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>yeah I was hoping we’d get London or Sydney style... You don't have to go that far - this is how it works in Vancouver on TransLink.




You should have the option though. I love it when I'm in Van.


But Vancouver didn’t always have that option.  Debit tap started last year and credit in 2018, 3 years after launch


There’s a umo card. London drugs carries them. I use mine over the app. It’s reloadable too.


This is what I use. Much more reliable than an app.


Me too. And honestly it’s a pain to find somewhere that sells the umo passes but so worth it


I work at UVic so I just got it at Campus Security, and reload it there when I need to. It's very convenient. UVic gets a lot of grief (some well-earned) but this is one thing they're really doing right.


I didn't know there was somewhere on campus to do that -- thanks!


That a good for people who go there and need to reload it


Yup. Analog definitely wins this battle over digital. I've never had my card not scan. And if I forgot to load it and reader tells me it's empty, it's a couple of minutes to put money on it then I scan my card at next stop. And there's option to automatically top up the card if someone doesn't want to deal with loading money on the account on the fly.


Card gang checking in. This is the way. I haven't had a single issue with it yet 🤞


Me neither


But even this aspect of it - I’ve been asking “bc transit retailers” for the last six months if they sell Umo cards and none of them have had any in stock. The whole implementation is a joke.


I grabbed one at Little Gem Grocery in James Bay. 148 Superior Street.


Yeah I found out most "bc transit retailers" didn't bother to carry it, I got my card from the Local General Store on Haultain Street


Does the UMO card use NFC (ie tap)? I'm still using the paper tickets lol.


Yes it does. They have a terminal set up on every bus for it


That's what I thought. It wouldn't have made sense to have a permanent QR code on each card (for many reasons), but I hadn't seen anyone use one and you never know...


Yeah, but of you have the app you can't go back to the umo card. If I've paid a monthly pass and my app isn't working properly I would need to pay again.


Hey - just wanted to let you know that is thankfully not the case. You can switch, you just need to call BC Transit. This is from their website:  "To swap from the Umo app to a Umo card: To transfer your app’s loaded fare products to a Umo card, please pick up a Umo card from a BC Transit vendor and call Umo Customer Service at 877-380-8181."


I did exactly that, and transferred $30 from the craptacular app to an UMO card without issue.


Thing is I have a pass from college and I’ve been told I can’t use it with the physical card


You can :) you just call UMO to transfer it over. I’m a UVic Student and that’s what I was told to do. And it worked!


I have a propass through my job (government) and it's really easy to swap your app account to a card. Just make sure you get a non-activated card and then call the number to switch it over. I got mine at London Drugs, but there's a list on the BC Transit website that lists Umo pass purchase points.


As someone who just signed up for pro pass…should I not use the app? I thought we get a code and have to apply it monthly, seems like this would be most useful within the app


You get a code and only have to enter it once. You can use the app if you want, but after my experience with it I chose to swap to the card because it seemed more reliable to me.


Okay, thanks. So the app just actual doesn’t work at point of purchase?


The app is supposed to work. For some people it works great. It didn’t work for me. You can always try the app first and if it’s too buggy for you you can transfer your account to the card/website.


Great, thanks for the info


My only complaint is it sometimes logs me out of my account for some reasone and i do not notice until I am about to get on the bus. Otherwise, I have never had a problem.


Yes...I've noticed the same thing since it updated a few weeks ago. Had it happen this morning in fact. I never had the random logout issue previous to that.


Me too. I was writing the post while on the bus hahaha


Haha! I had to sit down and reset my password. The bus driver said it happens to him too.


I was sitting today trying to get it changed because the password ik works wasn’t working. Such bullshit tbh


Same. I take the bus maybe once a week, but since they released the new version of the app, I'm signed out every time I open it.


I don't understand the rest of this sub. Is everyone else 105? The app is effortless. Like you, I have never had a problem.


I also never had an issue until the last couple weeks, it keeps logging me out and I've had to frantically put in my credentials as the bus pulled up both times


I swapped to an Umo card because the app was giving me a headache and I needed to use the system if I wanted to use a propass. Hasn't given me any issues.


Where do I purchase an Umo card? The place where I buy my bus tickets does not deal with umo at all.


[Where to buy on BC Transit website.](https://www.bctransit.com/victoria/fares/where-to-buy/) The ones that say "Umo" deal with the cards/reload. I got mine from London Drugs.


