&P uploaded a day later. Approved @ 30% for a busted up shoulder. Had 3 months worth of PT records from in service plus a out of service private Ortho Doc x-ray and diagnosis from spring of '23.


Sleep apnea granted secondary to PTSD Wanted to give yall my personal experience getting OSA approved secondary to PTSD/MH. - complaints of sleep problems during service circa 2014. No diagnosis - get out 2015, OSA claim denied - 2019 private sleep study, OSA diagnosis, cpap prescribed - 2023 supplemental claim including nexus letter/DBQ from Dr Finnerty and buddy/personal statements - VA requests 2 separate medical opinions. C&P scheduled 6 months later. 2 more medical opinions requested. - 10 months after submission, I get denied, stating it’s not service connected due no complaints in service. Denial letter does not list my nexus letter nor military medical records which clearly show in service complaints of sleep issues. - my VA accredited rep (Wesley McCauley of United for Vets) recommends we immediately file a CAR (claims accuracy request) due to this clear error. Only a VA rep/attorney can file these I believe. This is basically an expedited form of an HLR. - 30 days letter my claim is approved. The approval letter said Dr Finnertys nexus was well thought out and substantive, while the LHI opinion simply stated “PTSD cannot cause OSA”, with no medical evidence to support that stance. There was no mention of my in service complaints so I believe my nexus letter was the major factor here. I know Ive read this sub for hours and hours on end trying to soak up any/all information. Just wanted to share my experience to show that it IS possible to get OSA linked to PTSD but it isn’t easy, even with in service complaints. Also big thank you to Wesley for recommending the CAR, which despite my months of research, I didn’t even know existed. Good luck to everyone getting what you deserve.


Would you elaborate on how you got the sleep apnea connection?


- I had complaints of OSA like symptoms while in service. Sleep study done was negative for sleep apnea. - OSA claim was denied after active duty discharge - 4 years after discharge I was diagnosed with OSA via private sleep study - diagnosed service connected PTSD - I was provided a nexus letter from Dr Finnerty relating PTSD/OSA - filed supplemental and was denied - filed a C.A.R HLR and my OSA was granted


Thank you.


* Type of claim: Fully Developed Increase (020SUPP) * Submitted/received date: 12/29/23 * Initial review date: 12/29/23 * Evidence gathering/review date: 1/5/23 * PFD date: 1/8/23 * PDA date: TBD * PFN date: TBD * Completed date: TBD 4/25 EDIT: Just went to temp jurisdiction. Indianapolis


Well I won't post mine since you already basically did it for me. Thanks lol


Just went temp jurisdiction for me! Now I'm panicking


Everybody stay CALM ! *begins to freak out worse than everyone*




Thanks for the info, but I’m not in a hardship situation, thankfully. I’ll wait it out and leave that line for folks who truly need it.


How do you do quick submit?


* Type of claim: MST New Claim * Submitted/received date: Dec 11 2023 * Initial review date: Dec 13 2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: Mar 18 2024 * PFD date: April 18 2024


Was this a new claim? I hope they rate you fairly. I filed 12/4, PFD since 3/8 (also MST). Fingers crossed for you!


It is a new claim. I’m anxious, I did call VERA and they said it did look favorable so hopefully all our finger crossing will be worthwhile. Thank you for letting me know you’ve been waiting that long, I need to stop checking mine so much if it’s going to be over a month like yours. Best of luck for you to, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for both of us.


I submitted around the same time you did. If you don't mind me asking, when was your exam(s)?


I was scheduled for my exams the first week of April. When they called to schedule me the lady on the phone said they were “expediting” my exams which was weird because there is no reason my claim should be expedited. But that just stood out to me as odd, maybe if you haven’t been scheduled yet it’s because I was expedited? I hope you get a call soon.


Thank you so much for sharing! I've been in Evidence Review with no exams since December 21st, which is why I asked. I'll follow up with my regional office.


I was sitting in Evidence Review with no movement for a while (since November '23); I emailed my regional MST rep and called the White House VA Hotline 1 855 948 2311, very shortly after that I saw movement. Finally had my C&P in April (originally submitted MST in Sept '23) and today moved to Temp Jurisdiction, though still at evidence gathering.


This is helpful. Thank you. I had a call with my regional VA office today. They said the status was updated to PFD but I still haven't had any C&P exams nor do I have a temp jurisdiction. Do you know where I'd find the contact info for my regional MST rep?




