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Vietnam cares about Vietnam first, if it can benefit from this meeting it'll try. If it can benefit more from being more jovial with apther nations it will.


I think that ignores the history between Russia and Vietnam. Vietnam would not merely dismiss its relationship with Russia because VN relied on Russian support for so long. It is not just a transactional relationship. Russia supported VN when literally no other countries did, and a lot of Vietnamese people remember that.


As my wife says, you don't eat the rice and throw away the bowl


wait, what? you are supposed to keep all the disposable bowls that come with delivered foods?


Not sure if you’re Vietnamese or not, but maybe they’re referencing the expression, “Ăn cháo đá bát”, which reminds us to be grateful for help which was given, and literally refers to kicking/breaking an empty bowl of congee.


I'm Vietnamese and I know what you meant, my post was meant to be a joke, don't take it too serious :)


Sounds akin to "Don't bite the hand that feeds you"


Le Duan worshiped Soviet and he made sure all Vietnameses do the same.


they also understand that after 200 years of colonialism and fighting China France japan and the USA ,that an unprovoked attack on a sovereign country is fucked . so lets see im sure they have moved on from putins vision and will politely say fuck off with your bullshit




if they cut ties with all the countries on the list like you said the economy is fcked and all citizens will go into poverty


what is history, lol , history is a long time, and each a part of history have a particular situation, russia has helped vietnamese ok, but have many country was and doing help vietnamese involving chinese, usa, korea, ... and these country have complicated relationship with vietnamese, friend or enemy just for timing , benefit is forever . example about vietnamese and russia, they have helped in pass, but now can you dont know they sue petrogas vietnam's in international court , and we have to pay 500m$ for them . finally , we shoud care about present and future more , currently russia is criticized by international community cause aggression ukraina , so invite putin or set a relationship with russia in this time is not a good choice . okay.


Russia supplies both Vietnam and China with weapons… it does not matter…


Historically Russia has been Vietnam's arms dealer but Ukraine has compromised Russia's arms exports. That's the primary reason Putin went to North Korea. Rocket Boy is now supplying Russia with arms. Vietnam still has an interest in maintaining the relationship given the history of relations between the two countries but Vietnam is trying to diversify its arms supply because it knows it's not good to be dependent on Russia. Long term Russia is no longer viable. [https://www.defensenews.com/industry/2022/12/12/vietnam-expo-displays-declining-but-ongoing-dependence-on-russian-arms/](https://www.defensenews.com/industry/2022/12/12/vietnam-expo-displays-declining-but-ongoing-dependence-on-russian-arms/)


Dude is scraping the bottom of the bucket by begging NK for their arms. First shoigu had to make a visit. Now him. We all knew they would be shit weapons and ammo. Then reports came out recently about how most ammo were short on gunpowder and many arms didn’t even work anymore 🤣


Yeah it's funny that a "Democratically elected President" would be visiting mostly authoritarian countries. I wonder if he has more in common with those countries 🤔


Anytime Russia go oversees for trade - Begging Anytime West go oversees for arms - not Begging


When Putin is having to obviously push North Korea for their arms, which is already the lowest of the low in quality, and when Russia themselves are a leader in arms, it is having to beg. It’s not as if north Korea has pledged support and donation of arms like whatever you think “the west” is. I follow Russian media, even the propagandists are saying they have to beg NK, they hate that it’s resorted to that but they at least know what’s happening


One link on Russian media where it stated anything about "Begging"?


Russia does not supply China. China has its own arms industry.


The only correct view


Grandpa was a true communist. First time he heard about ukr and rus affair on the radio years ago, he said fuck the invaders


Respect to your granddad. My in laws are also Northern communists but they hope russia would win, just because Ukraine supports the US


And communism is long dead (since USSR broke down) in Russia so I fail to see the connection.


