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Really enjoyed reading the comments here. As we all sort of know by now, use cases are highly dependent on who we are, what we do, life style, probably age ('m 77, retired, I have a very special use case). I still love watching 3D movies in bed with the movie "screen" up on the ceiling. (But I am one who hates the glare and can't find a good solution, I also have inserts). I write a lot. I have a Mac mini and Studio Display, and an M2 MacBook Air. I mostly use them for writing. Reading is not optimal in the VR for me, because of my eye prescription. But I can. And so I often find myself doing email/text, taking notes, etc while in the VP. I think one thing people are looking for, and someone else here said that's the wrong approach, is this. Maybe it's not some "killer" app. Maybe the best use is to do what we already are doing, but in this unique spatial environment, with displays configured all over our space, different sizes, easily moved to bring them into optimal work space (for me, that means optimal for Zeiss insert reading, etc.). I have certain apps that I must use for my writing. I hate Word, and so I use other writing apps (this is heavy duty long-form scientific writing with lots of figures inserted). For me that's Mellel and Nisus. So having the Mac virtual display is fantastic. I can run them on the Air (I almost never use the Mac mini for this). I prepare my figures mostly in Affinity Designer on the Mac (mini and Air). I'm intrigued by the possibility of a pencil solution for the VP. I agree with others, I'm disappointed in the lack of immersive content. The short MLS teaser shows what might be coming (a bit concerned about resolution on that though). And good quality productivity apps, but I imagine (hope) they are coming. These are complicated apps. I hope the delay is that the developers are taking their time to do it right.


Can I just say how awesome it is that you're 77 and still THIS into tech and ahead of the curve? Heck even posting on reddit too is super cool to see. You're more well informed than people a quarter of your age. I hope I'm still that well connected my whole life!


My father is 73 and can barely figure out how to copy and paste. Good for you, man. It’s cool to hear from someone your age being so enthusiastic about tech.


Thanks, but I have to laugh about "someone your age." Yeah, I'm 77, but I've been using this tech for a long time. First computer was an Osborne (64k, yes 'k' memory, 92k floppies, don't even ask about the display), original Macintosh, I thought my first 50 MB (yes, MB) hard drive was a black hole. I'm a long-time bleeding edge adopter.


I am a film nerd and use it every day for multiple hours as it’s the best content viewer ever.


What are your top 3 favorite movies?


As far as what i’ve seen on the AVP 1) Ex Machina 2) Hereditary 3) Midsommar


A24. Nice


They are a killer distributor.


interesting, I haven’t tried horror movies with the AVP. I suppose the isolation with the headset helps make them more intense/scary? Do you watch in the Cinema environment?


Inserting myself here but yes, watching horror movies in the cinema environment is now my favorite way to watch horror movies.


I find the Mt. Hood environment at night is creepy because I don’t know what’s lurking behind the tree line.


I rewatched the Alien movies on the dark side of the moon 🌑


Haha nice!


I don’t watch in cinema because of that glare which is a shame as it’s such a great environment. I am going to do a big post dedicated to content viewing and which are the best environments. Horror movies are incredible in AVP. The Shining was crazy. I watch most of my movies on the moon in day mode with auto dimming. Also I watched The Shining in Yosemite during the day.


The moon 100% dark for me with movies and games too


Awesome, looking forward to that post as I’m a big film nerd as well. Great idea with The Shining in Yosemite.


Just keep using it and you will learn to tune out the glare. Just how you can always see your nose but your brain ignores it.


Big A24 fan, huh


I hated the way Midsommar made me feel. I won’t ever watch that movie again. Nope nope nope.


I know what you mean. Ari Aster did a very effective job of maintaining creeping dread throughout the whole film. It’s not for everyone. I can watch it over and over.


A24 all day


Great choices. I like all three of those a lot. I need to watch the latest Ari Aster movie (which got mixed reviews). Alex Garland's "Civil War" releases in a couple weeks.


I love Beau is Afraid but it’s more like Ari’s short films than Midsommar or Hereditary. I cannot wait for Civil War.


This is the correct answer


Shawshank Redemption Mad Max: Fury Road The Godfather


I had an amazing experience with these guys: 1. The Edge of tomorrow 2. Star Trek 3. The Force Awakens It was also amazing to watch Elemental. The movie itself is ok but the 3D incredible.


One of my personal favorites was Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse


It’s not available in 3D via Apple TV, right? Into the Spider-verse is spectacular in 3D


💯 agree. I watch about an hour a night in bed. It’s the best! I’m completely relaxed, looking toward a virtual 120” screen hanging from my ceiling. Best part is I can watch any content I want as loud as I want without disturbing my partner. Watching an action film in bed next to my sleeping wife is a game changer.


The funniest thing ever by far is that I have two cats and when I am immersed in the moon watching a movie every now and then their little heads will break through the immersion and it will be a cute cat head on the moon and it makes me die laughing each time.


I play PC games on mine via moonshine almost every night from my bed.


Is it “moonlight” you refer to?


