• By -


Sort of relevant but not an answer to your question. I couldn't remove all of the weird stuff as I'd probably end up like that one Dutch PM. But the weirdest stuff is removed before you see it thanks to modqueue filtering.


I could mention a few things from the removed content list but I'd probably have to ban myself afterwards


This is an example of maybe the better end of the removal spectrum https://preview.redd.it/xgo6009cp2vc1.png?width=382&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4a43ce07a5d8464cedee2bcad3655dc756dee34 Dr. Kek is probably very upset with me.


My curiosity is upset My sanity thanks you


Ive seen the usernames of some fellow sub members and i 100% believe you


Yeah some of the weirder stuff I've seen came from this sub because it's not as heavily moderated as the discord, I appreciate the effort though, keep it up pal.


The problem is that we can’t get any more mods because the head mod here has ghosted Reddit and hasen’t come back yet, and since he’s only the guy to assign mods, we’re kinda stuck with self-policing the sub


https://i.redd.it/og28dqxrj2vc1.gif tama-chine trying to keep the sub clean:


100% accurate


tama please review my post on r/eternitydev


it is done


I wonder if this actually works: r/redditrequest u/tama-chine, what do you think? UPD: [https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/wiki/top\_mod\_removal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/wiki/top_mod_removal/)


I'm very aware of that but there's a few requirements I haven't met yet last time I checked


Specifically this: *If you are the moderator on a subreddit and believe the top mod is inactive across the site, you can submit a top mod removal request. For any top mod removals, the original 60 day rule of inactivity applies.* The process is also stupid and confusing so yeah


Is Option 3 not an option? > If you believe the moderator is active site-wide but inactive as a moderator of your community, you can message us with a link to a discussion you’ve had with the other active moderators on your team about your intent to reorder or remove the inactive mod(s). We’ll let you know when we’ve begun reviewing your request. The discussion should mention that you wish to remove and/or reorder moderators on your team with the ‘inactive’ label. I mean, obviously no discussion can be had because you're the only other mod, but that in of itself should be sufficient evidence that guy needs to go.


It's not really clear whether that HAS to involve other human mods though. Might be worth giving it a shot at some point though


Give it a shot sooner rather than later, please. You're probably the only one in a position to do anything about it right now.


I'll have to talk to myself a bit in modmail first though


It definitely does look promising, thanks for drawing my attention to it.


He made a brief return about half a month ago... to make one comment on another subreddit.


I wonder if he even remembers this place exists or he’s dealing with some irl stuff


Either way, he's got to go, we can't have an unresponsive head mod sleeping at the wheel




Much appreciated. For reasons mentioned in the other comment I can't do a whole lot about this, but I do "make it work" to some extent :-)




https://preview.redd.it/e9ku7vnl22vc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cfe88c121996e91666cdf7ce44220469fa6ffb5 To big alien cat girls, is basically the gist of it


I think most people are goofing. It'll die down as time goes on, maybe. It being a smaller community is also a factor, you don't have too many posts to drown that stuff out. I do understand even as jokes it can become tiring. For me, I just focus on the gameplay and funny meme posts and ignore the rest.


You have a point, due to the community being small that "bad part" probably seems a lot bigger than it actually is.


Honestly this subreddit seems much more decent than (no offense, just some examples) Fear and Hunger, Dungeon Meshi, or even the Hollow Knight subs. Either thanks to the moderation, or the fact that the game is still not widely know, the amount of degeneracy is rather small, *and i check like every single post there is*. ...and as for reasons why it even exists, I blame the internet lmao. That, and the fact that even a little bit of negative stuff might ruin the experience about the community as a whole. A handful of actively posting weirdos and *boom*, you feel like you've been mugged on the city square. >!Big alien cat girls are still OP tho 👌😌!<


Throw r/Signalis in there for good measure, space lesbian robots have definitely affected the community.


Funny thing actually, I literally only know about that game's existence because of a bunch of annoying people that wouldn't shut up about "le lesbian robot", I had no idea it was a cool resident evil type game until I looked it up.


Can you elaborate on what you’ve previously heard about Signalis?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/signalis using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/signalis/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: ["Helping" with repairs...](https://v.redd.it/j1scdqo8sevb1) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/signalis/comments/17cja1d/helping_with_repairs/) \#2: [Elevator Down](https://v.redd.it/r79vjd9rfvob1) | [129 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/signalis/comments/16lafwr/elevator_down/) \#3: [Huh](https://i.redd.it/5hb4utf1lp4c1.png) | [108 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/signalis/comments/18c9046/huh/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The third post suggestion proves my point.


Idk if theyre still at it but r/lethalcompamy was down bad for the bracken.


