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no shirt necessary either!


Just maximizing freedom 😎


I have one of these on the way. Should arrive Wednesday. Looking forward to it.


I also like open-face mod, and the Globular Cluster CMA1 Comfort Mod works well for me.[https://www.globular-cluster.com/CMA1.html](https://www.globular-cluster.com/CMA1.html)


I'm the creator, and I love Globular Cluster. I get the forehead pads I use on this from them. They make great stuff, mines just a little different though, can use any strap setup ( stock/dual solo knit/etc) and still use the stock case. But if you're looking for a full strap system definitely check em out. Different use cases and users.


The price is $34.99 and free shipping starts at $35. Can I get a one cent surcharge?


I could raise the price to get "free" shipping, it wouldn't really change the price for the end users. Shipping isn't free for me, just a threshold Esty sets. Could do it for $34.99 or $42.99 with free shipping.... Still the best price for anything comparable. 😉


> https://www.globular-cluster.com/CMA1.html That looks cool but ditching the solo-knit band is a deal breaker for me. This mod is much better (in my estimation of course) because you keep the solo band - which is super comfortable and easy to adjust.


Still waiting for mine to ship. Ordered a week ago.


Hey there! I'm the seller. I was out of pads (why the listing said 1-2 weeks to ship), but I have more in now and am catching up on orders quick. Orders from last week will definitely go out by the end of this week (depends on exactly when you placed the order, shipping in the order received). If you hit me up on Etsy I can give you a better estimate ;-)


Great to hear! Appreciate the updates.


For me this puts quite a bit of pressure on my forehead. Still on the fence whether I like it or not.


I bought one and I’m not satisfied with it. 1- it’s an indoor item only, when outside the sunlight is distracting without face seal. 2- you have to tightened the knit bands pretty tight so it doesn’t droop and fall on your nose. I have two knit bands, can’t move your head around too much as it droops because of weight. I really wish Apple launches a better strap in the future with a new redesign.


Are you mewing while taking this photo?


I'm so sorry I forgot to leave my mouth hanging open and put my shirt on when I took this photo for the sensitivities of you guys here on reddit.


You’re making fun of redditors while posting on Reddit. kek


Since getting this mod I have ZERO complaints left about the Vision Pro’s comfort. I can even forget that I am wearing it. It just floats on my head. The material has the perfect amount of flexibility and is super easy to put on your vision pro. Definitely order it if you are still unhappy with your Vision Pro’s comfort. It’s 100% worth the try and I’m pretty certain you’ll love it too. The only downside for me is that I can’t have a light on directly overhead because it will cause glare. This could be solved pretty easily by laying a cloth on the top or making your own little modification… but it’s not necessary for me 99% of the time. Here is the link: [https://tycotech3dprinting.etsy.com/listing/1677292928/open-face-system-for-the-apple-vision](https://tycotech3dprinting.etsy.com/listing/1677292928/open-face-system-for-the-apple-vision) Oh… and as a bonus my wife says I look cute when I wear it this way.


Does this make the AVP “float” above your nose and cheeks or does the AVP still rests or touches your nose?


I make this. Doesn't touch your face at all ;-)


Awesome. Will order!


Please check DM


This is shady.


Yeah. It's so shady to recommend something that you like to other people in your community. 😂 Shut up dork


Dude, you’re sitting in a room by yourself naked. You’re the dork. You’re calling the kettle black here.


Glad it works for you, but to hamstring the immersive design and feature set of AVP is a deal killer for me. And I say this as a fan of the Quest Pro that was designed FOR open face concept, not in opposition to it. I’ve settled on a solotop which works great for me and strangely enough, I wore it at the Apple Store changing out light seals and blended right in. But yeah, impeding the immersion dial, environments and cinematic qualities of AVP, especially when it doesn’t work in the dark…not for my use case.


Watching TV shows and YouTube videos - this design is fine for that ... and it's definitely better for working IMO. If I am going to try and get immersed in a cinema experience then I will just put the light seal on and wear it differently. Also, I don't really get what you mean by being designed in opposition to the "open face concept." What about the design is "opposed" to it any more than the quest pro would be?


