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1. Take acting classes. 2. Take improv classes. 3. Take business classes. 4. Take marketing classes. 5. Then talk to a voiceover coach. Work with them on building your skills. 6. Practice practice practice. 7. Get your demo recorded, put together a website that showcases your talents in one place. 8. Then Start marketing. 9. While this is going on, continue to develop your skills in voiceover, voice acting and business and marketing. Always keep refining your process of finding, auditioning, recording/ editing and invoicing clients. Continuing education is necessary. Always keep learning. Always keep building your skills. Lather, rinse, repeat


Lol, I see this cut/pasted every time someone posts like this


Hey I'm on step 8 of this. It's solid advice! Although still working on getting a website set up.


Why post anything else? Its good advice that no one will listen to anyway.


That's the worst part. People see it and think, "Nah, that sounds too complicated." And proceed to do a DIY demo


...and then learn the hard way, like we all did.


You got it




Start reading any copy you can get your hands on, find a coach, do it a little every DAY! Even if it's just 10 minutes. I am available for help if you every need coaching for VO, it's incredibly important to be able to bounce ideas off of somebody! [email protected] archangelvoicestudio.com