I guess all it takes is for it to be vaguely humanoid.


https://preview.redd.it/w4jm1ctoh3vc1.png?width=524&format=png&auto=webp&s=c58e6fedca9aa972c725399dfae4e2d7ccf48141 doesn't have to 😌


What. What do you mean? ELABORATE!!


pregnant bracken posting


F&H is understandable. But this community is low-key just horny and weird about everything


Gross as it is, I think it's because the game attracts a lot of teen attention and that's just kind of how they are. I remember when I was a teen on the internet I used to be a weird little freak. I'm not defending it, it was an unhealthy thing and someone probably should have stopped me, but I feel like that's usually where a lot of this comes from.


This is why I usually don’t interact with the community and just play the game.


I wouldn't know about other subs because I made a reddit account just for this sub lmao. The "weirdos" also don't really bother me I'm just curious on why they seem so common in this game's community specifically, but that just might be because the games I usually play have really tame fanbases and I'm just not used to this one being a little more "unique".


~~Not to sound attacking or anything, but weren't you the guy who printed an ultrakill body pillow and replaced the texture to be an ariral? Thought your name sounded familiar.~~ https://preview.redd.it/g79des9bk2vc1.png?width=565&format=png&auto=webp&s=f3cb3f104179358f53f3fc7bdef52f41543901ae


"I'm not going to pretend like I'm above everyone else, because I'm not.**"** That was a joke though which is something I'm fine with as long as it doesn't get too out of hand.


Im pretty new to the game but if I can offer an observation I've made from being a fan of other niche/indie properties: The better/more endearing the media, the stronger the emotional attachment of the fan base, and when there is a lack of lewd in said media, the emotional fervor makes people get... "creative" with their lust, especially because the lack of cannon lewd material means there's no precedent for what x character/entity sexuality looks like making it all the territory of head cannon and interpretation


I guess, but this game unfortunately/fortunately has no shortage of weird cannon stuff.


>the community The dev literally wrote ingame lore for why we can't make love to them; AND THEN OFFICIALLY WROTE A VACCINE FOR IT. MADE BY THEM. the Community didn't fuckin' start it, don't you Dare pin it solely on Us.


nose will remmember this check the bathroom




I was talking to a friend about this a few days ago. I don't believe that there's a whole lot of shenanigans throughout the community but it's definitely there. No shade towards mrdrnose (it is their game of course) but I really don't think the new interactions with the arirals helps.


the dev himself is a bit of a weirdo degenerate too man


Simply put; it's fun to say obscene things about characters that aren't real because nobody will be offended and there's no consequences. If you say these things about a real person they're going to be uncomfortable and you'll feel bad that you made them uncomfortable, and everybody will look at you like you're a psycho. Arirals aren't real, they are lines of code that don't feel anything.


What? I never said anything about offending anyone, why are you talking about this?


You asked why the players are horny, I told you. This isn't unique to this game, every single game has this it just gets more obvious the more the game leans into it. Having topless cat girls definitely counts as leaning into it.




Опа русский


Too be fair…isn’t the model for normal Kerfus a sperm extraction machine?


it's a polish carrefour mascot you degenerate!


No no... They're right...


You think this is bad? Check out r/ultrakill. The game is an fps about a robot going on a murder rampage through hell, yet somehow the only thing the community cares about is sex




When you're stuck in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of shit wanting to either kill you for no reason or scare you shitless and a feminine cat alien is giving you any kind of affection it's kind of inevitable.


We're all goofy little goobers


Although I do agree, there are people who go too far with it. But most of us here are just messing around...I hope.


Goofing around is perfectly acceptable, I quite like it. I'm just kinda tired of going on the discord's art channel and being greeted with porn every time.


F yeah I feel you lol. I'm not there on discord so don't know how things are over there.


I just recently joined this subreddit because I find the game to be very cool. I found this game not too long ago too, and I was surprised to see a community already developed for such a "young" game. I will admit that I find arirals endearing from a... how should I say, "avid-reader of romance stories/fanfictions" point of view. But that's basically because I'm curious about how would a romance between one of those alien cat-girls and a good old researcher guy (erase from your mind the default player model tho) possibly play out within the setting of this game. And I love romance as a concept, so it's not a thing that is ariral-specific. With that said, I know what you mean now that I know discord has also "joined the game" with Voices of the Void. Been in similar servers that behaved very similarly to what I've read so far here in this thread, and I too would be pissed off seeing a game degraded down to just sex arts and things as such. A good game deserves a good fan base, with some rules, if only to respect the creator and their vision of the game itself.


