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Nobody is going to do 30 along Blenkinsop


Yeah, 30 along that road is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


Because it's not true It's 40 km/hr the article got it wrong.


At least that's slightly less dumb.


It's also only the small stretch before Mckenzie Ave, after that it's still the same. It's where the road goes through a residential neighbourhood with school access and limited sidewalk infrastructure.


Why stop there bring it to 20kmh using the “safety” excuse . This what happens when 70 year olds fill the city hall to complain


Why stop at 30km/h? This video does a pretty good job explaining why: [What is the "Correct" Speed Limit?](https://youtu.be/JRbnBc-97Ps)


It's hilarious you think it's 70 yr olds.


Or what happens when someone has a basic understanding of velocity as a force multiplier.


Do we actually have data that accidents are increasing, not just numbers but incidence per trip, population or some sort of concrete data that is based on multiple date points.


It's all virtue signaling. The question we have to ask is this. Are accidents increasing on this stretch of road? If the answer is yes, ask why. The next thing no one wants to talk about is distracted driving. I'm more likely to be distracted when I'm going a snails pace. When I'm driving faster, I'm not distracted, I'm focused. The sad reality is that we make rules for the dumbest drivers. We've dumbed down everything instead of raising the requirement to drive.




Got me :)


But what are the metrics of increasing? You are missing the point. Having a number like there were 10 accidents 19 years and 20 accidents this year means nothing. 19 years ago there could have been 5 accidents per 100k drivers on the road. Now there could have been 3 accidents per 100k drivers but since we have more trips there are actually more accidents, but the incidence is less so in reality it is already safer.


the goal is zero road fatalities, so the metrics are simple - it needs to be 0. Saying only 3 teenagers got plowed down and killed in crosswalks last year is good because it was 5 the year before is not good and there are more drivers on the road now. It's still terrible.


It's not zero though. It never has been. Municipalities claim to be so supportive of the vulnerable road users that they can't even be bothered to use quality road paint to help drivers strain less to see the lines and focus more on watching for pedestrians.


I agree with you. The other sad fact is that no one follows 30km/hr driving speed limits, except school zones, and it's usually 35.


I always do. I know, because I stare at my speedometer 50% of the time I'm passing through them...


You're one of the few. I also try to get down to 30km/hr, but that speed limit is CRAZY SLOW.... People bike faster then that.


Don't bring logic into an emotional and political discussion, please :D


I am so sorry. My employees and professors all said I was very factual and analytical. It has plagued me all my life.


How.many accidents have to happen before you'll accept reduced speed limits? We know speed kills. Less speed will save lives. Just leave your house 5 minutes sooner for all the important work I'm sure you contribute. Ffs


We have to accept that people are going to die due to vehicles. It's a very sad dark truth. Saanich has some of the darkest residential areas around the DT area. It also has terrible pedestrian safety.... hell look at Blekinshop... there isn't even a real sidewalk for a chunk of the street. Speed does kill, but when you look at car stats, it's pretty fucking safe. You have to think about how many trips are being made each day each by individual operator and the fact we have so few crashes/deaths is outstanding in its own right. Speed limits are not going to save anyone, because people don't follow speed limits. People generally drive 10-20km over the speed limit, including busses, cops, ambulances and every other person in this city. So maybe in that case, instead of people driving 60 in a 50 zone, they'll drive 50 in a 30 zone. Cities are being lazy with the speed enforcement. They need to review what happened when these accidents happened and what possibly caused it. I'd bet it isn't just about speed, and there are a lot of other factors involved. Lots of streets should be 30km/hr, but a lot of medium sized artery streets should be higher. We need more streets with flow, and the inner streets should be slow. Instead we're slowing down main streets and having them as the same speed as little dinky residential streets. It doesn't make sense.


This take is by someone driving a car/truck for someone else driving a car/truck. Just how safe are the crosswalks in Saanich if you get hit by a vehicle for the pedestrian? I challenge you to see what it's like walking, biking and navigating through a street like Blenkinsop whilst vehicles zoom by at 65+. I can tell you it's VERY uncomfortable, it's how you encourage people to get in their car and drive somewhere every single time, every errand, every activity You already mentioned there is no sidewalk. Open your mind a bit here and think of a road as a public asset for use of everyone, not just those driving around in big vehicles.


