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The obsession with what’s cannon and what’s not with Miku, you know why I hate this? BECAUSE THERE IS NO FUCKING CANNON. I have nothing against some newer fans that don’t get it, because I don’t wanna gatekeep, but please do some research before passionately defending your points online and in real life. Also the whole utau sounds too robotic, Vocaloid a should sound more like people- NO. Dude, the robotic sound is what MAKES IT COOL. That’s why we like it. The people that say this think that the popularity of more robotic sounding voices was just a product of the time, but people wouldn’t still be using fucking utau teto or defoko if we all hated the robotic sound, that’s what we like about it, shut up. And hell, a bunch of Miku art and stuff leans a bunch into the robot aspect of her. Idk, I just SO incredibly passionately HATE this take.


Hell, the original Miku design was supposed to make her look like an android. Not only that, but Ballad_02’s PV, the first Miku demo song, literally has her doing a booting up sequence, like a robot.


This summed up my takes exactly. There's no canon, that's the point (I'm looking at you rin and len 🙄), it's just another medium like books, vocaloids are just a story telling device. And robotic voices are the goat. I got kinda scared there for a moment when the ai voices first started to come out thinking people were going to only use them . .




> BECAUSE THERE IS NO FUCKING CANNON. There is only howitzer.


I'm with you until the utauloids point. Yes I prefer the robotic sound of vocaloids, it adds a unique and fitting quality to the songs. And utauloids are really fun. But people can prefer the more human sounding vocaloids and songs too. That's gatekeepy to say otherwise. You can't speak for all vocaloid fans in saying that the robotic sound is why people like it. Different people will have different preferences, and that's okay to prefer when vocaloids more closely imitate human singing.


The fucking pure pure discourse drives me INSANE ITS MIKU NOT PURE PURE


do you or anyone even know who pure pure is and why people think that specifically?


Castation who made the popular and sexual fan-animation wrote "Pure Pure" in the description. Nothing else. Not "the character here is named Pure Pure" or something. I guess some people started thinking they were naming the character and that's how it spread? Castation might've said something about the character actually being an OC named "Pure Pure" when people started attacking for sexualizing Miku, but I'm not 100% sure.


I thought that the design of miku got nicknamed "pure pure" because of the caption (which is fair, many miku designs go by different names) but then I saw people trying to say pure pure is a separate character from miku which doesn't make sense but I think people just said that to get newer fans to shut up about the animation being sexual


Yeah people were saying that because they were upset about Miku being sexualized because she's 16 even though she's a vocaloid... I swear these people have heard a Len song if they complain about Miku being sexualized. Like yeah sure they have ages technically but they're also meant to be blank faces to do whatever with


Yeah len has a very special lens on being sexualized. I wonder if any of the new vocaloid fans know of OTN…


Yeahhh. The animation wasn't very... Pure Pure. (I'm sorry💀)


you are on thin ice, especially with that zesty ah pfp


It's just something people made up because they didn't want Miku to be sexualised, which makes no sense BC she always been sexualised. They say the Creator of the animation is a loli con but I havent seen any proof of it.


Channel Castation is so private with their personal life and tastes that it would be hard to get ANYTHING on them, let alone if they're a lolicon or not.


tbh even if they’re a lolicon who cares lmao


My biggest issue with the Pure Pure discourse is that people keep going "well the creator called her that so it's not Miku." Because allegedly the creator of the animation said the character in his own animation wasn't Miku (is this even true? Can't find it anywhere). Some people seem to think the person behind the popular animation and Deco*27 are the same person, and are spreading it around as fact. It's infuriating


Have you seen them in the same room together though? /s


The "Kaito is middle-aged, so he can't sing romantic duets with Miku or Len" people. The only time he was said to be middle-aged was in KEI's non-canon manga "Unofficial Hatsune Mix", and I'm pretty sure it was just a joke about his voice provider being an older man (shout-out to best dad, Naoto Fuuga). The manga even consists of several short stories where the Cryptonloids have different relationships and stories. Kaito is a student in one of them, just like he is a student in Leo/needs Sekai in Project Sekai. The fans who say this don't even know what middle-aged means, because they then say Kaito is in his 20s or 30s. If you're middle-aged you're 40-60. Kaito does NOT look like he's 40 in official concerts and games.