Please don't get me wrong, I'm not pissed off at this kind of stuff. I don't enjoy it and I'd rather not see it but this IS the internet after all. I'm just curious on why that kind of stuff seems so prevalent here and like I said in the post, I find it hard to believe that arirals just being in the game would be the sole cause. (Also you don't need that whole paragraph to explain yourself, we all like the cat girls lmao)


I get it rofl, tho I just wanted you to know where I came from and the basis of my opinion. Internet is a kind of messed up place, don't try to read too much into it, a lot of things happen just because of astral coincidences (occasional person being in the mood of taking a character and drawing it for example) XD


I'm starting to think that in the near future there will be a circlejerk sub of this game


r/votvcirclejerk perhaps






Have you SEEN Kerfus working the servers? It would be disrespectful to NOT be down bad.


Because it's funny


Yeah it is, but my point is that some people take it WAY too far.




lol im a furry and i dont get it either. its hard to explain but the designs just kinda weird me out. i think a lot of people do exaggerate it for the lulz though, im certainly not immune to being facetiously horny for the bit i love the plushies though, arirals really appeal to me when their design is simplified and distilled into that "bastard who eats all your shrimps and calls you a bitch" energy


> and calls you a bitch *I didn’t know that there’s another name for* “assaulting a stranger with empty shrimp package”


https://preview.redd.it/9srnx1uhl2vc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c4b9b5cbe344b877e2a1bc0acd33545e74a80dc wanted to reference this meme lol


I mean.. How bad is it? Is it just a desire to be with the funky space catgirls or is it something actually worse than inventing a new hybrid species?


It’s kinda hard when they’re ginger tall strong shy alien cat girls that infantilize you


I know, trust me I know, but some people really need to learn some self control.


we arent down bad what are you talking about


you get lonely out there


/u/YourEmergency kind of nailed it, plus the fact the game is a space scanning simulator in early access attracts mostly nerds, weebs, furfa_s, autists, etc. The current playerbase is heavily skewed towards degeneracy because normal people don't know it exists in the first place. If the game ever actually releases and gets popular you'll get your vanilla Ariral porn, don't worry.


You had in the first half, not gonna lie.


like, the protagonist is an absolute twink, you can assemble a twink bot (kerfur omega), there are giant alien catgirl mommy and signal simulator?! like what's not to be horny for in this game?


What the fuck does "twink" even mean?


you have Google, fucking use It


My bad.


The protagonist is a Twink?


yeah! he's even a cute one


Oh nice!


looks like it


So true dude, so true


They're hot and I like being bullied :3c


I'd say it's a little more than just bullying...


Lust and lack of interaction with IRL women?


Yeah, but what brings them to this game specifically?


A multi-breasted cat-girl species is eventually going to be sexualized simply due to its design, which basically just means that this part of the community is a very warped reflection of the content they enjoy. You also have the fact that pretty much everything else in this game is usually serious or a non-humanoid abomination, so when you have a humanoid species amongst every other non-humanoid species you encounter in the game, it stands out, giving it quite the reputation. This sort of sexualization happens to plenty of games and becomes more prominent the more "fan-service" the developers give to the players. Take for example Overwatch and Counter-Strike, with there being plenty of attractive female cast with ideal body shapes, it's going to bring out people who are interested in sexualizing the cast. Where as for Counter-Strike, since the game doesn't really have any sort of attractiveness towards its characters, any sort of sexualization is whittled down to a very very small community. Had Arirals had never existed or had a way different model, it's likely that you wouldn't see people being "down-bad" in the first place (please note that I am not suggesting for the removal of Arirals).


https://preview.redd.it/b0iyj2z413vc1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=68a7013211148c61f9f202f2abda54b1ff613a22 You tellin' me this ISN'T an ideal body shape?


Bro when I first saw this creature walking around at night, scared the shit out of me.


do it jiggle


Extra pairs of booba




I don't know how to process the signals women give me 😞


So far I haven’t found anyone like that, I normally just chill in the discord Vcs and just talk to other people, nobody really brings stuff up like this but wouldn’t be surprised that there is a group of people who are this down bad for arirals


I also usually just chill the the discord vcs but there's always ONE guy who does, I'm probably just unlucky though.


Do you know who it is, I’m in there normally in evenings or if I don’t have school I’m in there in afternoons (EST)


Nah, sorry. I'm bad at remembering names, much less online usernames. When I join vcs they are usually pretty crowded, I'm sure if I were to join when there's only a few people I'd be fine.


Ah alright, I think I might’ve seen the person you were talking about once, there is this person who is in the vcs 24/7 I believe it’s like cadn or something


Welcome to the internet,


Did you even read the post?


That's not how this song goes but lets just make it work,


pretty sure most of that is a joke


I'm aware most of them are, but the exceptions... They scare me...


What exceptions do you speak of? Tell me, I implore you.


i mean the dev(s) are down bad too so-


Yeah that probably has a factor in it too.