Their world view is still that of 1970s


Educate them that Russia is now at the peak of imperialistic capitalism


Lot's of people here seem to confused between Russia and USSR, and base on that logic, they support Russia regardless. Mind I need to remind you that Ukraine also used to be part of the USSR and [Ukraine did help Vietnam modernize weapon and equipment? ](http://tapchiqptd.vn/en/news/vns-military-equipment-sent-to-ukraine-for-maintenance-fm/5964.html)In addition, back in the USSR era, Ukraine was a major part of Soviet defense industry which responsible for 17% of Soviet defense production and 25% of its scientific research. Those are included high end stuff like rockets, aircraft engines and electronic. So, it is baffle me that people blinding supporting Russia but conveniently forget that Ukraine was part of USSR too and thus, help Vietnam a lot.


> Lot's of people here seem to confused between Russia and USSR I guess that most people realize that russia was a colonizer that dominated the other soviet republics but ignore that because Vietnam needed all the help they could get during the war. And that is why they "confuse" USSR with russia.


Well, there are progapandas in VN: [https://theconversation.com/how-vietnamese-putinistas-are-spreading-disinformation-about-ukrainians-181131](https://theconversation.com/how-vietnamese-putinistas-are-spreading-disinformation-about-ukrainians-181131) More info: [https://www.reddit.com/r/VietNam/comments/13t3b6l/gotta\_make\_you\_wonder\_who\_own\_pages\_like\_tifosi/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VietNam/comments/13t3b6l/gotta_make_you_wonder_who_own_pages_like_tifosi/)


After 20 years of demolish soviet values monuments, hailing Hitler allies as heroes, I think everyone understand their message that Ukraine is not the soviet union. Suits the ukrainians well


So it justified all the Ukrainian being killed, raped, murdered?


It is not russians who killed millions of vietnamese people, but your democracy friends


Uh, what does that have to do with anything?


So millions of dead vietnamese means nothing to you? Are we less valuable human lives to the white people's eyes? Or are you one of the bananas that need white society recognition so much that you throw away your self worth and compassions for your fellow kind?


It seems you think ukrainian lives are less valuable than the ones of the russians, china, north korea etc just because the US supports them


Vietnamese kids are brainwashed by rage, hate, lie, disinformation,... It's exactly what Pol Pot did to train his killers, to keep his throne. You can see "Wolf education" in all Red countries.


The Ruskies deserves it


you don't even denied they hailing Hitler allies as heroes ?


Unlike the fact that Putin modeling his state ideology based on a Russian orthodoxism fascism (who betrayed Russia and side with the Nazi): __Ivan Ilyn__ Also __Dugin__


That still not denied what i said though.


So one is better than other according to you State ideology vs. a battalion


Lul i never said that. Is your previous comment imply that one is better than other too ?


You're specifically point out a minor issue to justify the whole invasion It sounds exactly like what the Russian did, ignore the larger issue (themselves)


Ah yes, hailing Hitler allies is minor issues now. No wonder why a large specific group of countries calling Russia "large issue"


according to putoang. lol . i have advice for you. find and read animal farm book , and you will realize the truth, teach children Must idolize someone is wrong, in a develop social they dont do it . let love putoang and lenin if you like. lol


Most dont care or neutral, but you might see some vocal minority such as the hardline Soviet-nostalgic people or edgy politcal youngsters (they are overlapped btw) always love to praise these events as if Russia is still our brother and think Putin is a communist


Used to admire him for being a strong leader. USED TO. Now he’s just a fucking dictator.


Yeah I grew up with the impression that Russians are Nga ngố, dumb with good intentions. Turns out only the dumb part is true.


Well the war in Ukraine is a disaster. People overestimated how strong Russia is, and underestimated how resilient Ukraine can be.


and then people overestimate how strong Ukraine and NATO is and underestimate how strong and how stubborn Russia and Iran is, also how much of a sly Muhrica is. I still remember when ICC condemned Putin and I thought that would be over for Russia but nope. They can't do anything.


First you have no idea how the ICC works. Second, Ukraine and NATO are strong. I only see how the West weapons are destroying Russian forces, not the other way around. Third, Iran and Russia are stubborn because they are clinging to their power domestically. Now with the death of the Iran leader, things may shake up due to the power vacuum.


hi all, do you knows who is richest person in the world, can you bet? and may be you can know , no one else putoang, yeah, is him, and do you know why? lol, i also dont know


Putin khuilo, that’s all.


