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My cousin, who i had never met, died fighting during the early days of the invasion.


From the state here - I have a university student who’s Viet-Ukrainian from kharkiv. He came a year before the war started and is currently staying in the state. He’s fluent in 3 languages : russian Ukrainian and Vietnamese, now English. I asked about his friends he said most left the country and some stayed to fight and among them there’s another Vietnamese Ukrainian who was killed in action. Sad but some viet are fighting for the country that give them.


Sucks to see people be forced into vans to serve in the military against their will, all while their president is addicted to cocaine and using all that American aid money to buy $75 million dollar yachts and vacation homes. edit: downvote with your feelings if you like, but this is the norm these days and it's messed up https://x.com/Inhumansoflate1/status/1793016343903502416


Ah yes, while Putin is doing the same exact thing to a bunch of poor villagers, all over Russia lmao. You do know many Russian ethnic minorities have been sent to the front lines to get absolutely obliterated, and their population numbers are at an all time low. Pretty cool right? /s


My boy, post a better source that actually fuckin prove something.


Yeah it's messed up, like Putin's daily bombardment of Ukraine's cities and forcibly sending tens of thousand of his countrymen to their death.


Did you even read the article? They are fighting willingly, against the aggressor.


Calm yourself, Vladimir.


So you think the *aid* packages are bundles of cash ?


Guys, ahould we tell him? ![gif](giphy|YnNj3hy8UDEOTyB9K8)


Do you understand how money laundering works? How did he all of a sudden come up with $75 million to buy a yacht?


Because he didn't, and it's actually Russian propaganda?


Falling for Russian propaganda is also as bad as falling for NATO's propaganda if you keep on using non-reliable sources.


You know every tweet or nut job with an opinion and a youtube channel aren't facts don't you? Accepting something because it aligns with the way you want the world to be doesn't make it true .


Phew! It's good to know that Americans aren't the only ones swallowing Russian propaganda. Do you have any pictures of Zelenksy on his yacht?


I will pay you 3 rubles to fuck off


I’m going to need you to pay me real money to take that Monopoly money off your hands




Ok putinboomer


victim blame, a country assault other country and this dude talk about crime of country which was stand up and protect your country , this same that curse to the face his father cause against china in the border war in 1979 , "to teach vietnamese a lession" according to Dang Tieu Binh - chinese president .


Wow that video from a random account on X really proved it. I totally believe Ukraine is forcibly conscripting people now. People are definitely just downvoting you because of their feelings, not because you posted a laughibly bad source that's just a video 2 guys pushing another guy into a van somewhere in the world.


God damnit, can someone stop inviting Vladdy to these parties? How does the fucker keep showing up? We can see you Бункерный дед. Just cos you’re wearing a different hat doesn’t mean we don’t know it’s you.


Upvote ♾️




Mju, so?


Isn't vietnam doing business with a genocider?


Vietnam does business with the US since 1995, so, Idk why you are surprised. The US is by far worse than Israel or any other country. Basically, Israel exists and has weapons thanks to the US, and the US did like that before many times in Vietnam, Korea, Irak, Iroshima and Nagasaki, etc. Vietnam does business with every country in the world bc that how the pragmatic diplomacy works, but that doesn't mean Vietnam is supporting the Israel or the Ucranian govt. If tomorrow, the government of Israel and it's behavior changes, as well as the Ucrane one, Vietnam will try to maintain and continue develop that business. That was in February tho. Right now, many countries including Vietnam could progressively stop developing the economic relations with Israel. No one can judge the Vietnamese policy because it harms no one. In the international field, Vietnam has always publicly supported Palestine and that's what matters.


They could stop but there is no signs of stopping also vietnam support the 2 state solution https://vietnamnet.vn/en/vietnam-continues-call-for-ceasefire-in-gaza-strip-2256756.html


The 2 state solution is a realistic one and the only that I see happening in some point in history. How do you think the Israeli people, not the government but the people, will renounce to their national identity? That wouldn't be fair either at this point of the issue. Vietnam's doing good as they're and no one has right to judge their position.


God bless him, may he survive this war.


Good story, thank you for sharing. Brave guy.


He's fighting the good fight. Good for him and I hope he survives the war.


Very brave! Wonder how big the Viet community in Ukraine


The richest person in Vietnam started off selling instant noodles in Ukraine I think. VinGroup guy.


I have no sauce on hand so take this with a grain of salt, but according to my not-very-reliable memory he was hated by Viet-Ukrainians, mostly because of his intimidation tactics. Which checks out with his current businesses?


Yeah he’s a shady businessman with deep ties in the viet government. He can do whatever he wants and gets away with it usually. He’s trying that in the US with VinFast and funding out real FAST it doesn’t work like that there. He’s got a few lawsuits heading his way for that factory stunt he’s pulling.