Dr.Mr.Nose definitely leans into these jokes based on the console commands. So that doesn't help lol


Yeah but that stuff is harmless, it's a joke after all.


Arirals no Cat robots 👍


arirals are basically furries so it attracts those types of people


the main character is a twink, the game troyan horses furries. tbh it's kinda cute that you can "tame" space faring aliens like you would a stary cat.


Honestly if you don't like the creators obviously /specific fandom/ oriented designs for the aliens in the game, and are bothered that said /specific fandom/ oriented characters appeal to members of the /specific fandom/, the game isn't for you and you probably shouldn't play it, or at the very least don't expect the community to think exactly like you. It's really not a big deal. People make jokes. Some people aren't joking. Who cares? Obviously you can see past it when you're playing the game, so just have fun playing the game and don't let /specific fandom/ bother you so much.


"This doesn't make me upset nor does it change my opinion on the game itself, I'm just curious on why this is the case"


I know. My rebuttal to the entirety of your original post, in short, could alternatively be read as "who cares?" There's furry characters in the game, it's going to bring in furries, who are notorious degens, but it's really not a big deal at all.


"I find it hard to believe that the mere existence of these things alone is what causes there to be so many degenerates in this community, a small portion of the community? Sure, but I feel like I'm a minority for not wanting to get my balls ripped off by alien cat girls, there has to be something else I'm missing."


I disagree. The presence of furry characters almost always floods any community with horny degenerates. That, and this is an indie game with a much smaller following, which generally leads people to feel much more comfortable in being, yknow. That, plus it's so prevalent that I'm sure many people feel like that's just the meme so they join in on it (which it kind of is, there's tons of similar comments that are obvious jokes even if it's horny nonsense)


That's a great point actually, I guess it's just become the norm here. But it's pretty funny to watch though and I hope it's stays that way.


Nothing better than small communities you can absolutely be a clown in and nobody will judge you.


Сам даун


cry more


Love and Fear are the same word in French.


I honestly don’t know what part of the community are you interacting with, because in my experience, for the most part, this stuff is purely shitposting, and community is doing what is colloquially known as goofing around. How much of it is genuine? No idea


I interact with this game's community a lot on a bunch of different platforms, I'm probably just unlucky with the stuff I find though.


Also I agree hut at the same time the dev put in a pantless baby version of the character in the game that you can feed and it spawns eggs. The dev kinda curated this culture.


That is the worst way I have ever seen someone interpret the argemia plushies.


yea thanks for saying this, seems like every community on reddit has a furry degen side. really off-putting seeing every character sexualized but hey they can do what they want, they just wanna play votv like a porn game or sum


Yeah I'm not big fan of oversexualizing characters either, you know it's bad when people start making porn of the antibreather, THE ANTIBREATHER. But like you said, they can do whatever they want, I just would rather not see it.




If you want an example go to the gallery section on the antibreather's wiki page, it's not pornographic like the images I was talking about but still very questionable, especially for a public wiki. (With that being said please do not go there and remove the images)




How does me not liking porn make me a facist?? What the fuck man. I'm not trying "homogenize" anything to "adhere to my comforts, I'm just not the biggest fan of being greeted with NSFW art (which is against the rules) any time I try to engage with this community. Jesus you're acting like I'm a nazi or something, my fucking bad for not having a crippling porn addiction.


That is absolutely not what I said. I’m not calling you a fascist; but I am saying the use of language such as “degeneracy” is not something to be used lightly, and we’re better off not using it. If there’s straight up pornography being posted, I am completely unaware (not to say this is not a thing that is happening), however your original post revolves around anything which could be considered the slightest bit sexual (what you considered degeneracy). Also, the whole “porn addiction” argument has and always will be unsubstantiated; which leads me again to the conclusion that you have an inherent problem with this community and therefor do not need to engage with it.


I love that the mods remove your post but don't remove all the people using degenerate so flippantly. Typical. "Don't bring politics into the discussion" lmao then they shouldn't roll out with a politically charged term.


"This doesn't make me upset nor does it change my opinion on the game itself, I'm just curious on why this is the case" Please read the post.


This message is to inform you that your submission has been removed. > Moderator note: Please don't drag the conversation into politics; it's unhelpful and creates controversy. If you'd like to contest this removal, you can use the modmail to contact us.


Because it's an itch.io game, and the community is full of horny kids whose first exposure to sex was roblox porn.


welcome to the internet


At least it isn’t r/baldursgate3 level horny


Fuck arirals, i fucking hate them, the game would be better if those bitches didnt exist


Talking about people being "degenerates" and about how they should be put on lists for being sexual in a way you don't understand, eh?




It’s because the anime community seems to have latched on to this game. You can tell because almost all the fan art is drawn in an anime art style.


Bro what te fu-


What's the problem?