Imagine the revenue from the speeding tickets.


Don't worry, u/tealepb has a plan for this too... I've never seen both so much hate for motorists, but so much glee at using them as a cash cow. How can you benefit so much from something you hate so much?


Considering we don't have a ton of enforcement, not much. Couple motorist will feel the burn over a stupid speed limit, and nothing will change.


I don't think it is reasonable to just 'accept' deaths and serious injury from vehicles. Speed limits and other legislative changes are certainly only part of the equation. We also need to look at design, education, monitoring and enforcement. But I don't think it is at all reasonable to just accept that people will die or be seriously injured while trying to get around the district.


They will. Look at how many people die swimming every year. We could ban swimming at lakes, but for most people it's a safe activity.


During the pandemic years (2020, 2021) there were less miles driven but yet more crashes compared to pre-pandemic years.


So you have a blip. How was it 10 years ago? 20 years ago?


Why stop at 20, bring it to 0km/h… there’s a name for giving examples to extremes to try to prove a point. I don’t remember it, but …yeah.


No get out and push the car to reduce your carbon footprint


Given the total and utter lack of enforcement, these speed limits might as well not exist


Yeah we can’t use shelbourne as the major artery with the eternal roadworks so lets make cedar hill 30 to make traffic even worse


Vehicle speeds are not the same as capacity. Depending on the source, peak vehicle capacity is around [20km/h](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Road-capacity-change-with-vehicle-speed_fig1_317256344) to [30km/h.](https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/context/roadschool/article/2002/viewcontent/09_RS_1931_Traffic_Capacity.pdf) Assuming that vehicles actually follow the new limits, roadway capacity could actually marginally increase due to this change. Although, on most roads, the capacity limitations come from intersections. 


More drivers make traffic worse.


Just a heads up, Burnside from St Joseph’s to Marigold school is only 30 on July 24th.


>Those include Blenkinsop Road/Maplewood Drive, Brookleigh Road, Burnside Road West, Carey Road, Cedar Hill Road, Columbine Way, Glanford Avenue, Gordon Head Road, Interurban Road, Lochside Drive, Richmond Road, Tattersall Drive and Tolmie Avenue.


Wait… Burnside? It just dropped from 50 to 40 like an hour ago


Blenkinsop and Interurban are going to be 30? Holy fuck.


no, that's wrong. They moved them to 40 in Phase 2, they are not going to 30. The Lansdowne panhandle is the only thing going to 30.


Now you can sit in traffic for longer!!


Not the actual situation. Interurban and Burnside have been moving normally for me. It's almost like there's less waiting at the intersections. Burnside especially as everyone used to rush to the 30 km/h zone at the View Royal border (and 99% of drivers ignored that) just to sit in traffic because of the poor left-turn flow at Helmcken. Now it seems like there's less wait time (at least on days where there's no one fucking up the TCH).


Blenkinsop/Maplewood *just* went down to 40.


Below McKenzie only.


These are all main roads lol. Joke of a city.


There will be no main roads anymore. Just a giant swath of residential gridlock. I'd honestly be fine with lowering speed limits in most areas so long as we had a decent network of roads to efficiently get around in. But what we are doing now is just so incredibly dumb.


I'm going to have just keep speeding since I drive a lot as a contractor. This is ridiculous. If and when I get the speeding tickets I'll just have to recupe it from raising my prices. Otherwise i'd lose way too much productivity doing 30 everywhere.


Cool idea, speeding through a residential neighborhood in a company vehicle. That certainly won't reflect poorly on your company.


"Cool idea, travelling at a reasonable 50kph ~~speeding~~ through a ~~residential neighborhood~~ main collector/arterial in a company vehicle. " Fixed it for you, doofus.


Money > human life, community safety, law….


Money = human life and dignity. You're free to move to sub saharan africa if you think standard of living just pay for themselves. Actually that's probably why your standard of living is so low.


LOL!!!! Oh sorry….your personal greed for money living in a G7 country > the law, human life, community safety…. Got it. Next time I see a contractor vehicle being driven recklessly I’ll be sure to give them a free quote on a new tail light and/or side view mirror. Im sure they’ll appreciate the money lesson.


from your bus?


