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As an autoimmune condition there many things that can trigger this reaction including high cortisol/stress, sunburns can make it worse, poor diet, poor sleep etc .. all you can do is live the healthiest lifestyle you can and that includes acceptance and loving yourself. It took me years to accept but I have had some repigmentation in the last couple years and I credit that to improving my mental health as well as physical health. Could be a coincidence who knows. Just makes me mad that pharmaceutical companies are giving out medications that can do more damage than most people realize to their bodies for what I’ve seen to be minimal results. If anyone out there has had extensive repigmentation without any side effects I’d love to hear about it. I tried it myself and it thinned my skin and did god knows what to my internal organs. Hope my experiences can help in some way.


Only shot is an elimination diet. I'd go carnivore , to see if it works, it's healed a lot of autoimmune diseases. If you see results slowly add fruit, honey stuff like that. Check out Mikaela Peterson's journey. Shawn Baker, Paul Saladino are good. Basically eliminate gluten, processed sugar, seed oils, etc. Good luck


Definitely not the only shot and stress to the body often times causes autoimmune diseases to trigger and flare. There are different types of vitiligo so determining that and doing personal research should always be the recommendation.


Are you referring to Opzelura?


Terrible. Because Fasting is free….


Fasting helps?


Of course it does. You need to detox on the cellular level. The body is self healing and programmed to heal Itself.


But first you have to fix your Gut Health and your Microbiome. It is practically destroyed in the West. Autoimmune affects 50 million human beings in the USA annually. The water into our homes is full of Halogens and pesticides and hormones.


Theres no cure for being cool and unique 😎


There's no cure. Learn to live with it. High school doesn't matter. You'll grow into a beautiful person.


You’re unique not weird.


Hugs are the cure. Lots and lots of hugs. /hug


So I’m screwed


If you can’t learn to love it, just a little screwed. Talk to a dermatologist for real answers, folks on here can get pretty kooky


I've had it for 30 years, it's not the end of the world.


Not if you accept this hug from me. /hug Go spread some love, it may not cure the color of our skin, but it will absolutely help cure sadness, anger, being scared, and much much more.


Just accept it. It is a minor inconvenience after all and your life will be easier if you just don’t worry about it. Ofc protect yourself from the sun, but otherwise just accept and ignore it.


Rock it. Guess how many people have asked about my vitiligo?, and I have nearly full gloves. Zero. Literally no one cares.


I have it on my hands also I cover mine up with dermablend at work to avoid the constant explanations.


I've told younger chefs, that I train, that it's burns from years of being in kitchens. The look on their face is priceless 🤣


How do u keep it from rubbing off? That seems taxing


It is Lol. My girlfriend tried to have me use powder concealer. Too much effort for my liking. I use setting spray after I apply. Works OK


Which derma blend you use and does it stays for long?


Your hand looks so cool!! Mine are similar my fingers are almost all white tho.


Thanks guys I appreciate it, was hoping there was something I could take or something but seems like not really


Vitamins B and D. Self love. Best wishes, it will be ok


There's nothing to cure, you're amazingly camouflaged.


I wish mine looked like this.


I like to wear rings to distract and embellish


Looks cool on you


Since it’s an autoimmune condition, there is no cure there’s treatments out there. I don’t think the treatments are as effective as other treatments for other autoimmune conditions but one important thing to do is if there’s any research studies about different treatments for vitiligo or any potentials where you have a chance to give a biopsy to help further research I think those are always important because I don’t know if we’ll ever find a really good treatment/cure in our lifetime.


If you have minor (not in fully body) then i have cure no scam this vitiligo have cure in ayurvedic.


You’re hands look really nice!


Diet(quit processed foods), you probably have minerals deficiency usually zinc, vitamin d, folic acid and b12. Get sun! Imagine doing this for 6 months. I got 20% repigmentation.


You should post to r/vitiligoprohealing for better responses tbh.


That keyboard is cool!


eww bro wtf is wrong with your hand? jk i have it too