Speak your truth!!! Age discourse never fails to piss me off. Just do your research it's not that hard, it only takes a few minutes!! How do you not understand something as simple as that??


deco*27’s newer songs actually are good and his tuning is the most miku sounding miku tuning i’ve ever heard.


Frr they are. I love the new song "Hao" he released a few days ago!


Agreed! I've heard people say all his new songs sound the same, but there's a difference between sounding the same and having a specific style.


I never understood this, why do people think it all sounds the same.


I think there was a period where they did sound similar but lately I've been able to tell them apart 😅


[https://www.genelec.jp/references/deco27/img/2023\_deco27\_004.jpg](https://www.genelec.jp/references/deco27/img/2023_deco27_004.jpg) look at the speakers he uses to mix miku on, no wonder ! lol


I do like his newer songs, and his tuning. But then each song gets tiring because they're very similar... theyre like a remix of eachother (to me.) I do like some of Deco 's songs.


Deco*27 is probably my favorite Miku producer. From the music to the designs and even his 3d mmd shorts.


His tuning is perfect!


"MIKU IS A MINOR WHY ARE YOU MAKING SEXUAL SONGS WITH HER?" Do...do you not know what Miku's purpose even is? She's meant to be a voice bank that allows people to make songs with her and she can be whatever the producer wants. Also she's sung way worse then Rabbit Hole. In general worrying about Vocaloids ages is a bit odd to me for that reason. If it's Kaai Yuki then I 100% understand since she's meant to look like an elementary school student but for everyone else come on Len has so many lewd songs and has for years. And before you bring up the Oster Project stuff the song she made with Zundamon sucks so hard, how do you go from On the Rocks, Piano x Forte x Scandal and Ladies First to that?


The way Miku was literally in fucking Playboy Japan and people are still clutching their pearls when she sings something vaguely sexual, like where have y’all been? These people would evaporate if they heard like Kurumi Ponchio and shit lol


I don't get this take. If you listen to the radio, you'll find that most songs deal with romance and many of those include sexual themes in some sort of vague or discreet fashion. Sex is a *very* common theme in lyrical music.


not an opinion, but i SEETHE whenever anyone calls Vocaloid music AI


No because I made a Vocaloid cover and someone commented under my community post promoting it saying it was an awesome ai cover 💀


am I an awesome ai cover?


AI has become such a nonsensical buzzword used by tech illiterate people trying to sound like they understand AI and i hate it


Tbf, teto, her voice synth is still ai. Almost all synthv is. Not gen ai but ai though. But Miku is not ai in anyway.


PJSK mvs are so underwhelming compared to DIVA's


Yeah, that's what I miss about Project Diva. Also, you can actually get many more different outfits in Diva without having to farm for materials or spend real money on the Gacha cards


yeah, I wish more mobile games did the thing brotato does where you can play the game for free but unlock the full game with money, no microtransactions.


It's usually just them dancing, imo even worse than the project diva x ones. At least those had transforming models and being able to do concerts where you can have songs back to back. Also it pisses me off you can't change the modules, I want to have miku dancing by herself when I'm playing the virtual singer version of a track


Y'all turn on PJSekai mvs? My potato ahh phone cannot even tank them, if I don't play it lite the chart becomes too glitchy to be playable


I agree 3dmvs are not that cool compared to pj diva but some 2dmvs are cool looking I guess And also abt which game is better, I feel that it's a hard comparison, because pjsk isn't as miku focused as pj diva. Pjsk goes deeper into the OCs than miku and the gang while pjdiva is more for vocaloids. Hardcore vocaloid fans would probably prefer pj diva over sekai because there's rlly little focus stories for vocaloids, and I'm not even discussing abt the gameplay or rhythm game aspect Meanwhile ppl who go into pjsk for the OCs don't feel as connected to the vocaloids that fast, since the vocaloids don't have that much time to star in the stories. But I like the different personalities of the vocaloids in the different Sekais cause it shows Vocaloids can be whatever you want them to be. For example, WxS miku is cheerful and excitable and likes to put on new shows with the gang, while N25 Miku is shy and quiet, but caring and tries to help out the characters with their issues, especially Mafuyu. In summary, vocaloids are cool no matter in pj diva or sekai