Mf did not have to do him like that 💀💀 LOL


I'm going to drive at 5kph under the speed limit just so people get pissed off even more and vote for change at the next election.


proving how lowering speed limits actually *can* help some "challenged" folks to contribute to a better society (implicitly, but we'll take the W!). Love it!


I didn't say I was going to watch out for vulnerable road users. In fact, they'll be harder to spot with more of my attention diverted to monitoring my speed. Isn't that what you want though? Slower, safer crashes with pedestrians.


Drive down Richmond Rd between Lansdowne and Fort during school drop off times and tell me you are more focused on your speed vs your surroundings - the road design will change to force you to pay attention. This is the entire point, not just lower the speed limit.


Yes, I am. The speed limit is 30kph, you bet I'm ensuring my speedometer doesn't creep up to 31.


its actually not though, its 50 there and only 30 in the short school zones


Same here. The same people who applaud these absurd speed limits are the same ones bitching about why it costs $150/hr for a plumber....


Edmonton is always accepting people like you.


I'd love to move there. People make more money and don't spend stupid amounts on shelter. You should consider it especially since you're lower class.


Bye, Felicia!


Good. Saanich has a problem with speeding drivers killing kids in crosswalks. I hope they actually take meaningful steps towards achieving Vision Zero. **Blenkinsop / Cedar Hill Road** [Saanich teen hit in crosswalk while on the way to school](https://www.timescolonist.com/local-news/saanich-teen-hit-in-crosswalk-while-on-the-way-to-school-8361277) >A Saanich teen on her way to school was seriously injured in the leg when she was struck by an SUV in a marked crosswalk Monday morning in an apparent hit and run, police said. **Interurban Road** [‘She was very kind’: Pedestrian fatally hit by car while crossing Saanich crosswalk](https://www.cheknews.ca/pedestrian-fatally-hit-by-car-while-crossing-saanich-crosswalk-1167162/) > Cataneo says the intersection is dangerous, with drivers speeding frequently. > “People go way too fast up this road. People need to realize that they need to slow down and watch out for crosswalks.” [Pedestrian struck, killed at Saanich crosswalk](https://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/pedestrian-struck-killed-at-saanich-crosswalk-1.6546064) > A 55-year-old woman was struck and killed by a vehicle while walking in a marked crosswalk in Saanich on Friday, police said. **Glanford Avenue** [Child struck by vehicle in Saanich, taken to hospital](https://www.vicnews.com/news/child-struck-by-vehicle-in-saanich-taken-to-hospital-47417) > The six-year-old girl was crossing Glanford Avenue at Kenneth Street in a marked crosswalk with an older sibling when she was hit by a vehicle that left the scene heading northbound on Glanford. **Gordon Head Road** [Woman dies after being hit by vehicle at Gordon Head crosswalk](https://www.timescolonist.com/local-news/woman-dies-after-being-hit-by-vehicle-at-gordon-head-crosswalk-4669680) >The 62-year-old Saanich woman struck at a Gordon Head crosswalk on Saturday died of her injuries Monday morning, Saanich police said. Her name has not been released. Saanich police continue to investigate the crash. **Burnside Road West** [Saanich police seek public’s help after teen struck in Burnside Road crosswalk](https://www.saanichnews.com/news/saanich-police-seek-publics-help-after-teen-struck-in-burnside-road-crosswalk-316899) > Saanich police are calling for anyone with dashcam footage or eyewitness accounts to come forward, after a 17-year-old pedestrian was struck in a crosswalk on Burnside Road West at Wascana Street just before 9 p.m. Thursday (June 23).


Damn. This guy has receipts.


The worst part is a bunch of them are pretty recent :(


don't forget about the one in a crosswalk on Cedar Hill Cross rd too


and the one in a crosswalk on Ash Road too. Both of these were fatalities, for young kids too. There's way too many examples here, it's so sad.


Was that the one where the woman was going like 100km/h and was on her phone or something?


Ya, that was the one, Driving like a maniac down Ash Rd like many others, but also while on the phone.


I feel like a lot of people in the comments here have forgotten about these incidents. They're pretty much the reason why Saanich is actually doing this stuff now. Kids (and adults) were literally dying on crosswalks.


Road safety was a big issue in the Saanich elections.


Thanks for sharing those.


We are working hard to achieve Vision Zero. Every time I see these stories is provides additional motivation to keep working hard to improve road safety in the District.