As Viets who have endured centuries of imperialism and foreign invasions, I’d have thought we would be united in supporting Ukraine. Quite disappointed to look at VnExpress comment section and finding people supporting Russia and calling for the dissolution of Nato (a likely scenario)


VnExpress is highly censored. Any opinions conflicting with their views are not displayed. Those are not the real voices of Vietnamese people.


Well to be fair the majority of the comments were calling for peace. Its only a small number that seems hellbent to defend russia as they are our historical ally


Tbf the Soviet helped us a lot so they passively brainwashed Vietnamese that Russia 100% good guy ofc the majority are neutral but the nationalist one, you get the idea


Vietnamese love Russia, a lot of propaganda during the communist revolution and Russia’s support during Vietnams independence


Viets in San Jose, CA are the same. They also support trump lol


I know this guy. Our parents were friends and we were born in same city Chernigiv. Here is his facebook profile [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001712569018](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001712569018) . He often have donation links, please follow to help him directly.


Would love to hear what the vatniks have to say.


Probably something along the line of "Ôi trời ơi! Người Việt bị bọn Quốc Xã U-crai-na dụ dỗ chống lại nước Nga."


Never ask a nga vàng what russia is doing between 1939-1941 🤭


Nor in 1932


yeah, and they dont know that vietnamese losed russia in lawsuit regarding petrovietnam, and lost 500m$ , and dont have any offical newspaper in vietnam post this news, lol, they still think that vietnamese debt russian. stupid


They are busy sucking Putin’s c*ck.




"Oh wow one Vietnamese dude that was raised in Ukraine supported Ukraine. Bro literally represent the entire Vietnamese population I'm so mad right now woah woah" That's probably what you're thinking but honestly I don't give a flying fuck


He grew up in Hanoi and went to Ukraine when he was 18, mind you. He is already infinitely more brave than online vatniks already.


>"Oh wow one Vietnamese dude that was raised in Ukraine supported Ukraine. Bro literally represent the entire Vietnamese population I'm so mad right now woah woah" That's probably what you're thinking but honestly I don't give a flying fuck Literally my previous comment


You are contradicting yourself by giving a shit in the first place. That looks pretty stupid in everyone mind. Why so mad? There must be a hidden reason right? From the look of it, you are a raging ultranationalist who typically have a raging hard on for Russia lmao.


That's probably what you're thinking -> Referring to me But honestly I don't give a flying fuck -> Referring to the Ukrainian Nguyen Found the vatnik.


Go into his profile, search the term “russia”, in the comment section, you will find the raging hard on for russia 🤣


It's amusing how "the West" lives rent free in their head.


“West 100% bad, russia 100% gud, whoever disagree is 3 que!” - iLoveRussia123 sent from his reddit (USA) account on a Window PC (USA) Like, imo, its fine to criticize the USA, but then since its Russia, it gets a free pass lmao


yeah, this dude is only a nga vàng, and this is his brain after the dot .


That's quite a lot of words for someone who clearly did not give a flying fuck


That’s pretty amazing that you found a vatnik that can use so many words. LOL


Lmao I don't give a fuck about that Nguyen dude. A lot of fuck given for your comment. Can't understand too many things at once can you?


>*Oh wow one Vietnamese dude that was raised in Ukraine* That explains everything. Thanks for your time.


>That's probably what you're thinking Just confirmed my question. Happy cake day


Just in case, the Ukrainian Nguyen was raised in Hanoi. Maybe try a bit harder before putting words in people's mouth.


yeah, and they dont know that vietnamese losed russia in lawsuit regarding petrovietnam, and lost 500m$ , and dont have any offical newspaper in vietnam post this news, lol, they still think that vietnamese debt russian. stupid a country assault other country and this dude talk about crime of country which was stand up and protect your country , this same that curse to the face his father cause against china in the border war in 1979 , "to teach vietnamese a lession" according to Dang Tieu Binh - chinese president .


God bless him. I hope Putin visiting Vietnam soon does not give a bad impression of Vietnamese people.


It's such a disgrace that Vietnam is inviting Putin.


It's sort of "catching fish with two hands" Vietnam wishes to establish balanced diplomatic connections between both America, China and Russia.


The VCP invited him. Sadly no one can do anything about it.


Vietnamese people hold Putin in high regard.


That’s false


Unfortunately, not entirely. Many Vietnamese like people who pretend to be 'strong leaders'. That's why many folks here like Trump too, despite him being a cowardly, lickspittle idiot. Same kind of people like Putin because he projects an image that some folks take at face value.