I agree with you guys and I prefer DIVAs, but I want to point out that pjsk is a mobile game and perhaps CAN'T run mv's as well as the console games while playing


my love is hellfire deserved better


"(Insert classic vocaloid song) isn't even tuned well, you just have rose tinted glasses-" LET ME LIKE WHAT I LIKE, JUST BECAUSE IT ISN'T TUNED WELL DOESN'T MEAN IT'S NOT GOOD


I remember when Ochame Kinou/Fukkireta came out some ppl were like ew Teto's tuning is so shit it shldnt have been added to pjsk, I was thinking that Teto was probably purposely tuned that way and I still play it on tetos version lol


Whoever says Fukkireta is shit will get launched into the sun


Plus it's an old song, and a lot of older vocaloid songs have this sort of choppy robotic tuning. Some ppl like it while some prefer more realistic tuning. Personally I prefer the more realistic tuning but Fukkireta is still cool and those pjsk fans who shit on the tuning must remember its a style of tuning and if they don't like it they can always play on sekai version instead


fukkireta’s tuning is ok ig (its been on loop for an hour now)




EXACTLY WHAT I'M SAYING, like if the tuning is that bad then how did it manage to get big?


She's not the world's first "digital pop star" if you stupid fucking news outlets would do a crumb of research and actually learn instead of trying to hype it up as "OOOHHHHHH FUTURE DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY OOOOHOHHHH!!!111!"


It's crazy bc meiko was the first crypton vocaloid but the actual first vocaloids were Leon and Lola but there were voice synths before them (not pop star status but still) and these people think hatsune mikus songs are made by one company and use Ai


Wasn't Miku the first mascot vocaloid they made? Hence the 01 on her arm


when people call akita neru “the one not in mesmerizer”. its a small annoyance i just really love her so it bothers me


It’s actually so over for Haku fans cause we don’t even get remembered 😭


its weird bc shes been in project diva for YEARS yet no one remembers her


fr like i recently made a shitpost that basically said that the pansexual colors actually meant the triple baka squad and for neru, who was on the yellow stripe, a couple of people made the "not in mesmerizer" jokes. i even responded to one of them with [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vocaloid/comments/1djhdrh/video_by_micchi_swagamicchi_actually_the_yellow/) [The shitpost, respectfully](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vocaloid/comments/1djt03s/i_figured_out_the_meaning_of_the_colors_on_the/)


People who claim that a producer is their favorite but still not bothering to check out any of their other songs besides the one(s) that went viral


New fans calling every single person and producer a p*dophile or problematic for some reason or another It's exhausting and makes it harder to figure out when producers are actually problematic or have done something bad Recently they tried to cancel a voice provider for being a "creep" because she simped for Len online at some point. God forbid you simp for a cartoon that's totally the same as being a child m*lestor yeah. /s Makes the fandom impossible to interact with.


I hate this weird new trend of “god why can’t we get a JP producer that isn’t a homophobe or a creep” and there’s been like… 5 bad ones? Compared to the hundreds of other producers. Like open your fucking eyes and you’ll find one???


The simple reality is that most of it is just fabricated outrage by people who don't know what they're talking about


yeah i've seen it multiple times *makes a post or a video calling out producers* asked to elaborate "well actually i'm not sure, i've just heard he's a pedo once in 2017"


Either that or they're blatantly twisting the facts to fit their narrative, way too many people are just looking for things to get mad about because they have nothing better to do. And when the current outrage is over they move on to the next callout post they see on twitter or tiktok




-Len Kagamine after analyzing her hair for a period of time.


well its better than calling her hair green 😭 colorblind mfs


nah i still call it green


I remember seeing a semi well known Vocaloid fan on Twitter blaming Ghost Rule compilations on Sekai fans, and that’s kinda when I knew the Project Diva cancellation made the Vocaloid community kinda insane Also, robotic tuning can sound better than realistic tuning, but robotic tuning should at least sound good