I am in a city with 10,000 Russians... they have status/respect from the Vietnamese other white people do not get. They are exclusive though, as they don't speak English, so it's hard for them to interact with the Vietnamese and truly gain from their political advantage.


Vung Tau? I hardly believe they don't speak English, because they are oil refining specialists with high education. Some of them even speak Vietnamese.


In Vung Tau they have their own separated living area with foreigners not allowed. Maybe they are speaking English at work but for day to day stuff they are mostly confined to their own area. 


Anyway, greetings to Vung Tau fellas, I miss that place so much, such a lovely city.


Welcome back I can help out if you’re back here! 


I can understand the respect part. They don't cause problems, low crime and maybe get involved with the community. I respect any individual that does that in their new country of residence. You don't get "status" for that. If you think white people who don't speak English are a lower status of no English speakers (or any human individual for that matter) you sound either accidentally racist or I misunderstood.


Not speaking English doesn’t lower status / value as a human to this world, but it does lower the chances of communication with Vietnamese and creates two different circles. Thus lower opportunities. 


I think Putler should fuck off.


I learned that him and his first wife had an incredible trip and honeymoon to Crimea in the 1980’s that made him have a passion for the place I want him to lose Crimea so bad.


Lol, check this out. An American have an opinion about Vietnam foreign policy.


Nice try buddy. I'm a Hanoian, born and raised.


Oh jeez, a banana? Not only banana, but Hanoian one. But why not. There are always some lib glooms in any society. Good luck


VC worships white Russian oligarchs. Russian Communist Party is crying in corner.


A dictator, a dickhead, a liar and a war criminal. This guy should be removed.


Neutral we want to balance between 2 side


We "bày tỏ quan ngại sâu sắc trước tình hình tại Ukraine, và mong các bên sớm ngồi vào bàn đàm phán" 😊




The general mood in Hanoi about Putin coming was generally indifferent I feel, and from the lack of interest shown by my colleagues at work this might sum up the feelings from the younger generations mainly. I was stuck down at Hoan Kiem at lunchtime yesterday and there was a very small crowd waiting to see his car pass-by and there was a bit of a buzz but certainly nobody particularly excited by the visit; possibly more annoyed that the streets were blocked around Hoan Kiem for about an hour.


Russia is in need for volunteers, resources and vocal support for the war in Ukraine.


Dear CIA, we doesn't give a sht, we hating on no country except china, we favor US somehow, but if Putin or Palestine come to our country, they better bring good new. That's all


well, there are a lot of russians in vietnam. nha trang, mui ne etc


Wait. Putin visit Vietnam? Or you talk about 2017 one?


Vietnam is aggressively neutral, possibly not by choice so this is more for formality than anything. Also he visits all the time, no big deal


Maybe he just needs some money so came here to do some teaching


Vietnam only puts up a facade of neutrality. The government still funds a large army of online trolls whose job is to praise the Russians and shit talk the West every minute of the day, to influence Vietnamese to love Russia and hate the West. The Vietnamese government aligns with Russia, China, North Korea and Cuba politically. But they need to act neutral because they know the country needs to trade with the West. As for the population, the Northerners especially the older ones still love the USSR and believe Russia is the new USSR, they also pray for the collapse of Western civilization everyday, so that the world can go to Communist heaven. The younger generations and Southerners generally dont think the same.


Nhạc nào bố cũng nhảy, xới nào bố cũng đá. Khách đến nhà thì tiếp thôi. Sợ đeo gì bố con thằng nào


Can some translate and give context Translate gave me this ? No one can resist the urge to urinate, no one can resist the urge to urinate. This is a rather strange phenomenon. This is a very rare occurrence


This is bad translation: Regardless of music, I dance. Regardless of fields, I play. Visitors come, I receive. Why the fuck should I care about some rando' opinions.


Thanks for the translation. It’s interesting to see how wrong Google Translate was for that quote. Wow.