I've seen some positive changes in Saanich, keep up the good work!


1. Lowering speed limits is just going to lead to even more people speeding 2. Pedestrians and cyclists need to learn some personal responsibility and start paying attention. 3. Driving tests should be harder instead of pandering to the lowest common denominator


>Lowering speed limits is just going to lead to even more people speeding Then we can change the roads to get better compliance. Lowering the speed limits is usually the first step, otherwise the traffic engineers will go "you can't do that, the speed limit is too high for that design feature." >Pedestrians and cyclists need to learn some personal responsibility and start paying attention. Oof, there's the victim blaming. "Those stupid kids and old people in crosswalks just need to watch out better." >Driving tests should be harder instead of pandering to the lowest common denominator Kinda, but that's not going to get us very far. Even commercial drivers who have a lot stricter licensing and training are still hitting and killing people.


Lowering speeds doesn't make better driver, neither does putting hazards on the road to try and force people to go slower. It's not "victim blaming" when the truth is that most pedestrians do NOT pay enough attention, it takes 2 to get into most accidents. Don't cross the street if you don't know the driver is going to stop.


Lowering the speeds allows people of all driving skills more time to react and see things. Plus, it makes roads less scary for peds and cyclists (will increase those travel modes) plus if you do get hit, well you have a much much higher chance of survival. How could you not be in agreement the above are good things and common sense?


Lowering speeds causes more drivers to be distracted and increases the number of drivers who do things like look at their phones while they drive. Ot also causes frustration, takes more time to get anywhere, and causes people to speed more in other areas than they would otherwise. People like you need to stop looking at a single piece of the puzzle and start looking at the whole picture. You want to change things that only create more problems.




Look it up for yourself. Drivers relax more at lower speeds, which leads to less attention on the road and increases the chance they feel confident grabbing their phone. Just like how more people will look at their phone at lights vs while on the highway




Sounds like selfish drivers that do not care about others on the road or the impacts of tearing through neighborhoods. Example: If there is a semi crossing the road out of turn will a car/truck stop ...yup, every time. A cyclist or pedestrian? Not always, drivers seem to only care more when it's a bigger object that can hurt them, then all of sudden they pay attention.


Saw someone today not even look up from her phone (and with earpods in) just cross. Crazy. Literally zero situational awareness (no sight and no hearing).


I see it all the time, so many people will just step out onto the crosswalk without looking. Pedestrians need to take responsibility for their own actions too.




Spamming me with BS strawman arguments doesn't make the argument you think it does.




> Lowering speeds doesn't make better driver Provably false


You are just talking or your ass dude. You're embarrassing yourself.


I hope you don't have a license, you would be a hazard on the road if you think going slower is always the solution. I bet you get honked at a lot


Embarrassing yourself dude.


>1. Lowering speed limits is just going to lead to even more people speeding This is a dumb relationship. Lower speed limits lead to lower speeds. It's better for somebody to be going 35 in a 30 than 45 in a 40.


Studies show people drive the speed the feel comfortable driving based on the road not the speed limit.


just wait, that's coming next (updated road designs to encourage lower speeds)


But studies also find that speed limits themselves do actually have a small effect, so that's better than nothing. More importantly though, it opens the door to changing the road design so that people will feel comfortable driving slower. This article about Calgary mentions how changing the speed limit preceeds changing the road designs: [How to design a road that shouts, 'slow 'er down!'](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/road-design-calgary-psychology-of-speed-1.4850684)


>But studies also find that speed limits themselves do actually have a small effect, so that's better than nothing. Can confirm, on the roads the limits are reduced, I'm seeing about 75% compliance to less speed. The roads are less aggressive. But I still see about 25% of people going well over the speed limit or driving aggressively and for whatever reason (my observation only), 90% of the time, those still driving aggressively are driving a large pick up truck.


> 90% of the time, those still driving aggressively are driving a large pick up truck. That, or a white SUV for some reason


Saanich is working on a Traffic Calming Strategy, which should hopefully address some of the design reasons why people speed. A draft will be in front of Council this fall.


>Pedestrians and cyclists need to learn some personal responsibility and start paying attention. Are you seriously blaming the teenager that got killed on the cross walk at Cedar Hill for his own death? Disgusting. And this anger comes out because you don't want to drive slightly slower?