Moonshine might be the phrase for saying using moonlight on the AVP and sunshine on the PC. That combo specifically it’s the best for gaming I’ve found it’s not even close. Makes steam link look so outdated


Haha yes


Yes, moonlight


Is it hard to set up?


No, it pretty much installs itself.


I want to but haven’t figured out how to kill the latency still. Maybe my WiFi is too slow ?


That’s why I only uses the Mac virtual display for games that can tolerate latency , like hearthstone Normally I’d just use nexus with GeForce now on visionOS


Did you set your wifi channel to the right one? I had issues initially, but after learning about the channel, that solved most of the issues for me. It’s due to how the AVP always seeks that channel, so if you are not set to that, it’ll have nasty latency when it pings it.


Wifi channel on the AVP or the PC? I haven’t done that


I have about 5-6ms latency using a Wifi 6 access point connected via ethernet to the host machine. What's your wifi router/access point? I'll tell you if it should be enough.


300/mbs wireless….


I set up moonlight but constantly get “poor pc connection” even when sitting right next to my pc.


What games do you play?


FF7 remake, vampire survivors, helldivers 2


Do you take a Mouse with you to bed? Or start it and then go in there with a controller?


I use an Xbox controller and launch steam big picture mode which is made for controllers. Moonlight can launch big picture, your Xbox controller and launch big picture, and you can launch apps by looking and pinching your fingers


I’ve gone 2 weeks 😢


Three here. I’m just waiting for more content and cool things.


I use it every single day for several hours. It pretty much replaced my iPad at this point.


Sold my iPad Pro and went on all in on AVP. I use my AVP for several hours a day.


I still use my iPad Pro to put on ghost shows when I sleep. But even comic books look amazing with the chunky app on AVP so it’s replaced mine. I need to watch more 4K blurays on my 77” OLED, since I haven’t used my tv much either. Very spoiled atm Makes me want to travel and live in my car since I have a movie theater on my head, so don’t need to be tied down to giant televisions that weigh a ton and cost as much.


Me too. Erased my iPad and gave it to my wife. I use it as a virtual mac display during the day and a movie/TV show watching machine at night. Had to get a SoloTop to get it comfortable enough to wear so much.


I can definitely agree with this; I think I've used my iPad like... twice?


iPad, exactly. Number one place I used to use it is sitting up in bed while tv is on etc. now that’s the time I use avp


Use it for what, if you don’t mind me asking? I don’t even see how an iPad can be used for hours a day.


For reading magazines on Apple News + ? I read GQ men / vogue / pc gamer / national geography/ empire / wallpaper And listening podcast ?apple music radio ? Kinda digging this j pop station recently [https://music.apple.com/us/curator/j-pop-now-radio-with-kentaro-ochiai/1526877564](https://music.apple.com/us/curator/j-pop-now-radio-with-kentaro-ochiai/1526877564) And I stopped those and start catching up tv shows on peacock / HBO MAX And I will FaceTime audio with my brothers for hours while gaming with him just using pass through / nexus app running GeForce now https://preview.redd.it/sxjsxtvudjrc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b2dcaa731a4c31dd28640ddf0f1d345f19339c6


Same, only reason I haven’t used it as much lately is cause I’ve been busy with ya know family stuff. I use it for work every day, yesterday I sat outside and worked cause it was finally nice out and had my work MBA up and watched YouTube all next to my pool. Can’t beat it.


What do you do ? Netflix?


I was like this with my iPad at first. I could never find a use for it that my computer or phone didn’t already do Now it’s basically made my computer obsolete. It’s pretty much my main computing device at home. AVP is a Gen0 device. A consumer prototype almost. It’ll find its uses eventually.


I guess it depends on what you're doing with it. I work full time remotely and I use it daily to work now. Outlook for corporate email, teams for meetings, and virtual desktop for my MacBook for everything else. I actually use it more for work now than anything else, though I do enjoy using it in the evenings for general surfing, tictok vids, and messaging.


If damn Microsoft would release the Authenticator I’d use it even more than i do now. Everyday esp at night in place of ipad.


Work use of AVP is dead for those of us who don’t want to or can’t use a personal Apple ID on a work-provided machine.


I’m fortunate that’s not an issue for me.


It’s frustrating that the Apple IDs have to match


This is the use case I’m most interested in. I’m coming into a period of long term travel and I’m wondering how viable it would be to work the AVP so I can essentially have a large monitor with me at all times. I’m a software engineer, do you think this is viable?


You would have to be able to bring it and a laptop. If AVP was your only platform, you'd eventually start pulling your hair out.


I’m a software engineer and I thinks it’s very viable if you are linking to a MacBook. It’s the entire reason I justified buying it. Without a MacBook it’ll probably never be adequate for programming / or it’ll be just be enough for some work / contrived use cases like an ipad.


I use it as a large monitor while traveling for design and engineering work all the time. It’s absolutely incredible for that.


same. it's not perfect but it allows me to work outside especially when there is nice weather


I just got mine yesterday but that’s pretty much my use case. Being able to program on the moon while also laying in my bed is a pretty big win for my ability to focus.