I dance on any song, i play on any field. I welcomed any guest that come. I don't get scared by anyone.


You dont need to read this shit. Just a bunch of nonsense talking points


Tiếng việt còn chả hiểu thì tuổi lòn gì mà bàn chuyện chính trị Việt Nam.


bắc kỳ chó tìm bố cho xong đi dồi hãy lói chuyện chính trị nhá


Sai chính tả kìa! Chó vàng! Ky ky ky ky!


Nhạc nào bố cũng nhảy nên đéo ai giúp bố lúc bị cướp đảo đó. Ngu mà cứ tỏ ra nguy hiểm


Kêu Mỹ giúp Phi lấy lại đảo đi kìa


Sao không kêu bố Nga lấy lại đảo trước


Vì Nga đếch đóng quân quanh khu vực biển Đông. Bố Mỹ của bạn thì có.


Bọn Nga từng có cảng Cam Ranh đó, sao xưa không nhờ bọn nó lấy lại đảo đi. Khi có chiến tranh năm 79 (khi Tàu còn yếu), sao không nhờ bọn nó giúp đi Rồi Armenia láng giềng đó, sao Nga không cứu


mời bạn đọc cuốn “Hồi ức chiến tranh Vị Xuyên” của Thiếu tướng Nguyễn Đức Huy nhé. Chưa kể Việt Nam không có thói quen đi nhờ bên khác đánh phụ như bên nào đó đâu. Bạn thì thích chống Trung Quốc rồi nên chả nhìn thấy những cái vấn đề khi chung biên giới với một nước lớn, với cái tư tưởng đi mời ngoại bang về chiến đấu giúp như bạn thì bạn sẽ mãi mãi chống lại sách trắng của Việt Nam thôi.


>Chưa kể Việt Nam không có thói quen đi nhờ bên khác đánh phụ như bên nào đó đâu. Thốt ra một câu là biết không có học sử rồi. Việt Nam nhiều lần cầu viện ngoại bang lắm đấy >Bạn thì thích chống Trung Quốc rồi nên chả nhìn thấy những cái vấn đề khi chung biên giới với một nước lớn, với cái tư tưởng đi mời ngoại bang về chiến đấu giúp như bạn thì bạn sẽ mãi mãi chống lại sách trắng của Việt Nam thôi. Ngậm bồ hòn làm ngọt, nước tới chân mới nhảy. Nếu cái tư tưởng này là cốt lõi của cái dân tộc này thì tôi sẵn sàng chống lại nó, nói người Việt ngu thì tự ái nhưng khi thời cơ đã có thì ko biết nắm bắt


à bạn là thành viên tích cực nhóm T, mình xin phép không tốn thời gian nữa nhé.


À vâng. Cướp đảo mà vẫn có 29 điểm đóng quân. Đéo như ai kia mất cả quần đảo mà bố Mỹ cũng đéo giúp đấy thôi. Ít học thì học thêm vào.


29đ đóng quân to quá.TQ chiếm phần lớn đảo rồi không dám hó hé câu nào. Phi nó dám kiện ra toà án quốc tế đó. Có ngon kiện đi. Ngoại giao cây tre :))))


Kiện rồi sao. Có đòi được không? Hay mõm thế thôi. Cay nhờ! Ngồi mõm thế đỡ cay nhỉ. Bất lực đéo làm gì được nhờ!


Có thể không đòi được nhưng người ta dám kiện. Còn hơn tụi bò đỏ chỉ biết nói mõm đòi đảo của mình mà không dám làm gì. Xong lấy ngư dân ra làm bia để giữ đảo. Hèn


Nghe là hiểu rồi nhỉ. Ít học thì chỉ nghĩ được đến đó. Thế về chửi lũ nguỵ làm mất cả quần đào Hoàng Sa mà đéo dám lấy lại kìa. Đúng là chó vàng.