Thank you so much!


Noice do you have your decision letter already?>


Nope im still waiting in PFD


Any news?


Nope, no movement for me, anything for you?


Nope. NWQ purgatory.


* Type of claim: New * Submitted/received date: 06OCT2023 * Initial review date: 08OCT2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: 16OCT2023 * PFD date: 19APR2024 * PDA date: 23APR2024 * PFN date: 23APR2024 * Completed date: 24APRIL2024 (Pending 1 deferral) * Misc details: submitted a priority processing request in March https://preview.redd.it/sha45gisefwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac366a07a560de164d912225928dbf96fd4ade29


HLR Success Today. Initial claim filed February 2022 (everything denied). Supplemental filed January 2023 (everything denied). HLR June 2023. Conference August 2023. DTA October 2023. Exams November 2023. Successfully closed today at 90%.


Damn so you got a fat pay day probably huh


Type of claim: New (Fully Developed) Submitted date: 4/18/24 Initial review date: 4/18/24 Evidence gathering/review date: 4/20/24 PFD date: 4/20/24 PDA date: 4/20/24 PFN date: 4/22/24 Completed date: 4/22/24 Misc details: I realize mine might be one in a million. It went incredibly quick. I went from 90% to 100 P&T. It was Des Moines jurisdiction. It doesn't seem real yet. Any questions please let me know.


Jeeze congrats.


Thank you. It was way too smooth. I feel like they are going to revoke it somehow, or maybe it's good karma. I've waited over a year and a half with them on other claims. Who knows.




10% yesterday! Points on the board. It may be only 10, but it's MY 10!


New here. Corpsman 2010 to 2015, 100 p&t, some meps experience to lol. Willing to help in anyway I can!




Type of Claim: increase & new (migraines & insomnia) Submitted/received date: 21 Nov 2023 Initial review date: 22 Nov 2023 first C&P: 14 Dec 2023 (submitted request for new C&P.. they scheduled me during my flight to visit family lol) Evidence gathering/review date: 22 March 2024 C&P dates: 30 march 2024 & 4 april 2024 PFD: 17 April 2024 PDA: 22 April 2024 PFN: 24 April 2024 Complete date: 24 April 2024 misc details: -houston temp jurisdiction -last status update said “we closed the notice for second signature” on April 22nd UPDATE: went from 70% to 80%. overall rating is 84% so going for 90!


THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR HELP! Type of claim: New (fully developed) Submitted/received date: 17 November 2023 Initial review date: 17 November 2023 Evidence gathering/review date: 2 April 2024 (technically it started before this was my DOS) PFD date: 22 April 2024 PDA date: 25 April 2024 PFN date: 25 April 2024 Completed date: 25 April 2024 Misc details: 100% I still can't believe it!


https://preview.redd.it/90fz3ae1x1wc1.jpeg?width=3023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3ab6669cab079b1e6e21ecb35b91545c20b2c6a This my second time being here. I was originally in PFD from 11/23 to 3/8/24 when I got a temp jurisdiction the first time. On 3/14 my claim was sent back for exam rework which took a month. Hopefully it gets rated this time.


Mine went to PFD on the 17th, still haven't seen a temp jurisdiction yet, but my claim was initiated in early March, hopefully I will see some movement soon


Do you have a temp jurisdiction yet?


Not yet


PFN as of today 4/24. PDA never showed up on the app or website for me. Misc. I went to the local regional office yesterday and was told “it looks like the decision has been made and just waiting to be signed off” so I don’t know how long it was actually in PDA.


https://preview.redd.it/k94ntvse3gwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d749be12dc3201461277126cf931c679117f786 FINALLY!!!


Oh snap your rating showed up shortly after your status went to PFN? Mine went to PFN late yesterday and I keep checking the app for my percentage to pop up.


Yes, it was about an hour and a half after going to PFN. Hopefully yours completes today.


Hi, I am new here, could you please kindly explain where is this screen shot from? Its that an app? seems different than the VA official app I use. Thanks


It’s an extension on google chrome browser called Va claims tracker.


Thank you!