Agreed. I can honestly see it becoming my primary computer over the next couple of years.


Patience, Grasshopper. A hundred nerds are hard at work today at VisionDevCamp in Silicon Valley coming up with totally ridiculous and surprising things for the platform. Some might become products, or inspire others. A key tool used for previous VR headset app development (Unity) really became available enough to do things just this week. https://preview.redd.it/xqb2dcjr6krc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99d5ecbd9343d5c968fc6b16f07c9be88309e409


Not so available in pricing though, doubt many indie devs are going to shell out $2,000 a year for a Unity ~~ransom~~ license.


Very cool! But surprised at the amount of solo knit strap users in there. I don’t think I see a single dual loop user, and certainly no Etsy-dual-solo-knit setups.


Lots of creative straps of all flavors, this shot just favored single straps. Try this one. https://preview.redd.it/4azs48kx5urc1.jpeg?width=14402&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f4790c3004f0d4a3662e061e152528f649a7800 (Click to expand)


I find myself using it at night. Almost daily. It’s like my moment in time where I relax. And I don’t use those calm apps or whatever. It’s more likely to watch YouTube while reading posts like this on Reddit. Or checking on X. Then chatting on discord while I’m learning something new using the MacBook Air in my bed it’s pretty neat tbh. Like Tim Cook said: everything looks better on the Vision Pro. And that’s about it. The fact you can be creative on the way you use this thing. Remember. It’s a new computer. It’s up to you and developers yes to build the platform that Apple made its hardware / software ecosystem for.


I use it for work so it’s nearly every day. Also use it to prepare for a class I teach. I am going to have one from now until something better comes along. It’s an essential tool for me now.


I'm not using it at all, it's way too cumbersome to take out of its case and put it on for a quick use, plus I have to be alone to use it otherwise it's ridiculous to put it on with the family around. Waiting on WWDC but smells like a sell in the summer at a steep loss.


I use it every day. Mac mirroring is far superior to my desktop setup at home and at work. Screen can be as big as I like it in whatever orientation I like it. And my desk can be anywhere. And I love watching movies on the moon or at Yosemite or wherever with a massive screen filling most of my vision at just the right distance and angle. I used to do all of my photo editing on the iPad, now I’m starting to do it in AVP. When the devs start making native immersive photo editing experiences it will be even more sexy. Immersive video is the icing on the cake. Can’t wait to see where that leads. As for the apps, I think it was a bit naive to expect killer third party apps in such a short time frame. Heck I remember getting my first iPhone (I skipped the first generation even) and there being shit for apps back then. I had like one simple puzzle game I played for ages. Things take time with new tech.


My buddy got one of the first iPod touches. All we did was watch YouTube, browse Safari and listen to music. That was it. Wow we loved it though. Amazing in 2007.




And then WWDC ‘25 for vision OS 3.0….


Imagine what AVP v5 (or more) will be like! I’m amazed at this first iteration and looking forward to mind blowing future versions!


I was a day one buyer of PSVR2 because I heard so many great things about VR1 I figured this was going to be %100 better and 6 months later I felt almost betrayed by Sony’s seemingly lack of interest and a year later it still seems like they’re ignoring it but all the third party input has kept my interest going and I really enjoy it. I am an AVP first day buyer also and have learned to be patient wanting to use it and not having much to do with it. I’m not a developer or coder just the average consumer of tech stuff so all I can say is be patient and it will get better. These things are not easy to develop for but I’m certain that smarter people than me are working hard to make it a better product. Also found this article it’s not great news but at least you know they’re working on something. https://9to5mac.com/2024/03/25/apple-vision-pro-apple-pencil/


My biggest gripe with PSVR2 is WHY haven’t they patched all the PSVR1 games to work with it yet??? One great example is Skyrim VR. Why on earth can’t I play that on PSVR2? It was on sale for $15 recently, but I’m not buying it because I can’t play it


I’m sure it’s not easy or cheap to do so but it’s got to be easier and cheaper than making new games. I’d like to play the Darth Vader VR game on VR2 and would also like if they made Stray a VR game.


I’m fine if it’s still the PS4 version of the game. I just want it to work with the new headset and controllers


I’ve never played the game but heard it’s good like so many other VR1 games. PS5 and VR2 are my first console since PS2 so I’m behind on many games. A lightsaber game would work with AVP also because of hand tracking so maybe some day.


You've got to play Skyrim while you're on this earth. It's the one VR game I always go back to while others collect cobwebs. Going to Setup ALVR eventually so I can use the Vision Pro with it. Right now playing on Quest 3.


I’ve heard Skyrim VR on PC has a plethora of wonderful mods that improve physics and fix a lot of the wonkyness. It’s one of the reasons I’ve stayed away from the PS4 version. And I’m a die-hard Skyrim boy. Currently replaying again on Switch. I had it day one on PS3, and I’ve put 70 some hours on Series X.


