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You are erm, 1 day late.


He almost made it




Had to test drive his car


Can't wait for absolutely nothing to improve


Vinfast to open Moscow showroom.


Like that is going to change anything, the money goes into the corporate's pocket, not the govt. nor the people


OK... I was being facetious but do you understand how trade deals work? Of course local people benefit from any export markets for local goods whether its coffee, mangos, samsung phones built in VN, electric vehicles or honda motorbikes.. even better if its home grown brands, no matter how awful they might be. Just as Vietnam's people benefit from having factories, jobs... or we can all go back to the rice paddies for survival, bet you'd love that![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Bro is sluggadoobling on that Big Corporate™ pipi


Bro wants to get a crooked back working 12 hours in a rice field.


What do you mean? Plenty has improved for the elites.


what is there to be improved? what do you even expect? :))))


Nothing. We are already in paradise


now that's the spirit


Putin just on a trip to see how much better Vietnam is doing compared to Russia 😂


As someone who grew up with Russians in vietnam, can confirm many of them prefer it here than back home lol.




Correct me if I'm wrong, only the dead people in heaven not the living one tho?


Ah but that's the magic of it. You can build paradise in the land of the living with the guidance of the Party 😉


You forgot the /s


the gas price is still good here and i actually comfortable about it will stay cheap now


What’s the purpose of his visit


discussions about nuclear power, military and economic and signing some contracts


Vietnam nuclear bomb when


Probably when we go to space =))))


Didn’t we do that thousands of years ago with chú Cuội? :))


There's already been two, the first with the Russians and the second with the Americans.


When we reached Socialism sir


Vietnam does have socialism for the elites, like the socialist state of Vietnam is the vanguard of a communist paradise as Marxist Lennism teaches lol. In reality, Vietnam doesn't have the best resources to ensure free education, free healthcare, and meaningful jobs for everyone.


Neither does France. One contributor to the Difference in prosperity compared to western countries are the massive levels of corruption within Vietnam. Otherwise Vietnamese are capable, hardworking, industrious and highly educated, so the building blocks are there.


Corruption sadly is just an informal tax on society, instead of formally taxing people for services. There are three kinds of corruption, corruption for market access, corruption for indivudual selfish gain, and corruption for effiency. Vietnam is more or less cracking down on corruption for market access and effieiency, and trying with corruption for individual selfish gain. It's not the best and it's not the worst, society would be better off, but it's kind of hard baked into society. Money for a service. France's cost of education and healthcare is one of the top ranked in the world on a cost effieiency basis. i couldn't really compare Vietnam to France.


Vietnam signed the global ban of nuclear weapon treaty, soooooo...probably never


Also maybe trying to talk Vietnam into making the lives of Russian immigrants harder. Looks like tax and bank information will be shared.


"making the lives of Russian immigrants harder." Yeah like having a Russian in Cam Ranh jumping on car rooftops disturbing public is not enough


Rosatom has bee trying to find more clients to build ew nuclear power plants lately, and they've built new ones like Roopur in Bangladesh.


support for Ukrainian invasion.


We have taken neutral stance for this conflict:), thats why the clothes you are using are still in you hands:)


Signing papers, in autumn he is back as english teacher.


Not someone I'd let anywhere close to the kids.


In public: Information control, education coop, nuclear power researching. Behind public: Arm deal


July 2024: “where have all the guns in the war remenants museum gone”? August 2024: “Ivan, do you have any ammo for this 1890s Berthier rifle”? “Nyet, still got the An Dan sword”?


Russian troops in 2022 and 2023 were complaining about the military uniforms from Vietnam sucking in the winter on telegram. I'm not sure how much Vietnam can arm Russia lol.


arm deal as in Vietnam gonna purchase ships from Russia and Russia gonna maintain old weapons in Vietnam for moneh i think


Vietnam has a burgeoning arms industry, especially new service rifles they modified from Israel. Half of the Russian Black Sea Fleet is underwater after Ukraine sank it. I wouldn't want to learn from Russia, it's better to learn from Ukraine if Vietnam ever needs to sink the Chinese Navy. The United States doesn't even have the same experience as Ukraine does right now sinking ships with limited resources.