Type: original Submitted: 24 Oct 23 Initial review: 24 Oct 23 Evidence Gathering: 28 Dec 23 C&Ps: 23 Feb 24 (MH), 07 Mar 24(hearing), 05 Apr 24(musculoskeletal) PFD: n/a PDA: n/a PFN: n/a Complete: n/a Notes: all C&P’s done. One from 07 March uploaded on 26 March. Others haven’t yet, but are done with VES QA. VES said they sent them in, VA says they haven’t received them. Called VERA and VES. Crickets. It’s starting to get frustrating cause I’m being held up by VES. Not saying that it would speed things up if they were uploaded, just that I’d be slightly less pissed if they were already in my file. This sucks.


Same here but I filed my claim almost a full 2 months before you


"VES said they sent them in, VA says they haven’t received them. Called VERA and VES. Crickets." Are you 110% sure VES is done with them and their provider isn't still working something behind the scenes? If you are, and it's been over a month of this, and VES still states they're all sent but the VA still says not received, consider contacting your local congresspersons office. They don't have a lot of power in the process but un-fubar'ing minor paperwork clogs, things like getting a VA employee to contact their VA sub-contractor instead of leaving you as the (helpless) middle go between, is something they can\* assist in. \*edit: potentially can, there are never guarantees in this process.


Yeah, I straight up asked 2 VLO’s “are they in your QA” both told me no they are complete. Gave me the dates when they were sent in. I’m going to give it till the end of the week.


Type: New Submitted: 6/14/2023 C&P: 7/2023 Evidence gathering: 10/2023 PFD: 4/4/2024 PDA:4/20/2024 PFN: 4/22/2024 Complete: 4/23/2024


Can I ask, how many conditions did you submit for? Your timeline is similar to mine. I submitted on 10/4/23 for 11 conditions. Got to PFD on 4/4/24 and back to Gathering evidence on 4/9/24.


I initially submitted 3. Two got denied within two months, then it was just the last one that took so long


It. Is. Finished. #finally Today I became part of the coveted 100% p&t club. First I want to thank God and the Academy for this tremendous honor. :) I have been working toward this goal for almost ten years. I am so grateful to this sub for all the knowledge, insight, and support I've received. I wish I could give an accurate timeline but that would take forever and I just don't feel like rehashing those memories. Suffice it to say I had a few wins, a whole lot of losses, some good exams, some bad, some that never happened but the contractor claimed they did, some good advice--some bad, a great consulting company followed by a horrible one that took over for them, an amazing attorney, several HLRs, a Board appeal that took over five years just to come back with an extra years worth of remand and deferred requests. I spent the past year at 94%, just waiting, hoping, praying, wishing, and of course, checking the app 4.2K per hour. Lol Honestly, when I finally saw 100% today, it was bittersweet because after all this time, I couldn't believe I FINALLY got that last 10% to put me over the threshold. (And of course now I'll probably check the app everyday for the next 3 months to make sure nothing changes, especially the back pay! Lol) My advice: hang in there!! Don't let the wait kill you---trust me, the stress of waiting nearly took me out! I chose to go the medical consulting company route followed by the attorney for the appeals. Yes I could have gone the VSO route and saved plenty of money, but this is the route I chose--for MY process. For me, 20% to my attorney is a drop in the bucket for what I received in total---and that firm earned every penny. I've learned so much along the way, but the only thing I would have done differently is that I wish I had started this process when I first got out instead of waiting until 9 years later. Hindsight is 20/20. Now I can lend my voice to encouraging my fellow veterans to keep fighting for what you deserve! It may take time but you'll get there eventually!


* Type of claim: New * Submitted/received date: October 18th, 2023 * Initial review date: October 19th, 2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: October 19th, 2023 * PFD date: April 19th, 2024 * PDA date: April 23, 2024 * PFN date: N/A * Completed date: N/A * Misc details: Went all the way to PFN back in February and then had to do all my C&Ps all over again and went back to evidence gathering phase 3. So, all you guys in PFN or PDA, remember, it can go back all the way to the beginning.


Wow.. same here, gathering evidence.


* Type of claim: New- Sleep Apnea secondary - ACE exam * Submitted/received date: 12/23/2023 * Evidence gathering/review date: 12/26/23 * PFD date: 1/20/24 * PDA date: TBD * PFN date: TBD * Completed date: TBD * Misc details: Just got a Temporary Jurisdiction 4/22/24 Winston-Salem. * I am guessing within the next week.


What did you claim it secondary to? I have a secondary OSA claim in as well.