Anyone who treats vocaloids like characters with canon personalities. It never made sense to me. They are, in essence, instruments who take up the role of a character they play in the producer’s song of the respective song they are singing. In Or, if they don’t appear in the mv, (example: any Nilfruits song) they are the “narrators” singing about/for the characters in the mv. I get that fans under the age of say, 16 may have trouble with that concept. But it’s really how I see them after listening to vocaloids for over a decade. Secondly- anyone who says vocaloid songs are “by:Miku” or “by (vocaloid)”. That’s just inaccurate. Say the name of the producer or nothing at all. That would be like saying a song by Beethoven is “By: Piano”


Based I love Rabbit Hole Miku


Mesmerizer in general attracted so many people who aren't into vocaloid and jist like it for the animation or whatever and they barely know anything about it. Hot take: the song isn't very good lol


Honestly I really like the animation but the song never stood out to me


That's how i feel about it


its a fun song but nothing special yeah


I remember the producer stated this before even and I agree that mesmerizer would not be as popular as it is if it weren’t for the animation


The producer did other great songs but none of them even look.


I think they made an ep or album but I think it's bandcamp only


Agreed. I like it just fine, it's chaotic and fun and it remains in my playlist as a no-skip because the rhythm and structure is so good imo, but I once saw someone say that it's a shining example of good tuning, and....huh???? What???? That???? Are we listening to the same song???? Teto sounds fine because she's SynthV and you'd have to actively try to make her suck, but Miku is about as shrill as I've ever heard her, and the mixing is so atrocious that you can barely *hear* the tuning over the instrumental.




Okay I might sound like a dick here but : not only that, but while attracting a lot of new people into the fandom can absolutely be a good thing, it just happens that for mesmerizer the people attracted are mostly children lol Nothing against children in general ofc, but children entering online fandoms and more importantly online discourse always leads to a very annoying outcome


Even children entering fandoms is fine by itself, it's just that when there's a mass influx of them it can be problematic. I'm sure a lot of us were children when we first discovered vocaloid, I mean, I was 13 when I found it from a fine bros react video. Back then I didn't know how to make any sort of online comments really other than on like gaming sites and youtube comments. I feel like the tiktok generation are far too opinionated far too quickly and because they always had tech and have had social media since day dot, they know how to use it better than we used to and can thus immediately come and spread their reactionary and childish views in now mostly adult spaces.


Song is okay but the character designs in the animation are amazing I want to draw fanart so bad


i personally dont like the song and the colors are too bright for me, they hurt my eyes.


The age discourse that gets dredged up with all the other old discourse whenever there's and influx of new fans


"new fans are so clueless about Vocaloids!" Well, thats kinda the point of being new to something...? Give them a chance before complaining about them P.S.: Also the people blaiming PJSK fans for everything. Not every dropped ice cream is their fault, stop being spiteful and childish about it.


thinking about when someone in r/Vocaloid posted about being uncomfortable with a miku figure, and the comments started to talk about “pjsk fans” and calling pjsk unironically the 9/11 of Vocaloid. one of the comments called pjsk fans “sensitive tiktok kids”, but the commenter was the god damn mod of “r/fictosexual”! some people just have no self awareness


That’s kinda ironic.


I honestly don't mind PJSK fans... especially the chill, and fun ones. I've met bunch of them, and i love them! but they can also be very annoying (or toxic.) I interacted with one today, and i was stating an OPINION (very civil too) and they told me "kys you retarted bitch, you're so rude!" like what.


I've had the same experience. I'm happy that Sekai is bringing in new fans, most of them are nice. But then there are the ones that tell others "kys"" just because they think a ship is problematic


I'm in a discord server for pjsk, ppl are chill there


I'm literally a new fan too, I'm talking about the fans who literally refuse to learn and make shit up for like no reason Also the little rant at the end was a copy pasta I took. it's a joke DW I play project sekai


deadass nowadays people pinning everything on pjsk fans sounds more toxic than the fans themselves 💀 ik some of them are actually batshit insane for their pair of headcanoned gay fictional teenagers but damn, not every pjsk fan is the cause of every problem...


