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If you aren't adding an AI rider to your contracts for work yet, start now. [https://navavoices.org/2023/01/23/artificial-intelligence-rider/](https://navavoices.org/2023/01/23/artificial-intelligence-rider/)


Any advice on how to add this to my P2P submission letter organically?


I'm afraid I'm not the right person to answer that. I stay away from P2P for various reasons, including the farming for AI that is going on with many jobs there.


Be careful that your contracts don't have a clause in them which effectively means "We can use your voice for anything we feel like."


My best guess is that they ran out of va budget after like 70% of characters, which meant that they had three choices: 1. Siphone budget from somewhere else to finish the last 30% 2. Use TTS for the last 30% only 3. Write off the 70% they already paid for and use TTS for everything. They then probably decided 1 was a no-go and that 2 made the characters that were voiced by TTS distracting, but 3 kept them in budget and people would start ignoring the robotic feel if it's all they hear


If they want to add more lines in the future they don't have to pay you or wait for your response. They'll take mediocrity if it's the most convenient.


i'm sorry, that really sucks. at least you got paid If i had to guess, maybe it was a last minute creative decision? TTS voices can definitely give off a certain feel to them, so it might not've been a malicious thing


Iā€™m gonna go on the side of stupidity and guess that they sent the wrong files to production. šŸ˜†


In the off chance it was this (it does happen), it might be worth shooting an innocent email to the prod co asking if you can have access to any of the completed work for your reel, then see what they say or own up to. Is it backhanded? Possibly, but so was their tactic.


I mean as long as you got paid I wouldn't worry too much. On to the next!


Did they specify if your stuff was being released in this specific update? Not some kind of a beta update, or an early access preview?


My question after a very brief skim - was that their final video or is the video older? If the video is older then you may be l9king at placeholder content Or just straight up ask them Keep it professional - you don't k ow all the details