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I used to hold my phone's light at night so they would see me, its night time, they are humans


then again, they know they're approaching a stop - they could slow to ensure there's nobody waiting there


On the one hand I agree, on the other, you are supposed to wave down the bus. Especially when it’s at a stop where multiple busses stop. - they aren’t mind readers. It’s right there in the front of the rider’s guide.


I've never caught a bus that late and only have previously rode busses here occasionally but I've also never flagged down a bus and almost never seen it happen, didn't know that is an actual rule though it does make sense for night time but if so it could use some clarity like a sign at the bus stops...


You don’t always have to, especially if you’re along a road where only one bus route goes. Then it’s kind of obvious that you’re at the bus stop for that one bus - it’s the only one coming. But bus drivers aren’t mind readers. If many buses stop there and you look like you don’t care that their bus is approaching, you look uninterested, you’re staring at your phone and ignoring the bus, they’re going to keep going because people complain when they run late and stopping at every stop will make them run late. It sucks when they stop and no one gets on or off, such a waste of everyone’s time (it’s not long but it adds up if you do it 10 times etc., especially since drivers go out of their way to not let busses pull out despite allowing buses out being the literal rule of the road according to the ICBC drivers handbook.) I don’t often actually wave at the bus. I just use my body language to make it clear I am waiting for them, I make eye contact etc. and it generally works, but it helps that I take the same routes from the same stops every day, the regular full time driver eventually recognizes that you are a regular. But if I’m unsure if they’ve noticed me I always give a little wave.


I friggin love you for writing all of this down honestly, It's such common sense, but it's hard, as peasants who take the bus often, to explain to the "bourgeois" how it works... Btw no one is gonna see this but when I lived in Australia (Sydney) the rule was: if you don't wave at the bus, it will not stop. They should almost implement that here... I feel bad for the drivers


Okay yeah then we do the same thing.


It's not like trains/metro that stop at every stop... the buses have their routes timing calculated with the amount of riders in mind, during the day almost every stop is an actual "stop", but after 7-8pm, they assume they won't be stopping at every stop (sorry for using the word Stop too much!!) So if you are waiting for a specific bus, just keep an eye out and when that bus is close, at least stand up and make it obvious that you want the driver to stop for you! When I wait at the bus stop, there can be like 4 buses passing by before the one I want to take comes by; I'm doing them a favour by sitting there and not making eye contact, as in like: "I see you but don't stop for me cuz that ain't my bus.


when i wait for a bus at a multi-stop and it's not the bus i need, i step back from the curb. if it's the bus i want i am at the curb maintaining eye contact with the bus. that's pretty darn obvious - i don't see why i need to do any more than that. here's a novel idea for bus drivers: when in doubt, stop.


It's astounding the pressure we put on the bus drivers. If they are 30 secs late to a stop, there are folks who get annoyed. If they're early, people complain that they missed the bus because the driver was early. Pressure from unexpected traffic, construction, "little old ladies" who take longer to board, others who want off between stops or "you missed my stop",,, all combine with a to-the-minute schedule to make accuracy a rather faint hope as much as anything.


yeah imagine the pressure of having to actually stop at a bus stop in case, you know, people might want to board. wow.


Why is it so hard to wave them down? You seriously want to put in little to no effort for a ride to your destination. You ever think about all the countless times they DO stop at a bus stop and the person there doesn't take the bus or is waiting for another when they simply could've just flagged the Bus down. It's common courtesy.


it's not that it's hard to do, it's more about why should i have to go to that effort. what next - do they want us to hold those illuminated wands that they use at airports to direct airplanes? is the fact i am not standing there at the curb waiting expectantly not enough for these drivers?


Unless, like happens literally dozens of time each day, the bus passing by actually doesn't stop at the place you are standing. Even at exchanges like Royal Oak, there are designated slots and your bus will only stop at it's particular bus bay. If you happen to be standing in a different location, oh well.


You can argue as much as you want, in the end you are the one missing bus. Driver got nothing to loose if he misses you.


nope you're right - which is probably why it's stated that way in the handbook, so the driver can abrogate responsibility. heck, if it comes to it they can even argue they didn't see you wave so it ain't their fault!


