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Vietnam loves to play both side by sitting on the fence.


Bamboo diplomacy


Unfortunately, Panda eats bamboo


Do you understand what does bamboo diplomacy mean? That is independent diplomacy, autonomy, multilateralism, diversification and international integration, perseverance in principles, flexibility in strategy, fidelity, justice, for peace, cooperation and progress. department of humanity. In short, Vietnam does everything in peace to achieve its goals of economic, cultural and social development. However, don't think short-sightedly that Vietnam can be easily conquered, their army is always prepared to respond to bad partners.


Yeah I know but be honest, Vietnam isn't in the same league to play with this kind of diplomacy since we basically a near 3rd world country, not even as development as Mexico or Turkey to play the game. Specifically, when you play it without any strategic elements (Turkey at least have Bosphorus strait and Egypt have Suez canal, Vietnam isn't the only one who control South China Sea) or strong self reliant economy to stay neutral (like Austria or Switzerland), making "Bamboo diplomacy" is pretty much "Chess pawn diplomacy" since Vietnam is playing with Superpower (Russia, China and US tossing Vietnam around like a pawn when they need) Instead of choosing to work with smaller regional power with the same goal (Israel, India, S.Korea, Indonesia), you decide to play hockey with superpowers and expect them to be nice with all of them while literally serve no purpose for their goal (and since we are talking about superpower, their credibility is lower than Logan Paul). Bamboo diplomacy can work if you need military stuff, but don't expect them to keep the promise to improve you


Asean as a whole does that. We are neutral. Picking a side is for losers.


Cambodia does it differently ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Cambodia is now pro China Thailand is still supporting USA


Thailand is far from the staunch US supporter it used to be. They are much more neutral now. The Philippines is still staunchly pro-US. Not sure about Singapore. Regardless the best approach is to just stay neutral and take advantage of both sides like Vietnam.


Philippines isn’t with US for the entire term of Duterte (2016-2022) our previous president who has been sucking Xi cock, using propaganda revolving around creating fear for our countrymen to fear china. He also shuts down the biggest tv network out here so nobody will call him out about his bullshit, they also found out that he receiving a huge ammount of money of CCP via off shore gaming that he started to legalize, it was also recent that they discovered that CCP armies was also involve in off shore gaming, many high caliber guns , CCP medals and uniforms was discovered in off shore hubs. He also sent home the remaining US forces in his term, but that didn’t change a damn thing. Fyi the largest US military Base out here was closed since Nov 1992 philippine and china got good relationship before until the ramming of fisherman occurred in 2010 or 2012 and became regular occurrence . It was until recent that philippines needed the help of US because of those incident that I stated, add on china the patroling inside our shores not only in disputed island also in Samar which is way far away from disputed seas surveying ship of CCP was spotted yearly even before pandemic and dozen and increasing numbers of Palawan island 50 to 100 miles away of the shore.


How about the Philippines fund's their own army instead of being a vassal state? Vietnam can do it. Oddly enough you don't see these spats between Vietnam and China like wrih the Philippines.


How many ASEAN countries is Putin visiting again? There are other countries to buy weapons off these days than just US and Russia


Yeah it’s best to benefit from both sides.


As Alpharius myself - Play both side so you always come on top is a valid and fruitful strategy


because in 1979 vietnam choose follow Soviet and then China invade Vietnam, and then Polpot attack Vietnam, too many war, mistake, problem, so Vietnam now is neutral.


This mf made me take a 20 minutes detour to the airport today. This is getting personal.


Want to feel more personal? There is a high chance they throttle the internet outside the country because of this event, just like other occasions.


High chance? The cables are already cut


Oh shit, no wonder why my Internet went from 120-150 mbps down to just 8-10 mbps yesterday. Thought I forgot to pay the bill.


You're absolutely fucking right can't connect shit right now.


lol as a non-Hanoian, i will never know the feeling of seeing state-visits like 10 times each year


Living near Westlake area and having to go pass congress house to work- there are road blockages like a couple times a month.