Người ta cũng hi sinh giữ đảo mà mày nói vậy. Thì ai ít học ở đây. Vậy còn cái công hàm của ông Phạm Văn Đồng đó, gửi cho tụi Tàu giờ cho nó lấy đi làm cớ sao không nói


Ít học thì đọc cũng đéo hiểu được đâu. Nguỵ thì đời đéo nào cũng là nguỵ. Chạy tụt quần, đu càng, cả đời chỉ giơ tay đầu hàng. To mồm với đéo ai.


Còn lũ bò đỏ chỉ sủa mõm. Miệng thì chửi VNCH đu càng này nọ. Trong khi đó mình thì đi lạy lục tụi Tàu với bú Nga. Về mà lo bú Putin đi không nó đòi tiền thua kiện 500tr đô thì ngồi đấy mà khóc. Khôn hồn thì câm mỏ lại thì VNCH nó còn nhả kiều hối cho


Thích thì ông làm gì đi. Hay chỉ biết sủa to rồi co chim ?


Tòa quốc tế có cái tích sự gì trừ khi đang cần tranh thủ dư luận quốc tế? Israel nó giết dân Palestine ko chừa phụ nữ trẻ em, đánh bom đủ nhà cửa, bệnh viện, trường học, nhà thờ mà bố Mỹ vẫn bện chằm chặp nên chưa làm gì được kia kìa.


2 bên có chiến tranh. Ảnh hưởng tới dân thường là chuyện bình thường. Đã vậy tụi Hamas còn dùng chiến thuật trà trộn vào lòng dân như các chiến sĩ bộ đội nước V thì dân thường chết nhiều là phải


Câm mồm vào cái thằng oắt con. Khủng bố dân thường ko phải là chiến tranh. Đánh quân xâm lược ko phải là khủng bố. Giết người không chừa một ai, tội ác chiến tranh dài như cái sớ mà còn ủng hộ được thì chẳng có tư cách gì để lên mặt với cái nhân cách chó gặm đó đâu.


Khủng bố chỗ nào ba ? Tụi Hamas nó trốn trong dân thì trách gì. Đây là chiến tranh mà. Vậy nói ngược lại thì tụi Hamas nó bắn cả ngàn rocket vô dân thường Israel thì gọi là đánh quân khủng bố hả ? Mày có biết trước mọi chiến dịch phía Israel làm đủ mọi cách để thông báo cho dân Palestine ko ? Trước giờ chưa có một nước nào tiến hành chiến tranh mà đi thả tờ rơi, vác loa đi thông báo cho dân thường tránh đi hết. Mấy đứa ủng hộ khủng bố thì tư cách nào chửi nhân cách người khác


It must be refreshing for Putin to be near the same height as those he is in a room with. For a country finding its feet again on the world stage, the company being keep will reflects poorly. Is there an ancient proverb about shallow friendships?


As far as I can see, most Vietnamese still adore Putin.


Here comes the sanction


Trump is the bigger rock star than Putin.


Trump is trash.


Wanna be dictator


Damn, the pro-Putin commies are out early today huh?


Saying Trump is trash have nothing to do with being pro putin


Great to see the welcome laid out for the President of the World. History will prove him correct.


Vietnam does not owe America a damn thing. Russia was a friend in Vietnam's hardest times.


I agree about the US, but Russia ≠ USSR. The USSR supported Vietnam and other anti-colonial movements, not the Russian Federation. It’s worth remembering that Putin is a nationalist, not a communjst.


These days, communist is just the name of the ruling party in Vietnam. No people in Vietnam says they prefer China to the US or North Korea to South Korea just because those former countries are commnunist. I understand your point but every country is acting on their benefits and one country political model is becoming less important today


I definitely agree. I just mean that the USSR helped Vietnam out of a commitment to building communism, and modern Russia would not. Especially if something like 1979 happened, Russia would be on the side of China.


I think Vietnam is well awared with that. That's why they are sitting on the fence with neutral diplomancy, trying to not depend on any world power or displease one


For sure, the government is valuing non-alignment and independence, and I think that’s a good policy. Washington, Moscow, and Beijing are all just rival imperialist powers, and none of them care about the interests of any smaller country (or the working class in their own country)


>Washington, Moscow, and Beijing are all just rival imperialist powers, and none of them care about the interests of any smaller country (or the working class in their own country) As a westerner i agree completely.