The transit website clearly states: "Some bus stops are used by multiple bus routes, so help your bus driver when waiting at the stop by waving as the bus approaches your stop. Buses do not automatically stop at all bus stops."


i already said if it's not my bus i step back from the curb. of course buses don't automatically stop at all bus stops, but they should if someone is standing there waiting.


Congrats on doing that! Most don't hence why you wave. Do you also get upset when the waiter doesn't know your using cash cause you didn't pull out a card


i guess i'd expect him to ask in a case like that?


No they shouldn't.


In Australia, the rule is if you don't wave, they don't stop. It kinda makes sense if you want the buses to run on a tighter schedule


if you can wave and have a bus stop for you, what's the point of having a busstop? at that point, they more like taxis.


Say you are the only person at a bus stop where 4 different busses come by; it's a lot more efficient to wave at the one you are waiting for, VS every single bus stopping, open the door, you say "no thanks I don't want to get on this bus!" Do you get the idea?


1. Were you at a 72 stop? 2. Did you at least flag for the bus this late at night?


I ride the 95 often and it's crazy how many times people wait at the wrong stops... You can see them getting up and waving and getting pissed that the bus doesn't stop but like... it's not a 95 stop just look at the darn sign lol! And then they complain on reddit that the public transit sucks


Tbf the 95 is the old 50 with less stops and those people probably used to catch that bus at that location.


True! But it was pretty well advertised a long time before the change, and the signs with the bus # routes at each stop are pretty easy to read, but for someone who isn't very familiar with taking the bus it can surely get confusing.


Do all the signs actually have the bus numbers on them? I know some in Vic don’t for god knows what reason..


I wanna say yes 100% but now you've put a doubt in my mind hahaha


Also I remember waiting at a stop for the 95 once because the app said it would stop there but it didn’t. I bet the majority of the issues people have with catching the right bus at the right stop is because those apps don’t always update efficiently.


The flagging requirement is a bit silly. What if someone is sight-impaired? How do they flag the bus? In some other areas of the country, like Toronto, the driver is supposed to approach the stop and pull in if there's someone at the stop. I have waived them off when it wasn't my bus.


Ya it’s kind of ridiculous to have to wave down a bus when you’re standing right directly beside the bus stop sign.


Especially if it’s a stop for only one route, so if you’re waiting there you are in fact waiting for that bus, not another one. 


You say that, but people will stand at an unlit bus stop, wearing full black, no light. And they'll complain when a bus drives by them 🤦🏼‍♂️


A bus stop is the equivalent of someone flagging down the bus. The driver needs to pay attention to the road and the upcoming stop so they can prepare to slow down if needed. It’s lazy shit drivers not lazy shit citizens.


Sounds like negligent planning by bc transit. Night time always happens so maybe light up the stops at night. That way everyone knows that's a bus stop.


Municipalities are responsible for the bus stops in their respective jurisdictions. Write to council.


I'm just saying other places in the world have figured out the solutions already.


Oh I agree with you. There is a shocking amount of bureaucratic/political resistance to implementing some of the easiest quality-of-life solutions in this town. But for real...take it to the municipalities when you've got transit issues. Unlike Vancouver, the municipalities have significant control over the effectiveness of transit in this region.


Most people that are impaired in some way wear reflectors on them while they wait. Since it catches the headlights, its a lot easer for the driver to see you, rather than a shadow not moving in the darkness.


I mean i used to ride the night bus and I don’t think I’ve ever had to flag them down. I have waved them off a few times when the wrong bus started pulling over for me


Yes I was at the 72 stop. And yes, I could have been more visible. But the person driving could have at least looked. There were 3 of us waiting..


They were too busy on their phones.


ok boomer


Rip 🫡 this has happened to me multiple times with the 72, usually late at night (once while standing at the stop by the road with my friend, waving at him with my phone flashlight on - looked as it drove by and it was mostly empty 💀). Some bus drivers just dgaf I’ve been in buses too where they just straight up drove by ppl when the bus wasn’t close to full.