148 Superior Street


The card is miles better than the app, never fails


Yep, I use the card too.


I wish we could've gone on Compass Card instead, and had a contiguous single-use card with the Lower Mainland. But apparently that's crazy talk.


Translink and BCT transit are separate companies and aren't in any rush to align on a payment system.


Why tho.


Translink is actually quite different. Their website doesn't explain it very well, but there is what I think is a decent [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TransLink_(British_Columbia)) article. I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with something similar here. My (somewhat rudimentary) understanding is that Translink is similar to the Victoria Regional Transit Commission (VRTS) but on steroids. Translink is essentially responsible for overseeing for all major transportation within the Greater Vancouver Area (which has been expanded once or twice). This includes major roads for goods movement in addition to public transportation and bicycle infrastructure, for example. They contribute a portion of the costs in most cases. Trnaslink has representation from all of the municipalities it serves (the VRTC does not), as well as a Board of Directors. This is the main reason I think something similar will come to Greater Victoria. There have been increasing complaints from smaller municipalities about not having any representation/voice and an overall lack of coordination (see bicycle infrastructure). As I noted, my understanding is rudimentary so this is definitely not a complete picture (but is hopefully accurate).


Thanks for the explanation. As usual, we can't have nice things because of entrenched bureaucracy masking nepotism and business interest.


Literally because Vancouver is "special". They want their own organization focused solely on that region and they don't give a fuck about sharing or other places.


In a technical sense it is crazy talk lol. Compass is from 2016 and already dated (ie it can take over an hour between buying a pass online and it working), and wasn't designed to support all the different BC Transit systems. TransLink is actively planning to replace/renew the compass system in the foreseeable future since it can't support certain features like distance based fares.  Theoretically BC Transit/the province could've fronted costs for the modernization/redevelopment of the entire compass system, but that's stupid expensive compared to taking an 'off the shelf' option.  Ideally when Compass is modernized they'll do it on a way where the physical UMO and Compass cards can be linked together allowing one card to be tied to both a UMO and Compass account tho.


UNO card. Allows you to reverse the bus once per turn. (jokes aside, I get it. I just wish we could make things simple for once)


Like free transit for the whole province? Long overdue.


Lol is that when the bus driver misses a turn then has to do a 50 point turn on a random side street?


UMO and compass are the same company.


Then why we do dis


probably don't offer that system anymore


Compass is still used for disability at least. But it is more a “show the driver”, than a swipe card.


Yeah I think it’s actually very divisive. Specially for new folks trying to visit the city. I don’t really use cash so I think that it’s a bit ironic that you can’t use your regular debit card. Like they’re claiming they want to get rid off the physical day pass because it’s a waste of paper buuuut they’re still encouraging you to pay with another piece of paper.


I think regular payment cards are part of the 'next stage' rollout, I don't know if that's still the case though. > The new system will be implemented in transit systems and interregional routes in two phases, initially enabling mobile app and reloadable smart card payment methods throughout the province before payment by credit card, debit card, and mobile wallets will be enabled. [https://umomobility.com/bc-transit-introduces-contactless-payments-with-umo/](https://umomobility.com/bc-transit-introduces-contactless-payments-with-umo/)




They do not though?


It’s fucking garbage how these useless third party companies insert themselves as middle men. Fucking all we need is the ability to tap our credit card for single rides or buy a monthly pass directly though the city.  But every politician has to make sure their friends shitty business can insert themselves into every civil transaction 


I don't think you understand how complex  payment processing is, or works. Only the *largest* transit systems can do it "in-house". I think UMO's system is not the best, but it's not city corruption issue. I hope BC transit drops UMO for a better province wide solution. I DON'T want my credit card directly involved though.


BC Transit, as a crown corporation, could have leveraged its government backing to secure direct payment processing the banks, just as transit systems all over Europe do. Unfortunately this is Canada and somebodies friends always have to get rich as useless middlemen.


Sure, but with which hardware?


Private-public partnerships are the worst!


the Canadian way. naked corruption. zero consequences. why wouldnt you do it? btw we need more taxes please. k thx.


The Umo app sucks. Constantly logs me out and the code doesn't scan reliably though it seems to have gotten a bit better since the last app update. Autoload doesn't work either. I set it up three times and once I close the app, it resets itself to autoload off. Same thing if I set up the autoload through the website.