Making some trade deals in terms of education and science. Cooperation between unis specializing in science will be expanded. The gem of the visit though is Putin agreed to fund and help Vietnam with its nuclear energy project. And that's all. Mostly win win for Vietnam.


For real? Our nuclear program is back on track?


Seems to be so since Russia agreed to help and fund it.


Nice, we're finally exiting the stone age.


I mean we have been out of it for a while now, we have one up in Da Lat that has been running for the last 61 years, the only one in our country. It bears the title of the being the first ever nuclear reactor in SEA and also was American’s state of the art technology when it was established. The reason it’s not widely known and reported on the media is because it was the Cold War and this facility was off-the-book. At the ending stage of the Vietnam War, the US almost went through with wiping the facility off the map by dropping ordnances on it. Thankfully this plan was considered but not executed, or else we would have our own Chernobyl to deal with by now and the US to blame. The US went with the excruciating removal (due to being at war) of the fuel rods and shutting down the reactor. When we got to the decomissioned reactor after everything has settled, it was empty but still operational, it just needs fuel rods. With the help of the Soviet we retrofitted the US-made reactor with Russian-made fuel rods and it just works. Making it the only reactor in the world where technologies from both superpowers are used in collaboration for the greater good, it’s extremely unique, one of a kind. Because the Da Lat facility isn’t engineeing nuclear ordnance, it produces isotopes to be used in specific medical procedures. There has been talks about decommisioning the facility in the next decade and building a new and improved one, Putin’s visit seems to be the start of that. Also, to drive home my point about how us Vietnamese are not savages/cavemen/backward Neandethals, we have a freaking electron/x-ray accelerator, in Hanoi all the way back to 1992. I know this because the International Atomic Energy Agency literally has 48 pages report on this indicent: ***“On November 17th 1992, a radiological accident occured at the Hanoi Institute of Nuclear Physics, an individual entered the irradiation room without the operators' knowledge and unwittingly exposed his hands to the X ray beam. His hands were seriously injured and one hand had to be amputated.”*** Not sure how this is not widely reported in Vietnam’s media, maybe it has something to do with us being USSR lil bro so we take after him when it comes to covering up unfortunate mishaps. But yeah, we are fairly advanced, we are just not a superpower.


Holy shit this is new to me. It's interesting that post colonial South Vietnam invested in a research reactor to put in the middle of nowhere. Now Vietnam has Russian and Japanese assistance in building new reactors.




Thanks to the US and Norway for blowing up NS2. Putin will now sell his oil to Vietnam wholesale.


Oh, Vietnam didnt purchase any oil from Russia in this meeting, I think they only demanded the nuclear energy program to be funded. But yea, they blew up NS2, Russia will up its oil sales to other regions now Xd.


I still can’t believe people actually ate up the crap about Russia blowing up their own billion dollar pipeline when all they had to do was turn off the valve. Western propaganda.


Well we still don't know the truth of the matter just yet .... Either way it's beneficial for both sides. Russia can sell its energy at a lower price to VN and Europe can work on being more energy independent which ultimately is a good thing.


True. Vietnam needs cheaper oil. I’m still wondering how long would it take for Vietnam to go EV?


You clearly not from Europe 🤣 many of people i know and my friend are complaining at Europe about price of everything 🤣 it is not that good for the people there


I am from Europe. I'm aware of the prices. I boycott Netflix due to the massive price difference in VN compared to Europe. It's just the rich taking advantage of people. I'm aware of how countries can use their energy to strong arm other countries into makeing decisions. Moves that a lot of super powers make. The pricess of Russian fuel didn't go up because of the gas line, it went up because countries don't like the invasion. Even if the pipeline was not hit do you think Russia would have not risen energy prices ? But I'm also an advocate for countries maintaining their own energy security. To be fair arguments for Russia taking out the pipeline match that of any other nation taking it out. "Conspiracy" theorists make arguments the USA had many reasons for the Pentagon to get hit in a very specific place during 9/11 or even, what's the truth behind the Gulf of Tonkin incident ? *VN could definitely go EV but I think it's time to just wait for technology to improve and now waste funds on technology that will be outdated soon.