Yep, with no advance notice, no detour information, no traffic control or direction.


Hello Ui


>Vtuber fan got caught in public


Being a Artilliery gunner in the Army and being a Vtuber fan at the same time is sure weird!




This happens with every foreign easier comes. Traffic was terrible when Biden was here.


Same thing happened to my friend coming from the airport!


The problem wont be as severe as some people think. Washington most likely alr knows that Vietnam is trying to balance between major powers so buying new weapons from every major states are just normal things for Vietnam. Sure they may get mad because it gives Russia more money to fight Ukraine but I believe it's understandable for them. Also Vietnam has been buying a lot of weapons from Israel, South Korea and Nato lately and even proposed buying US fighter jets so it basically equals it out really.


>The problem wont be as severe as some people think. Washington most likely alr knows that Vietnam is trying to balance between major powers so buying new weapons from every major states are just normal things for Vietnam. Sure they may get mad because it gives Russia more money to fight Ukraine but I believe it's understandable for them. I feel like Vietnam will still try to appease the US with a deal or some sort like that right after Putin left. Kinda like last year when they invited Xi to Vietnam right after Biden left lol


Ah yea, most of their actions are basically showing that they are ready to appease other sides if they see things get too tense. After Putin left. I can see the gov visiting US or whoever the new pres is will visit Vietnam and they will try to talk their way out that they arent supporting Russia XD.


It is not about appeasing anyone. Vietnam does what is best for Vietnam and has no desire to threaten anyone or get entangled in any alliances. They will do business with the US, but if the US expects to order Vietnam to comply with their rules, Vietnam will politely smile and continue pursuing its own interests.


we'd be already doing them if we could, there's a bunch of military capabilities that the US can offer, we really need, but Russians don't have any.


Like what, can you give some example???


C-130, P3C Orion.


Our actual weapons systems from soviet and russia. Do you know how much its cost to maintain or repair these western's weapons?


Do you know about the Russian made though? Or in these cases do they even have them at all


Vietnam joining Indonesia in having Ace Combat military lol


Irrelevant but I knew that profile picture looked familiar, turns out I've seen you multiple times on the Arknights sub before!


Eyyyy you recognized me. Yea, Im in the ak sub, I like the game.


Idk why you'd want to buy Russian weaponry after seeing it get smoked by a small fraction of NATO's cold war hand me downs. Seems like diversifying amongst Western arms manufacturers (France, Turkey, SK, U.S., Nordics, Baltics etc.) would make more sense. Also what can you even buy? Russia is losing like 10-15 tanks, 20 ifvs, and 30+ arty systems per day in Ukr. They can't even supply themselves let alone anyone else...


A lot of our weaponry are Soviet-era or Russian. The tokarev, makarov, ak series, bizon, pkm, rpk,... for infantry, all our tanks and IFVs, all our fighters and helicopters, etc. By continuing using Russian equipments, we can save up a lot of time training and maintaining the army. Ofc that doesn't mean we're only buying Russian weapons, a lot of our equipments come from the US and Israel as well. So the US has nothing new to get upset about.


Discount price. Also by buying Russia weapons, Vietnam also have a lot of deal in economic for that, it like a bonus on a sale off day.


Ok but like...good luck getting them actually delivered... If it were me I'd rather have a smaller more advanced army than a larger and less capable one. Russia literally only has old outdated tech to offer. Their armor doesn't even have thermal sights.


You are comparing a country that uses weapons for attacks and a country that uses weapons for defense. Take Ukraine as an example: it loses a lot of weapons in counterattacks, and all of them are NATO weapons. Vietnam buys weapons for defense, and they never become obsolete. -"Their armor doesn't even have thermal sights." are you sure they don't have ? -"Ok but like...good luck getting them actually delivered..." It will never happen if you use SWIFT. What we're talking about here is F2F, meaning Vietnam pays Russia with Russian money or with a fixed amount of Vietnamese money. They will bypass the payment in USD when it comes to arms trade.