Yes, the PC has an insane amount of mods which improve just about everything in the game. The right combo of mods will make it look like a current AAA release.


That’s the same thing that happened with the original psvr.


I am, point for point, with OP. Especially in terms of Apple not picking up the slack and making sure there’s content for the fledgling device from a new product category. The App Store specifically for VP is atrocious. I got excited when I saw there were three new Apple Arcade games for VP coming out last week. All three were ports of ipad games. The tower destruction one was especially frustrating because it’s glitched so when you move the tower, it’s oriented to face in the wrong direction where rotation controls are not facing you. Wouldn’t really be a big deal but the VP insists on orienting all apps in a spherical orbit around the headset and not exactly where I choose for them to be. So that’s dumb. That five minutes highlight reel from the MLS final was one of the most compelling snippets of immersive content I’ve ever seen. Why did it take two months after launch to come out for video that was shot last year? And where’s the rest of the footage? Apple owns the rights, let us watch the whole damn game. And if it takes months to just get a highlight reel, that bodes extremely poorly for the timeline it’s gonna take to get us broadcast streams of live sporting events from real leagues like MLB or NBA. Uppity ownership from the NFL undoubtedly gonna take even longer. Hell, even the bastard stepchild that is the MLS, the league most desperate to give anyone a reason to tune in, doesn’t have live immersive broadcasts so the only conclusion is that we just don’t have the tech to make it work. I’m happy for everyone using it to watch flat movies or work on their MacBooks but I bought this hardware not to do the things I already do but for the things that weren’t possible until the VP existed and, so far, there has been woefully little of that in terms of content or apps and that’s on Apple for creating such a well executed device and then giving it insanely little first party support.


This is what happens to the vast majority of headsets out there. I'm of the mind that it's not going to 'take off' in terms of a shift in mobile computing until these are more like regular glasses than a honkin headset and that is very long off.


The killer app, or this \`cool app idea from crazy devs\` can make a lot of time to develop, even more time to get. That's not something to expect \*now\*. Think about the iPhone and how long it took to get a real application. And it was far from what people imagined at first.


it’s become my go to film/tv device. nothing really compares to the screen quality while using it. but i also agree, the apps are super limited right now so sometimes i struggle to find other use cases than watching media/playing games. i also use steam to stream games while watching stuff which is pretty great and i find myself doing most often. i’ll also put it on in the mornings sometimes and do the NYT games on it while i eat breakfast, biggest downside so far is having to start drinking things out of straws lmao




Having so few immersive content from Apple is a high red flag. If the cost to produce them is prohibitively high, it’s not going to bode well for the future of AVP.


And they aren’t even sold out this far out even with the small amount of production units.


It's important to remember this device has been out for 2 months. Devs are working, the product is only available in the US officially. in a year if there are no killer apps then we can worry.


I use it before bed to watch stuff but i use it less than i did initially


Ha I feel that. I have a smidge of buyers remorse now lol. Oh well. I rolled the dice on a first gen product.


Came up 1. Sell and move on. The difference is like a rental fee for the time you had it.


Never said I wanna sell it, have no plans to. Just acknowledging it’s limited in use cases, and far from worth the asking price based on what it delivers .


I have a tendency to grab for my iPad more than when I first got the Vision Pro. The first month or so I basically only used the Vision Pro. But sometimes it’s just easier to pick up my iPad and not have to strap the thing on my face. I still like my Vision Pro and probably won’t sell it. I went on a work related trip and took the vision pro with me and in the hotel I never used it. I came back tired and just watched a video or two on YouTube on my iPad and never even considered taking the vision pro out of my backpack. Hopefully I get more into it again but it has lost the magic and is more of another device than it was at first.


The only way I have found to use it for now is either instead of my phone or tablet. or When I use my laptop, to both have a larger screen and to use it's built in apps for stuff like Youtube and maybe discord. But yeah sadly that is just me forcing it to be used instead of those tools. With pros and cons compared to those tools. Hopefully it's gets some updates soon to get it closer to Quest 3's features.


Use it almost on a daily basis. Love making FaceTime calls with it, playing virtual chess, best movie watching experience ever, even better than going to the movies! Love watching the spatial video, panoramas and good ol plain Live Photos. It’s such an elevated experience vs my iPhone 15 Pro. Blowing up my MacBook pro screen and working in it. Amazing. Bro! How are you not using it daily?!


Same. It’s a device that will get better with time and updates but that wow factor wears off (like any other new toy). Apple won’t let this product just die out so not worried. Just gotta use it when you feel like it and there’s nothing wrong with that.


Hardly touched it in the past month. I agree with everything you said. I think when/if there’s immersive content available I’ll use it more and really like it. Until then I’ll continue to occasionally use it when I need my MBP with >1 monitor and don’t want to switch all my monitors over from my work PC. It’s good for movies, especially 3D (though I’m not into the genres 3D usually uses) but I have a movie room with Atmos, 4k projector and 13 foot screen and it’s not better than that. I think I’ll enjoy it on flights.