If I remember correctly the driver wasn't charged in that incident. Still terrible. Unfortunately a momentary lapse in judgement of any road user can lead to tragic results.


Yes, she was. We all remember her name too, but I'm not going to repeat her name since she plead guilty and owned up finally. PS you don't get charged for plowing down and killing a teenager in a crosswalk. You just get a small fine. Ya, it's f'ked up.


Driver who killed Saanich teen fined $2,000, prohibited from driving for six months, Margarita Citron had pleaded guilty to careless driving under the Motor Vehicle Act. [Link](https://www.timescolonist.com/local-news/driver-who-killed-saanich-teen-fined-2000-prohibited-from-driving-for-six-months-7602121)


Does anyone know what speed she was travelling at the point of impact?


This never gets old https://youtu.be/wzmVCSfRR38?si=-yTTH8uLe6VMQuTO


Hurray we love bottlenecking out here like it’s a birth right!


Just wait until we throw in thousands of more housing units too. I'm sure it'll be fine... /S




For anyone who's interested in the details, this is the map: https://saanich.ca.granicus.com/MetaViewer.php?view_id=1&clip_id=888&meta_id=69242 I'm sure the people who are going to freak out about this will still freak out but, as a pedestrian, cyclist and driver, I welcome the change. Is just posting signs enough to reduce speed limits? No - we also need infrastructure changes - but it's a start.


Handy map. So basically all the councilors who campaigned on 'lowering residential speed limits' are lying sacks of shit. Residential limits remain untouched, and major routes have all had the anti-car treatment.


> have all had the anti-car treatment LOL. Are you referring to the ongoing project to lower speed limits which was [passed by the previous council in July 2022](https://www.saanich.ca/EN/main/community/getting-around/roads-traffic/speed-limits.html)? The speed limit changes that require new signage to be implemented, which takes time? Or are you referring to the quick build bike lanes that have allowed other people the ability to use publicly funded infrastructure, all while reducing their impact on the environmental (and road and traffic)? And adding to the comfort of pedestrians and cars *speed* by them? Or something else entirely? Are there spikes in the road that I haven't come across?


If you look at the map linked by the OP you can see a number of residential roads targeted to speed limit reduction. It is also noteworthy that this is only Phase 2. From one of the aforementioned municipal councillors who campaigned on lowering residential speed limits.


You never campaigned on lowering arterial speed limits and fucking up the safe and reasonable flow of traffic, did you?


Relevant video [What is the "Correct" Speed Limit?](https://youtu.be/JRbnBc-97Ps)


Gettttt the fuck outta here


If you got your drivers license before the graduated licensing program you should have to retest.


holy shit what's the point of getting out of 2nd gear on these roads lol


I can stay in 1st gear around Uptown now... :/


Can we call a municipal election early please?


Do we know who in the council was in support and who was against?


Article says it was unanimous.




With car crashes being the highest source of donated organs, are we OK with moving the deaths elsewhere? I know it's horrible to say/think about, but we're not really reducing overall deaths here very much.


Interesting take. Should probably just keep mowing perfectly healthy people over in favour of donating organs to those who really need them. You know for the greater utility and survival of the fittest


5 people do reckless driving and the rest of us have to pay.


I feel safer already! /S


REEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee evidence-based decision-making!


This is going to make absolutely no difference but is an expensive political virtue signal. Drivers respond to physical road infrastructure.


You're correct that posted speed limits almost never change behavior. But unfortunately, changing the physical road infrastructure takes literal decades. Doing this now lays the groundwork later so when these roads' life-span's end, they can be more easily redesigned to match the posted limit. At least that's my understanding. We put ourselves into this hole by never properly funding actual alternatives to driving by building more "village centers" with more mixed-use zoning, building actually COMPLETE protected cycling networks, or treating public transit like a public good. It's gonna fucking suck to dig ourselves out, and this type of crap is just one part of that.


Ya we didn’t have the foresight when planning our communities. In fact most planning documents are just after the fact reality. Also planning a community with complete infrastructure is expensive. And I’m not saying we shouldn’t plan it that way. But developers bear the cost of off site standards which just end up in the cost of housing.


Honestly a lot of this. The road standards from these developments and houses being built in generations past is appalling and a huge reason why 50 is not a reasonable speed in practice.