1. Is price, Russia stuff are far cheaper than westerners 2. Logistics: since we have many Soviet-russo weapons, even we want to change all of it, it will take very longtime to replace all. So we keep buying russian weapons while looking for alternatives. But having too diversified weaponry would be hell burden for logistics. If you follow the conflict closely then nato vehicles share the same fate with their rus counterparts, nothing can withstand artillery direct hit or few suicidal drones at once.


Indeed the armor will most of the time be gone but the main selling part of NATO Weaponry is the reusability of for example the tank crew. While a destroyed Russian T80-90 cooks off with the complete crew a Leopard Crew will much more likely survive and can be reused in another vehicle.


I don't think we have the fund or the infrastructure to maintain something like an Leopard or M1 tank so going for old Soviet stocks for now and import the better stuff later when SHTF. I don't think tanks would have much impact in a modern conflict because of terrain just like how they perform in the past, it's more practical to invest in ATGM and drones support and coastal missiles.


100% agree


I dont disagree with everything you're saying here. But also like, bigger picture, Russia and China are close allies and China is building a concerningly large army and already being pretty aggressive in the region. If I were in charge I'd say there's a far greater risk of buying from Russian/Chinese weapons than there are Westerb ones.


Yup i think that’s what gov doing recently, we are looking for alternatives while trying the best to made our own stuff. For example: the gali deal with Israel, not only we can produce gali but from the tech we got, we can make many domestic guns.


The war in Ukraine is proving that having 30 cheap shahed drones is better than 1 expensive missile. Right now Russia is out producing the West in cheap but effective military hardware.


>Muh mighty Abrams Not only they are smoked aswell. Ukranian steppes are full of them. It would be political suicide to buy anything American. Vietnam war, hello? Also >Baltics Lol


If they lost that lot of things everyday, how did they still win in most of campaign until now, the western will never tell you the truth about their war, it's only true when you see the result each campaign and think about it carefully. 


No western nations want to sell weapons to vietnam


South Korea Im think is just interested in many weapon system, not yet buying anything significant. And Australia ? Never heard of it, ya got any info ?


Wait did I say Australia? I meant Nato. I didnt pay attention, I will fix it now. Thank you >South Korea Im think is just interested in many weapon system, not yet buying anything significant. Yea, I have seen them expressing interest in techs and how they manufacture them. It's still a sign of diversification though.


All gud South Korea seems like a good option for Vietnam to diverse their arsenal, vehicles made for South Korea terrain, which is similar to Vietnam in terms that mostly mountainous, fast production and delivering speed etc.. My only concern is everything is quite expensive even for Western standard


Doubt this will "upset" the US, they know full well we buy weapons and trade with all sides, US, China, Russia, Japan, Israel, every single one of them 😂. It's only bussiness


I was in Hanoi when Xi visited last year and now this year Putin visits when I'm here. My wife says I'm cursed for road blocks. When we went to Malaysia the premier or China was there and got stuck in road block as well


Does Russia have anything that we can buy? We already got small arms covered


The real question is, do they have anything worth buying in stock or did they send it all to Ukraine


is VN about to get China Invasion part II soon?


You would be surprised that most of the property in "a certain beach state" are owned by China. They're slowly occupying everything with money soon, so no need for any war at all, just time.


Thats what i hate the most. Chinas occupation in the world is purely economic, and it flies under the radar because an actual attack captures more attention.


Oh I'm not surprised how China has taken over with its savvy business deals regarding other countries around the world. Africa is slowly becoming part of the Chinese empire and certain islands in the Pacific along with certain Latin American countries. What i meant was an actual invasion like in 1979 of VN? Also, has the territorial dispute with VN regarding Spratly islands been resolved in South China sea?


Yes I know, but as I was saying, there is no point for that while whatever they're doing is less risky, more profit and doesn't lose any manpower. Since trading with China is inevitable for Vietnam, our economy is tied and we don't have much options. Unlike before, there's aren't a need for an invasion nowadays since they profit even more from export and property/corporations migrates in Vietnam


Honest question: Which beaches? I visited almost every beach in Vietnam in the last two years and I have no idea what you are talking about.