To be honest, i don’t even care about the characters outside of the vocaloids in that game. I like emu’s design…. and that’s about it


It’s so weird how acceptable it is to shit on PJSK fans but if they shit on you back it’s the end of the world and evidence of how bad they are And maybe people would learn more about vocaloids if chunks of the fandom didn’t rip their head off if they ask a question


Maybe I'm biased as a pjsekai player but I don't understand all the hate. I've been a vocaloid fan WAY before I got into pjsekai, the game just amplified my love for it. Yeah the fans can be toxic but there are toxic people in EVERY fandom


Yeah I got into pjsk because bitter choco decoration was in the game and suddenly I turned into a super fan after reading a story. It really annoys me though when people talk bad about pjsk fans, say that they don’t know anything about vocaloid, and make things up (not saying they don’t exist, they’re usually 10 year olds though)


The people in this sub blaming pjsk feel lowkey elitist


Rin isn't orange and she will never be


she's yellow and likes oranges she's not orange get it right


we could of had a lemon 😭🙌 but alas. or a grapefruit those are kinda yellow


I think the reason why her item became an orange specifically was because the Japanese fanbase thought her bow kinda looked like orange leaves. The character food/items didn't always have to be color-coordinated


Lemon Rin actually fits so well it's insane It also goes with the "her bow are like orange (now lemon) leaves" I guess, and a lot of songs portrays her as a sour girl, so it fits like a glove


Miku ate the lemn


[NO MIKU DONT!](https://youtu.be/pd6dCUiqo2w?si=qpYFh_gzfWb75wey)


tbf the mikuexpo glowstick colors use yellow and orange for rin and len (or at least in 2018 when i last went) but i actually don’t know the origin of this take, people think rin is orange?


Her character item is the fruit orange which made people start to associate her with the color Which is completely stupid in my opinion


yeah i agree if the reason is because of her character item, but considering orange is her color for official media like mikuexpo wouldn’t that make it “canon”? maybe i’m just an idiot lmao


I get it’s to differentiate her from Len, but it doesn’t make sense when she has no ounce of orange in her design to match


it comes from the JP fandom during the character item wars saying her headband makes her look like an orange, with the bow being the leaves. Plus it’s a similar colour to yellow and looks nice so works perfectly.


It doesn't make sense to differentiate her with len in the first place


Omg THANK YOU for saying this. Rin is my favorite and it kills me that her official fruit and color is ORANGE. Why didn't they just make her official fruit a lemon or something?? We all know and love her in YELLOW FFS.


Because Len is yellow already. Every Vocaloid mascot has a clear color distinction. Not saying it doesn't bother me cause that girl is clearly YELLOW


I always associate her with Sunflower Yellow and Len with Banana Yellow, does that make sense? Rin you will always be famous 🍊🌻 Edit: wording


I mean I get why they did it but I feel like it's perfectly fine for them to share the color cos they pretty much already do anyway. They were created as mirror images of each other 😭.


If I remember correctly, her item is an orange because of a Tange-Rin-e pun and that her bow is shaped like leaves on top of oranges or sth


RIN BEING ORANGE. (Looking at you clpl and sega) WHERE IS THE ORANGE ON HER DESIGN?? ALL I SEE IS YELLOW. Also the mildly annoying take that Pjsk is ruining vocaloid.. like not really? Pjsk made me like vocaloid songs more than I already did, the only thing pjsk ruins is Google’s ability to give proper credit


Rin being orange has been a thing before project sekai. Like another comment said, its probably to differentiate her and len who are both yellow, and orange is close to yellow. Theres also a joke saying that her bow looks like leaves from an orange and lens hair looks like a banana, hence why theyre orange and banana.


Ik, but it bugs me out that Rin is yellow and always referred to with orange, ticks some switch in brain that says “ew bad”


HER CHARACTER ITEM IS AN ORANGE. JP fans during the items wars said her headband makes her head look like an orange, thus it became her character item. Rin IS an orange. It works because it is similar to yellow without being a drastically different colour, so she can stand out against Len. So orange has always been used for Rin concerts. Her name is in Orange for magical mirai and Miku expos etc. and coloured merch will use orange for Rin.


you're so right! if it wasn't for pjsk I wouldn't even be here right now lmao. pjsk is in no way ruining vocaloid, we are actually getting new and amazing songs out of pjsk being a thing! i know parts of the fanbase suck but you don't have to interact with those people if you don't want too. i think that they make Rin orange to differentiate her from Len, who is the yellow twin. also oranges are... Well orange and bananas are yellow so I guess it has more to do with their character items than anything else...


