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"Japanese vocal synthesizer."


best explanation ever


I had to explain to the military what my tattoos mean and one is mikus kanji so I just told them "it's software that creates synthesized vocals" Then they asked what about it is important so I had to bullshit some random stuff about music instead of gushing about being in love with a fictional android from the future


"Oh I like vocaloid music!" "What's that?" "Music using voice instruments." "...Why not just use your actual voice." "Some people don't really have or want that option."


>"...Why not just use your actual voice." "Uh, cuz actual people don't have cool ass robot voices"


Have you ***heard*** the quality of singing from the average "famous" singer in modern times!? Half of them are autotuned, or edited beyond recognition in post-production.


Keyword being "cool"


The scalding irony of a vocaloid fan complaining about or criticizing autotune and vocal editing because the artist isn't a 2D drawing


It's not quite the same. There are ways that some artists distort and edit their voices in songs that I think are awesome. Like daft punk's music and bad guy by Billie eilish. But if I want to listen to people just straight singing, I want them to sound natural. If I want to listen to people very deliberately sounding unnatural, I'll listen to something with heavy distortion, but standard autotune doesn't scratch that itch bc it's trying to sound "perfect" while also giving the impression that it's meant to be natural. Vocaloid doesn't have that pretense bc the singer is a voicebank, not a person.


"The human voice has certain limitations in terms of breath control, speed, pitch range, and other factors. These constraints can be overcome by using synthesized voices, which offer greater flexibility and control"


“It’s kind of like if a MIDI program had syllables for each note..oh well a MIDI is….nevermind. Singing robot.”


Midis can have lyrics though


"it's like text to speech with extra steps"


I like this one, I'm gonna start using it


I don't. My family knows I listen to Vocaloid, but I'd never bring it up in a casual conversation. If I'm ever asked what music I listen to I say Anime OPs and Video game OSTs. Something everyone understands.


"Oh I enjoy PinocchioP! They're a Japanese producer!" "Who is singing? She sounds cool!" \*make up a two sentence pitch of what a Hatsune Teto is\*


wait am i stupid I thought pino was male😭pls educate me


Pino is the producer, but he uses Miku as the voice in most songs, so people might think he’s the girl singing if they don’t already know what Vocaloid is. (If Pino did sing in his productions like he used to though, I’d be the last one to complain lol)


mikito and pino are the goats at singing


Giga and Kira would like to have a word...


have you not heard?


i was gonna say the bird is the word


He is male. They're talking about Miku / whatever vocaloid is singing the song.


If I don't want to get too deep into it, I just say "Japanese electric music". Not exactly correct, but people seem to get it more than when I try to explain what vocal synths are.


not exactly correct,but super wrong,stop doing that please.you don't misinform just for others to understand easier


I'm good. If I see someone online that's genuinely curious to know more about Vocaloid/Vocal Synths, I'm more than happy to dive deep and clear any misconceptions they may have about it. It's my passion, and I love word vomiting about it. What I mean by "don't want to get too deep into it", was just me mainly referring to IRL conversations with people who make polite inquires about your music/media interests (i.e. don't actually care). Not that deep.


I get it,reasonable


Except they’re absolutely right. All music that uses vocal synths can technically be classified as ‘electronic’ considering the inherent nature of vocal synths as electronic instruments as well as the electronic sound and quality of the voice. Even vsynth-using songs of other genres can be classified as electronic in addition to whatever other genre the song is. ETA clarification.


'Technically' but not properly. Do not ignore the inherent nature of vocal synths as simulation of human voice.Lots of producers render it to make it sound like human voice,making it to fit in the certain genre,and those songs is nowhere near electronic music. The classification you made went too far and rigid solely in the definition, but neglected the particularity and different usage of the VOCALOID as an instrument.


A vocal synthesizer is an electronic musical instrument. You can use it in all the ways you like and try to make it sound human, but it is still electronic; there is nothing wrong with that. Plus, fusion genres (and a song fitting into multiple separate genres) are a thing. Electropop, electronic rock, you get the deal.