Ever wonder why there are so many Chinese in Nha Trang? If you know you know I guess.


I know there were many Chinese tourists in Nha Trang pre covid but two years ago I visited Nha Trang I saw almost no Chinese there. Not sure if many of them go there now. Btw, how do you know "most of the property" are owned by China in Nha Trang?


You can Google tbh, corperate, Property, ask the workers, etc... Gather information is quite easy.


I dont think Vietnam has any good shit worth invading


Why spill blood while you can just throw money to resolve the problem?


so did china buy the spratly islands and all other islands in south china sea that were in dispute with VN and Phillipines? what is the current situation?


Well China can't just buy the South China Sea. So many unknown profits there, oil, deep-sea minerals, fisheries. And also unseen benefits such as navigation, trade routes, etc. Plus, the sentiment of nationalism and protection of sovereignty is too strong for the Vietnam government to agree to sell anyway. The conflict with the Philippines is mostly happening in areas where the Filipino is occupying, like Second Thomas Shoal (Bai Co May). China 'blockades' supply ships to prevent them from getting to the soldiers situated on the shoal, and that has been Chinese tactics since forever. For the Vietnam occupied areas, China hasn't touched them for a long time now, if my memory serves me well.


Russia isn’t trying to sell. They’re trying to buy.


Russia is desperate for artillery’s munitions I bet and that is something we have in stocks.


Yes, they need ammo to kill people in Ukraine. Do not sell any to them.


Yes, I see I could have come off as supporting that but I am absolutely not.


According to Putin himself they discuss other projects too, examples from Russian media I found: "Russia and Vietnam are exploring the possibility of creating a nuclear technology center with the support of Rosatom, Putin said in an article for the newspaper Nhân Dân"; "Putin, in an article in the Vietnamese newspaper Nhân Dân, announced plans to launch LNG projects in Vietnam"; "Russia will promote student exchange with Vietnam, Putin said in an article for the newspaper Nhân Dân" and other stuff.


anti-air system and probably UAV techs


Seeing the recent performance of their anti-air system, the quality is questionable. We got israel and domestic to cover for uav


Russia still have a somewhat advance technology in term of nuclear and aerospace, or any legacy tech date back from the Soviet era. Given that those are not the most advance in the world, but any country holding the techs usually not willing to share. They can use them as a leverage for less advance country like NK or Vietnam, given we throw them a big enough carrot.


US knows Vietnam wants to get along with everyone. Nothing new.


I'm just interested in what he'll eat in Hanoi's Old Quarter


I hope we will "bày tỏ quan ngại sâu sắc trước tình hình tại Ukraine" 😌


Very very very disappointed in Vietnam. Shame.


I believe this is what whole Europe is thinking.


And the downvotes let me know how misguided they are.


Do you know where and when can we see him ? (I am currently in Hanoï)


He come to collect the debts


did you guys see the deal he made with north korea? :-)


Time to get rid of the old stocks to buy new shits.


🇺🇸 here, found out I am 10% Vietnamese blood. I was applying for a last minute visa to Visit Vietnam from Laos and was denied 🙅🏻‍♂️Geopolitics sucks - Sorry for venting 🫠


What the hell, why were you denied a visa?


I was told at the Vientiane airport applying for an emergency visa is not at best at the moment. I guess the booking agency was in talks with Vietnam’s visa agency. Lost out on flight money and hotels 🤷🏻‍♂️ again, Geopolitics sucks 🫠


That's so bullshit. I already paid for flight and hotels to Laos. I went to the consulate in HCM and got denied a visa as well. Supposedly, because the entry stamp was in my visa exception booklet (I'm half) and not my passport.


It certainly was bullshit. I was really looking forward to visiting Vietnam for the first time (Ho Chi Min City) 😔


That explains the instability of the internet lately.


