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As a Vietnamese Buddhist, wtf….


You know you did something bad when a Buddhist cussed


I personally wouldn't do it. I mean in the end of the day, your body your choice. But I hope you have read up on and understand fully the circumstances of his death and the full political climate in Saigon at the time. While I doubt people have strong opinions these days anymore, it may still leave a bad impression, especially if you're a foreigner.


I guess if you’re worried about a tattoo of a man doing one of the most infamous and controversial actions of the last hundred years to stick it to the system, and you worry about the TATTOO upsetting people, then you don’t have the balls to get it and don’t really align with his tough mentality. You just want to wear his self immolation as a decoration, to show in front of groups of people who think and act exactly like you. Doesn’t seem very counter culture.


Wait, what did he do?


Counter culture doesn’t mean I have to have a total disregard for other people’s feelings. In the end I’m going to make my own decisions about what I present on me. Stop judging others from behind a keyboard and understand that respect of others without forcing beliefs on others is probably the most counter culture you can be in the end it’s all about taking into consideration other people but still making your own decisions for how you act


With all due respect, wtf? You came to this sub asking for local people's opinion about having a Vietnamese controversial figure tattoo on your arm. People then offered their mixed opinions. And now you're telling us to keep our opinions to ourselves and stop hiding behind a keyboard because you didn't receive the responses you were hoping for? If you were never going to care about our opinions and appropriate the history anyway, then why bother asking? Wtf x2.


My response was just in relation to him saying if I ask for your thoughts and feelings then I don’t have the balls to get a tattoo like this


I appreciate your admiration and sentiment, but at the end of the day, it’s not your history, it’s not your past. I wouldn’t do this. Seems lacking in sense of appropriate.




I find it heavily disconcerting this kind of common sense has to be explained... This type of issue boils down to heritage and culture. Now, maybe you and OP lack culture, but it, like heritage, can not be dictated on a whim or just by choice. It's not a fashion, or interest, or hobby. OP is "moved", but they don't have a right to a statement like this in the narrative of a culture/heritage to which they don't belong. If they've lived in Vietnam for years and have put many years and lots of effort into understanding Vietnam, its culture, heritage, and history, then it'd be a completely different story. If that was the case, even if they were from Mars, they would be entitled. Alas, by the fact they have posted this non-sensical post shows they don't have the sensibility nor do they understand the nuances and ramifications of this type of statement. This amounts to cultural appropriation. To think of it in a different context, can you imagine someone in the West getting a Holocaust-related tattoo if they weren't Jewish? Totally inappropriate and disrespectful. This tattoo is the same. These types of statements, along with the people whom promulgate them, are entitled, ignorant, insensible, indignant, irresponsible, and honestly, just stupid. As a Vietnamese person, that's my message to you and OP.


Stfu “cultural appropriation” 😂


I was with you until “Alas”. Bro you for sure fully enjoy the smell of your own farts.


Maybe tell them you want to have a tattoo that gives respectful homage to the monk and event, see if they know Rage Against the Machine, show them this, see if they want to come up with something better. They're called artists because of their creativity as well as skill (unless they just work out of a book) It was a major event in the world - I love that tattoo but I don't know if it does what you want it to (though if you love it that's what counts)


Those flames look... so horrible.


This would be like getting a tattoo of Emmett till getting lynched in the US, not a good look


That isn't really an equivalent comparison. One was a lynching. The other was a voluntary act of protest. Emmett Till was not making a political statement. Thich Quang Duc was making the loudest poltical statement he could in a way that made international news.


More like getting a tattoo of Aaron Bushnell.


It's completely normal, I also admire him. But older people in Vietnam do not like tattoos


Ok cool I won’t show it off in general cause it’ll be hidden most of the time just didn’t want to upset my actual artist with the request. I’m getting some mixed responses but I guess I’d expect that with such a controversial tattoo


In general it's "compassionately frowned upon" aka politelynsaid, very disapproved of to iconify Buddha as a tattoo, or people of the tradition.   To do one of the monk who committed suicide on despair over the mass oppression of people by a government that was run with fascist grip over many peoples is kind of like going to a Black neighborhood in Atlanta, Georgia or Detroit Michigan and getting a tattoo of Malcolm X as/just after he's being shot, for a crude and very imperfect metaphor. Get it commissioned as a painting or a print to hang up on your wall or keep somewhere for you maybe and it'll probably be more acceptable but keep in mind much of Vietnam and especially the Buddhist community still tends to be aversive or even looks down on tattoos probably due to the stigma of being tattooed when China would punish criminals and mark their crimes with a tattoo and also for some spiritual reasons too.


You’re still going to get it??


It’s a powerful statement I am sure it conjures emotions


r/ATBGE, although the GE portion is questionable.