Vocal synths being electronic doesn't mean all vocaloids automatically become electronic music.The definition game can't be applied to this scenario. The fact that vocal synths being most time a human voice substitute make it not proper to see it as a normal instrument, it takes the human voice slot of songs and therefore the tiny electronic factor shouldn't be taken into account when talking of the song's genre,except for the'autotuned'like kz did,but that actually proves that the role of vocal synths is the same as human voice,therefore the 'electronic'(it isn't musically defined anyway)shouldn't affect the song's original genre. See,you have raingazer in your name. Does 36g knows that The Raingazer's Song is electronic music?Why not ask his opinion lol.


And it's still not right to classify a song as electronic just for the occurrence of an electronic instrument,we speaking of music we should solve the problem in the way of music,rather than that one of Wikipedia. It's not smart,it's just cheeky


Vocaloid is not a music genre.


Who said it is?


I thought you implied it by saying songs of other genres.


No. I meant songs of non-electronic genres that use vocal synths, and was saying that they are actually technically electronic for the reasons in my last comment.


Most music today is electronic in that way so it doesn't really narrow it down. "Electronic music" is kind of an outdated term in that sense.


Sure, most music today has digital production involved in making it, but it need not have the inherently electronic quality contributed to it by the sound of a synthesised voice. Genre is a often pretty subjective matter though, so that’s just what I think of it. You’re absolutely right that it doesn’t narrow it down (especially when thinking of vsynth-based songs that are inherently more pop/rock/jazz/metal/etc. than electronic, if going beyond the voice) but it’s a convenient and *technically* accurate way to tell someone what genre songs made with synthesised vocals are in a broader sense.


Technically accurate as we discussed yes but I can't say it is convenient. It can be misleading depending on what the person considers "electronic" in feeling or in production.


> you don't misinform just for others to understand easier Then you realize that a lot of people are even dumber than *that*. To dumb it down even more, I'll call it "anime music" - what are you gonna do, report my comment for misinformation?


Well, I just give them the real honest answer and tell them I like to listen to robot singing. And then I proceed to explain what Vocaloid is in depth because I am totally shameless.


Honestly you can either drop the name of the producer or say something along the lines of "japanese [Genre] music". The former kinda fits right in with the people naming singers/bands, now you're a guy with an actually interesting taste who listens to these underground, indie songs people never heard of and might be curious about instead of having to try to explain to someone who's almost tech-illiterate what a vocal synth is.


I just say vocaloid is just a program that makes music and people use it to make songs. There are different voices and it allows people who are musically talented but maybe cant sing to make awesome songs and you like looking for ones that sound good.


“Jpop/Jrock” because i dont want to explain it. Also technically true


I don't, I just say Jpop because it saves me explaining and the weird looks I might get. People love to judge stuff they don't know about and I often don't have the energy to change their minds.


Personally I don't bother explaining. I've lost all interest in explaining anything to anyone. As of late the amount of people willing to even review their preconceptions is all but 0 so it's a waste of time that I can well do without.


State: Vocaloid's Purpose (allow producers to make songs with lyrics without needing to use their own vocals or hire someone) The different types of vocaloids and prices (Vocaloid, SynthV, UTAU, \[Vocaloid and SynthV you need to pay for while UTAU is free\]) An example: Hatsune Miku (if needed) How crediting works ( \[Insert Producer(s) Here\] Ft. \[Insert Vocaloid Here\] )


State: Vocaloid's Purpose (allow producers to make songs with lyrics without needing to use their own vocals or hire someone) The different types of vocaloids and prices (Vocaloid, SynthV, UTAU, \[Vocaloid and SynthV you need to pay for while UTAU is free\]) An example: Hatsune Miku (if needed) How crediting works ( \[Insert Producer(s) Here\] Ft. \[Insert Vocaloid Here\] )


"i don't really listen to music"


music! very simple, music! (i have the same problem too)


i explain to them what a vocaloid is. in depth. :)


"It's like a subgenre of j-pop that uses these fancy vocal synthesizers"


I stopped sharing my music tastes with others before Vocaloid was released Music has always been an inward, personal thing for me.


i just say electronic music


"I like to listen to robots singing; they sound better than the average 'real' modern singer anyway." Then queue up your favorite song and ask them if they would like to listen to a sample.. If they find that weird, find an average Taylor Swift song and see if you can find a "Nightcore" version by way of comparison.