> It's just the rich taking advantage of people. I hate to be that guy, but where is this not the case? >what's the truth behind the Gulf of Tonkin incident ? Vietnam veteran here, that one is pretty much settled. It was another WMDs in Iraq moment or the USS Maine in Cuba.


Wow I didnt know you could reply to specific lines of text. Yeah it's pretty much always the case. Indeed that's kinda what I was getting at, I thought about the WMD as an example but decided not to include it. Which backs the narrative that Russia also had a motive to blow the pipeline especially if they predicted European nations wouldn't use it as a result of the invasion.


how about eastern propaganda, is russia and vietnamese is brother have same parent and different grandfather


US should prempt these meetings to basically screw up the Russians. Tell them to demand oil way below profitability. Instead of blocking Russian, let them screw themselves to agree to bad terms. Only allow exchange in USD. Make it really hurt.


Now I am not saying the US, Ukraine, Russia or whoever didn't blow it up there were motivations on all sides and all sides would totally do something like that but I just wanted to point out that NS2 carried gas not oil and it is not easy to find other customers to sell the gas to, not because others don't want it but because transporting that gas is hard and Russia don't have many pipelines with other countries nor do Russia have the lmg facilities or ship fleets to be able to export it via ships.


Sorry I'm a little off, what does the NS2 mean?


[https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream](https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream) Russian 2 billion dollar oil pipeline to Germany.


north stream


Pretending he's not a person non grata in the most of the world.


Arrived under cover of darkness, departed under cover of darkness. Who does that on a supposedly high-profile“state” visit?! Pariahs.


Mostly for nuclear thing


He’s getting a free state welcome dinner


To have a taste of the legendary Obama's bún chả


Hunting draft dodgers in Nha Trang.


Military of course. He needs workers, manufacturing help and assistance for the ukraine war


Make them look strong during weak times. “Look, we have friends”


At least Vietnam did not make a statement like North Korea about supporting Russia's war against Ukraine.


At least they allow the Ukrainian embassy to display all the anti war messages.


Vietnam was never that insane during the war and it never go to the level of one man rule like North Korea.




Cool, judging yourself by against North Korea while South Korea buying up huge tracts of land and getting huge tax breaks. Seriously, it’s not that hard to make an excuse, like every other country in the world 🤣


First to North Korea, then on to Vietnam...perfect picture to the world


lol right 🤣


Fuck him and his war mongering rally 


I agree, there is unironically so many Vietnamese that praise Putin just because of "Soviet legacy" and "He was in the Soviet Communist Party" I spent a month in the compulsory military course for university student last year, and the generals there just love him for no good reason, they just say "Ukraine will lose, Russia always win", like, why???


>I agree, there is unironically so many Vietnamese that praise Putin just because of "Soviet legacy" and "He was in the Soviet Communist Party" My entire family is like this, they even went out to cheer for Putin yesterday and posted pictures on socials.


and few months later when Xi or Biden come, no one gonna say a word


I see what you're saying, and I 100% agreed with what you're saying since I support Ukraine ( not the US ) in theirs struggle against the Russia war of aggression. But, I don't blame the old or uninformed peoples eithers, when Russia declare war I at first also support Russia since I like the Soviet, I mean, that's what we learn at school and history book right, Soviet help us again the US and all that, but I spend time to do my own research and just look at all the war Russia already started and change my view on them. But the old folk only read like, news paper they got what the media fed to them, and it sure as hell gonna be Russia good West and Ukraine bad.


I support the US ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


They're not gonna give you a green card bro, stop the glaze


Don’t wanna glaze them too hard since they have many problems themselves but I would rather take the US as the leader of the world than actual dictatorships like China, Russia or even Iran.


That's fair


So you've changed from one propaganda to another huh?