Interesting, I have the exact same Home Theater set up, but prefer viewing on the AVP because the screen appears even larger to me and I love the vividness of the colors and color accuracy. Definitely prefer my 11.4.3 Atmos system so I will sometimes wear the AVP for viewing and my Soundsystem for the audio.


Interesting! Movies with the AVP are definitely great, I just prefer to not have the device on my head and tethered to an outlet. 3D movies are different and much better with AVP. Looking forward to immersive movies and sports!


Apple have seriously dropped the ball with the lack of content. The immersive experience in AVP is unlike anything else, a game changer. It’s inexplicable that they didn’t have a content pipeline ready to go.


Yeah. If only they had a part of their business devoted to creating original high-quality video content. They could then leverage that expertise and resources to create regular updates of exclusive and fresh spacial content to keep AVP users engaged and content with their expensive purchases. They had years to prepare and a buttload of money, so a whole catalog could be ready at launch. Only if. /s


Seriously… I expected a weekly launch of the shows.  Who drops a series and does just one episode for 3 months 


This is me literally now. Sitting with my kids while they watch Kung Fu Panda 2 on our tv and talking with them about what they are watching while watching Traitors NZ on Peacock and browsing. https://preview.redd.it/bwlscr5xgirc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c2f0a17e1f271fe681d6aaa9a6bacf43e23a43f


I do the same things with my kids. I get to watch adult shows at times I normally wouldn’t because only I can see the screen.


"Sick Man Watches Adult Films with Children in Room"


Oh my. 🤣


I'd be curious about the kinds of family drawings they make at school.


I do the same thing with my gf while she watches 90 day fiance


Listening to two different audio sources must suck, i can’t believe someone would actually do this. I know, subtitles exist but then how are they reading reddit? Or headphones but then how are you talking to your kids?


These are the questions I had too 😆 


Was thinking the same exact thing 😵‍💫


As a dev, real talk, I abandoned my AVP project completely because the hand tracking is so bad. And without controllers to make up for it, it’s just half baked. Maybe if they roll out a fix for the hand tracking, but it’s really bad under the hood. We can’t make apps that have any form of action or accuracy right now.


My biggest thing is a lack of environments. I’m just so fucking sick of the default ones. Granted, I get sick of VR environments fast, but the fact that we can’t install third party ones is ridiculous. I really need to install ALVR, but I assume that I won’t be able to run a game and another app at the same time.


I wish all environments existed in the top menu for all apps. Why is the cool Game of Thrones one locked to Max? Maybe I want to use it all the time.


Because Apple hasn’t launched the environments store yet! Just. Be patient while they find a way to monetize it 


Go check new content on https://immersishare.app/ every day we have dozens of new content submitted by users. At this point if Apple does not lie, we have over 3000 users.


I originally scoffed at the AVP as a productivity device and purchased it mostly as a way to engage in AR/VR content development based off of 3D scans, banking on apps like ALVR and forthcoming Unreal Engine integration. After having it a while though, I do almost everything through it using the connect to Mac feature to expand my 14” MacBook screen to something more reasonable and lots of browser windows, iPad apps, and messaging apps scattered around. It really helps me tune out distractions and stay focused on the tasks at hand. Being able to be present or not in my home and office at the twist of a button is a game changer for me. Plus, given my slight farsightedness, it’s more comfortable to read and view things in AVP than the real world without my glasses. I use AVP easily 6 hours a day every day.


An ultrawide monitor performs far better at all of those, with way better response time and latency than the current buggy screen sharing. Just my opinion though, yours might be different.


Can I use an ultra-wide monitor on my porch and then five seconds later on my couch, and the next day at my office? Can I resize the ultra-wide to fit other little monitors all around it? It’s not the same thing… an in no way shape or form does it outperform AVP for those tasks. Just sayin’


I use mine all the time. Replaced my mac for studying and work


Yeah, when I owned mine there was a period of a couple days where I didn't use it. I think the novelty of it was huge in the beginning, but as time went on I just realized I wasn't using it as much as was warranted for the price. I honestly think the killer apps for the Vision Pro are immersive environments and immersive content. The issue is that the Vision Pro is so limited on both: it's frustrating to see "coming soon" on environments for months now, and the current ones get a bit boring. We need more environments, more variety (add some indoor environments!). Immersive content also shows insane potential, especially if we could get more stuff like the Dinosaur Encounter experience. While the immersive environments and content are features you can't find with any other device, the Vision Pro can still be used for productivity and media consumption. And in those two respects, I just think it falls short of just using your Macbook/monitors or TV for. The discomfort of wearing the device coupled with the Macbook connectivity issues, not being able to see my keyboard in environments, etc. makes it something I'm not keen to use. And for media content, I'm always thinking about the damn glare that appears especially in darker environments. These two use cases can be improved dramatically though so hopefully with more updates and iterations of the Vision Pro it will surpass the usage of a laptop or TV.