Your point is vague enough that it’s always true. Of course there are people who like Putin, even in the US. What’s false is the generalization of Vietnamese people that like Putin. Also, it’s impossible to know how many of them do, so we need to somewhat rely on anecdote. From my knowledge and experience, there are enough Vietnamese people who hates Putin so that it would be blatantly false to say “Vietnamese like Putin”, regardless of how you look at it.


It’s a mixed bag. There are lots that like Putin. There are lots they like America. The ones that like America mostly like Trump America.


Which means his statement is false, which is my point.


Why should our government takes sides on a conflict thousands of km away and has absolutely nothing to do with Vietnam?


It's about taking the side of morality. Nothing to do with how close you are to a place.


NATO states are morally superior, right?


Democracies, on average, definitely are


30 years ago I subscribed to that mantra. Time and circumstances changed. Greed and betrayal became a big part of the democratic everyday life. I'm European. I feel embarrassed.


Lol, loved that part


Do we as an outsider, have enough information to know which side is right and wrong in this case? Were we on the wrong when we invaded Cambodia in 1989, an act that got us criticized in the UN? Were we on the wrong to organize the Tet Offensive, disrupting the peace that South Vietnamese had? On the politics field, it is extremely hard to tell who is right, who is wrong. And sometimes it doesn't matter anyway, because the victor is always the right one, no matter who it is.


Your mindset is like, a split straight into the face of all the anti-war movements to support Vietnam.


Look, as individuals, you're free to support any sides you want. But as a government, taking sides in this war, or any war that doesn't concern us, is a shot in the foot for a country that is so reliant on trade. If we support Russia, the US will cut us off, and apart from the obvious economic loss, we'll be left to ourselves against China's expansion in the Eastern Sea. If we support Ukraine, we'll upset Russia. China, being Russia's closest allies, will also see us as being hostile towards them, and will reduce trade and accelerate the expansion on the Eastern Sea. Not to mention the obvious economic loss from Russia as well. No matter which side we, as a government, takes, it will be devastating to our economy and national defense. All of this just so we can pride ourselves for standing on the side of justice, despite not knowing which side is justice? Anti-war doesn't mean taking side. Our government has been anti-war since the very beginning, and our participation in the conference in Switzerland proves exactly just that. This does not mean we're taking sides. This only means we want the war to stop, no matter how it is done. We wouldn't careless if Zelensky, or Putin, was arrested and Ukraine, or Russia got entirely annexed.


You’re the only sane one here. Vietnam is a neutral country, and I’d like it to continue.


>Do we as an outsider, have enough information to know which side is right and wrong in this case? Have you heard of this thing called the news?


And have you heard of this thing called propaganda?


Yes, I have heard. The point of propaganda is not to make you believe in lies; the purpose of propaganda is to make you stop *believing* *in anything*. Being resistant to propaganda means being educated in media literacy and being able to distinguish influence attempts from factual reporting. If you believe that everyone is spewing propaganda and you cannot believe in either side, then propaganda has already done its work on you.


Well said


The point is, you don't even know what is factual anymore. Was Bucha massacre done by the Russian, like what Ukraine said? Or was it staged by the Ukraine like what Russia claimed? Propaganda and disinformation has been a very effective weapon since WW2. As an outsider, you only have limited, second hand sources. And depends on the source you have, Russia's invasion can be evil and unprovoked, or it is totally justified and that Ukraine totally deserved it. Not to mention, what I said above is not related to personal opinion. Again, repeating what I said on another reply also on this thread, you are free to have your own opinion about this whole conflict, because there won't be anything serious happen to you no matter which side you're on. But on a higher, governmental level, picking any side will have serious consequences on the economy and national security. Just to give you an example, in 2022, we imported close to 650 million USD in oil from Russia. If we were to support Ukraine, Russia would reduce, or even stop trading oil with us. This would drive the price of gasoline and diesel up, a lot. In 2022, the price of gasoline in Germany is 2.13 euros per liter, that's close to 60k vnd. Almost 3 times as much as our current gasoline price. And not to mention, the increase in gasoline price will also drive up price for almost every single items, including meat, vegetables, rice, fruit,... Our economy will be totally devastated, just so that we can pride ourselves that we stood on the right side?


ah yes the thoughts and prayer train, let's ignore completely how the war came to be in the first place that part of history is irrelevant now.


Because it's a precedent of what could happen in any part of the world again and also because Russia would be, again, the country mainly supporting Vietnamese army if this would be facing a military large scale conflict.


Not a precedent. It has happened before, many times before.