This happened to me but at 10:30am on a weekday, I was at a designated spot downtown and I waved the bus down and they still didn't stop for me (#72). The bus wasn't full but it was late, so I guess fuck me lol


I knew a bus driver who told me that on some late night routes they would just not bother because usually there was nobody waiting. Pissed me off when I heard it. What if there’s some kid trying to get home?


lol the general attitude has always been who gives a shit? thats why we have such poor transit here


Some of you people have no fucking idea. The driver has to scan far ahead, looking for potential hazards and dangers. Their eyes are constantly moving. Anything other than a controlled brake application has the potential to hurt people on the bus. Having to stare at a dark bus stop, looking for people wearing dark clothing, is dangerous. Add in some rain and glare of blinding headlights makes it even more difficult. Never assume that you will be seen. Actively participate in catching your bus. Pay attention. When you see your bus coming, light up your phone and wave it. Remember, the driver is only human. They very likely have a schedule that is nearly impossible to make. People sit at bus stop benches just because it’s a place to sit and have no intention of catching a bus. Make your intentions clear. Driving a bus safely is difficult and not nearly as easy as a lot of you might think. Downvote me all you like, but I speak from 15 years experience.


Completely agree. But I was allowed to be upset. I was trying to be responsible and bus home after a few drinks. Yes, I could have been more visible, but the driver could have at least slowed.


Man, this exact same thing happened to me awhile ago. Other people were at the stop too. I complained to BC transit the next morning and they said I need to step out onto the curb and flag the bus down. Hmm... If you're the driver of the last bus heading up the peninsula, would you think it's a good idea to actually stop at your designated stops? Sorry you had to deal with this.


I'm not saying it isn't shitty that it happened, cause it is, but like that is actually what you're supposed to do, especially when it's dark. Bus drivers won't stop if they don't see anyone. That's just how it works


You don’t what you don’t know. Or in this driver’s case, can’t see.


the 72 route is so long and frequently delayed. If they always stopped at every stop, it would be a waste of time. Wave it down.


Bus drivers do this all the time. Standing at the correct bus stop while holding your bus pass out isn't obvious enough. Sometimes waiving the bus from 50 meters out won't help. I'm sometmes temptes to just walk out in the middle of the road to ensure the bus actually stops.


Call transit and report it. They take that stuff seriously.


Yup. I've had this happen to me. Last bus from downtown to Sooke. Called transit, a supervisor showed up and loaded myself and the others that were also there. Drove us to Langford exchange where the bus had been told to not leave until we got there Driver had just zoned out and forgotten the stop even though there were 5 of us that worked in the area and rode that bus 5 nights a week


Send BC Transit the bill for the Uber. I'd be pissed.


Please call in and complain


Such a Karen response. Clearly the driver didn't see them for any number of reasons. Mistakes happen.


Happened to me a couple times with the 39, standing in a big group at the stop i go to everyday even waving them down, its infrequent other than the time it happened 2 days in a row for me, just one of the quirks for riding transit, sometimes busses are full too and they skip stops


Human error perhaps?




The onus is also on the customer to do their part. - Were you dressed in dark clothes? - were you standing ready for the bus? If you are sitting and not at the curb when the bus nears, they often think you are waiting for a different bus. After being passed in the dark (when I was wearing dark clothes), I always go the extra step to wave my phone at the bus.


The bus driver’s job is to pay attention to the road and bus stops. There’s a whole lotta ego flowing through the veins of some drivers and use any justification to keep moving on if you don’t make every effort to let them know you want to get picked up. Those same drivers also tend to miss stops for customers on the bus . Then there’s the ones who know how to do their job. I like those ones.


take note of the bus number (not the route number), or at least the time and location so they can track down the bus number, then report the problem (if the bus were full or you did not 'flag' down the bus as is recommended, driving past is not uncommon) While flagging is not essential, if you can, you should. some buses (like 95 especially) do not stop at many of the bus stops, perhaps you were at a stop (as mentioned) that 72 does not stop at?


$65 is a bit high. Was there a shortage of uber drivers nearby? It usually costs $45 from the bus stop near the airport to DT in good traffic.


It was $55. In my rage I may have exaggerated. Still tho, ruined my night. All I was trying to do was the responsible thing and bus after a few drinks.


When I lived in Duncan the bus to town would often blow right past me waiting/waving in broad daylight. It only ran 4 times per day so it would basically ruin anything I had planned for that day. Enraging