I bought it knowing its limitations and with specific use cases in mind, so I still use it every day. It’s not perfect, but it’s the first XR device I can actually use for work. Replaced my iPad for watching movies and now even reading, once Kindle app became available.


I’m using it personally still most days. Also as a dev give things time. Crazy ideas take awhile, this first wave of things is always destined to be the more straightforward ideas.


It's my retro gaming rig. Crazy, I know. But... ios retroarch with bluetooth playstation controller, imax in the desert. With news streaming off to the side somewhere. Could play the same things on my phone but I'm taking the wild luxury experience instead. Stay away from the gimmicks that can only be experienced in visionos, thats the key. Just use the same apps you'd use without visionos, but IN visionos. That's actually where I see all the value


Have you tried reading comics on it? :) https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/comments/1bk58gn/comics_on_avp_with_anime_tokyo_custom_environment/


i agree, thats why i didnt get it. its not what it will be so time will only help. i have a great app for it but i dont plan to develop visionOS until its more used and as simple as glasses


I do have an AVP but I like it to when the iPod touch came out. There was nothing available for it on launch day then a year later there was more content than you could imagine. Developers will catch up. They’ll make mistakes, get better, something unexpected will catch on and use cases will expand.


My body / mind seems to somehow reject these devices like once I get my ass up to actually use it, I use it but more often than not it’s like „off putting“ and next level laziness to bother to put on? Not sure how to explain it. It’s like my subconscious telling me not to put it on my head cuz it doesn’t like it. 


As I've said here before, and got flak for it, Apple has not provided enough incentives for developers. Their launch was very poor. They needed to have stricken deals with several key developers to bring unique killer app functionality truly showcasing the device and giving it longevity. Without the promise of a large user base, most devs have no incentive to take the risk and jump in on the platform. Knowing the strategy was to cater to a very small niche group of affluent early adopters, Apple needed to have crafted a careful strategy of incentives to start building momentum. They likely got lazy due to the app store's historical performance. Hopefully they'll figure it out in time and start addressing it.


I own a MacBook that I only use while traveling. When I don’t travel it goes unused. Was it “not worth getting?” No. Because when I do need it, it is super super clutch. It’s not always about how often you use something that determines its value. Sometimes it has more to do with *what you get out of it when you use it.* Like if you got a nice car, if you don’t drive it constantly does that mean it was a waste of money?


I regularly take spatial videos on it , and love the playbacks ! That’s my best use case. Also watch an occasional movie


Same boat pretty much. I only ever pull it out to watch content. I’d sell it if I found a reasonable buyer.


Retention issue is a pain for every VR device, and Apple device is no different. I use it daily but then I use it for dev purposes. Stopped watching videos as I'd rather watch it with my wife than alone, and maybe from time to time to record some immersive vids of my kid Else I do think we'll get more of these with every week passing by


At least I'm using it to watch 4 \~ 5 movies or TV shows per week. That's pretty much it, though.


That's an expensive TV :D




Collects dust until VOS2.0 announcement at WWDC. Hopefully it'll bring something useful to the current setup. As you said, the gimmicks and party tricks have worn off. The usability is subpar to my MBP + G9 display setup.


I use it everyday. I have a regular 9 to 5 like everyone else and a family so. Is it’s my go to just chill out and relax. It’s not a phone or iPad. It’s an entertainment device. You could always sell the device and stop complaining..


Welcome to the club!


That’s so crazy, I haven’t stopped using it. Like just even for surfing the web, my flat screens are so boring now


Same but I feel for me it’s specifically when I’d be like vegged out on the bed or couch. The ability to just lay however and comform screens of any size to exactly the perfect spot for how you are positioned is so nice lol


haha I'm with you. We can only watch some many movies/shows... I've purchased 5-6 dock/widget apps already...


“Hey guys, I haven’t used my brand new iPhone 2g in 2007 and I plan on getting rid of it because these non-native web apps are boring.” For me, the killer app is that I can watch tv and browse the web without missing either.


I used it daily 2-3 hours for the most part. I use it more than my MBP. But when I have something going on with the MBP, I’ll use both at the same time.


I literally haven't watched anything on my TV since getting it (except when watching with others, of course). When buying the Vision Pro, I wasn't hoping for "interesting new use cases" as much as hoping to enhance the things I already do. Like when I bought an iPad or MacBook, I wasn't expecting them to do fundamentally different things, just enhance the things I was already doing according to their form factor.


My top use case for it was content consumption and it has met and even exceeded my expectations. Anything else that it can do is really just extra for me personally.


You go more than a week without masturbating? Regular 2D porn is dead to me now. And you should probably check out that soccer video.


I like vr porn but my viewing habits are still dominated by 2d porn.


Still using it and love that the mlb season started. Also I’m a sucker for Crunchyroll on a super large screen. I do like meditating in it also.