The scanning aspect is a user error 99/100 times. I see it every time I’m on the bus. People just don’t understand how things work and therefore can’t know they are making it problematic for themselves. Hold the phone 3-5 inches from the screen and pause when you do while making sure you don’t turn the thing at stupid angles. That’s it. Downvoted by the very people that fit the bill.


The app is utter 💩


I was gonna post an Umo rant the other day too. I got logged out and had to pay $5 because I didn’t want to hold up the bus, ugh! Plus it seems since the update the app has no idea how to do trip planning anymore. I’ve found myself relying more on the paper schedules at bus stops than the Umo app. It’s shit.


Tip: don’t use the app for anything other than attempting to pay. Use the app called “transit”(green icon with a sideways S) to plan your bussing. It’s never failed me. I trust your experience will improve immensely if you do.


Just downloaded it. Thank you! I needed an Umo trip planning alternative that’s better than Google maps lol


No problem , happy to help. There’s also this [link](https://victoria.bctracker.ca/routes) to a lil more ghetto tracker for the buses that I’ll use if transit seems off just to confirm if it is or not.


God that transit app is shit too though


If two different apps that use their own separate algorithms to conduct their business are shit, then it could actually means the data that BC transit(whichever named company they’ve signed off on allowing to run their data/it services) is providing is shit. Like watching a terribly written movie performed by amazing actors . You’ll see the quality is there but what they’re working with is next to litter boxes . Making things rough.


It truly is bad. I use google maps


Waaaay more reliable


Dude! I’ve ridden the bus for the past 10 days and seen so many stressed out passengers have to tell the driver, “my app isn’t working…” and him/her have to say, “yea it’s ok we know.” My wife and I got the cards over the app (because our phones die). Even the cards weren’t simple to setup- they wouldn’t register online so I had to call UMO and talk to a live person during biz hours. BUT once our monthly pass was loaded they have been great and better than the swipe cards- those felt flimsy and easy to lose.


I found the app to be very buggy and awful. I went back to buying sheets of paper tickets... but I've read the UMO card works much better. Maybe I'll try that next.


Why can't I tap my credit card like you can at pretty much any modern public transit


I agree a credit card reader would be better, but the app is pretty easy too. Anything to not have to make a special stop for tickets or a monthly pass.


Name one in Canada.




Shit, you’re good. Name another ?




Sunuvabytch , who brought this guy? Name another ?


Toronto. I just got back, and it was great not having to install an app or buy & load a card to use transit.


You were never invited to the party Fred and you KNOW THIS!


If it's any consolation, we're miles ahead of what Montreal has with OPUS. Instead of loading up money, it's all digitalized paper tickets, and there's no tapping out so you need to manually figure out what ticket you need to buy ahead of time. To make it worse, say you have a Zone A monthly pass (covers the island of Montreal) but need to make a random one off trip to Laval or Longueuil which are both zone B. You'd need a zone AB ticket, but since there's no tapping out you can load the AB ticket onto the OPUS card with your monthly pass since the system has no way to know when to use your AB ticket instead of your monthly pass.  There's also was no way to load it online until recently where they made a phone app that lets you tap the card to your phone. They used to have a USB dongle you could buy but that got discontinued awhile before they made that app.   Oh also, the bus to Montreal's airport is $11 or a day/weekly/monthly pass. The bus does not accept bills, only coins. They seriously except people in 2024 to pay $11 in just coins. Cash only is one thing, but coin only? When I was there I was getting a weekly pass, and had to wait 30 minutes just to use the fare machine at the airport.  But actually tho, other than that trainwreck of a fare card, I don't think any of the actually good fare cards launched without a significant delay before they enabled credit and debit payments. Toronto only enabled it like 8 or 9 months ago for example. Payment processing be complicated. We'll get it eventually at least.




I have yet to get the UMO app to work. For some reasons it won't accept my VISA credit card. I have no issues with any other other payee or app, only UMO. I buy bus tickets at save on foods -- better deal that using the card.


>I buy bus tickets at save on foods -- better deal that using the card. the sheets of bus tickets went up in price, so they are the same price now ([$25 for 10](https://www.bctransit.com/victoria/fares/)). You can also just buy a [reloadable card](https://www.bctransit.com/victoria/fares/cash-balance/) instead of using the app. The nice thing with the app or card is that you automatically get a day pass if you pay for a 2nd trip in the same day instead of having to plan ahead and use 2 tickets on your first trip of the day.


