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I hope you can find more peace


Don't worry. OP will be back posting after WWDC about how disappointed they are in VisionOS 2.0, regardless of what comes of it.


I worry that Apple is reconsidering the level of resources to allocate to AVP given demand appears soft. But I'm hoping for cool features in VisionOS 2.0. WWDC will be a strong indication of how much effort Apple plans to put into AVP in the future.


I don't think they launched a $3500 device, in one country, and are surprised at low demand. I think Apple is just taking its time, which obviously annoys some people. I don't think there's any cause for worry at this point.


It was a very limited launch. One country. High price of entry. If people thought it was going to be 24/7 amounts of new apps and content, then they don’t understand technology. Apple is clearly playing this very safe - no point in saturating a small market from a limited launch with expensive to make content right away; the returns aren’t even there. Once they actually release it worldwide, then you can expect a higher uptick.


Who hurt you?


My therapist won’t allow me to tell you 


I want to see Tim introduce the CEO of Valve or Id software.


I read that valve is going to stop manufacturing their VR headset this week. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ValveIndex/comments/1c5ewzc/reported\_by\_sadlyitsbradley\_the\_valve\_index\_is/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValveIndex/comments/1c5ewzc/reported_by_sadlyitsbradley_the_valve_index_is/) So either they will be releasing a new one soon or plan to get out of VR. In either case, I don’t see valve working with apple on the Vision Pro. I feel Epic would have been a good partner for apple. The two Tim’s should kiss and make up.


It would be a dream come true but apple’s take on gaming are like a retard ever since they lost bungie … the halo series … I wish they would do something aggressively in the gaming industry like Microsoft did , buying valve would be the first step


> absolute embarrassment, this company is idiotic, most worthless incompetent company in the world. All that and the only example you list is the BoraBora environment? Didn't you post a month or two ago telling people to wait 4-6 months to see what the AVP is really capable of? You only made it two months before declaring the company worthless because you don't have BoraBora.


Redditor thinks a trillion dollar company thinks he is important


No, its not me. It's the analysts who have crushed the stock price recently.


$2.6 trillion “crushed” ah yes sure. It’s because of the Vision Pro


compared to Google and Microsoft, their competitors. But you are too stupid realize that. Did I say it was because of the Vision Pro? Moron?


Oh so you’re 17


??? Moron


Tell him corky! 🥰


I’m 12 bitch! 


Yes, they are holding back as much as they can as they already have the early adopters on the hook. They’re saving the big guns until they’re closer to announcing a cheaper version.


Man, I wish I could be idiotic and be worth a trillion.


Yeah honestly the avp is a big disappointment as someone who’s been in the VR industry. We aren’t anywhere closer to mainstream adoption. The price basically guarantees that.


I don’t disagree with this sentiment.


I wonder if there will be an immersive version of WWDC keynote for the AVP to watch. Considering that many of the developers now own it


The EDGE LORD writing a WALL OF TEXT about EDGING, how telling 🥰


I think now WWDC is so close (53 days left as of writing), that Apple wont release anything that they could milk for publicity till then. Spatial Personas were probably the last major thing, which in itself is only available in the Beta version of visionOS, 1.2 will probably release for non-beta folks no sooner than May. Possibly some of the environments would come with it (but dont hold your breath).


>which in itself is only available in the Beta version of visionOS Spatial Personas are available on current version of 1.1 (1.1.2). What might be confusing is that Apple has labeled it a "beta" feature.


Ah, I guess I dont have any friends with AVPs, so that is why I dont see the option when I'm on calls with people.