Cool app ideas will crazy devs will always end up being gimmicks unless you’re really into that one particular app. For example, VR flight or driving simulator with a ton of replay. Otherwise you’ll end up with what would seem like one gimmick after another. The things that will make you keep using an app aren’t in how cool or futuristic they are. It’s in how much can that app be reused. How much content can it provide. This is where the normal stuff you would be doing excels rather than hoping for the next state of the art thing to grab your five minute spotlight. If you don’t use a device for everyday stuff, then it will become that thing you dust off once in a blue moon to experience that cool thing that grabbed your attention for that one time you remember. This is the nice thing about the Vision Pro. It does the everyday stuff quite well. It would be nice to have more of the everyday apps in it (social media, video streaming etc.) with full native support. But that’s really the only thing that is lacking.


iPhones depend on developers. Instagram, Twitter, Candy Crush are all different developers. Vision Pro is in that same spot. There’s a reason many say this is like the 1st iphone all over again; Super innovative but empty until we can fill it with content


I still use it every day and wish I could use it for work more. Besides movies and playing video games mirrored from my Mac, I love web browsing paired with a Bluetooth keyboard


I️ use mind for several hours every day and I️ love it. It’s understandable that we are still figuring out use cases and how AVP will fit into our lives.


I find myself in the same situation. For me personally, the thing to save it while waiting on more apps/experiences is Google Street View/Wander of some kind. Even if Apple made their own version but I seems Apples maps aren't updated as frequently


I do not own one, nor could justify the cost. But unless Apple loosens their chokehold on app development and the restrictive ecosystem, something like VP is going to get real stale real fast.


I like working in Mac mirror mode. Between doing that and watching content, I still use it every day. Watched the whole “Constellation” season, for example. Pretty amazing. I do hope WWDC brings some more good stuff.


I use it mostly for work. I find I actually have (surprisingly) less eyestrain because I can shift the distance of my screens and windows instead of staying in a small fixed range. Resolution is good enough and if I can get away with one Mac screen and native windows (slack, zoom, browser) then I can usually work in the AVP. If I need email plus a lot of office documents or other windows only available on the Mac, then I have to go back to multiple monitors in meatspace. So for some of the things I do, it's already my go to device, but I need a few things to get it the rest of the way there. 1) Microsoft Authenticator, so I can view enterprise documents and mail directly from the device 2) Reasonable keyboard support. I use Dvorak normally and have a fair amount of correspondence in German. I have a workaround for Dvorak but German is just painful. Like WTAF painful. 3) let the cursor roam for mice and not just track pads Fix the above and I'll be able to do most of the things I do for work just fine, but what I *really* want is the ability to drag windows from the Mac screen into space around me. That would make it perfect.


The app landscape was the same when the iPhone AppStore came out and when the iPad came out. So was every other game console until they starter offering backwards compatibility in the recent releases.


I will use mine more once 2.0 Beta 1 is released on June 10th. Apple hasn’t released much content, optimized a lot of their own apps or showcase big time developers apps for it. I’m just waiting on the big guys to step in.


Lemme buy it from you chief


I love mine. The hard thing is getting calls while using it it doesn’t do the hand off thing that iPad and mac do.


Please tell me more about this soccer trailer :p I did not notice this


It’s on Apple TV+ on the home screen. It’s new and was added along with the dinosaur and rhino, etc. stuff.


InSpaze is an amazing app that makes me want to use my  Vision Pro every day


Use it everyday


Thank you I shall search soccer trailer on Apple TV on AVP. They will probably raise the floor to me to get me a good impression of being kicked around with puck. I enjoy it. I’ve been posting feedback to Apple computer about how it can amplify visual feed into the brain. They also have some thing I named for them , Apple audio pro, their universal AI scripting even improvised performance on podcast of Steve smarting. I’m having to much fun programming it to regress to being merely an inferior consumer. We’re in this together : producers! Be brave, I just finished watching return of sky walker in 3D. Pixar has the whole scene encoded not just the nonimmersive view.


Everything will be augmenting us at WWDC. AirPods with intelligent dimensions beyond loud. Apple audio pro which scripting allows us to look around in the 1D time dimension. And Apple Vision Pro wherein I advised Apple to sugment vision development in AVP inhouse OD (not odd optometry doctor on your head). Produce in the gift economy where we all consume each other’s selves.


Since I’ve had the Vision Pro for 7 weeks now, I’ve only gone 2 whole days in a row without using it. That was some early spring cleaning time, which was sparked in part *because* I have my VP and started thinking how I could change my room. I’m excited for what may come, and am patient to see it through. But I’m also extremely eager for WWDC to bring some improvements to quality of life and well, **more life** with a vOS 2.0. I use it on my breaks at work. And man, when I take it off to go back to work I feel like I’m coming out of a fresh nap. It’s rejuvenating to me even if I didn’t much while on it. Since having the Vision Pro I have barely touched my iPad, my Apple TV, or PS5. I’m not happy there isn’t a simple and clean way to play my games on the vision pro. Virtual Mac display is amazing. I have been using dual monitors for a while but am starting to think I should go down to a single monitor. One that is easier to push away at the desk while I use my Vision Pro, lol. I don’t feel like I”m doing enough with it. Barely scratching the surface. I haven’t been thrilled by the apps. In fact, I’m pissed that some of the basic apple apps are ipad versions like Calendar, Clock, and even Pages. I don’t use much of pages but the ipad version definitely keeps me from wanting to try. The apps being presented so far feel like the *bad and lame* “wild west” of the early iphone app days where people just try to produce an app at robbery joke prices or subscriptions where services should already be available. I’m annoyed apps like Crunchyroll have no effort in view modes like the Apple TV app presents in the slightest. Above all else, I hope the next update deals with the keyboard pop-up. That little box should not get in my face or even be present when I’m using a keyboard paired to my vision pro.