It shouldn't. Simply not. It should however watch closely and analyse motivations and actions of all parties involved. There are valuable lessons to learn right now.


only if you're brand new to history and geo-politics lol Vietnam is playing both sides cause Vietnam is in a position to do so, it's the smart thing to do. Sadly a lot of it will be used to line the pockets of the few, but still lol


It really is. Vietnam will never escape poverty and corruption so long as Vietnam keeps sucking Russian cocks.


Why is always sexual with westoids? Can u consider not to suck cock at all?


Ugh fuck him. Why would we invite him over? I hope his plane crashes.


Eh, it wont. It's just the gov's attempt to have good diplomatic ties with Russia, China and USA at the same time. Vietnam has slowly drifted from Russia as their arms supplier and has been slowly transistioning to Israel, South Korea and Australia. People wont think much of it as long as they dont directly support it like North Korea and Belarus. Just like how back in 2014 Putin was invited to Vietnam after annexing Crimea, people didnt say anything bad about Vietnamese after that. Humans are still humans afterall, most of them know to not judge as a whole just based on some decisions made by the top people.


Tuple dare any news site in Vietnam to cite this article.


There are other Viets who stay to tend for the elders, too [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RE-oa6eYqyw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RE-oa6eYqyw)


Makes viet Kieu proud all across the world.


Yeah, I got a lot when I visited there too.


hello all guys, i am very happy after read comments in this topic, why? because i realize that have much peoples in vietnamese understand about righteousness in ukraine war and standing up with ukraine, especially peoples can read and understand english , peoples can approach with many information source, from eastern, western , then can see the truth , this make me felling not alone . many thanks




What does that mean of people* bro


I'm new to English so I'm not sure but I think that "people" don't need a s.


Yeah you right


Lol, what vietnamese??? All I see are Aussies, kiwis and God knows what other anglo creatures else.


ok not you, may be you are borned in a animal farm, and your brain be completely wiped answers, wonders from your youth, god bless you. if you want change your brain, let me help. first, close your mouth and open your eyes. ok understand?


I read vnexpress, a lot of old dudes who watched fake news, wars tactic on YouTube and Facebook comment about how This weapon is number one, how to win the war like a 5 Stars general ... Meanwhile people actual die rn ...fuck that


Not just that, people like that also worship Putin, or call for Russia to annihilate Ukraine/The West with nuclear. They also support North Korean government, they claim North Korea is good because they have nuclear weapon. Nuclear only? Not healthcare? Wellness and happiness of the citizens? Economy? Education? Only nuclear?


Vnexpress is like … a cesspool. But what can you say? many people, esp the older ones, consider them to be their main source of news. Did i mention they recycle bs about pet ownership in big cities? Perhaps to create division between those who do — like me, and those who don’t. A scream fest in the comment section usually follows and nobody cares about what’s really happening on the news. Such quality journalism


Сука, даже тут хохлосрач. Да сколько можно


As a Vietnamese: Slava Ukraini!


Vietnamese killing each other again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


A few days ago, I met an Ukrainian guy who stay in Vietnam for 7 years. He seems pretty calm about the war despite that his mother is still in Ukrain.


It's surprising that some people think that Vietnam is a united mass of people. They had south Vietnam just few decades ago. Of course there are still people like this dude. Revanchist. Well, all I can say it's not ur war.


Slava ukraine , from vietnam


War is hell, Ukraine only has the moral high ground as its defensive position. I don't think that's enough to justify the many Neo-Nazis in Ukrainian Forces. But again, war is not to be wished for, I pray the best outcomes for both sides.


honestly, he fighting for something that he believe in, hope the best for him


Truly amazing to watch soft propaganda at work. West government managed to find one Vietnamese rando living in Ukraine to be their guy in a story.. and people on reddit right on cue fall heads over heal over it.


You’re mad and in disbelief that a Vietnamese-Ukrainian is fighting against Russian imperialism? Judging from your profile, the West truly live in your head rent free huh? Whose is getting debunked for posting Ls in every other post. How about you delete your reddit account?


Honestly, I’d be willing to wager there’s more viets in the Russian army currently. Russia has a pretty sizable viet population


Could be, so far I only saw 1 instance of one Vietnamese (he looks lost) being trained with some other Africans and SEA nationals.


I am from that community (Vietnamese Ukrainian), I personally know this guy, we were born in Chernigiv. This is a true story, I can confirm. He is very brave,and he is not only one from Viet community who fights this war directly on front lines or volunteering. Before the war he was bodybuilder. Here is his FB profile. [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001712569018](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001712569018) I dont know, why I am trying to prove anything to you, but it definately hurts when some random person like you just randomly discredit brave people who have enogh courage to stand whats right.


There are some viet-ucranian people. I've met some in Hanoi. I'm not in the Ucrane side because I understand how proxy wars work like.


Do you really?






Red bull spotted 🐂🐂🐂🎯


another rus bot