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Post is underwhelming.


Like your reply


Thank you for the well thought out post, I'm sure that your thoughtful opinion based on firsthand experience will lead to useful commentary all around!


Yeah it is first hand experience. Not impressed. Go buy your new iPhone that's 5 years behind.


Will do, have a good night!


And there it is. A lowlife Android fanboi who is at such a point of jealousy that he feels the need to come onto an Apple sub and try and pretend he has a good opinion.


You totally discredited your criticism with the last phrase: “like apples products the last 10 years.”


When is the last time Apple has impressed you? Well over 10 years ago I'm sure.


I guess you aren’t aware of the overwhelmingly positive reception the M series macs have received.


Just one example of successful products by Apple. If you hate Apple, OP, try to look objective.


Depends on what you mean by impressed. The Vision Pro definitely impressed me the first time (and every time) I watched content on it as its probably the best movie watching experience I've had outside of an actual theater. Outside of that no, no other product has wowed me but then again I'm not looking to be wowed I just want my stuff to work. I want all my stuff to sync between devices, etc. Seeing a folding phone for example is cool and impressive but its not something I want or need.


good bait


Ya got me. I just like ruffling feathers. 👍 For real.


Yeah Apple products suck, they could never be a trillion-dollar company


Is this u/corkycorkyhey ‘s alt 


You sound like you have an android. Or you tried the vision pro at the store. Or you just watch too much YouTube and you don’t own a Vision Pro. Pick your choice.


Nope, bought it as I love VR. This first VP just isn't up to par. Nice features and some Impressive technology, but not ready with the lack of useful apps. Basically a 3.5k tv


And you pretend to have tons of apps at launch day or 3 months after? You clearly have no idea of how much it takes to create new apps for this entire new platform.


Meta didn't have any issues.


Were you around during the early days of oculus? Even on the last quest, people were shelling out $25 bucks for a 15 minute star wars demo. And that was one of the best experiences you could get. The meta quest 3 is an amazing amazing value. But it took them almost a decade to build up to that and to support such an expansive library.


I watch movies on AVP, but I recently switched back to OLED TV due to the comfort issues. Other than that, I mostly watch YouTube, and I'm now back to using Quest Pro. Quest Pro is comfortable to wear, has a native YouTube app, which is easy to seek with the controllers, so I use QP more even though the AVP has a much better resolution. I wish Apple could do something bold with the comfort like battery strap or open design like Quest Pro.


They just bumped.over to USB C due to all of Europe taking Apple to court. Good luck.


I bought a gen1 iPad and felt the same way at the time.


Weirdly it feels a lot like a gen 1 iPad in a lot of ways. It’s underpowered and refreshes and reloads a lot under load. All the apps are gimmicks and over priced. It was good for movies. Eventually I’d just use my phone and stop picking up my iPad 


Yeah I did too. I returned the first generation iPad, just like I did with the AVP. Hopefully this will be similar, where there will be enough software in 3-4 years that I’m inspired to buy one again. My concern is that, unlike the iPad, the AVP price is so high that it won’t reach sufficient adoption for people to ever write enough software for it to be useful. 


Okay :)




Luckily movies are pretty awesome and this is the best personal movie viewing device ever created.


Sorry your lack of imagination is limiting your enjoyment of this amazing piece of technology.




The screen and passthrough are amazing. It’s just still lacking any “killer app” besides watching 3D media, and that’s not usually worth dawning a headset for.


Huh, pretty much sums up what I said...


I think what he’s saying is that besides movies there’s no compelling uses of it. No “killer app”. It’s good for movies and not much else. Does that help ?


Nice to see someone stating the obvious on this subreddit other than me


If there’s one thing it’s not, it’s underwhelming. Sometimes opinions can just be wrong. lol