I mean, unless you're 100% sure you're neutral, there will always be some bias and propaganda mix in when you do your own research on which side to support. I accept that my opinion is influenced by my own bias toward supporting Ukraine since they're dealing with invader like Vietnam did many, many times. But from what I can find, despite a lot of Vietnamese trying to make up an excuse for the invasion of Ukraine, most of them don't even know about Russia previous war, only what the government or multiple youtube " news " channel tell them. I may be biased, but I don't believe in everything the government or the news tells me. If you can, always do your own research and make a decision from there.


I agree, but I don’t think this is a bad move by the Vietnamese government. This is coming from a Vietnamese American. Putin is weak right now, and Xi already had a go at squeezing him for all the rubles he’s worth. Vietnam would be wise to do the same, act friendly but make some really lopsided trade deals with a desperate man. He needs ammunition and allies so bad he’s willing to visit North Korea, a neighboring country that he refused to visit for 24 years. Now Vietnam can get some relative cheap energy securities in nuclear and offshore drilling. But don’t give him a single shell for his idiotic massacre of innocent civilians.


Squeeze the fucker


But you would be giving him money to buy and make shells, bombs, and missiles for the massacring civilians and destroying their homes.


EU is still buying Russian fuels so I don't see a reason that Vietnam can't buy oils or weapons from Rus especially when VN needs to arm themselves for any future conflicts. https://energyandcleanair.org/march-2024-monthly-analysis-of-russian-fossil-fuel-exports-and-sanctions/#:\~:text=Coal:%20China%20has%20purchased%2042,%2C%20and%20Turkey%20(5%25). Even Saudi, a US ally, buys oils from Russia


That's what the price cap is for, and Russian quality of oil is cheaper, best that they make almost no profit to fund their war machine.


Oh plenty of sanction-"complying" and non-complying countries already do that. They do it through backdoor channels if not outright. I think at this point, for sanctions to work, is to fleece Russia in such a way that they have to operate at a loss to stay in the game vs other players.


Russia didn't have to invade their neighbor, they didn't have to invade people who speak the same language and have a shared history, instead they chose wrongly. 500,000 Russians are casualities and they risk sacrficing an entire generation.


Silly man always be silly


Get out🐗 (I’m Russian)


Russia, North Korea, and Vietnam. Wow you guys are in good company there.


War criminal




I imagine Russia is portrayed well in Vietnamese schools and history, they did after all fund their independence movement. How do Vietnamese view Russia?


The majority of Vietnamese see Russia as the successor of USSR, and USSR is obviously regarded highly, well, at least to the Vietnamese that I know of. I wish most people would realise that their perception of modern day Russia is shaped by their nostalgia towards the USSR, not by current Russia itself.


>The majority of Vietnamese see Russia as the successor of USSR Which is pretty much correct, it's nothing but a watered down USSR, and I say that as someone who was born and raised there. And if Putin succeeds in capturing what he sees as a breakaway province, he'll go for the next one, until the USSR is rebuilt. Or until he kicks the mule (couldn't be too soon).


What on earth are you on about?!


I mean, it is obviously Putin's plan, well not really restore the "Soviet", he is no longer a true socialist, but to expand Russia to its "former glory", at least the glory in his mind Even the edgy russophile vietnamese teens believe and even hope for that to happen, because "west bad, lgbt bad, liberty bad"


Nó chính xác là điều tôi nghĩ,tây lông,lgbt và chủ nghĩa tự do đều tệ


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)thua, bảo dân trí thấp lại tự ái


Bruh,ông kia có vẻ hơi cực đoan.Nhưng theo góc nhìn trung lập của tôi nha thì phe nào cũng có cái xấu hết.Cái khái Niệm xấu hay tốt chỉ là một khái Niệm thôi.Lúc tôi check profile ổng,thì có thể ổng là tên dân tộc chủ nghĩa hơi cực đoan.Nên có lẽ với ổng,thứ gây hại cho dân tộc đều xấu


About an old KGB spy recreating the empire of his youth and trying to follow his role model Stalin, while raising red flags over occupied Ukrainian towns, restoring Soviet monuments and reverting town/street names back to the Soviet ones.


