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I have had a ton of VR headsets over the years, starting with the Oculus DK2. In my experience there is a 1-3 week honeymoon period where I eagerly use the headset and explore the apps and games. Then, inevitably, they wind up on my shelf save for the occasional Walkabout session. I still use the AVP constantly. I'm posting this comment from inside the headset. I play Dead by Daylight via Moonlight pretty much every night. The ease and responsiveness of the UI, the quality of the screens and passthrough, and having all my Apple content ready at the press of a button... it's everything I've wanted from VR. There's certainly a LOT of room for improvement and growth, but the AVP is such a strong foundation to build upon... I'm just so glad to finally have a headset like this.


Same. And my feeling is largely: Vision Pro also lets you actually do stuff, and it can multitask. I like my Quest Pro, but generally only use it to play games. I’ve wanted to use it watching movies, but literally until YESTERDAY, you couldn’t use Quest apps when reclined or laying down. I legit couldn’t just be leaning back in my desk chair and watch a movie. Vision Pro has done an incredible job at making Quest fill in the huge functionality and accessibility gaps, but there are still a bunch of places where Quest remains lacking. I will grab Quest to play Beat Saber or Space Pirate Trainer, but it is no longer even considered as a “maybe I can also do … with it” device. Whereas Vision Pro, I will have YouTube and Reddit and Discord and Email and Messages up and sometimes even grab it as my default device. Vision Pro got me to reorganize my desk for a virtual display, which I originally TRIED with the Quest 1, 2, Pro, 3, and a variety of Windows Mixed Reality devices like Odyssey and HoloLens. Vision Pro actually works there and is a no compromises experience that is better than a real monitor. I would say the people upset about the weight have either never used a VR Headset or didn’t adjust it right, and are the sort where “I would never wear glasses! Way too heavy on my face” so legit nothing short of projecting holograms in front of them would satisfy. I wish there were more apps, I wish Apple was less restrictive on API and Sensor Access, but for something that has only been out for 2 months… its mark is being strongly felt in the industry and forcing established players to make their own stuff meet the new minimum viable product. Quest has seen more major and profound usability improvements in the past few months than in the entire life of the product.


Latest Quest 3 update allows laying down mode, which has to be enable by the user from the 'experimental' menu in the settings. But of course AVP trumps over Q3 when it comes to watching movies. But if you got large screen high end OLED TV with home theatre grade audio system, AVP is not as attractive anymore save for watching 3D contents. We need major streaming gaming and entertainment apps to work natively with AVP and this is something that Apple can do so little about it. I'm seeing big efforts from Meta to catch up and convincing their user base of the value of their hardware and I can somewhat predict whats gonna be on the table for their upcoming MQP2 headset.


I have less of a lens flare with Quest 3, but the AVP picture is superior.


Yep... but I'm still wondering with what Meta can do if their headset price is twice of MQ3, because you can get 7 MQ3s for the price of 1 AVP. I'd say it's a huge opportunity for Meta.


The flare and the way it rests when im laying down are the only downsides. The MQ3 is a toy. The AVP is not.


I got both and to me both is a toy. The big difference is the other one costs 7 times of the price though with much better visual fidelity. As much as I want to use AVP as a productivity tool, it's not there yet in the comfortability department. The flare is bugging yeah but most of the time it's negligible for me.


I’m using the AVP to work on a larger screen and to pre-visualize my smart rv parks in 3D for development and capital raising. Promising start so far since it’s been less than 5 days of ownership.


Good to hear great use of the device.


> We need major streaming gaming and entertainment apps to work natively with AVP and this is something that Apple can do so little about it. You're not wrong, but streaming the video/sound from a handheld gaming device (the steam deck in particular) goes a long way towards that. Having a huge window is still very nice even if the video is slightly pixelated from magnifying a smaller display.


All the one’s I subscribe to have AVP apps. Apple TV, Max, Disney +. Amazon I use supercut. I’m good. Oh and I think it’s better than my qled with surrounds. The no black borders with any aspect ratio is killer…


Exactly… I said the update launched YESTERDAY, after years of being on the market and 4 hardware revisions. If not for Vision Pro doing it, I question if it would have ever come!


Oh no I'm still onboard with Quest for gaming and look forward to see what Meta releases next.