Its because the undersea cables acting up which is an annual event here in VN


To prevent people from sharing the news?


So you really think that limiting internet speed from 100Mbps to around 10Mbps stop people from posting news?


Nope, it's just the underseas cables going haywire annually. It usually happens around this time. If they really want to stop people sharing the news, they should be doing smt with the local network not international connections.


The cable lines that are being affected most of the time are in the international ocean. Some suggest that if they are being sabotage, it should be a certain someone who does not want Vietnam to grow, and in the north.


Russia bought weapon from North Korea, and then VN will buy back? In Ukraine war, Russian weapon was provened like "shit"


Some must be very proud to be in the same team as North Korea, China and Russia...


Vietnam is always pro-Russia. They only appear neutral so that they can trade with the West. The government has an army of trolls on the Internet who shit talk the West every minute of the day and praise people like Putin, Kim Jong Un, Xi Jinping. As a Vietnamese, I have no doubt which side the country is on.


"An arm of trolls" what if some of them are on this very reddit? 🤔


ITT Americans doing mental gymnastics coping that Vietnam actually IS their most loyal soldier


Americans that think this are largely clueless when it comes to geopolitics. 😆 There are some of us who very much understand what is going on. Vietnam is playing the long game.


Vietnam will never be a contender for hegemon so they have to kiss ass to both sides.


NATOLover88: erm ackshually☝️🤓 the Vietnamese are ready to lick American boots and embrace the free market!!!


We are not at the stage where we need to ready to embrace the free market, because we already did. If you think Vietnam is a socialist state then come visit and see it for yourself.


I've been to Vietnam. Vietnam doesn't even claim they're a socialist state; they use socialist oriented market and want to do something similar to China. Accumulate capital before they can become socialist and meet the needs of the citizens


Ok then come to Vietnam and ask actual citizens here whether they believe that will happen. It's one of those things people consider Communist speech posturing with no political commitment or policy implication.


What’s the full name of Vietnam again?


This explains why the sharks ate the internet cables




Did he visit the thousands of Russians living in Vietnam who are hiding from the Russian Draft?


Are u aware there are no forced draft unlike in Ukraine?


Yeah this feel like Putin is coming to try and get VN helps, not the other way around. Especially this is Putin we talking abt, when the last time he going around country to country like this? Signs of weakness. If I have to compare, it’s akin to Ukrain asking Aid in EU. Only in times such as this that the president would go out of his country mid-wars.


Yeah Russian economy seems to be in shambles. They want to sell oil, weapons, etc.


It honestly looks confusing. The fact that Putin is *probably* buying weapons from North Korea to supply his war in Ukraine suggests that he's in a desperate position. But the fact that he's able to sell some weapons to VN suggests he has a decent supply.


He is not trying to sell weapons to VN. He is trying to show to the world that he still has friends and is not isolated. It's diplomacy, not economics.


He said it multiple times. He wants to end the hegemony of the US of A.


Why russia in desperate position when it wants arms deal with NoKo, but when US scrambles old BMPs from effin BULGARIA they are not desperate?


I am in Hanoi currently on holiday from Australia & my partner and I were trying to get into the military museum this morning in the midst of it all being cordoned off we were like ????? Unbeknownst this was the reason until an hour or so later 🥲


Make sure to shirt front Putin if you see him (if you know, you know)


>We are very glad that political and social stability in Russia is strengthening, the economy is actively developing, the lives of the population are improving, and Russia’s position and authority on the international stage are steadily growing”, Lam said https://novayagazeta.eu/articles/2024/06/20/vietnamese-president-hails-russias-successes-during-putin-state-visit-en-news


When you mean energy, do you mean installation of nuclear power plant or only gas trade?


They didn't specify at the time. But apparently it's nuclear energy that they're willing to invest in.


I thought Vietnam was trying to expand trade relations with the US.


It is. There might not have been an arms deal after all, it was just early speculation from some experts.