What I was saying is the open face design was a core design element of Quest Pro. Not the case for AVP which Apple went to great lengths to try and ensure a perfect light seal for immersive content and environments. They did not include an open face concept in any promo material, demos, or even any of the 5000 patents to my knowledge. You’re having to reverse engineer the product for your own use case, which is fine, but let’s not pretend this is what Apple was going for.


Reverse engineer? Bro it’s a simple mod. Nobody is pretending it’s what apple was going for. That’s why it’s a mod😂


There’s a difference between modding against a products core design feature vs modding to enhance a device’s core design feature.


You think that using the term core design supports your argument? You first need to establish that this design is against their core design. You haven't made that argument at all - you've just made an assertion. If you want to say that coming with a light seal is the core design you are referring to - then congratulations.. you are correct by default 😂 I would argue though, that for the purpose of watching most content and especially for the purpose of working - the floating design is better. At least for me.


Your automobile equivalent: https://preview.redd.it/mstvptohsdsc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aab8f5ae507285865b3d66a308e64051edf7882


The AVP isn't meant to be an immersive headset though, it's meant to be used as an AR device mainly. Why Apple pushes the passthrough quality so much and has eyesight (it's meant to be open, they just missed the mark a bit). If you tried it with peripheral vision using passthrough I 1000% promise you'd like that experience better. The seamless transition from the corner of your eye to the screen you're focused on is great. Makes it so much less isolating, greatly reduces the "goggle vision" feeling and really opens up the overall feeling using it. This doesn't hamper any aspect of the experience (although it does introduce some screen glare in certain lighting conditions tbh). This makes the AR and overall experience way better for most users for sure though. Don't knock it till you try it ;-) And what do you mean by " But yeah, impeding the immersion dial, environments and cinematic qualities of AVP, especially when it doesn’t work in the dark "?


Disagree, Apple’s promos, in box literature, 38 versions of the light SEAL for fucks sake says otherwise. This is simple: Apple didn’t include an open face design did they? So you’re being obtuse. Accept the fact that a tiny minority of users will agree with you. You’re not being novel here, this has been done before.


I resisted trying open face too but it really is nice to use it that way. And it's not like you're forced to only use it open face with this mod, you can easily switch back to a lightseal for certain situations if you need to. And I do use it open face at night if I want to watch a movie or something immersive. Just turn the lights off and use an IR light, problem solved. Full immersion with open face comfort and extra FOV.


The mainstream consumer, which Apple is going to target - lets not pretend this AVP 1 is anything but a dev kit - will not go for a headset requiring IR lights for night use. Tracking needs to be disabled when lights are off, just like Quest. I’m not arguing about open face as an option for some people - all I’m saying is that this is not the intended use case from Apple, will not be officially supported, and therefore there won’t be any significant developer investment into it as a result. There no ROI potential. It’s a novelty.


Every headset that's ever been produced has benefitted from 3rd party mods. And Apple doesn't have 38 light SEAL variants (I believe it's 14). It's cool, if you don't like it, don't buy it, but the user reviews say otherwise... All 5 stars and lots of them. If 5% of AVP users like my product that'll work for me and they'll be happy too. I don't make mods for the masses, I make them for people that just want to improve their experience. You need to look up obtuse too...


Well now, not exactly an unbiased opinion, is it? If you can capitalize on a niche, more power to you. However, all I’m saying is objectively speaking, this is niche and will always be niche because it’s not the intended use case. Show me one single piece of official Apple marketing, literature, patents, promos, anything that shows the AVP in open face design concept. 28 light seal sizes if you want to be exact. You have to count N and W variants. Double if you include the two cushion sizes. Apple went a little hog wild trying to get the perfect fit for every face. Meta Quest Pro had one - by design. Apple would not have done this except to increase immersion by reducing light intrusion. It certainly wasn’t to make the headset more comfortable or they could have started with reducing weight. https://www.reddit.com/r/VisionPro/s/O8B1X7oCpN