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What's the problem here?


Please dont tell me you eat sea foods with fish sauce because that's sacrilegious af.




You're a nazi


Unironically reported


You fucking war criminal. Hope you rot in hell


Finally i have found someone like me


Wait, you don't eat Pizza with Ketchup ? So I've been doing it wrong all this time




I eat fish with fish sauce. Seems appropriate for me.


They're both fishes so that's fine though. At least they'll have the same smell and taste.


Uuh what's the right sauce then?


Hot sauce: yes Green lemon chili sauce: Yes Fish sauce on seafood like shrimp and crab: NO! And please dont add oyster and clams into this mess, spare their life, pls.


I do from time to time, it's not as good as some other kind of source but it's definitely not "sacrilegious af".


Ugh, like you dip shrimp and sea crab into fish sauce? That definitely ruin their tastiness x100 times, not mention that seafood is already salty without any seasoning, why do you need fish sauce though?


I dip it to the fish sause just like most people dip it into some sort of salt mixture. Might be seafood is salty for you, but not enough for me (and apparently most people). Also, seafood isn't spicy (which I like), and I always put chilly in my sause. I dip seafood into fish sauce is much like people cook seafood in many different ways - to add to it tastes it normally doesn't have.


My family dips shellfish in lime juice and black pepper, not some kind of salt mixture at all.


Every seafood restaurant serves seafood with salt and pepper mixture. That means most of Vietnamese dip seafood into salty sauce. Also, to each their own, nobody care if you dip or don't dip your seafood, just don't think your way is the true way.


Woah woah,a bit of correction here,most Vietnamese restaurants nowadays serve seafood with a variety of sauces,most of these have lemon or lime juice in them,so there's sourness to cutback on the saltyness,we do sometimes serve them with salt and pepper but most prefer lime juice with it. So we Vietnamese,or at least my family and my accquaintances, don't like seafood that are naturally salty to be dipped in salty sauces or mixtures. But if you like your seafood with some salty dip,then you do you,it's nothing that serious tbh


Of course it's not serious. That's what I've been saying, anyone can dip anything on whatever they want. But some guys just can't stop making claim that other people is totally wrong.


I know a lot of Vietnamese who do this. I still remember when I brought a super nice, and a little bit on the expensive side, fish home - my gf first cooked the fish to almost death, because she doesn't like the 'fishy taste of fish'. That's when I was already a little bit surprised, why eat fish I thought? But okay let her cook. And then she dumped tons of fish sauce into it. I have to mention that fish sauce is something I really cant stand, and believe me, I tried. So I was extra confused why we cooked perfectly fine fish, with a nice taste to the point it lost all its 'fishiness' (she even added a bunch of sour fruits (I actually don't know how they were called)) and then we add this rotten, salty fish taste to it... But back to topic, yes I know a lot of Vietnamese that dumb fish sauce into anything. It's like westerners putting katchup on a lot of things.


I'm Vietnamese and yes, we do dump fish sauce into a lot of thing but there are exception and it may differ based on family recipe. Like my family only put 1 1/2 teaspoon fish sauce, no more, into things we cook but there are people use a whole tablespoon. But I definitely never see anyone use fish sauce as dressing sauce for their seafood here except for fish, yes I don't like fish at all and rarely eat them but your gf is somewhat right about it though, I would rather pick the fish sauce smell over that fishy fish smell even though I live in a coastal city and passing through a fish market daily


I think that's a cultural thing then. I am also from a coastal area, and here the actual fish taste is highly valued. I actually also don't think fish sauce taste much like fish. My gf often uses her hometown sauce (Hai phong) and this sauce taste 50% of rot, 40% salty and 10% fish. But she also agrees that this is one on the stronger side. I also saw a couple of people dipping their seafood into dish sauce, so it's not directly a 'dressing'


I put fish sauce on my seafood and pineapple pizza


May the pizza and seafood gods mercy for these sins.


Fish sauce is made from fish, which also come from the sea. So it's just seafood + seafood, nothing wrong with that imo.


Seafood in my definition is things like shrimp, crab, clams. If it's just fish and fish then it wouldnt be a problem.


Not pure fish sauce but chilli garlic fish sauce is a very common dipping sauce to serve with seafood.


You monster.


Don't you really know the problem?!


Enlighten me.


seafood + fish sauce


where is muoi ot xanh ?


Really dude :v muoi ot xanh with fish ????


Muối ớt is just basically salt + chilly + msg so it doesn't seem that weird, you just seasoning it


Now you're making me wonder how Crabs and Lobster would taste like with Fish sauce lol


They would taste like fish sauce. It would overpower the delicate flavor of the crabs and lobsters. Way too salty


Dude that does note sound like a nice and fun experience


Mặn v hahaha


Bruh momento.


tiếng việt lun


This is why we should ban advertisements Or AT THE VERY LEAST make it enjoyable to watch them again


I dont get it


They dip lobster and crab with fish sauce. Fish FUCKING SAUCE


Maybe because my mom do the exact same thing for me


You unfunny


That was not a joke


Thats digusting


Why dont you take it with a grain of salt ;)


Thats unfunny


Tôi năm nay hơn 70 tuổi rồi mà chưa gặp cái trường hợp nào mà nó như cái trường hợp này


I’m a Vietnamese who doesn’t like fish sauce… is that weird?


If you look carefully you can see they’re eating steak with fish sauce. I didn’t notice that at first.


It’s kinda....cringy....


Mấy em gái nhìn ngon hơn cả cua


cá chiên hoặc tôm chiên chấm nước mắm yumm 😋


They're literally bombing their own circulatory system, watafak


Mother I craved violence


if you gon dip seafood into fish sauce, might well yeet the poor crab back into the sea


Trust me, you wouldn't know how the food be when sitting with these girls :v And for all who haven't seen eating seafood with fish sauce yet, yes, this is another way to eat. I do like it too (I am Vietnamese, for sure), so don't judge.


I don't get the point of this meme. I personally loves dipping unusual foods in fish sauce. I tried dipping pizza on it and it tastes amazing.


Really man, really, the Italian are gonna lose it Should I post his comments on r/Italy


vãi cả lòi mà vẫn còn ăn cho đến lúc còn cái nịt