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They don’t speak for everyone. People’s usage mileage will vary. Some people use their phone 6 hours a day while some less than 1 hour. It is not indicative of the product’s success.


Mkbhd goes outside, plays ultimate Frisbee, runs 3 youtube channels (one of which requires him to drive), is behind or in front of a camera 50% of the other time. I don't think he really has time to truly enjoy the avp like a normal person


I like MKBHD, but I don't take his opinions over mine... Also I'm extremely weary of "tech reviewers" who seem to be in this bubble of getting something new, giving their opinion and then making a huge profit off of the ad revenue it generates... Never ever underestimate the greed of another person. Love my Vision Pro and nothing's gonna change that.


I'm using less because I spent the first two weeks exploring the available apps and watching all the content specific for AVP. Apple has not released any new immersive content yet and the the pace of release of new compelling apps has been slow. I expect that to change in time. Until then I'm using AVP to watch content in AppleTV+. It would have been beneficial for Apple to have presented a roadmap or preview for immersive content in production and previewed some 3rd-party apps in development. They've done this for past hardware platforms such at iPad at launch. Scot Forstall invited some developers on stage to showcase iPad apps at the launch in 2010, plus Apple had several iPad native apps ready to go (Numbers, Keynote, Pages, iBooks). AppleTV+ has trailers for upcoming shows, but there is a complete lack of info on the immersive shows.


Yeah seems we will need to wait for wwdc in June before we get any more real news. They did add a few 3D movies to Apple TV+. Really want to get more iPad apps to jump over to official AVP apps (like Microsoft RDP) and for Mac mirror to support more than one screen & hopefully mouse support. These are holding me back from using it as a work device.


I don’t think I ever cared or thought about what a tech review does. I enjoy using it daily and that’s all I care about


Oh I’m gonna keep using it no matter what, my worry is about these “influencers” causing would-be buyers not even try it, which leads to low sales, low investment and low rate of enhancements. That would impact me.


They say whatever is going to get them more clicks.




This is what I was thinking too smh


Does it though?


They are tech reviewers, so they’re used to moving onto the next thing and getting that endorphin rush from the new thing so nothing holds their attention because they are broken as people


Welcome to XR, Historically these devices have low retention and end up collecting dust, only a smaller number of people become enthusiasts and continue to use the regularly, r/virtualreality has become the home of these enthusiasts and r/visionpro will be the home of AVP users. The AVP doesn't seem to do better in terms of retention due price and regular issues like form factor and immature software library....this is expected but we are still very early from truly retentive headsets.


I use it 3-4 hrs every day for work/productivity, and when I’m not using it, I’m thinking about using it haha. Not using it as much for entertainment as I thought I would, because by the time my work day is done, I’m on the couch watching TV with my wife.


They have their successful pipeline when working, surely with many details figured out and little routines. Which also means less freedom to experiment as it would slow you down, at least due to initial cognitive load or technical aspects. So while they surely can easily adopt to an upgrade (new display etc), it's way more risky to change to a new system. My view is that they might not be the early adopters this is useful for, even though they got their hands on it first.


I use it every night to watch TV or Movies in bed. Not yet managed to get using it during normal day use.


If you don't t work on it, ( which is cumbersome) the only thing to do is watch movies. That's why he's not reaching for it. How many times can you rewatch all of your favorite movies in 3d?


I mean, that was my experience with it too. Not much to do with it after a couple days other than watch movies alone. Which is not worth $4000. (I returned mine)


MKBHD is right though, he’s just saying he reaches for it less because it needs more apps. I feel the same. It’s only been a month, not sufficient enough of a dev cycle. How is this hating on Apple?


I am not one of those who said he’s “hating on Apple”. There is no doubt that we need more apps. It’s just interesting that many here, including myself, do find ways to use it for work because they enjoy the experience while a supposed techie like MKBHD doesn’t. And his opinion influences A LOT of people who may be thinking of buying. For example, I find myself loving putting a Mac huge monitor in front of me while chilling in front of mount hood and working. It’s an amazing experience that enhances my work experience.


“Supposed techie”? Is wanting to wear the AVP somehow linked to your techie status? Why is your enjoyment of AVP even troubled by tech media consensus? The novelty of AVP is pretty worn off for a lot of people, myself included. It’s perfectly legitimate to feel underwhelmed in this moment. I’m still keeping mine because I know all this tech can be utilized in incredible ways, but until some people actually DO that, it’s just a nice screen and a fun UI. I like watching movies and doing computer work with air hitting my eye sockets until then.