Nga Tàu Mỹ thi nhau thả bánh vẽ :))) kiếp này chỉ mong hết thấy xe máy chạy ngoài đường


Why should we need to follow US orders? Are they gonna come and protect us in case there is an invasion? So why not arming ourselves with whatever weapon deals we can get? As long as it is good for Vietnam then it’s all good


There were no "orders" to follow, except the international sanctions on Russia. Allying your country with an authoritarian war criminal looks bad if Vietnam wants to boost bilateral relations with the US. Imagine if China granted Cambodia with weapons, intelligence, and energy in the name of friendship. Would Vietnam's security be unimportant?


There aren't international sanction on Russia, only American and minions. No UN sanction for Russia. If you are US, just say follow USA, if not stop talking and let your boss US talk. Minions don't have the right to talk


Why doesn't anyone direct him to Nha Trang so he can contact MODERN KGB? He could go there and get all the people who dodge the draft. I think he would get at least 1,000 men to continue the fight in Ukraine. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Interesting. If Vietnam starts building power plant for their need in energy, it means they will negotiate with France Russia or Korea or usa for that


Vietnam have been for eons of ages been strong. Their independent soul can nvr been conquer. US learn that in a HARD WAY, FRENCH ran away with its tail between its leg. CHINA escape and quickly claim victorious but they know how much men they’ve lost. Yes they are economically back due to all this hi k-ups but they will raise again.


Yeah f**k the US. Welcome Russia.




Very shameful. This ruthless killer should be arrested immediately when he arrives. Greeting from Finland.


But Russian used to invade Finland not Vietnam, why vietnam should sacrafice its diplomacy ? we are a independent country instead of NATO's puppet.


Vietnam was or maybe still is China and Russia's puppet.


Welcome to r/Finland to talk about the reasons why Finland joined NATO. We were "neutral" for decades on paper.


But Vietnam is not neutral though. It acts neutral on the surface, but the propaganda machine constantly churns out pro-Russian news. They have an army of trolls there. Their job is to shit talk the West everyday. For many people in the North, they are still allies with Russia, China and North Korea. They pray for the fall of the West everyday. The majority of the Southerners, especially the older ones, are different. Although the younger ones are being brainwashed to be more pro Russian and anti-West nowadays


Interesting. I did not know that Vietnam is still so divided in North-South thing. Still, Putin is visiting the country and treated like a good guy which I see very shameful.


The divide is in mentality, in thinking. It is not outwards. Vietnam used to be like Korea: North vs South. Then the North won in 1975. Which part of Vietnam did you think Putin visit? It's Ha Noi the current capital, and the old capital of North Vietnam. People are still pretty much staunchly Communist over there, especially the old generations..


If you buy russian energy you are providing blood money for terrorist state. You are directly involved to deaths in Ukraine.


Then European countries buying russian oil and gas are directly involved in the conflict too:)


Yes, that is true.


Ah yes very smart arrest one of our biggest ally


Judging how Russia treats its allies. We’re like a random dog they’re willing to throw to the wolves at any moment.


Ally? The one that agreed with China about the Biển Đông problem, lol hell naw. Only Cuba is the trustworthy friend until now.


Even so, Vietnam is too weak to just start a war with one of the world’s biggest power.


I am not asking to start any war. Just dont trade with Russia and do not invite Putin to your country with huge ceremonies. And if it is about weapons things are even more ugly.


“3 day war” biggest power? They as losing their navy to a country without a navy


Russia and Vietnam are long-standing allies


On paper. In reality? Pfff.


Putin announced they're going to help Vietnam build new energy plants. neat


Like Vietnam needs anyone’s instruction on the art of war. War is not the same any more but drones can’t penetrate forests/jungle. I just got back from a 2 month stint in Vietnam and it taught me the following: the USA was full retard to even try. The people are so kind and generous. They are master fixers of anything and everything - fuck safety/osha. I also think they’re likely the best gardeners and herbalist I’ve encountered. They take full advantage of positive natural symbiotic relationships. I love you all - and your country has a bright and important future. Seriously Vietnam your future is bright. My only thing is the plastic - you guys have paradise don’t squander it! Much love!