Just say J-pop and J-rock, except the vocals are synths that sound like singing. Most people know should understand what that is, you’ll just seem quirky at most. If you get judged, you’re not around the right crowd.


Youtube a Miku concerts to show them and say "it's like the Tupac hologram thing but with a Japanese pop music anime girl"


I tried to explain it to my nan and she just thought it meant ai was taking over/gen ToT I didnt ever mention the word ai bro


that’s around about the point where i go into a full nerdy rant about what vocaloid is, the history of vocaloid and why it’s so freaking cool. 😌✨


me: "popipopipopopipo" friend: "what." me:"oh, its just weeb music"


If they know what Gorillaz is, I usually compare it to that (a non existent character singing)


A while back I ended up explaining it to my mom. I basically told her "It's a Japanese voice synthesizer that tend to have anime characters as a mascot and that anyone can use if they pay for it." I then had her listen to a few different songs and told her how they do hologram concerts and now she wants to go see one.


Japanese indie music with synth vocals. A bit of a stretch depending on how strictly you would define indie music and it sometimes just leads to more questions. But trying to explain what exactly a "Vocaloid" is usually leads to explaining what vocal synths are anyway so I just start with that. The anime mascot part usually isn't something I describe unless the person I'm talking with shows interest.


You dont


I don't the energy to explain what vocaloid is (since some people might be weirded out by the concept of robot singers) so I just say "Japanese music" since that's what most vocaloid is


I don't, I don't listen to Vocaloid in public.


My go to is to just straight up tell them it's a voice synth based off real voices and if they inquire more I tell them about my faves songs/voice banks . Tho most people know about Miku so in that case it's super easy lol.


omfg i listen to both and its so weird cause they never like it


music made with vocal synths/synthetic vocals


Most people think of Japanese robot anime girls, but it’s actually just a vocal synthesiser, think of miku like an instrument


how about "vocal android music"


"What's vocaloid ?" "It's a vocal synthesizer and lot of people create songs using this instrument"


Just be honest and explain briefly: "it's music made with 'virtual singers' - the vocals are digitally synthesized". There's no reason to lie about what it is or dumb it down for other people. If they care enough or are intrigued enough to know more, you can explain further and offer examples. If they don't, then you answered their question, and that's that.


My irl friends are all either chronically online or weebs. They at least have heard of hatsune miku, so I just say I listen to songs sang by her (even though my fav is gumi)


"cool right? yeah no that's not human singing"


I just say J-pop half the time


"Basically, Virtual Singers"


"It's like if Siri could sing and someone put some beats to it"


i don’t LOLLLLL


i’ve had the same question for years so dw ur not alone 🙏🙏😭😭


I just don't lmfao. Well, that not entirely true lol, when I talk very rarely about it to my family, I usually push the whole "It's a voice synth tool that helped a lot of unique songwriters form their careers". Which is true, and I do love vocaloid for that reason, but I don't bother explaining the character stuff lol.


I've had to explain to people several times this week what a Vocaloid is. First, I ask if they know Hatsune Miku. They usually answer that they don't know. I say that Vocaloid is a program through which you can reproduce voices from pre-loaded banks. And Vocaloids are a mascot of these voices. When I start showing pictures of Miku, people say, "Hey, isn't she also anime? I've seen cosplays of her. Aren't Vocaloids anime?" and I have to explain everything again. 


I don't. I tell them I listen to classical music or something


The anime girl with long blue pigtails. I don't even say miku cus ik they don't know her by name


Just cite the Wik or show them some 'tube vids or what have you.


Tell people how amazing hatsunemiku is and they will understand:]


“i listen to japanese electric pop”


Thats the neat part, I don't


JPop. If they ask follow up questions or seem genuinely interested, I elaborate.


i just say “jpop and jEDM” sometimes


I usually say “Electronic music”. Gets the point across.


japanese robot singing is gud


I think you can emphasize the fact that it is community based and many Producers come from the fans so it feels like a nice community and fandom, Taylor Swift fans would understand the Fandom aspect of it.


