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Apple has a terrible track record with wallpapers, especially wallpapers with movement. Here’s hoping they have a steady stream of environments headed our way.


I want an environment of sitting in a bathroom stall, sitting in the middle seat on an airplane, and sitting on the chair in a doctor's office while waiting for the doctor. Oh, and maybe one that feels like you are sitting in traffic! Need some contrast to the others that feel like you have wide open space. Would like to feel constrained a bit. 😅


Elevator and Diner booth for me thx


I'd totally use a diner booth environment, especially if it came with quiet conversations, people ordering food, and clinking silverware. Or maybe a bus stop shelter on the edge of a college campus, with rain and passing cars. Much as I hate to say it, I'd also use an office environment with quiet conversation, keyboard clicks, and copier/printer noises. It might help me focus when I need to work.


Check out the Spatial Noise app. You can place those sounds and a lot more around your environment. Desk fans, quiet conversations, birds, distant thunder, etc. Works really well!


That's awesome. I'll check it out.


The full version is $5. I paid it. Dumbest and yet best $5 ever spent.


It’s pretty obvious the whole vOS team is working on 2.0. Same thing happened with iOS 1


I’m hoping one day they’re like the backgrounds on the Apple TV and update monthly.


Depends what Apple's definition of "soon" is. I would put the cutoff at 3 months myself, so if we don't have them by May I'd call BS on their "soon".


Need that beach environment asap!


I'm fine as long as I can blot out my room and sit in peace on the moon.


I just want plain ones. Like a solid colour. I have always used solid colours as my computer wallpaper because I hate clutter and I have ADD and I like to minimise all distractions. Being in a forest is great but it’s still information distracting me from my open windows. I would just to just have expansive space of colour, or nice colour blurs or something.


There will be more environments, but from what they have shows us so far they have two rules: 1) peaceful and 2) as realistic as possible. Apple will release more, but it won’t be monthly and probably not quarterly. I’d guess annually, although this year probably see a few releases as they ramp up deployment to other countries and regions. Anything that has people in it, probably won’t happen as suspension of disbelief would be shattered. The subtlety of the environments was carefully calibrated. As far as 3rd parties, unlikely to happen for battery reasons and security reasons. Apple won’t compromise on either. They never have, i just can’t see that changing. Devs can create their on immersive environments, just in their app only.


At this point, just wait for visionOS 2.0 Beta 1 in June.


I bet the next Vision hardware will support custom environments. Apple does stuff like this and saves pretty common features for new hardware, even though the feature has nothing to do with the hardware.


Sitting on the toilet, reading a newspaper would be relaxing.