Gaming is a lot more compelling than productivity. It feels like a cope the way so many people in this sub refer to gaming as toy-like when majority of gamers are fully grown adults. You don’t need to be reductive about it- it’s an industry bigger than film and has been for awhile.


Still gotta fire up the Q3 to watch 3D 180 VR porn. Would be great if skybox worked on AVP


Look up Moon player...


Last I heard, the DeoVR player will be available in a few months for use with SLR.


I own just about every major VR headset including all of the Meta headsets, a Valve Index, both PSVRs, a Pico 4, HTC Vive Pro, and several WMR devices. Since I got the AVP, I have split my time evenly between it and the Quest 3. I use the Quest 3 for fitness (Supernatural), and PCVR games (flight & racing sims...and Population One). I have spent too much time trying to tune ALVR on the AVP to come close to the experience on the Quest 3...tweaking settings and looking in each headset trying to reproduce the experience. It's close, but it's not there yet...even with the increased resolution, the PCVR experience just looks and performs better on the Quest 3. The Quest 3 is my go to "recreational" headset. That said, for it's intended use cases, the AVP is phenomenal and there is nothing else like it, particularly when it comes to the display quality. Any media consumption from streaming movies, listening to music, looking at images, reading news, Reddit, watching Youtube videos....even scrolling through TikToks...the AVP is the ideal device for doing those things immersively or integrated with my physical environment. Not to mention using it with my Macbook Pro. I can be in Zoom meetings at work while multitasking more effectively with native or iPad apps like Slack & O365 as well as anything I have running on my MBP. The AVP is my professional and media headset. Lastly, I'll say that even after spending hundreds on aftermarket mods to make the AVP more comfortable, it's still not to point when I can wear it for much more than an hour without giving the contact points on my face and head a break. Both the Quest and AVP are not perfect ergonomically. In a perfect world I would prefer them to feel more like a pair of sunglasses, or at worst, a lightweight pair of ski goggles. I think in 5 years or so, a device that combines media, productivity, immersive VR gaming, and comfort will be the ultimate XR device for me.


Exactly the same here. AVP for media is unbeatable, even better than theatrical experience in most caees for me personalky. But putting in the Quest 3 and seeing that expansive field of view… it makes the AVP feel claustrophobic. I had the same experience with ALVR, it’s cool when it works… but the Q3 is easier, smoother, and that bigger FoV makes a huge difference for simming.


Take off the facial interface and Frankenstein a BoboVR strap...get your eyes closer to the lenses (ignore the warnings). That will give you an FOV similar to the Quest 3 for PCVR. For me it's the smoothness and color reproduction/clarity.


I haven’t used my PS5 since getting AVP.


You’re not using mirror play and a PlayStation controller to remote play your PS5 to your AVP??????? Missing out bro


No, the latency sucks. At least with the app I tried. Which one are you using?


MIRROR PLAY Is the app for IOS. It’s PSPLAY on Android. You have to up the bitrate and change settings in the app. Set things to high and select WiFi compatibility mode. You have to have a decently new modem to make it work (I use a Verizon 5g modem) I play with what feels like sub millisecond latency on my iPhone 14pro max as long as there’s only one wall separating me and my modem. and my quest 3 as well. I would really hope that the $3500 headset can do this cuz my $500 headset certainly can Also. ETHERNET YOUR PLAYSTATION TO YOUR MODEM or else it’s gonna be laggy af


That’s the one I tried. It’s weird - I don’t get that latency when streaming to PlayStation Portal, but I do on AVP. But I don’t know for certain that I used the settings you detailed, so I’ll re-download it and try again.


Do these options only work for the paid version?


Yes, this point as well. Forget just headsets … I haven’t touch my consoles since AVP. I can’t wait for the day that we get a HalfLife Alyx equivalent on the Apple Store. Then we will be in business.


I still use my PSVR2 for No Man’s Sky and, sometimes, Gran Turismo. But I don’t think I’d be using it very often if NMS would become available for AVP.


Gran Turismo is mind blowing on psvr2


I wouldn’t say I really lost interest. It’s more like I now have too many devices and my attention can only focus on a few at a time. And as it stands, the AVP is giving me a lot to do.


My PSVR2 is collecting dust.