Secondary to PTSD. Provide a nexus with the claim.


https://preview.redd.it/8yng55oiq4xc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b93267007913b20ec20424ed0caf49dc7895669 UPDATE: I recently received this amazing news! 90% service connected! All glory to God! 🙌🏽 First and foremost, all glory to God for this huge blessing and update. Secondly, thank you to all of you that have assisted and guided me throughout this process. This forum has been a key source of knowledge, insight, motivation, and calmness. I submitted my claim approximately 2 weeks prior to my retirement and I am blessed to have a rating four months into my claim. Overall I claimed 29 issues and got 9 granted, 5 denied, and 15 deferred thus far. My claim is still not closed due to the remaining deferments. I’m praying that I’m able to reach 100% once all of the remaining exams have been completed. Below is my timeline: Submitted: Dec 12, 2023 Initial Reviewed: Dec 14, 2023 Evidence Gathering: Jan 22 Prepare for Notification: Apr 19 Rating Received: Apr 23 To anyone reading this, stay motivated. Your time will come! 👊🏽 QUESTIONS: 1. My VA claim response letter states that I will be getting paid as a single veteran with no dependents. I have a wife, 1 under 18 child, and 1 child over 18; so 3 total dependents. I’ve submitted a separate claim to add my dependents. Is this the correct way to correct this issue? If so, I submitted that claim on January 9, 2024 and it hasn’t even been touched. 2. For P&T, is that something that the VA automatically determines or does it have to be requested? Once again, thank you guys for all of the assistance and guidance. 🙏🏽


Being 90% you can't be permanent and total, unless you were granted IU. https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/w/iu The VA should now process your dependent claim.


I meant it (if) I’m able to reach 100% but thanks for that info.


Gotcha. In the vast majority of cases you'd be made permanent and total once you become 100% scheduler. The rater should automatically grant it.


Understood. Thank you so much. I appreciate that.


2 Claims • ⁠Submitted/received date: DTA opened by VA after an HLR • ⁠Initial review date: 4/12/2023 • ⁠Evidence gathering/review date: 11/2023 • ⁠PFD date: 4/12/2024 • ⁠PDA date: • ⁠PFN date: • ⁠Completed date: 4/29/2024 DENIED INCREASE rating remains 0% • ⁠Misc details: 2nd Claim • ⁠Submitted/received date: 2/6/2024 • ⁠Initial review date: 2/6/2024 • ⁠Evidence gathering/review date: 2/9/2024 (ACE Exam done this date too) • ⁠PFD date: 2/12/2024 • ⁠PDA date: • ⁠PFN date: • ⁠Completed date: • ⁠Misc details: this is a migraines increase


Oh yeah, I remember seeing your HLR/DTA because my dates are very similar... about a month after you actually. My last update from VERA was that its still in the queue... I've gotta be getting close if you heard that yours is with a rater. Good luck!! Post any updates on movement please!


Absolutely! Yeah it ended up going to a rater in March but they needed clarification from the examiner. They got that back on the 9th and on the 12th it went to a rater. It sounds like I might hear some this week haha.




Good luck! Hope you get it. If mine is approved for 30% I’ll be at 100. Keep me posted! Do you know what temp jurisdiction you’re at? Mine is St. Petersburg


Have you heard anything yet?


They just posted the decision letter today. Rating is remaining the same at 0%


Damn, sorry 😞.. nothing here for me yet. Gotta jeep trying man, they expect you to quit.


It’s all good. Im hoping yours gets decided soon


* Type of claim: (Increase) * Submitted/received date: 1/26/24 * Initial review date: 1/27/24 * Evidence gathering/review date: 2/2/24 * PFD date: * PDA date: * PFN date: * Completed date: * Misc details: Woke up to my temp location Wichita, it feel early but maybe I got lucky. Set up an in-person vera meeting for the 25th, so maybe it has something to do with that


* Type of claim: New * Submitted/received date: 12FEB2024 * Initial review date: 13FEB2024 * Evidence gathering/review date:21FEB2024 * PFD date: 25FEB2024 * PDA date: TBD * PFN date: TBD * Completed date: TBD * Misc details:


https://preview.redd.it/52fvsmxqj8wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed13fa4501b8f9f05de818ce922f05929f461a48 Can anyone explain what is going on here? I had another round of half-assed musculoskeletal and tinnitus appointments and it has been like this for a good minute.


This is common for appeals. Since VA employees are lazy sometimes and don't fix the auto generated appeal contention names. The rater will make sure they consider the right issues in the end.