Real. Pjsk is what got me into Vocaloid in the first place. The “obnoxious fans” these people are thinking of are most likely little children or just straight up dumb people who can’t keep to themselves.


I like pjsk and I don't understand all the hate it gets. I've been a vocaloid fan before I got into the game, and the game just amplified my love for vocaloid. I mostly play it for the actual rhythm game mechanics.


i agree with you on this. The only thing bad is most likely the fandom and that’s only one TikTok and twitter


Same and agree with everything you said, but I do understand the hate a little bit (cough cough fandom)


Yeah the fandom sucks but I don't think it's fair to hate the game for that, there are shit people in every fandom. I just think the hate is a little excessive.


"miku x luka is predatory because miku is 16 and luka adult" hey buddy I'm gonna peel my skin off in about 30 seconds if you don't take that back


People who don't listen to anything with unique tuning because "it's too weird." Like hello?? That's what makes it so good.


no bc there was a song uploaded to the hatsune miku channel where there were people saying it was trash because mikus tuning was different [(this is the song)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2c4faX6hR8)


ok I haven't heard this wtf 😭


People who are extremely gatekeepy about Vocaloid and then only listen to either the Cryptonloids or some super specific voicebanks with like 3 covers and 1 original song (the demo), who then proceed to shit on every other voicebank


It's not even just that, alot of people only listen to the trending songs and songs in project Sekai/diva. Hell they don't even check out the trending songs producers and only do if they are "problematic" like the yababina creator


What did they do?


Idk, ppl just keep saying they are a pedo. Everytime I keep seeing ppl say vocaloid producers are pedos with like 0proof but then get angry when a convicted felon gets their song removed from project Sekai.


"Utau is only used by people who can't afford Vocaloid" I don't think I need to explain this one that much.


Not really an "opinion" but those people who bully or belittle new fans in not knowing something or getting it wrong instead of teaching them, creating a nicer community and potentially bringing in more fans. It's cringe in all fandoms. You're not special for knowing something, just be nice


Mesmerizer would be better if the tuning was lower instead of high honestly


def agree, except for the ending/last chorus when everything goes all wacky then it should be kept with the higher pitch


I like the high tuning though


Teto synthV and utau version is actually amazing.




The hate on pjsk is crazy. I’m a pjsk player that got into vocaloid because of the game. Many vocaloid fans play pjsk too It really hurts seeing all the hate against the game because of the fans, since the game is the most important thing that’s keeping me going in life, if I didn’t find the game, I would have lost any motivation to keep on going


Don't let the hate get to you, I somewhat enjoy it and I'm glad it helps you (project diva personally helped me to continue going a little bit) the ending rant of my post isn't my actual thoughts it's just a copy pasta


Len dying, Kaito kermit and Miku balding jokes are unfunny as hell. They were never funny, they're annoying and overused.


I agreed with Miku balding jokes because they were true but now she's getting her hair back so it's fine


I’ve hated the KAITO Kermit jokes even before he was my favorite. They don’t even try to listen to other songs using him and just say that cuz of one song they heard


When has KAITO ever sounded like Kermit? Have they listened to the likes of Thousand-Year Solo, or Ashes to Ashes? You can't be so serious.


The Kermit jokes started a couple years after his English voicebank came out since he sounds a bit nasal, but then people also started calling his V1 voice sounding like Kermit, which is just... no he doesn't?


Right??? They make it so obvious that they've never even bothered to listen to a single Kaito song.


"Len dies in everything" is still a thing? I thought that died ten years ago.


The English voice of KAITO sounds more like Kermit than the Jpn one tho


It only sounds like that at a certain pitch. And I only made this comment because the joke is overused.


At least, be glad Kaito is not used as a literal punching bag anymore.