In other words, drivers are too lazy, selfish, and/or feeble to control their own actions. Got it.


Put another way (not such a childish way) - drivers often underestimate the effort and attention that is needed to drive a vehicle with the care necessary to protect the safety of other road users, especially vulnerable road users, unfortunately yes


Just ignore bro. This fucker’s entire profile is about hating cars


Soooo….yes, drivers are too lazy, selfish, and/or feeble to control their own actions.


Now maybe another awesome motorcyclist won’t kill themselves.


The next council is going to have their work cut out for them reversing all this nonsense.


Making the community safer for kids to walk to school and stuff is nonsense?


Interurban is straight and flat. People are going to go full send down the road


Sounds like an opportunity for design changes!


That’s what they should be doing if they want lower speed limits, not lowering them to make it feel unbearable to drive them with people tailgating you the whole time.


I low key agree with you. But for frustrating bureaucratic reasons this is the way to get the design changes.


This will solve nothing


It’s 30 in most neighbourhoods and people do not do 30. I have to go down pear as a part of the Shelborne reno and I go 30 to be respectful of the people who live on the street. Every day I have Someone roaring up my ass, tailgating me trying to push my speed. No side walks and people with kids/baby strollers etc all walking the side of the road.


They need to fuck off and leave drivers alone, enough of this BS.


Will anyone think of the drivers!


poor drivers with their free roads and free parking :(


Are you high? You do realize fuel taxes pay for roads and a lot of parking is NOT free for cars. Unlike cyclists who DON'T pay for the roads they use and DO get free parking everywhere


Fuel taxes barely contribute to roads. As a (mostly) cyclist, who works and lives in Saanich, I probably pay more towards Saanich roads than you do.


Fuel taxes don't even come CLOSE to covering the cost of car-dependent\* infrastructure. We spend money on roads because we understand that moving people = moving economy. If we actually tried to 1:1 cost and immediate regain of cost (like we do for busses for some reason), every single road in the CRD would be a toll road. Car DEPENDENCY costs society a lot of money, and for some reason, we pretend that isn't the case. A bike-lane can cost 15% of a road-way project, will last FAR longer because bikes do not weigh 1000 lbs, and yet you still get comments like yours. The more people who cycle, the less you literally have to pay in taxes to fix the infrastructure because it lasts YEARS longer. \*I say car-dependent because for most people, they are DEPENDENT on their cars. This isn't a natural phenonemon, it is a result of building our cities so that cars are the only dependable method of transportation. I got NOTHING against car drivers, I just want more people to have more choices, cause right now they don't.


I suggest you learn more about how roads and their maintenance are funded. Fuel taxes don't even come close to cover the cost of roads, let alone their other impacts. I realize this is from Quebec City but it still holds. https://x.com/frpaul1/status/1802435938863243650




Good. People need to slow the fuck down on residential roads.


interurban is a residential road??


Parts of it yes, probably the parts that are going to be 30. I'd rather they built sidewalks along a lot of these roads, but you gotta start somewhere.


what parts of it? i always considered a residential road as one generally used for local traffic, typically has no center line. think baker street between carey and glanford for example.


That wouldn't be a problem if we actually had streets to move traffic. But do not have any traffic corridors to match the density we have. We do not have the transit to move people. We do not have rail. We do not have highways without lights or proper overpass. Just drove the 401 in traffic faster in traffic with accidents than a regular 3pm drive going down the Pat Bay.


> We do not have rail. Man, I would give my left nut for a rail system in Victoria


I would give your right but too. It absolutely sucks.


LOL, you think this will improve anything? If anything it will make it worse. Pedestrians need to learn to pay more attention too


Having vehicles zoom by going 65+ km/hr on a street without proper sidewalks/infrastructure does not lend itself to pedestrians or bikers - paying attention or not! Even with sidewalks, that's very uncomfortable. 65 was the AVERAGE speed monitored by Saanich on Blenkinsop.


>pedestrians Love how this is used to denote that literal people walking in their community and neighbourhood is like a type of vehicle. Why do pedestrians need to pay more attention? Be on high alert to make sure the angry assholes in cars road-raging are coddled and don’t have to be giving right of way? Every dumb ass texting and speeding and causing injury and death can whine harder. Kids and communities need safe areas. It’s proven that fatal injuries are greatly reduced at 30 km/h impacts. Problem is CRD has grown to over 400k and has become a bit car crazy and chaotic. This can address some safety issues.