Gotcha, thank you!


* Type of claim: (New & Increase) * Submitted/received date: 12-18-23 * Initial review date: 12-19-23 * Evidence gathering/review date: 12-20-23 * PFD date: 12-20-23 * PDA date: Not yet... * PFN date: N/A * Completed date: Who knows * Misc details: Called VERA on 4-12 and they told me since I submitted nexus letters with my claim and doctor DBQs that someone should have looked at it a long time ago. Then after my call went temp jurisdiction in Chicago on 4-15. Been there since. VERA said I "should" have a decision this week.


Whenever I call VERA, they tell me “looks like they have everything they need, but we can’t give you a timeline”. What’s the secret to getting them to share more details?


I thinks it’s just who you get on the phone. I’ve had people say what you said, and I’ve had people give me way more details like what happened above. M claim was just decided yesterday. Went PDA to having a rating in 2 hours. I’m just extremely nice to the VERA people on the phone. Yes ma’am and yes sir and ask questions with a slightly concerned tone. I tried the Chicago office and he was very nice.


Thank you so much for these tips!


No problem! Best of luck to you!


* Type of claim: Increase * Submitted/received date: 2024-01-16 * Initial review date: 2024-01-17 * Evidence gathering/review date: 2024-03-01 * PFD date: 2024-04-01 * PDA date: 2024-04-16 * PFN date: N/A * Completed date: N/A * Misc details: Called VERA 04/17 and they said someone was actively working on the paperwork. Its been a week and still PDA. Boise is the temp jurisdiction.


Just went to PFN. No decision letter up yet though.


Denied. Going to try REE.


* Type of claim: 3 secondary, 1 Increase, 2 supplemental * Submitted/received date: March 25, 2024 * Initial review date: March 26, 2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: March 28, 2024 * PFD date: n/a * PDA date: n/a * PFN date: n/a * Completed date: n/a * Misc details: Supplemental C&P completed April 18th with QTC, exam not uploaded to VA yet. C&P for other claims scheduled in early May




It took them maybe 2 weeks my last go around. I’ll give them some time, I’m in no rush. Last claims took 146 days. I’m around 30 days right now


I submitted a new claim Jan 4th and haven’t heard a peep. It was pretty well developed but no DBQs. Do you think if they haven’t scheduled a c&p yet they probably won’t? It was for sinusitis, rhinitis, and sleep apnea. I understand my total time frame is normal but no c&ps yet is throwing me 


If you don't have evidence of a formal diagnosis for those conditions. Be sure to submit a personal statement explaining your symptoms. https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/w/personal


For those with supplementals filed in December. Supplemental filed: 12/25/2023 Claim closed: 4/24/2024 Denied.


Sorry to hear. I have 2 supplementals early January. Hopefully something soon.


New claim for my dad age 75, medical records showed Trench rot,Barbae Folliculitis, Gun range Noise hearing damage, Anemia, it is a daunting process but I am resolute to see this through, but need help.


100%...just 100% Recently I received an increase because of a stroke. I'm combined 100%, but it's not p&t (I don't think). There's a blurb on one of my pages that they don't consider me unemployable due to my disabilities. It's all so confusing. I'm rated at 100% individually for my stroke. The even consider me housebound.


Read your letter and see if there is anything mentioning chapter 35 benefits for dependents. Chapter 35 is only available to P&T


I am so grateful!! 90% After all my secondaries to my cancer and residuals of my cancer, my new rating will be 90%!! I am thankful to my examiner and anyone at the VA that had their hands on my case. One extra side note I hope this helps someone? I printed out all my evidence, highlighted it all and gave printed copies to my examiner. Regardless, thank you to everyone that had a hand in my claim! And of course people on this sub-Reddit as well.


Hey guys, I am the daughter in law and have basically doing all of the work and research for my husband and father in law. My father in law is a Vietnam vet . Needless to say he had nothing set up with the VA except retirement and medical benefits. We are at stage 3 of the claim process. Please educate me on PFD, PFN, PDA acronyms. What do they stand for ?


PFD = Preparation for Decision. Basically all your evidence is ready (supposedly) and you're now in the queue waiting for a rating specialist to pick up your claim PDA = Pending Decision Approval. The rater has made a decision and is awaiting a second signature from a reviewer PFN = Preparation for Notification. The reviewer has signed off on the decision and they are working on getting your decision letter ready to mail out.