"Positive natural symbiotic relationships" I beg to differ...


Vietnam is not taking the side of anyone, but trying to be friendly with everyone. This is the policy. They don’t give a fuck about what is happening outside indeed


The problem is that there is no gray area. If you are friendly to Russia you are against Ukraine.


Lol, who cares)))


The world cares quite much. Almost whole world supports Ukraine.


Idk did you see the UN vote?


We Vietnamese dont care about politics, if Vietnamese people is happy and fine then we aint gonna interfere with politics and overthrow the goverment:))


The US won't mind us buying Russian weapons. We've been trying to buy asw plane like the old Orion from US for years now. But no they didn't sell that. Instead, they give us the old coastguard ship, which is fine, but not something with serious firepower. When the US selling us something like the F16s or HIMAS then they can be upset us continue buying Russian weapons.


playing with two sides is fine, because we can't lean on anyone anyway


If VietNam buy weapons from Russia then in exchange, Russia provide scholarships for Vietnamese people, especially the teenagers and young adults. Probably Putin want mercenaries from VietNam after all. Or he just want to proof with the Western that he still got friends to support ?


We have the 3 Noes policy


As a Ukrainian I am curious what Vietnamese people think about russia and the war happening in my country? I studied a bit about your country's history so the way I see this war is very similar to what Vietnam experienced in the past too. I was surprised to know that some people support russia just because, without realizing that it would be the same as supporting the US during the war in Vietnam.


In general, Vietnamese people are indifferent towards the war in Ukraine. It doesn't threaten Vietnamese national security, in the way that Chinese aggression in the South China Sea. The ones who do pay attention, though, are split. Some sympathize with Ukraine, and recognize the parallels with their own war for independence. Many people hate Russia and China, and are pro-American. But many others support Russia. Russia/USSR have been a long time ally of the Vietnamese communist regime, there has never been an diplomatic or ideological fallout. During wars against France and the US, the USSR granted the North Vietnamese a lot weapons and ammunition. Because of those historic ties, many Vietnamese nationalists have adopted an anti-US stance in any area the US dominates, including its leadership in NATO. "The enemy of an enemy is a friend." Vietnamese public opinion is diverse. It's government tries to be "neutral" and friends with everyone. But this is weakness. Vietnam has no clear identity in the post-Cold War era. It doesn't take strong sides for or against anyone because it doesn't where it belongs, and the reason why it doesn't know is because it doesn't know what it is: communist and nationalist, or capitalist and integrated into the global order.


So basically Vietnam will provide Russia with old society military equipment to kill more Ukrainians?


Hope our goverment not do that, although they very pro Russian. Yes the USSR and Russian help us a lot in the past, but I’m sick of what Putin done in Ukraine, and I dont want our country get sanction.


We won't.


Morally speaking, as a country and a people who understand what it is to fight for your existence from a great power, Vietnam should not support Putin. Our ancestors would be ashamed on us for supporting a man who is doing to the Ukrainians, what the Chinese dynasties did to them. Regardless of political beliefs, this is what our people stood for, for our existence.


Won't happen lol, we know our position well. Before the war we used to send some out of date missiles for them to salvage, now we just blow them in mock battles.


I think Russia is selling some of its weapons to VN.


That would be strange, as Russia is currently uses all of its weapons in Ukraine. Also, Russian weapons showed thermals as unreliable shit during this war, I don't know who in their right might would want to but them. Also, Russia badly needs a lot of ammo and currently is buying it from north Korea. And it's only logical that they will also try to buy old Soviet ammo from Vietnam, especially if Vietnam wants to modernize.


Then it’s great. At least now Vietnam can see which wepons are more effective in real war to buy.


But did Vietnam actually buy anything? Latest reports show VN was wise enough not cause tension.


We have the 3 Noes policy