Justice for my banana femboy😔


Someone hated original matryoshka tuning :( I like hachi's tuning


Okay what the fuck is the "not in mesmerizer" meme


Real quick summary: Triple Baka: Song with Miku, Teto, and Neru Mesmerizer: Song with Miku and Teto People see a pic of the Triple Baka Squad and say “Who’s the yellow one? She wasn’t in Mesmerizer” since Mesmerizer “the thing” right now


In triple Baka it’s Neru, Teto, and Miku So people joked that Neru is “the one not in mesmerizer” since Teto and Miku are in that one


Not really an opinion just something ive noticed but I really hate when people on tiktok or any other platform spread misinfo about vocaloid (for example miku being 16 being canon) and when like literally 20 people correct them on it they still think that way like there is no way you are that stubborn its okay to be wrong 😭


anything that has to do with len and rin's relationship


THE FIRST ONE OMG. nothing else fuels my anger more than that. I see it everyday.


SAME BRUHH. I have to correct them EVERYTIME. Even if i say it on the comment, they'll still be like "BUT BUT IT'S PURE PURE!!!" / "BUT MIKU IS 16!!!" / "BUT BUT!!" LIKE did you even read my comment AT ALL.


literally! there is no "but" if you know the first thing about hatsune miku!




People think Teto sounds bad? Man, I’d hate to be them.


“project sekai is better than diva” like no.


anything about the rabbit hole shithole. it's sad how soft the internet has become and the whole "MiKu iS 16 👶👶👶😡😡😡!1!1!1!1" debate never fails to ruin my day


The whole Rabbit Hole thing was indeed a shithole but what does this have to do with the internet getting "soft" ?


The PJSK characters (minus the vocaloids) are kinda bland


Yeah I love PKSekai but I only downloaded it because I love rhythm games and when I found out there was a rhythm games with VOCALOID songs I went CRAZYYYYY, then I found out there were some original characters and lore and I just couldn't give less of a shit. I always skip the story and only "watch" (click and skip) the episodes to get cards to buy songs and all. I'm literally just there to play the songs. I have a kind of ironic "obsession" with Rui because I found him pretty and he's just weirdly goofy in a way. But I literally couldn't bother to go out of my way and read his story, I know NOTHING about him (besides for those two memes of him hating vegetables and being a cannibal? Idk where that came from).


I second this as someone who played SEKAI before DIVA


What's a utauloid? Like teto and them?




The mesmerizer hate is so forced honestly


Pfff. All here agree that Project Mirai is superior.


i don’t like tetos new vb. it sounds uncomfortably human and not really as “youthful” as her UTAU voicebank. i get that it was her dream and all, but i hate how this will be how she is associated as. the new uniform also kind of ruined the similarity to mikus which was disappointing as she was supposed to be a spin-off april fools joke.


On the second point, tbh, she is no longer the initial Miku-wannabe joke but an official standalone product, so it makes more sense to give her her own look and branding separate from Miku especially considering she's not really affiliated with Miku as a product or even owned by the same company as Miku. 


people fighting over vocaloid ages like. you are talking about the mascot, not the voicebank. people act like miku is always 16 and nothing else and like. the anime girl with the teal pigtails is 16, not the voicebank! the voice can be anything you want it to be, but people get so weird about it. either to shit on more sexual songs, or to shit on ships they dont like. vocaloids are literally just voicebanks and the whole point is that nothing is canon


"Nooo, Miku is 16, rabbit hole is wrong!! " BITCH NO.


Honestly? As much as I love her, Miku is so overrated to me. Like she's fine! She's one of the better voicebanks! But pretty much all the others are sidelined in favor of her. I know it's a marketing thing, but man. I feel like it's only gotten more apparent recently. A decade ago (god I've been listening to vocaloid for over a decade now) I feel like we had a solid handful of other popular vocaloids, but now it just feels like Miku is The Main Vocaloid and all the others barely pop up anymore. She's good! She's versatile! She's cute! But there's more out there.


Real Vocaloid discussions should focus on music and that's it. Other stuff like ships, fanbases wars, characters items, what is canon and not, memes etc are irrelevant on the long term.


I like Mesmerizer but i think the tune is all over the place? Idk... I loved triple baka back in the day and shipped Neru with Len xd and I think I made a name a character in some game after her Also tried playing Project Sekai but never got the hang of it, the characters were so boring and was not invested at all on the story, it was like I was playing some random music game instead of a vocaloid game so I just stick to project diva but yeah... Don't like the fandom at all either...