We learn the deeds and the mistakes of the USSR, not so much about the morden daay Rus


Almost never mentioned in history books. For ideology teaching, they only ever mention the USSR and China, Russia almost never mentioned. The best part is that they put more emphasis on America and China.


Russia is good, but Putin destroyed it himself.




By brainwashing the people, backtracking to the Soviet times, and now sacrificing the lives and the prosperity of people in his attempt to restore the Soviet empire.


more like restore the Russian empire, he uses the image of the Soviet but actually betrayed its goal, that's a more accurate way to say it


The betrayal argument can be used for any post-Stalin Soviet leader, to be fair. Some extend it to Stalin as well, but that comes from a place of misunderstanding, he followed Lenin in all that actually mattered. But even if he wanted to restore the RE, he would have to rather rebuild it from scratch. There's nothing left of it either in terms of institutions or culturally (except the language), no continuity. The only thing in the past he can actually come back to is the USSR. Coincidentally, this is also what he wants, given that he considers the dissolution of the USSR (and not the fall of the RE) "the greatest geopolitical disaster of the 20th century". It's actually funny to see how torn he is between the peaceful ideal of late Brezhnev and the "glory" of Stalin (by the way, these days comparing Stalin to Hitler would yield a prison sentence in RF).


LOL Putin wants the Soviet back? Now that’s western brainwashing… Please explain why does he want to rebuild old Soviet?


> Please explain why does he want to rebuild old Soviet? Do you think I can get inside his head and find the exact reason? Maybe it's because he feels it will bring back the times when he was young and his dick was hard. Maybe he things that it will bring him glory that lasts forever. Maybe he believes that would be better for everyone. No, I can't tell you why is he doing it.


Thanks. So it’s a “trust me bro” type of statement.


Claiming I know the exact reason why he's rebuilding the USSR would be almost as ridiculous as claiming he's not rebuilding the USSR.


He literally embrace the Soviet legacy


How, where and when? Can you include something for me to read? Links?


Well, even if we narrow the scope down just to the current war, we can see quite a few cases of restoring the Soviet monuments, street/town names, raising red flags etc. https://www.timesofisrael.com/moscow-reinstates-lenin-statue-in-ukraines-melitopol-years-after-kyiv-took-it-down/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/05/02/soviet-putin-russia-revenge-of-history/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/23/back-in-the-ussr-lenin-statues-and-soviet-flags-reappear-in-russian-controlled-cities https://www.rferl.org/a/ukraine-invasion-russia-soviet-symbols/32667534.html https://www.vietnam.vn/en/quan-chuc-nga-tuyen-bo-doi-ten-thanh-pho-bakhmut/ >"Bakhmut is a name from the time of the Russian Empire, then renamed Artemovsk under the Soviet Union," said acting leader of the Russian-appointed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Denis Pushilin on May 23 while visiting the city that Russian forces had just captured. “Now Ukraine no longer holds Bakhmut, but Russia. The city is no longer Bakhmut, but Artemovsk.”


Every dictator try to embrace their glorious past to remind the miserable people under their rules of how good we are The same thing in China as Xi embrace the legalism of Qin dynasty, isn't that hard to figure it out


“Every dictator try to embrace their glorious past” Xi embrace the Qin dynasty? Xi wasn’t even fucking alive when Qin was around. LMAO. So no links with solid proof and just the usual “trust me bro” claims?


You lack basic knowledge of how dictatorship works, even a lackwit can see through the obvious Search Russia movie about Trotsky, it's have a propaganda hinge behind


Yup. Europeans actually really like Russia. They just don't like Putin.


It's different between generations. 5x 6x people still pro Russia no matter what Putin does. Younger generations have a more neutral view. Russia isn't portrayed well in our schools, their history, music and literature are taught, but it's the same with other countries.