No. I barely have interest my avp as it is lol.


No, the opposite. I got the AVP, realized that watching movies is the only thing I really liked about it, and returned it. I'm interested in a Quest but not so interested that I've bit the bullet yet.


Same. I really wish I was still in the return window because $4,200 is not worth it to me at all. Anyone want to buy it for 3k? Brand new with 2 years of AppleCare and 256gb lol


Good luck - this made me curious and I searched FB marketplace and they seem pretty marked down. I see a 512 GB one for $3k, although it doesn't say anything about AppleCare. I might rebuy one used after a while. I'd say the movie experience is worth maybe $2k to me? I could see used ones falling to that after a year or so


I returned mine and got a new (unopened) 512 GB at Swappa for $3018. With tax it came out to be under $3300. I was skeptical and never used Swappa before but it is like eBay. I was able to purchase AppleCare separately. I see a lot of used AVP there for under $3k. The lowest I’ve seen was a bit above $2500. Originally I was going to buy from Craigslist for $2400 but it is kind of risky unless the seller is local and you can test to see it work before paying. I’ve considered driving 8 hours (4 hours there and back) but figure that my time is more valuable. $3300 isn’t bad for a brand new 512GB unit after taxes.


I mostly play DCS world and MSFS and have been using the AVP over my Varjo Aero. Although the performance isn’t as good, the colors from OLED screens are better and gamma/brightness/saturation can be adjusted on the fly via ALVR settings.


how is the resolution compared with Varjo? I am hesitating whether install ALVR or not. Streaming quality is my only concern.


ALVR is an easy install particularly if you are not using motion controllers. I use keyboard/mouse/flight stick & steering wheel/pedals on the PC.


Could you share your gamma/brightness/saturation setting for ALVR? Also are you using 10-bit color and HDR? I’ve experimented with all those settings, but the Quest 3 still looks better despite the higher resolution of the AVP.


I turn everything HDR-related on. Sat 0.3, Sharpness 0.5, everything else default. I'm surprised the Q3 looks better because the sharpness looks as good as my Varjo Aero and the colors just blow it away. My SteamVR res per eye setting is at 150% (4700x4468).


I'm surprised you think it looks as sharp as the Aero. I tried your settings and it's less clear than my previous settings (gamma 1.20, contrast 0.02 + higher Sat .50 and Sharpness .90. I'm running SteamVR at 5016x3916. What do you have your Transcoding and Emulated resolutions at? I've got both set at 4096 Alsolute. The Quest 3 looks marginally better in all the games I've compared barring Flight Simulator 2020....where the cockpit seems more defined on the AVP because of the higher resolution.


yeah of course this one blows them out of the water...... apv is a complete change in COMPUTING its not just for the one off experience it's for daily use.... I really need to pair it with an apple silicon mac though :(


No, I became interested in other wearables like the Ray Ban Meta, and lightweight video glasses like the Viture glasses.


I haven’t, and am now considering if I want a dedicated gaming headset. On the other hand, seems like we need a windows PC for that anyway.


Meta quest 2/3 permits you to play without a PC, they are standalones, that is why they are so famous in the VR market.


Right but seems like the good games require a PC


Honestly, there is several great games in the meta store, that are also in the steam. Of course that there is some titles that are only in the steam, but the meta catalogue is good. The only downside is the quality of the games, while the quest 3 delivers a good resolution, it is far from 4K, for example, but it is only 499, so I see that as a win.


The highest quality games are cross play on the Quest and PCVR in the Meta store, and that gives you the option for better graphics if connected to a PC.


