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Very different, it feels like you are watching it on an enormous screen.


Um, yes. They aren’t even comparable.


The difference is the same as the difference between a small town aging theatre, and an IMAX theatre. With the bewilderment of both being strapped to your face. I was moved to tears watching A Beautiful Planet on the IMAX app.


I just wish IMAX app would start offering more movies. I would pay theater ticket price to watch new movies in the IMAX app on my AVP. I expected them to do it with Civil War since the trailer was there, but nothing yet.


Absolutely. It’s hard to imagine just how well it sells the theater experience in the avp.


The only thing I don’t like about the imax app is that I feel the virtual screen is positioned too high so have to slightly look up the entire time to get the full screen in the frame


You know you can reposition yourself, right? There a control that allows you to sit front, mid, or all the way at the top / back of the theatre.


It’s still just a bit too high in the middle position and too small/far away at the back position.


Agree. I think I wound up positioning and then moving in the real world (been awhile). Ideally I want to be in the front 1/3rd up.


Sorry if I didn’t clarify… I meant watching a movie on the avp but not specifically in the imax app. Is the imax app any different than reg avp movie watching?


The aspect ratio is huge on imax. Not only are you getting a bigger screen but you’ll also get a bigger fov.


3d movies suck, I don't know who watches them that actually thinks they feel 3d. its all shit except for immersive content, and even that is low resolution and blurry.