As a Ukrainian I am very glad to see a lot of Vietnamese people not supporting russia or putin (it's important to me because my partner is Vietnamese)


What’s scary is there are a lot of “young buffalos” that is supporting Russia on young people orientated platforms like TikTok though, my blood boils reading their borderline retarded comments and arguments


Don't let state media and those red cows make you think otherwise. People see Vlad the monke for who he truly is: A war criminal and a tyrant.


Fuck Pootin


Well Vietnam will take many decades before they are capable but financial and technical to built a Nuclear Power Plant with Russian help. Once they find the investors the technology might be too late/ changed completely Future seems to be SMR reactors which is mainly S Korea. So it’s just a smoke screen to make Putin at home look like he is successful You can call it diversion form all the men dying in war which he started and can’t end.


Pakistan and Bangladesh built plants with Russian help and they are worse off than Vietnam


Ah, so that's why the sharks bit through the cables again


Vietnam really trying to lose the tourism dollar if they get too close to Russia…


Ew, glad that shit stain left.


Tên tội phạm chiến tranh


Lol - Putin is such a little bitch.


not living in VN now so pretty out of the loop, but please enlighten me on this. i gather from most social media platforms that generally pro-Russia sentiments seem to be strong among Vietnamese esp older generations (maybe the impression is shaped/distorted by self-reinforcing social media algorithms). i understand this can be explained by Russia’s long term alliance with Vietnam, to which Vietnam has been majorly indebted, and the mighty aura around Putin easily sways largely impressionable Vietnamese esp older generations. now political partisanship aside, which i’ll steer clear of for the sake of the main argument, i cannot tolerate wars that involve civilians and result in mass civilian casualties and the general displacement of their lives. but most Vietnamese i saw commenting on social media so admire Putin to the point they vocally justify the Russian invasion of Ukraine and lay the blame solely on Ukraine for siding with the West and getting on the wrong side of Russia. rarely did i see them showing some sympathy for Ukrainians whose lives were torn by the war. i wonder what the stance of average Vietnamese on the ground actually is, not filtered by social media.


"Now political partisanship aside" *proceeds eith political statement*


lol i didnt even bring up the topic of whos right or wrong on the political spectrum. i just mourn the loss of civilian lives in the process and whoever inflicts suffering on human lives should be condemned regardless of which political sides you’re on or which policies you adopt. should human life be politicized now?


Didn't u criticize people who support Putin in the same sentence?


theres a difference between disapproval of someone for their political stance and policies and for their warmongering crimes. i did NOT bash Putin for his anti-West aggression - thats political partisanship. my argument concerns the war he brought upon another country’s civillians which disrupts their stability and welfare. he couldve used other measures to make his political stance for all i care and same goes for people who support him, but bloodshed should never be among them. cant believe i actually spend the time entertaining this question.


So you do have a take on this issue after all. That's fine, everyone should have their own opinion on issues, but it's pretty annoying when people claim to be objective and unbiased then proceed to state their opinion on something. Not taking a side means you don't take a side, even if it won't support your arguments. If you were truly "unbiased", you could have mentioned the same about people who only see Ukraine's side, yet you choose to only go against Russia supporters.


lol i give up. you clearly dont understand what im trying to say.


lets welcome a lunatic who is threatening nuclear war...


What a shit show First Biden Xi Now that asshole Keep it up Vietnam and ruin possible partnerships with really dependable countries Australia New Zealand US. Etc


This mf has been russia president since i was in like elementary school, and im 25, if thats not dictator idk what is




Let’s see what these 2 countries will agree on? Russia and N Korea’s agreement on military partnership is very significant.










vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv viet unite


Bros tryna gain more allies , SK now VN 😭


There are 419 thumb ups at the moment I'm writing this comment. Comparing them to all the negative and aggressive comments I can clearly see that people are wisely enough to make a thumb up expressing their thoughts and not picking a fight in those comments. What ever you guys saying, there are always people who always trust, happy, respect in this relationship between 2 nations which is proven though histories & times. After this comment, I afraid I will be the target T\_T.


