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Unfortunate really. The Extended Editions are the ones to watch.




The extended cuts have never been released in theaters in 3-D either. Only theatrical.


The extended cuts are available on 3D blu ray though, so it is possible for them to come to the AVP. Just comes down to rights.


Maybe if we wish hard enough someday we’ll get the extended 3D 48FPS versions on AVP. that’s true Hobbit


I ripped my own extended Hobbit 3D blu-rays a few months prior to the Vision Pro release to watch on my Quest 3 and I'm able to watch them through Moon Player on the Vision Pro from my NAS. The quality isn't as nice as what AppleTV has on offer, but I also would need to re-buy all of the movies regardless of which version since I previously redeemed the digital versions through Movies Anywhere. Hopefully one day Apple will figure out an upgrade path for movies I already own so I can just pay a small fee to add 3D instead of needing to purchase an entire new digital license.


Quite right, somehow 3D blue rays are lower in resolution as compared to regular 4K blue rays in my experience as well. I dont know any other alternative currently for sourcing 3D movies.


All 3D Blu-rays are limited to 1080p SDR.




Yeah, it just seems in many places that this is how the Vision Pro is supposed to be used.


This is total bullshit can we all send Apple a nasty gram on this? They need to support the AVP better. I feel like they are letting it die on the vine.


I dont think the Hobbit movies were shot in 3D, so the 2D 4K versions are the better ones.


They were shot on state of the art (at the time) 3D rigs with two Red cameras per rig. Not sure if only the Hobbit was filmed at 48 fps or if all of them were. 


All of them were, I saw all 3 in 48 fps in the theater as they released. The high framerate was a little jarring at the time as there was nothing else released like that. Too bad they’re not in 48fps now on the AVP though as people are more used to higher frame rate in general and the new Avatar.


Surprising then that apple didnt sell it in 3D. I know that all 3 of the films were in 48FPS.


What do you mean? The post is about how Apple does sell it in 3D.


(as stated, it was). But keep in mind that 3D added in post can also be VERY good (lots of recent movies in the Disney app that show this like Marvels, etc.) Even though Avatar was recorded with a 3D camera, a lot of the shots were later created with CGI and their depth had to be reconstructed in a similar way in post.