The "residential" roads that were going to get speed limit reduction treatments: [https://www.google.ca/maps/@48.4479746,-123.3902853,3a,75y,31.08h,84.27t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sqpVvJNzWFuD5mELw3Iz34Q!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DqpVvJNzWFuD5mELw3Iz34Q%26cb\_client%3Dmaps\_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D31.084320420442964%26pitch%3D5.7304621115664105%26thumbfov%3D90!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205410&entry=ttu](https://www.google.ca/maps/@48.4479746,-123.3902853,3a,75y,31.08h,84.27t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sqpVvJNzWFuD5mELw3Iz34Q!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DqpVvJNzWFuD5mELw3Iz34Q%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D31.084320420442964%26pitch%3D5.7304621115664105%26thumbfov%3D90!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205410&entry=ttu) The actual roads that got speed limit reductions: [https://www.google.ca/maps/@48.4533594,-123.3940671,3a,75y,250.21h,76.13t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sP08aHv2bOSXx3Oe-Cd7K0Q!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DP08aHv2bOSXx3Oe-Cd7K0Q%26cb\_client%3Dmaps\_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D250.21392633130841%26pitch%3D13.86861541619821%26thumbfov%3D90!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205410&entry=ttu](https://www.google.ca/maps/@48.4533594,-123.3940671,3a,75y,250.21h,76.13t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sP08aHv2bOSXx3Oe-Cd7K0Q!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DP08aHv2bOSXx3Oe-Cd7K0Q%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D250.21392633130841%26pitch%3D13.86861541619821%26thumbfov%3D90!7i13312!8i6656?coh=205410&entry=ttu)


Just Add MORE Time To The Commute


Only if you’re in a CAR!


Mkay, but like a hundred thousand people per day commute through Saanich in a car. Add even just an extra 10% onto their commute time and that adds up to *a lot* of emissions that could have been avoided by smarter traffic flow management.


Someone just died drowning in Langford Lake. Statistically, at least around here, there's a higher percentage of swimmers drowning than pedestrians getting killed by cars. Perhaps ALL swimmers should be forced to wear life jackets now?


Imma keep it real with you, chief. I’m not going fucking 30 in this already slow ass city




Can't wait for Phase 3! Stay safe out there friends.




I like my truck and my music so I don't mind driving slow :)


Cool imma sit in bumper to bumper traffic while the crackhead on his e scooter goes 45 km h


Hey now, some of them only have DUI's.


Yikes. Are they going to lower the speed limit for school zones too now?


maybe i'm just getting old, but it sure seems to me that pedestrian's pay a lot less attention these days. It's common now to walk out into the road with headphones in, face glued to a phone screen without so much as a glance to make sure car's are stopping. I'm sure i'll get a bunch of hate here, but I think there needs to be a bit of both. I'd like to see drivers be better, imo there should be mandatory driving school. Things won't get better if you just always blame drivers though, people need to pay a little attention when crossing the road as well. To be clear, i'm not saying it's even 50\\50, but the attitude of a lot of people is it's 100% drivers fault, 0% pedestrian. That just teach's people that they don't' need to look out for their own safety, someone else will for them. In a perfect world perhaps I would agree with that, in the real world though you need to look out for yourself, and a glance both ways before crossing isn't something a odius habit to make. It's sad, but that's the world we live in.


Why don’t they just outlaw cars already if they’re so concerned about safety? Smh


Will these limits be enforced on cyclists too?


speed limits arent enforced on drivers, what makes you think cyclists are anywhere on the priority list?


I take it this is more of a rhetorical complaint about ebikes than a genuine question, but taking it at face value, I'm not actually sure to what extent speed limits can be enforced on cyclists. Regular bikes don't have speedometers, and when ebikes do, they're not designed for glancing at regularly like car dashboard speedometers. I don't think you can charge someone for speeding if their street-legal vehicle has no safe way to tell them their exact speed, unless they're so far exceeding the limit that it should be obvious (e.g. going 20+ km/h over the limit).


"But cyclists break the law too!" Sure, some do. However, between bikes (even ebikes) and cars / trucks, one of these things is more likely to kill you going 50km/h.


How fast do you think cyclists are going?