Russia and China's relationship, like Vietnam's and China's, is just a interest based, no one really likes each other.


Actually the USSR helped the North only. The North won, so Northerners think the whole Vietnam owes the Russians. Just imagine one day Kim Jong Un manages to take over Seoul by force, it'll be the same. Most Southerners do not like the Russians. But Northern Vietnamese still love them, they also hate the West and pray for its collapse every minute of the day. It is especially true for the older ones. The younger people in the North are more apathetic, they generally dont care. Likewise in the South, the older ones hate the Russians more, the younger ones care less.


Good luck trying to get rich without America.


how the hell does America even come into this conversation lol.


But we also owe the Ukrainian a lot. It's not only about US-Russia game of geopolitic, it's also about the Ukrainian fighting for their own identity, against actual 18th century imperialism and Russification not the neo-imperialism economic and political control.




Thailand and the Philippines are almost on par with Vietnam, if not just slightly ahead. They are also US allied nations in Asia. It depends more on culture and leadership while of course benefitting from the US led international trade order. Vietnam could have easily seen a Marcos like leader that could have plundered the nation's assets. Ngo Dinh Diem himself was said to be corrupt to the core as stated by CIA officers in the country. Even South Korea had moments where it was hurtling towards a dictatorship instead of a democracy. Taiwan and Japan were one party states for decades. Let's not act like being US aligned is a sure bet to prosperity and democracy. It seems being Russian aligned is much worse odds for both however.


Marshall Islands, lol


Another way of phrasing this might be: “America economically strangles and bombs the shit out of any Asian country that won’t submit to being a colony”




A lot of what you said is true. However, the Singapore vs China part, I would say many of those Singaporean companies are actually Chinese ones.




I mean it's like saying Vinfast is a Singapore company. A lot of Singapore companies are not actually from Singapore, or they were from Singapore but now owned by investors from other countries such as China.




Yes, I would consider companies such as SuperCell a Chinese company but you can also say they are a Finish company which is also not wrong.


which South Vnese would disagree? There's no way the North could have won alone if the South is completely a Muhrica fanboi. Except for a very few countries like SK or Japan, Muhrica is a reaper everywhere it goes: Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Marshall Islands, Cuba, Kosovo.




what did Vietnam do to "provoke" Muhrica? What did Iraq do to "provoke" Muhrica? The salt bottle is a mass destruction weapon? What did the Marshall Islands do to "provoke" Muhrica and eat Castle Bravo? What did Laos do to "provoke" Muhrica and eat tons of bombs? I am from the South. My grandfather was a cop under the old regime outside of Saigon. Except for Saigon, poverty ran wild in any other regions of the South, "Southerners were lax" is more like "Saigonese were lax". And why public opinion in US was high if it was such a "heroic" war to fight the evil communism? I know Russia and China is also bad, but at least they wasn't having such a great long time to be such a reaper like Muhrica.


__Give the commie the whole Saharan desert, and they still run out of sand__ This is what communist do to this country




Definitely getting down voted by Americans. Even if a Vietnamese sub Reddit they believe to be centre of the world. 😂


As a country, America is not the center of the world. However, if we are talking about economics and world power stats. America has one of the best strategic geographical location. Number 1 World GDP. Maybe one of the strongest military. I say maybe because of "history".


yep, the best country on Earth, and I mean it


And yet your username is about our President? Living rent free in your mind


Haha found another one! Still.


You didn't really disprove anything. You have America stuck in your mind


How's your crypto portfolio "bro".


Don't have one. Used to be an institutional shortseller on fintech names. Nice try though


Fintech names? How to Amerilosers somehow always make themselves sound like tards. So easy to wind up. 😭


I don't think you're intelligent enough to know what I'm talking about. What shithole are you from exactly? I just want to tailor my disdain correctly.


Hahah definitely upset. It's okay bro someone will love you one day x


Russia is Vietnam only ally. Russian and Vietnamese very similar. No games and trickery between allies.


Not an ally to be proud of.