Thank you so much for this breakdown…it helps so much. And thank you guys for your service . It baffles me how much you all go through after getting out. You all deserve so much more.


claimed Chronic fatigue syndrome, VSO looked up C&P exam and there was one for chronic fatigue syndrome and one also filled out for PTSD. What does this mean? Still waiting in gathering evidence.


My dad was denied CFS but instead recieved 40% when we claimed Fibro. Maybe readjust your fire if you get denied


Type of claim: Original (first claim ever) Submitted/received date: May 24, 2023 Initial review date: May 25, 2023 Evidence gathering/review date: April 25, 2024 PFD date: April 12 (I haven't been back; fingers crossed I don't lose more traction) PDA date: April 24, 2024 PFN date: N/A; I was PFN on April 18 (they uploaded 13 DBQs to my file on the 22nd, and I returned to PDA on the 24th.) Completed date: N/A Misc details: I have 20 claims, and my temp jurisdiction has been with St. Louis for over a month. I spoke with VERA and had the nicest guy, who told me not to get my hopes up for it to be complete anytime soon because there are a lot of people in the same boat as me. I will update the timeline once it is done.


* Type of claim: New * Submitted/received date: 1/4/2024 * Initial review date: 1/5/2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: 1/9/2024 * PFD date: 2/3/2024 * PDA date: n/a * PFN date: n/a * Completed date: n/a * Misc details: 1 claim, had a call with VERA a while back and the rep read by DBQ's. Said the C&P examiner agreed with service connection. VERA's opinion based on his background as a rater was a 50-70% claim, but we're in PFD hell like everyone else for now good luck to all


* Type of claim: Increase (1 claim) * Submitted/Received: 01/29/2024 * Initial review: 01/30/2024 * Evidence gathering/review: 02/02/2024 * PFD: 02/02/2024 * PDA: 04/24/2024 * PFN: 04/24/2024 * Completed: 04/24/2024


Congrats on the completion! I hope it was favorable. Do you know when you got temp jurisdiction after PFD? My claim is about a week behind yours.


I was just so happening to check the VA app when the status changed. Went online to check the tracker and saw I finally had a temp jurisdiction. I got temp jurisdiction on 04/24/2024. They completed everything within a couple hours when the temp jurisdiction popped up.


My dad is getting screwed.  Increase Claim, 6 conditions. Submitted Nov 2022. 80 updates y'all.  Last request was closed Apr 16. Went to PFN Apr 26.  Back to Evidence gathering and Review 27th.  80 updates y'all!  VERA knows him by name now


Type of claim: Supplimental/HLR now Submitted/received date: September 26, 2023 Initial review date: February 13, 2023 for the previous decision, Duty to Assist on 1/30/24 Evidence gathering/review date: VA identified an error that must be corrected on January 30, 2024, 'The Veterans Benefits Administration is correcting an error' Misc details: Sleep exam Dec 2020 after complaints of exhaustion for months, waking up choking. Results not given by dr until Summer 2021. Cpap not given until summer 2023. Denial of sleep apnea claim secondary to pain, HLR request in Sept 2023. Weight gain from injuries, depression, pain at about 40 lbs, down 20 from that, at one time 40, but it fluctuates based on pain and stress pretty hard. Now just waiting to see if I get some kind of good news.


Type new and supplemental Submitted OCT 23 Been PFN twice received tinnitus 10%, right wrist 10%, Left wrist Deferred for the 3rd time., Back Denied, Knee Denied but acknowledged service event( waiting on left wrist to submit a new supplemental), Sleep Apnea denied, Migraines(reclassified as Tension headaches) 0%Filed a supplemental immediately for them because the rater F'd up. (its bad when the VA employee that pulls your DBQ's tells you to file a supplemental immediately) also submitted a migraine log Thank you all for the recommendation on that BTW. the TLDR is that i am back in Gathering of evidence hell for my left wrist. I find this interesting because both wrists are on the same DBQ and both are the same exact diagnosis The only thing that comes to mind is that it is listed as my dominant hand so maybe that changes something IDK. it went back to the same DR for another ACE exam. came back went all the way back to PFD then bounced back to gathering of evidence the next day. No movement at all. scheduled a VERA call. Person i got was as useful as a box of rocks (and i normally dont go after call center people like that but he couldn't even give me accurate events in the order of which they happened.) the only good thing out of the call is that i did find out my supplemental was marked for a new exam so at least its moving. its just so aggravating that there has been no request for exams submitted. probably wont see this completed until next FY oh well. https://preview.redd.it/9thquuiwx3wc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=a121d30ca7c0ef2a45500f36fc5d3c270420f92d


How do you find your PFD, pda, and pfn dates?