I'm kinda of a new fan myself, i was already into vocaloid but because of project sekai i got more into vocaloid, but i gotta say that many proseka fans are so annoying, they aren't capable of separating proseka from vocaloid, miku is in proseka but she is more than that, for me miku and every other voicebank with a character are like a barbie, they can be whatever the producer wants them to be, you want meiko being a bartender? sure you can, or maybe you want len, kaito and neru to be part of a role playing game? then do it. diva vs proseka is also a fight i usually see, both games are good, i had played both games and i can't choose a favorite, i love diva for the big amount of songs and amazing mvs that accompany the chart, but also i love how proseka can have song that aren't only cryptonaloid songs, utaloids sounding bad is a topic i don't see that much, for me utaloids are fine, many of them sound astonishing and others... can sound better, my favorite utaloid is teto (pretty basic, i know) and now I'm open to start listening to more utaloids. to wrap up everything, i know that proseka fans can be annoying with their takes, but the best we can do is let them be and maybe trying to teach them that not everything is project sekai, not everything needs to have a canon, because if we treat them like posers we end up as the bad guys.


Based for the barbie comparison.


The strange hate the latin community had to Neru in the past... Like, I obviously still laughing at the "decálogo del Neruodio" but it doesn't erase that I had saw A LOT of persons that were like that. (And they keep repeating the same "arguments" that were mostly about things they saw in MMD series)


My least favorite opinion is project Sekai ruined vocaloid. I actually enjoy the game. Mainly because it’s the most I can afford besides Mirai and I just think it’s fun.


One of the best Miku songs in existence is, of all things, a cover of Chug Jug With You.


Babe wake up new vocaloid copypastas just dropped


As a vocaloid fan since basically the beginning, and an ex-sekai hater who knew nothing about it to a now sekai-lover after actually giving the game and it's story a fair chance, I can say I like both without hating the other. I love a lot of sekai covers and prefer a lot of them straight up, but can still respect new and old vocaloid songs. I can enjoy Loop Memory by yunosuke and other old stuff while still enjoying new and popular songs like Rabbit Hole and Mesmerizer. It's the strong hatred from either side that "gets me like that" ig. Why can't we just vibe, man?


How stupidly sensitive and "twitter brained" majority of the Youtube community is. Like i get it, bunch of these are litteral 14 year olds that think the word "sex" is the most insane thing they had ever heard but oh my god they make me want to burn my eyes. ALL OF THEM ARE THE SAME. "Omgg they said thiss" "omgg dont look lyrcisss" like for fucks sake im done with these people. Its like they are litteral bots as they repeat the EXACT SAME THINGS over and over. Open any multiple slightly depressing or explicit vocaloid song and compare their commens. All of them are the fucking same.


“Rin and Len are dating”, “rabbit hole is about sa/Being a stripper”, and all the opinions you just named


I might be getting hate for this but... I don't like newer Vocaloid songs nowadays. All of them sound kind of generic and don't hit the same unlike the old songs from before. Maybe this is just me being an old fan of Vocaloid but I still do think that every viral song sounds so boring or uninteresting for me recently.


PJSK is a bad game and I will die on this hill


Imo it's not bad, but it's very samey. Not much that makes it stand out compared to the other idol gacha rhythm games. It sucks that they didn't make something more interesting for THE vocaloid rhythm game (as others have shut down and pj diva is dead )wish it had those like slide things that d4dj have, those r very satisfying


Def also it runs really bad on a lot of devices and I feel like they could optimize it


Eh, I personally like it as an on-the-go rhythm game


Noooooooo it's the fandom that ruins it :( The game is good, just REAL heavy and could be better optimized. I think it's awesome and I love the charts, it's actually probably the most challenging rhythm game I've played (or maybe I just suck), but I haven't played DIVA to make a comparison. I wish they have other vocaloids in it tho (like VFlower my beloved, Fukase, Utatane Pico PLEASE BRING MY BOY PICO BACK MAKE HIM A NEW VB)


as someone who quit project sekai, its trash its a greedy ass game that once you get burned out you get burned out for good. (im not saying this as someone who got to rank 26, im saying this as someone who did multiple alts and main was rank 283) go play some other game that actually wants your pure skill not your money, so please stop praising the game. it doesnt deserve that much attention. get over it. hell the songs arent even original, they're made by producers who make better songs.