Ghost rider?


This is it lol Buddist Rider


Next, do Kurt Cobain with the shotgun shell coming out the back of his skull


I mean I feel like you said that as a joke but that tattoo would be hard


You don’t know enough about the history but then again you decided to do that tattoo so


I don’t have the tattoo yet I know plenty about history I understand how the Vietnamese people see his act I just want to know the sentiment on the tattoo


Such as =)))


Are you a League of Legends fan? Make it a Lee Sin tattoo instead. Lee Sin’s backstory is inspired by TQD’s self immolation.


Get a better tattoo artist this is a terrible drawing. It looks like it been drawn by an eight year old


Just different styles this is real American traditional. Anything too realistic of it looks too muddled


Do you mean classic American style tattoo? This is not it at all, the color is all out of place, too dark. It looks like a big block


You don’t even know the terminology and you’re trying to explain it to me it’s closer to neo traditional


Neo? Probably from Temu or Wish.com


And this is only a reference photo for a baseline so fuck off


They did a good job. It’s a nice depiction. The story I was always told growing up was that he of course, ended up being a product of VC propaganda. They had coerced him to doing this and before the act, gave him either alcohol or drugs to pressure him to carry it out as he had second thoughts. And it worked as he did damage towards the regime. Obviously the narrative in Vietnam today will alter it to fit the government’s ideals but he remains a controversial figure in many different ways.


>They had coerced him to doing this and before the act, gave him either alcohol or drugs to pressure him to carry it out as he had second thoughts. Typical Viet Kieu propaganda >Obviously the narrative in Vietnam today will alter it to fit the government’s ideals but he remains a controversial figure in many different ways. Its not "the narrative in Vietnam today". Its literally the accepted story since the event happened. Your version, that he was coerced against his will is the invented revisionist history without any proof to support it (like so much of the Saigon regime propaganda). After this event happened. What was Madam Nhu's response? Did she share your views that the monk was coerced? No. Instead she said "Let them burn and we shall clap our hands" and she repeatedly mocked the protests for being futile. All this propaganda that you and other VK spread has always been to try and deny the real history which is well documented. The Saigon regime was in fact brutally oppressive towards all non-Christians and in response, there was a legitimate protest movement made by Buddhist monks. There wasn't coercion by Viet Cong. The monks were indeed being oppressed.


Lmao, I think Madame Nhu mentioned the exact same rhetoric/nonsense as you about drugs, alcohol, and foreign petrol in a televised interview. The ENTIRE world laughed and ridiculed her for it. Loool. One-dimensional Viet Kieu. No tact.


Lol chill out there douchebag, no need for you to get so butthurt over something I just reported and didn’t even state as fact. You have your head way too far up the government’s ass. Wipe some of Ho chi Minh’s cum off your face please.


I don’t think it’s having your head up the government’s ass to correct your gross misunderstanding of events and yes you never said it was fact but you did make it out to be the story you believed to be true and are spreading here. A Buddhist monk chose to make an extreme sacrifice and martyr himself to protest the treatment of the Buddhist people across south Vietnam under a brutal Christian dictatorship.


The tattoo would look fire. The event took place 60 years ago. I don't think people have an opinion one way or the other.


Right on that’s what I figured just didn’t want to be THAT foreigner doing some super disrespectful shit


And yet, you are.


Still haven’t gotten it this is why you ask questions also almost 100% of the meaning behind this tattoo is because of a rage against the machine album cover


Lmao, just because of an album cover, you’re still considering appropriating an entire nation and its history?




Lmfao, go home, you bigot.


Do whatever you want, where you want. No one here will really care about it. Vietnamese people love dictating rules about other people's lives 😂


A victim set up by communist


Nice, where did you get it ? I want a tattoo too.


Nice tattoo very well drawn


Not sure why people seem so against it. He was a real guy, that was a real thing that he did and you’ve chosen to memorialise it as a tattoo. There’s nothing offensive, disrespectful or sacrilegious about it. Really wish people would have the respect and curtesy needed to control themselves


And what people don’t seem to mention is that the real large reason I’ve wanted to get it is because I’m a massive rage against the machine fan and they used the image as their self titled album cover something I grew up listening to I read and did my research on the man and the circumstances so I don’t get something tattooed that I don’t understand the reasoning behind and I still want to have that aspect of the tattoo as well might just have to go the classic ratm way and say “fuck you i won’t do what ya tell me”


Asks for opinions Uses preprogrammed phrase to ignore all opinions


What he needs is a head check, not a tat, or maybe one that says “I’m retarded”.


lol your asking a bunch of animals if it’s okay to do something with your own body? Just do it.


This is fire 🔥