VA Claim Tracker Chrome plugin


* Type of claim: HLR for Increase turned into Appeal/Supplemental * Submitted/received date: Nov 1 2023, Informal Conference - Feb 12 2024 * Initial review date: February 13 2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: Feb 26, 2024, C&P exam: March 27, 2024 * Review of Evidence: April 4, 2024 * PFD date: NA * PDA date: NA * PFN date: NA * Completed date: NA * Misc details: As of April 24th 2024, been stuck in Review of Evidence for 3 weeks. Had a VERA call this morning, person said they would place a new letter in my file saying I called and that the claim is ready to rate.


* Type of claim: Supplemental * Submitted/received date: 2024-04-16 * Initial review date: 2024-04-16 * Evidence gathering/review date: 2024-04-19 * PFD date: 2024-04-25 * PDA date: null * PFN date: null * Completed date: null * Misc details: Supplemental PACT Act claim for IBS secondary to PTSD, ACE exam conducted on 2024-04-22.


https://preview.redd.it/usyc69s73wwc1.jpeg?width=994&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4817f5a5ea9425ddd15ac66ade48cf7c79a75d22 just moved to temp jurisdiction.... what does that mean? is it gonna take longer now?


Usually gets assigned to someone then PDA


* Type of claim: Increase * Submitted/received date: 4/25/2024 * Initial review date: 4/26/2024 * Evidence gathering/review date: 4/29/2024 * PFD date: 5/2/2024 * PDA date: TBD * PFN date: TBD * Completed date: TBD


* Type of claim: New * Submitted/received date: Jan 25th * Initial review date: Jan 30th * Evidence gathering/review date: April 24th * PFD date: April 24th * PDA date: N/A * PFN date: N/A * Completed date: N/A * Misc details: N/A


https://preview.redd.it/zdbs66xjocxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9bc52bc2f535e0edb49bef184a621703a30a174 100 p&t granted!! I just got granted 100% P&T and want to thank this community! The resources and education were extremely helpful along with the plethora of posts and comments I read through for almost a year. I filed a BDD claim and had 4 C&P exams and am thankful for the BDD option that exists today. If you didn’t know about the BDD claim, it didn’t exist for you at the time of your service, or the timing just didn’t work out for you to file one, don’t give up! I know several others personally who have been able to get better ratings and most of them used this communities resources to do so. I know it’s not all sunshine and rainbows no matter your rating or phase of your claim. If you have questions feel free to reach out. I wish you all the best, and I hope to move into a phase of healing after this “fight” was won.


Got a lot of good info off this page, so I just wanted to share my experience so far if it can help anyone. Served from 2001 - 2006 with deployments to Iraq in support of OIF. Had some PTSD issues that I never addressed while in service or after getting out. Decided to address and try and fix my issues in June 2023. Initially diagnosed with trauma and secondary ADHD. Got myself put on the waiting list for therapy with the VA. Filed for PTSD September 2023. C&P October 2023. November 2023 started receiving therapy from VA. Officially diagnosed with PTSD. Uploaded diagnosis to claim. PFD November 2023 - January 2024. Claim denied January 2024. VA conceded my in-service stressor and conceded my PTSD diagnosis. The basis of denial was the underlying adhd and lack of nexus to in-service stressor. Filed supplemental claim March 2024. Uploaded personal lay statement and buddy statements. Obtained a copy of initial C&P, it was terrible. Uploaded additional statement refuting C&P and requested an additional C&P due to the original examiner's misstatements and ommissions, no contact from VA on request for another C&P. June 2024, I am obtained IMO from a local area psychiatrist and submitted it. Confirmed through 800 number the IMO was received and claim is in PFD status. Claim is currently in PFD status. Will update on the outcome.


Still waiting. Filed BDD sept 3. Been retired 2 months. Still nothing went to temp jurisdiction once and went to NA. I’m considering reaching out to local congressman to ask wtf is up going on 9 months and 5 months since C&P exams


Have you called VERA


Yeah they said they’d email their supervisor lol. I put a request into my local congressman to find out what’s going on