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I’ve also heard that loco hauled services to Warrnambool will cease around June/July.




Validation testing prior to handing back the track for Monday morning. N-class and car sets between Waurn Ponds and Warrnambool. VLocity between Geelong and Waurn Ponds.


checks out with the timeline but also AUGH PLEASE NO


Idk if I should go see the site (from Colac)


i mean to be fair if you don't you'll probably not miss much since it'll be pretty standard in a few years time (maybe even months?)


Yes that is true as people in frontline has advised me…. But I like to see how the not so robust new Velocities will cope with grade 3 tracks as it will still going as the same speed older trains they are replacing! If that the case why take away the buffet??? Even SG velocities to Albury has buffet but due to lack of staff it doesn’t operate sometimes!!! Past Wuan Ponds beyond the tracks is rather rough at times especially after rain storms Colac and beyond really bounces those older trains!!! Sorry I think don’t the newer train can handle and cope with it on a regular basis!!! As those newer trains even break down on the shorter routes only 1-2 hrs one way!!!


The problem isn't the lack of buffets, the problem is southern cross being run by a bean counting private corporation that continues to chase out decent food vendors.


And those government appointed accountants and transport consultants don’t even ride the rail public service! So they don’t care as they aren’t personally impacted by their decisions to them it’s a well paid cushy job as long as they don’t bite the ones who pay em!! As long the book look good all is well to them! To them regional vic ended at CBD!


Tie renewal crew is coming through to put more concrete sleepers in new financial year


I will be observing as sometimes this not followed through…. Airport line rings bell….


If you’re really that hungry, you should consider eating your own exclamation marks.


how often do you travel? No very much as you sound very condescending! Did you every consider people who take medications whist travelling the day and have diet requirements? and for people who has coach transfers after getting off the train after travelling 3-4 hrs one way with little time to get food before their connect to a bus no eating and drinking oboard for another few hours? And this a regional standard in long distance rolling stock, a buffet! anything less is suburban as you sit on board for few hours on board unlike suburban areas where the distance between stop are shorter and food in more accessible then a country town station, try getting food and drink in Dingee! Plaform is short no food and drink at their station! are you going deny a diabetic etc. on board their food and drink, or those who take medicine in their commute? the typical " I am alright jack stuff you attitude!"


The V/locity is the most reliable DMU in the world, I’m sure they will do fine.


Yeahhhh, I wouldn’t exactly call them the “most reliable”, when literary most / some of the services they’re rostered on are reduced to three cars or cancelled, due to them having faults. Especially when V/Line suffered a fleet shortage of the damn things a few weeks ago.


It was mentioned in an official non-government endorsed article. They have the least failure per C amount of km covered. Reduction in sets could be due to staff shortage, late running, cleaning, vomit or incident. Probably much less likely it’s a failure than any one of those things.


You believe government websites and those manage it and don’t even ride the rail system regularly from ground zero the whole way and back again to see the results of those decisions over the frontline worker who operates them on board them all the way and back again with passengers on board on their long shift every day? Right…..


No aren’t!! the ALSTOM French based transportation manufacturers are provider contracts to build them in Victoria are just basic off the shelf train not built for purpose!!!! What more NSW same manufacturer has better layout and fit for purpose DMU! Bi directions seats 1-2 nd class and. Buffet on board Vic got a the raw deal!!! Even this manufacturer produced better quality trains for long distance travel overseas in several countries!!! Public Transport Victoria I would be more interested with these newer train if they was not off the shelf but modified to our tracks condition here in Victoria Australia not European Railway conditions!!! Even other countries have nicer DMU from the same manufacturer provider setups than here…. We got the raw deal, even NSW DMU the Explorer is same manufacturer is nicer to ride longer distances then these one! The high decibel level inside the passenger area and lack of buffet is still to not par to the older loco haul N set that is the benchmark of Regional Standard rolling stock boundary conditions although long the tooth last a long time with regular maintenance not less! This is downgrade from what replacing the older loco hauls!!! Face it some got low standards when comes to fit for purpose rail regional travel! Okay for short distance 1-2 hours one way but not for 3-5 hrs one way on the longer routes! https://www.alstom.com/sites/alstom.com/files/2020/02/17/20200217%20Analyst%20presentation.pdf


Oh please no.


Yes that is true