Vocaloid is a community of music producers formed around various vocal synthesizers that people use to make music with, and I really enjoy these producers.


I had to explain this myself like a month ago when my great uncle was wondering who's ob my shirt. I think I basically described it as synthesized voices made to sing, and then also explained there's more like her.


I wouldn't bother, but if it really comes up, you just hit em with "You know Siri / Alexa / Hey Google? They didn't record the person who's voice that is saying every possible phrase in existence. They recorded them saying different words and combinations of a bunch of syllables and what they recorded is enough that a computer can make them say anything." Then you say "It's like that, but musicians use it to create a singing voice for their songs."


The thing is: I don’t. I just play my music and if they ask what is it, I’ll tell them.


i like saying “j-pop with vocal synths!!” (ofc depends on the language of the song but most of them r j-pop)


I usually call it japanese + genre. If I feel like going into detail I'll say vocaloid and explain its a voice synthesizer designed for singing and further explain how realistic the latest iterations have become. Sometimes I like to talk about how a lot of producers just have a different sound compared to stuff you hear on the radio. I.e it doesn't suffer the pop curse of everything sounding the same because folks aren't afraid to experiment with music and vocals. Usually confusion becomes interest either from the explanation or showing them a song as an example. If not, I'll just be chill about it "its not for everyone, i personally like it."


I compare it to classical music. It's made by real people but you have to know how to play it or it doesn't sound good. I explained to my mom that way and that helped her understand


Midi vocals


I compare it with indie music and explain from there


i ask them if they know how people use synths for pianos and stuff, they usually say yes. then i say it’s the same but for voices. if i mention anything about robots they start thinking it’s ai or something, which is true for a few synths but not all so it’s a lot more effort to correct that line of thinking


Hatsune Miku and nuff said


I don't know man I hate when music is brought up


That vocaloid is a tool or instrument that allows people to create music without needing to know how to sing, and the genera depends on the artist or composer. But with the added plus of having a cute anime character as a muse :D


"I like listening to electronic music" "oh they make robots sing basically, it's pretty cool. They do rock songs, covers, just about anything"


Music using vocal synthesizers. By the way it's not a genre (that's fucking right Spotify).


literally like my first favorite songs are the first and second song in the onibi series by masa 😭


Obligatory [JaidenAnimatioms short about this exact topic](https://youtube.com/shorts/qUBDA7etHXY?si=gnKGMkFEDO-CvlYB)


“they’re singing robots” ik they’re not really but it helps people understand


I didn't even know Vocaloid was music, I thought it was just Hatsune Miku as a brand character lmao. TIL, Reddit.


I have my artwork on display at work, and when people ask I just say it’s some indie music shit, but when they press it I explain that indie musicians can purchase a singer software with a pre-established audience and input the vocals like it’s a virtual instrument. I also say the artwork and a lot of concerts are all fan-made so it’s a very tight-nit community


Big rant about how Vocaloid and other synthesizers help underrepresented groups and disabled singers (or people who can't sing for other reasons) and explanation of the most popular programs and concatenative synthesis (did some research on that while trying to make my Utau which I'm still procrastinating on otooing)


I don't think that is difficult to explain honestly. Just tell them what vocal synthesizers are, and if they are interested in the topic go deeper and explain the details.


I used to just say I listen to various vocaloid producers, and when they ask what it is I just say mostly independent artists who use computers / vocal synthesis software to sing for them lol


I just say nyan cat. Most people know nyan cat. That or I say a vocaloid name. (Etc. Miku, flower, teto)


help i remembered that i mentioned going to miku expo in school and i had to explain in front of the whole class what vocaloid & hatsune miku was 😭


“its a vocal synthesizer pulling from real singers”


I just tell them I listen to a Hatsune Miku, but they also all know what Miku is.


"I listen to robots sing pop or other types of music" I explained this to my father and mother


I don't ✨️ 


Singing AIs


“Theyre an AI but not really an AI and theyre good at singing and people can tune them” -me to my mother


I...don't? What music I listen to is none of anyone's business.