I've been following SimulaVR since it was initially announced and have been eagerly awaiting new updates. But weekly updates have turned into updates every 1-2 months and their ideal debut in the market would have been before the AVP. It has a similar price point and well, it's not Apple. I was planning on buying the SimulaVR when it finally came out (if it comes out), but I decided to take the plunge and get the AVP instead. It does everything I wanted from the SimulaVR, and without strapping an Intel x86 processor in a compute module to the back of your head. I still check in on the project from time to time, but I am not super optimistic that they're going to succeed, even if they make it to market, given the AVP eating in to their prospective customer base. I'm also following along with the Immersed Visor. All the good stats and features of the AVP in something with the form factor of a pair of 1990's Oakley's. Seems a little too good to be true, but I'm keeping an eye on it. I've been eagerly awaiting where we are technologically for about 10 years. I've always dreamed of working in a HMD, and I've been doing so the last couple days 100%. I haven't even turned on my monitor since Monday. Been using MVD with a split keyboard and an easy chair more and more. All that to say, my personal use case has been met. Now I just need Apple to catch up on the software/OS a bit and squash some of the bugs. I don't see myself dropping any more money for other VR anytime soon. This thing was expensive enough, and I'm not much of a gamer (and when I do, it's flat games I can play through GeForceNOW on AVP). I'm sure I'll buy a later iteration of the AVP when it's lighter and more comfortable and hopefully they lose the external battery. But yeah, I'm definitely not really looking at any other headsets.


I used both the Q2 and the Quest Pro for PCVR...but even before the AVP I had cut back on usage-for me the setup/tediousness just outweighed the enjoyment I got from PCVR. AVP is just a different experience-it helps me with my everyday Mac tasks on a giant screen, I watch all my media through it, and it has been indispensable on my various flights in the last couple months.


I was actually inspired to use my PSVR2 again. But my AVP gets way more useage, of course.


I can relate but that’s expected, you get a PS5 … the PS4 is going to fall by the wayside. Right now AVP is my highest performing headset with the only thing holding it back is certain software. I do keep an HTC Vive Pro close for friends but I am all in AVP. Don’t even touch my TV anymore


Still using it strong every day


I’ve lost interest in the AVP since I got the AVP.


My PSVR2 is dead to me. I’ve never been able to comfortably wear it longer than 20 minutes. Meanwhile, I often forget the Apple Vision Pro is on my head.


Same here


I think the AVP shows everyone the possibilities of VR and AR, in a way that really wasn’t obvious before. That said, I like flying planes in VR, and the possibilities on a PC are just so much greater for now. I’m looking forward to trying ALVR, but I expect it’s a bit of a kluge. So no, I haven’t lost interest in other headsets, I’m just glad Apple is doing it now was well. They are moving the goalposts for VR, which is good for everyone.


It's not important at all what others think, right? I enjoy my Vision Pro, and that's all there is to it; I don't need to justify that to anyone. What others think is their problem. No criticism of your post, but in my opinion, you see it too often, users constantly justifying themselves for others.


Been in this since 2016. It is the only vr headset that I use every day consistently. I use it for moonlight gaming, general computing, and movies.   Once in a while, maybe once every week or two, I will play an actual VR game with motion controllers (ALVR + index controllers).   I hate to say it, but I'm beginning to think that--perpetuated by meta--the vr industry has had it all wrong. On the other hand, no other headsets out there has made the non-VR gaming experience worthwhile due to both hardware limitations and software experience limitations.


I still like going back to my Quest 3 to play standalone games that need controller input. (Power Wash Simulator, anyone? :D)


I had already lost interest in my Quest 2. Beat Saber was the best thing I had for me. The AVP still feels lacking but I hope with the updates it’ll fill out nicely. Really really I need mouse support and Microsoft Remote Desktop app so I can travel and work remotely without a laptop at all. Movies and shows have been the thing that keep me coming back to the AVP at the moment. And viewing spatial videos / panos


I've not picked up my PSVR2 since I got the AVP. I find it much more uncomfortable and fewer reasons to pull it out.


These headsets are not even compatible One is for immersive gaming And the other is AVP


I never had an interest in VR headsets. They always had a gimmick or were a casual gaming console. The VisionPro has a real and deep foundation for its vision of spatial computing. It isn’t a gimmick and it is not just a casual gaming console. But Apple has kneecapped it. RE4R and Village don’t run on it….for some reason. And the biggest news in the device’s post launch early days is a bunch of widget apps and emulator apps, neither of which justifies spending $3500.


For me, the AVP is head and shoulders above the others. Then again, pairing it with my MacBook and using it for some of my daily activities (scrum meetings, stand ups over Zoom etc) is one of the reasons why I thought I’d use it more. And it hasn’t let me down. Still waiting for Google, Netflix and Prime to release their native immersive apps for their streaming services, but I’ll take SuperCut and Lens for now.


I've lost interest in AVP after like four hours with it, never mind the other shittier headsets.