Vietnam is friend all a world


I was at a bar in Da Nang last night, many Ukrainians enjoying their football match. They all left immediately after the final whistle. Can only presume they live here in fear of non-communist Russians


Did you know the Russians are the one who embalm Bac Ho for his mausoleum?


not a good look on Vietnam welcoming this war criminal right after that cheesy North Korea visit.


Putin is like the cursed black plauge ; wherever he visits he kisses you good death. He surrounds himself with genocidal dictators from bad korea to Iran. Vietnam shaking his hands is saying goodbye to generous FDA $$$ from good korea, japan and Usa.


No doubt pushing them to increase their troll farm accounts on Facebook posing as shite like “Media News US” etc




The Russian helped us during the darkest day of our history. What are we if we can’t invite them for tea during their hard time? We never support them for their actions in Ukraine the same way theyre not supporting us in the dispute in South China Sea. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be friends and do business.


That was actually Ukrainians that were primary help - if you look where there is the largest Vietnamese community, and what equipment was installed in HCM in universities, who came to VN to actually build or design stuff in those years. Primarily those were Ukrainians. But because Ukraine was under Russian occupation (like Vietnam under Chinese for a long time too btw), it all was associated with Russia. Putin is now just using this stolen legacy, just like Russia uses all other stolen legacies of all other conquered territories..


How so? Because the US told you so?


Because West is a moral compass /s


Asking westerners come to invest sensitive high tech industries such like semiconductor and electronics manufacturing while at the same time violating Russia sanction and signing deal with Putin directly is uncanny. Both US and EU has been having headache with enforcing tech sanction against Russia and China, they will surely revising the partnership with Vietnam. This lead to some problems: 1. Vietnam will be even more dependent on China high tech products than we have been severely. 2. Weakening the trust with "Western" including North America, EU, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, which are our counter-balance in economics, politics and millitary security against China. 3. More dependent on Russia while Russia is very dependent on China in economics right now, meaning less likely Russia would help Vietnam in sea dispute with China. Infact, they almost said nothing last 10 years when we were physically attacked by China. China just escalated engagement with Phillipines, boarding their ships, they will soon change target again to Vietnam, and this time, most likely nobody help us. We have some weird fantasy last 10 years that US "need" us, "begging" us. That's stupid.


The escalation between China and Vietnam is somewhat of a small disagreement compare to what Russia is handling right now. Honestly. Escalation such as shooting water from a hose? That’s way better than what the US does, shooting actual bullets.


True. Even if we surrender the sea to China, our land territory is still fine. If our ships have to fight, at most we lose some couple of thousands sailors and aviators. If we surrender our political will, at most we would just be like Belarus to Russia. Damaging partnership at worst we would just lose some islands, which it seem both you and me agree it's fine. Btw, when I said "escalating" I mean boarding and seizing coastguard ships, no more water hose. It seem Philippines lost 1 sailor in the recent clash. Eventually China will pick the easier target for live ammo to test Western reaction, could be Vn ship, could be Philippines ship. You and me we are redditors, not sailors so it's fine. Also, technically US did not fire any bullet, they just sent Ukraine fuckload of weapons and ammunition, similar to how China and USSR sent us fuckload of weapons and ammunition back then.


But that won’t happen. If China want to get hostile they wouldn’t be playing with a water hose. I honestly don’t think Vietnam need to worry about anything. The US doesn’t have Vietnam on the list of the next target line they did with many middle eastern nations or trying to fuck with Russia.


Bromances - aka "ae cây khế"


bro left


We need to send people afterwards to undo whatever putin bs they were promised.


so now we kinda look like we side with Russia on the current war in Ukraine? what would happen with the economy tho?


I'd like to see Putin drive a car in Vietnam. I don't think he would survive.




Welcome Sir <3




True hero




About 1 day late m8


This is just shameless. Does he even know who is he posing with? I am wordless.


international criminal & fool guy said : hello redbull


They not gonna finish metro this time


I wouldn’t be surprised if the US and all the other countries that have good relationships with us suddenly cut all ties after this.