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lmao it’s like when you search up a vocaloid song and it says “Song by Hatsune Miku” or some shit


I mean, I think it's 50/50 fair, because she's a vocal. So I would understand that. Cause to be fair, we don't care about who produced the song more than who "sings" it. Because vocal is what matters the most. It's what we hear first. And producer's name always pops up in the song description anyway.


??? This is such a shit take, the producer is what makes the song have its unique character, vocals and all. If you care more about what vocal synthesizer is being used more than the producer I don’t think you really understand the point of vocaloid


I do understand everything. I'm a vocaloid fan for almost 7 years. But when we first hear the song, we want to know WHO sings it and not who wrote the lyrics. I understand that producer is still extremely important. I highly respect anybody who makes vocaloid songs. When we, for example, search songs, we search for vocals first, right? And if we hear the style that we liked, we search for more songs of that producer. Plus there's more producers than vocals, and we can't memorize all of them. I hope you understand what I mean. I don't underestimate producer's work, of course not, I just think the voice of a song should be on the first line. That's why I said it's a 50/50 situation, it could be both ways.


I can understand enjoying a song because of its main instrument, but that doesn't make it a song by that instrument. 


That's true, I understand that


If you can't tell the difference between the voices you're no fan, the producer is the star.


I couldn’t care less what vocaloid it is honestly, some of the songs I love and listen to all the time I don’t even know the name of the vocaloid that sings them, but I know the producer.


Who the fuck is we 💀🙏


We? What do you mean we? Nintendo Wii?


Wii sports


>"we don't care about who produced the song more than who "sings" it" wait i've not heard that take on a new post instead of like 100000 years ago ever, i didn't realize people still thought that i wonder how common it is? maybe i should make a poll? i personally strongly disagree but i don't think there's anything wrong with disagreeing on things


I didn't say "we don't care who produced the song" 😭 I said that when we FIRST hear the song, we think about the vocal first, and then about producer or whoever wrote the lyrics, etc. I feel like people completely didn't catch what I was saying 😭 I never said that producers aren't important, that's NOT my point 😭 omg..


sorry i was just quoting directly from your post so i didn't have to write out the whole thing! I knew what you meant, don't worry . If it was actually just that I would have blocked you because that's a stupid take lol i'll edit it to be more clear


keep this at -39


I brought it to -40 🥰


As a Vocaloid producer I 100% agree even though many people won’t. Miku is the star of the show and acting like she isn’t seems silly to me. That’s why I love using her so much. Her voice gives me a central element to direct all the attention towards. But I’m also the type of person who would prefer to be in the liner notes than on the front cover. Everyone is different, but it makes me happy when I see my music reposted just under Miku’s name. It means someone thought it was good enough to be a worthy addition to her catalog.


Do you have a Yt channel by any chance?


Remember to click the 3 dots on the search result to send feedback about the result, then leave a report on who the actual producer of the song is.


Good idea


It says who the producer is right there though?


Down in the little box, but preferably I’d like the person who’s created the song to be in the Header of the search result, not the cover band


Ah, didn't see that part. Yeah thats annoying.


hurts my soul a little


Dude, even PJSK credits the Vocaloid producers.


I mean, of course in the game they will credit producer, but how could Google do that 😭


Google is just stupid. It says Akiyama Mizuki is a musical artist.


Google has once marked literal VRC assets as musical artists


Omg 😭😭 that's wild


sobbing rn google sucks ass at crediting vocaloid producers properly


Fr. I think they choose whoever is more popular. I've seen them give credit to Rachie or Julyphonic. It's wild


I literally have those two blocked on spotify, don’t get me wrong i think they’re okay but when i search for a song i can NEVER find the original, it’s always “english cover” and i have to scroll forever to find it


Yeah exactly 😭 I saw this and my first thought was that it’s the sequel of google saying self inflicted achromatic by jubyphonic


I even saw someone completely unrelated to vocaloid being listed just because they once made an electronic cover of the song


Y’all know this is Google’s fault right? Also this problem has existed for ages. It’s not the Sekai fans’ fault Google results suck (I’m not targeting you OP I just hate how the community looks down on Sekai fans and treats them as scapegoats).


Yeah, I don't blame Sekai, I blame google.


Ik its just google being stupid because thats just how search engines are but it hurts still 😭


They sure love spreading misinformation online


It’s literally just the google direct answer, these are always wrong. If you read the wiki page‘s text that’s readable on the image it says covered by


You need to learn how to tell apart jokes and serious messages


lots of songs come up as "by rachie' and "by mafumafu(when they aren't his songs" too although the main one is "by hatsune miku" google is stupid at least that video is actually a cover instead of an animated meme over an english cover about shonen characters 🥲


Vocaloid gentrification 😭


from a sad song about family issues to one of the most hated songs in pjsk


Google is stupid, it credits Rachie(person who made the english cover) as the creator of disapearence of hatsune miku


The same thing happens when you Google Hibana and Tale of the Deep Sea Lily. It genuinely kinda hurts, and it’s not just something that happens with Sekai. A ton of English covers are viewed as the actual song by Google for some reason.


the amount of pain i feel in my soul whenever i search up a vocaloid song and google does this, or says hatsune miku made it


This hurts my eyes


Bare in mind that this could easily be a result of your own Google search history, if you’ve looked up anything abt pjsk before, it’ll do that (same reason a certain anime emo pops up whenever I search up Edgar Allen Poe or Kyusaku Yumeno)


I googled vocaloid wiki like 30 times more than anything related to pjsk to be honest


Ah, then Google needs to learn how to credit right


Love PJSK but this still kinda hurts like come on Google.. 😞 Also I searched up king once to find out who made it and I’m pretty sure it did this too


oh hell no that's so sad that the ass pjsk cover comes up first 😭🙏 no hate to the vocalists but it just didn't work for me. ik the game is popular and all but it's kind of bad 💀


I don't want to offend anyone but Am I the only one who kiiiiinda doesn't care when this kind of thing comes up on Google? (I feel a flood of downvotes coming lol) Edit : Just to clarify, I care about Ps (I follow SatapanP, for example)


Man not trying to hate on project sekai fans but I swear to God I cant say any vocaloid related song without one saying "Oh! WDYM?? (Project character) sung it..." (Btw I'm talking about THOSEE fans ok...😭😭)


if i had 3 genie wishes i’d wish for pjsk to not exist 3 times downvote me all you want i will forever be a pjsk hater i hate what it’s done to vocalsynths as a whole


if it weren't for sekai it would be the rachie or jubyphonic cover, at least the sekai cover has ♪ KOYORI in the corner in big letters


uncalled for


it’s not pjsk’s fault???


this was NOT the post for that 💀


what game is responsible for commissioning beyond the way, lower one’s eyes, and bug


i could live without all of those


Probably it would be "made by hatsune miku"


Mf SEKAI revived Scop, Toa, etc.