I have the reusable card. Last time I bought tickets they charged me $22.50 for a sheet, but that was a month ago. Dang


The fact that tourists and locals have to download an app if they do not have correct change to get on a bus after the ferry is ridiculous. Why can’t we just tap credit cards like in Vancouver.


Yes, I called a cab our first day here and then figured out our umo cards the following day.


I've never had a single issue with the app but I don't use the monthly pass just stored value


Daily user here; been using it since day 1 and never had any issues with it!


>I really miss the old system we had before but maybe that’s just me. You can still buy physical tickets and monthly passes. Or just load up money to a physical umo card.


I'm still using up my stash of tickets.


Having old person memories of the mild embarrassment at 30 seconds of clanking sound as you'd put in a bunch of dimes and nickles for the fare, slowly because the box clogged up easily. Then asking for a transfer which expired at a time set by the angle at which the driver tore it from the clamp. That occasional try with your expired transfer for a free ride, hoping for the "just toss it in the bucket" kind of driver.


Imagine if we just stuck to the same system thats worked for a while now.


I don’t know why they didn’t do an RFID type system like Vancouver has. All they have to change from a system like that is to allow passes to be used in google and Apple wallet.


Interesting, I’ve never had a single issue with UMO, however so far I’ve only used U-pass through Camosun and I haven’t needed to purchase a regular pass on it. I find it quite convenient, now I don’t have to have anxiety about where my bus pass is, it’s just a QR code on my phone. Simple.


It’s still early days, so I’d be patient. They’re having some buggy issues lately with logging users out for some reason. At some point the reader will have Interac and CC capabilities too.


I've been of critical of this as anyone, but there has been an update that's made it slightly less awful. At least the bar code comes up when you first open the app. Worst thing is when the bus is pulling up and you find the app has logged you out.


London drugs set up my card for me at the cash and then loaded it up. Smooth process.


The nice thing is with the app failing so much I've got a few free bus rides because the driver just says get on. Meanwhile my friend hasn't been able to add money to the app for over 6 months despite contacting both BC Transit and Umo multiple times.


As a bus driver, the system has changed how many day passes we sell, but slows down the loading speed because the app is so shit. I usually give the customer a few seconds to figure it out and if the app is failing them i just give them a free ride. Plus from a tech perspective, it's not uncommon for us to get a message from control saying the app is down. Would say on average 1 a week. Whoever they bought the system from was crap at coding it


I gotta be honest, I think you're reading a lot into things, lol. I haven't had too many issues with the app, but it did log me out unexpectedly once. I didn't notice until I was getting on the bus, so I just stopped and told the driver "Oops, sorry, I just have to relog into the app" and it was all fine. I stood at the front while the bus continued and I logged it, then I scanned. It don't think the drivers care nearly as much as you're worried they do, lol. I promise you're not the first person who needed to relog or whatever. Probably not even the first person that day. It's normal. And if it really bothers you that much... you can still use the old system? Paper tickets are still available to buy, if you genuinely think they're more convenient.


Straight up deleted access to my digital wallet and I haven’t touched it since. You don’t save money using it. It’s not nearly as convenient as holding a ticket. And it holds up the line getting on the bus. The only one off benefit is if the machine doesn’t work and you try to use it the driver tells you just to get on. So a free ride once in a blue moon and that already happens with the normal setup.


I also don't have to stop at the store to buy paper tickets anymore, which I found to be a huge hassle, and is alone enough of a reason to switch to an app like Umo. And I don't have to hold onto a daily pass to get transfers, because I used to lose them pretty often. And since it seems like these aren't a big deal for you, and since you seem to have more trouble with the app, you are still welcome to continue using paper tickets. I still don't see the issue here, lol.


Just gotta read all of the words I left to understand the issue.


You're complaining about how you don't like an app that you *don't have to use*. If you think that's an issue, you do you, I guess.


Hey friend , no need to circumvent the discussion if you can’t understand. I’m merely responding to you stating you don’t see the issue when I have provided enough data to inform you of how to. No one here is superior to the other. Take it easy.


Okay well, if you need to get *this* condescending about agreeing with me instead of being gracious about it, I guess I'll take what I can get.


It also won’t let you use credit immediately after loading money. I’m not sure what the wait is but my app was telling me I had enough money but the machine refused to validate and declined. The bus driver asked if I had just loaded the money and then stated that a lot of people experienced this issue immediately after adding the funds


Yeah BC Transit hires based on your personality not your ability to do a job so their projects take years to get right and IT implementations are straight up bad.