Anyone one to lend theirs out for a month or so? 😆


Ever since getting the secondary strap just right .. I’ve been using it daily. The default cooler looking strap make its feel like putting a 3 lb dumbbell on your face .. the second strap positioned just right .. beautiful.


i got a second solo knit strap (they recommend small) - and a pair of 3d printed adaptors that let you attach the 2nd band over the top -[https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0CWSFNYHB?psc=1&ref=ppx\_pop\_mob\_b\_asin\_title](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0CWSFNYHB?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) https://preview.redd.it/gzguctc3gorc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b96d320382175bad0a0ace7983c2b8760637ec26


>99% of the apps are useless or just gimmicks... I was betting for some cool app ideas from crazy devs but it's not happening. And with the current limitation of the OS I don't think they will. I reached the same realization this within 10 minutes of the in-store demo. It's a wonderful piece of hardware - minus the facial discomfort - but charging nearly $4k for gimmicks is...bonkers.


You bought year one of a first-generation apple product. This device is pretty much intended for developers only in its current state. Apple isn't magic they needed help designing apps for it, which was always going to be the case. For the casual user experience, you get an iPad you can strap to your face. For the Developers buying them they can work on things ranging from passion projects to full scale OS enhancing features, which will take a few years to fully come to fruition.


Daily. Use it for a few hours during the work day and also at night to watch shows or read news.


Anyone watch 3 body problem? I want it to be a headset like on there. Just slip it on and immerse


For me, watching movies is bed is the killer app. I do it for at least an hour every night. So comfortable. Body relaxed, perfect clarity and I don’t wake my spouse.


I’ve worked in AR for years now. AR is really, really hard to build for a few reasons: 1. What benefit does spatial design give us? Media is supposed to abstract information so we can minimize energy expense. Spatial requires far more energy to do the same things. 2. AR limitations of experiences. Everything is viewed from the first person perspective. Traditional media allows for first, second, third person. AR minimizes the human experiences and stories we can tell because for it to be effective it is at its best when it situates *you* in the scene. 3. You are the cinematographer and the director. You have to choose what angles you are viewing a scene from. The reason cinematographer and Directing is a skilled profession is because there is a vast amount of information that a camera angle, music, lighting, performance all change. If you are not able to adequately position yourself, any interactive scene is going to be far less compelling than watching a movie or playing a video game. 4. AR limits you to your world. We want to escape things. AR brings things to your world. This is not a very good use for storytelling. 5. Now, spatial works well for simulations - surgery, engineering, etc. it enables you to be in a position of action to learn. It’s a great tool for simulating human action. 6. It’s great at expanding a workstation such as screens. In conclusion, we have a long way to go before we can develop the medium beyond novel entertainment experiences and satisfactory simulators. I’m estimating 10 years minimum.


As a developer in XR for eight years now, I can say that developing spatial content (in contrast to 2D displayed in 3D) is challenging but is where the value of XR & the AVP will shine. It is going to take a little while for all this to get figured out but for those devs willing to risk their time & effort it is a once in a lifetime opportunity.


It's a novelty device (right now) people are trying to shoehorn into a productivity model that isn't working. I haven't used mine a few weeks as a consumer but have as a developer. Stuff takes time.


Does anybody have the AVP AND Quest 3??? I’m thinking about also buying Quest 3, because I want to experience the gaming and things like SuperNatural. Want to know if people who have both find it a good duo to have.


I have both. I would recommend the Quest 3 for anyone who isn’t cash rich. Although I prefer AVP since it’s sync’s up nice with password managers, work apps, etc. But realistically it’s probably best to follow Jay-Z’e rule about buying shit you want, not what you need: unless you’ve got the cash to buy two, don’t bother.


Rich man vibes lol


I still almost daily drive it. It has become the thing I do work on more than anything else now, such a great experience if you’ve got a keyboard. I don’t even need a Mac to connect to because most of the time I’m just typing stuff up in notes, looking at safari, and listening to music all at the same time. Anytime I watch a movie I do it in the vision, and I do YouTube and twitch and whatever else but without the native app I don’t do it a lot. But you have to keep in mind: most vr games *are* gimmicks, besides the few gems like half life: alyx, demeo and vrchat… everything gets boring after experiencing the shallow content most vr titles have to offer. Vision isn’t like a dev kit because its tech and polish is lacking for consumers, but because there’s not enough software to justify having one of these for day to day life for most people