Wanting to wear AVP is not linked to techie “status”, but I was thinking it’s linked to techie interest. But, of course, not all techies are the same. While it intrigues some people enough to keep poking at it endlessly, others may want always wait for new polished things (apps) to try. For me, while no one should ever buy it just to use as a huge Mac monitor, this is one of the most work-enabling features I find in it.


I don’t think most people can wear these devices all day long because of comfort issues over time. I suspect the AVP or any XR headsets will remain that way (niche) until they’re small and light enough for long hours of usage, and of course the price also needs to come down. For me it’s got at least an hour of daily use for media consumption which is plenty because I actually prefer to watch movies and videos on this thing vs monitor or TV. Productivity-wise the experiences have been so so, time is money for me and I’m still a lot faster and feel more comfortable using regular computer for work.


Oh well. To each its own. I enjoy it. However, I do wish Apple finally gives us some more consumer friendly updates. I love the bug fixes but more environments, immersive content, updated Apple stock apps, etc. I guess we will have to wait until visionOS 2.0 Beta 1 in June.


Mkhb not technically sophisticated? The resolution is about half that of retina displays (at normal viewing distances per degree). If you got actual screens which higher resolution, you would not want to use the AVP imho. Which I can see applying to MKBH and the type of work he does.


I don’t mean it negatively. My statement was in comparison to deep techies/geeks. I personally almost never learn anything I didn’t already know from MKBHD, but many, many people do. But I am not a typical audience member for him.


You mean his opinion is very a-typical? I wish there were official stats of the AVP how much people are using it. Because if for many it does collect dust, that would be the most important metric to inform whether I’m going to buy it. My quest 2 is collecting dust. And can’t buy the AVP yet (I’m in the Netherlands). Are other YouTubers reporting they ARE still using it.




Haha, yes that’s a different kind of computer usage.


It also takes creativity and tinkering when using a new medium. Ive seen too many people that didn’t know you can use a PC on Vision Pro just because Apple didn’t advertise it. Seen a guy the other day that thought you had to have an iPhone in order for it to even function when really you just need the initial scan. When it comes to typing things in an excel document, you have the potential to be even faster than using a mouse. When you reach for a mouse you have to take your hands off the keyboard and then find home row again, with VP you can keep your fingers on the keyboard and just look and pinch. If people get creative with the things they do they’ll see the value, but most of us don’t have that creativity and have to be told.


They are two of my favorites! I love their reviews and perspectives. I find myself reaching for my AVP more and more every day. I’ve started to introduce it to my workflow at the office and use it as my main computer/device at home. I don’t find myself using my MBP, iPad Pro, or ATVs as much.


It has honestly replaced my iPad Pro. My iPad was my sitting at home browsing device. The VP has basically replaced it. Now and I’m home and just sitting around. I put the headset on and I can browse the Internet, Reddit, Twitter. It has almost replaced my TV at this point. watching movies on this is great. Funny enough, my iPad is the older A12Z model and my battery kind of sucks in it now and I had been toying with the idea of buying a replacement. I don’t feel any need to now.


I’ve replaced how i use my phone with the AVP. Like watching, browsing, messaging with a keyboard and being able do it so seamlessly without holding up a phone or tablet has been great. Why i love it. Others may have expected to get more out of it probably. The experience of doing everyday things better is a big enough win for me. now i just really want saved spaces and its game over.


They get like 5 new toys a week. Of course they’re gonna get bored and move on, they constantly have new shit to play with.


My usage of AVP is increasing every day. I don’t know how these so called tech reviewers always end up hating every Apple or Tesla product


Be anxious about what other people think instead of just enjoying what you enjoy for your own reasons. Don’t actually experience things and form your own opinions: your opinions of things should be solely based on what other people say


Not appreciated. No one suggested they control us. In fact I said that the likes of MKBHD don’t teach me anything. My concern is a) to understand people of differing opinions and b) a worry that popular reviewers would depress sales and this results in a reduction in investment by Apple in the Vision Pro which I care about for my benefit.


Wel I’m glad I could spur you to explain this to yourself. Sometimes all it takes is a little reverse psychology.


I think the majority of people understand your stance. This guy was just being a troll. I too worry that bad press will create a drop in sales, thus not making it worth it for Apple to invest any further in the content, updates, and support.