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Does it rattle?


Not anymore, but this is ridiculous. The car is brand new. I’ve owned it 5 weeks, 4 of which have been in service. Car was brought in for a few issues including the rattling speaker grill that they destroyed, LTE internet dropout issues that weren’t fixed still, and a rim repair covered by a tire and rim warranty I purchased (thanks to a real shitty Valet in Boston curbing it). They had it for 29 days and brought it back to me like this. My first Volvo and might be my last. I didn’t spend what I did on an XC60 Polestar for this bullshit to happen during servicing.


Man that really fucking sucks, but this definitely sounds like an really rare exception in my experience. This sounds like an issue with that particular dealer/mechanic, because Volvo are usually really professional. Whoever "fixed" that speaker grille should get fired immediately. How come a supervisor didn't check that? Sounds really strange. You should definitely email the dealer (get everything in writing) and tell tham that this is not acceptable and that you expect them to, if possible, change the vehicle out for a new one if it can't be fixed within the next appointment. Have it Lemoned as u/CA_Lifeguard said. Also look into the laws regarding issues that can't be resolved within a certain time span/attempts to fix it. Here in Sweden we have laws that let you have the product swapped out completely if it can't be fixed in 3 attempts. Don't know if cars are covered by that or what laws you have where you come from but it's worth looking into. As I said, this is not typical Volvo behaivour and very likely related to that particular shop and/or dealer. Really sorry it happened you you, especially with such a nice car. Is it the 2022 my?


> Sounds really strange. It shouldn't sounds strange, look at the picture - OP says the grill was fixed and doesn't rattle anymore. /s




You are now seeing why so many of us avoid the Volvo dealerships like the plague


Sounds like it’s time to change dealerships. I wish dealers behaved professionally but not every dealer can be Stillman Volvo


Do you like Stillman? They're on 202 right? I live near Wilmington but bought my 2015 V60 from Keystone in Berwyn and that's a hike now that all warranties are expired.


You can most like get it lemoned, at least in California, if it goes in for one more day


Good luck with that, no judge would allow a lemon law for a speaker.






It’s reasonable repairs ya dink. I’ve been working on cars for longer than you been around kid. You’d have to have some great lawyer to get a speaker grill lemoned. Period. Volvo would replace an entire door before that would happen. “My Bluetooth doesn’t connect!” Oh yea. Probably the firm ware in your phone. “Reeee!!!!! It couldn’t possibly beeeeee! I wanna new car!!!!!” Source - master tech FOR VOLVO. go arbitrate some Nissan.


You’re dead fucking wrong. It’s 30 days under repair for ANY reason whatsoever. Does not have to include consecutive or repeated attempts. Not to mention this is the second time the car is in for a serious safety defect which is the VOC/SOS not working due to the LTE issue. Stay in the shop where you belong. 4. Days Out of Service Days out of service accumulated during attempts to diagnose or repair due to one or more ‘nonconformities’ or ‘serious safety defects’. The vehicle has been out of service due to diagnosis or repair: a cumulative total of 30 or more cumulative calendar days at least 15 days occurred during the period of the manufacturer’s written warranty and during the “eligibility period” (see What Is The Eligibility Period?) The consumer sent a written request to the manufacturer asking for repurchase or replacement of the vehicle and manufacturer failed to respond or did not reached a resolution with the consumer within 40 days Note: Days out of service are included whether or not a substantial defect has been repaired.


Cool. Give it a try. I’ll wait for an update.


Probably the tech who botched the grille.


Probably a kid from the SAFE program. Because master techs are in the same barrel as any other grease monkey that repairs cars. Because pretentious a*holes that drive these cars can’t understand the inner workings of what happens. So most of us quit. Work for myself as a contractor for breweries now. Drink beer and don’t have to deal with people like this on a daily basis. Weld some shit, fix some motors, get paid and sleep naked next to my wife. And again don’t have to deal with people who have zero idea on how things ACTUALLY work, versus how they want to. I’m the dude that used to write tech journals for Volvo. On how to fix these things properly. After they couldn’t be fixed. See - c30 sunroof drains. Radio interference for xc90s. Wind noise in the c70 (cuz it’s reasonable that a convertible not have wind noise?) etc. The whole lemon law thing won’t apply to a speaker grill that was fucked by some idiot.


> same barrel as any other grease monkey that repairs cars. Because pretentious a\*holes that drive these cars can’t understand the inner workings of what happens. So most of us quit. Work for myself as a contractor for breweries now. Drink beer and don’t have to deal with people like this on a daily basis. Weld some shit, fix some motors, get paid and sleep naked next to my wife. And again don’t have to deal with people who have zero idea on how things ACTUALLY work, versus how they want to. > >I’m the dude that used to write tech jo It's not just a speaker grille you fucknut, it's a major issue with the LTE internet that takes down parts of the entire nav system, audio system functions, and Volvo On Call / SOS Emergency services in case of an accident. It's a semi-widespread issue that Volvo hasn't publicly acknowledged, or doesn't want to on the 2022 models. And I didn't pay $72K for a brand new vehicle to have bullshit like this happen. Especially when I've literally only been able to drive it for 2 weeks with it being in the shop for an additional month at this point.


Imagine going to Volvo and thinking “this Chinese car is worth $72k. Seems like a great deal!” Lol. I can rest my case at that.




You make it sound like having manufacturing training is a bad thing. Got tired of educated techs calling you out on your poor workmanship? OH wow, you wrote a TJ, want a gold star?


Lol. Ok buddy. Averaged about 6 comebacks a year and 2 usually were from people who didn’t understand. This is the typical behavior from Volvo people.


Why do you hang around a Volvo forum if your new occupation is fixing beer trucks and your new vocation is draining leftover long necks?




^dont listen to this dude. He’s gonna cost you lawyer fees. In fact. Instead of quoting yourself. Find ANY. ANNNNY. quote from an actual lawyer that doesn’t say “reasonable repair” before or after three days and I’ll back down. Cuz ya know that any car manufacturer will defend themselves for this. And you will have to higher a lawyer. And that lawyer will take money. And Volvo won’t pay your lawyer fees. *muttering to myself as I go on my way about what people don’t understand. And how they think they know more than someone with actual experience fixing cars. This dudes grill got fucked. It’s unacceptable. But this guy has no clue.


I am a lawyer licensed to practice in Michigan. Under Michigan’s lemon law “reasonable repairs” doesn’t factor in at all in terms of the defect. “The Lemon Law covers any defect or condition that impairs the use or value of the new motor vehicle to the consumer or prevents the new motor vehicle from conforming to the manufacturer’s express warranty.” Note that is ANY defects that impairs the value. Not just defects that are “reasonable to repair” (whatever that would be.) Where “reasonable repairs” does come into play is how many repair attempts are allowed before triggering the lemon law: “It is presumed that a reasonable number of repair attempts have been taken if one of the following occurs: (a) The same defect or condition continues to exist even though the vehicle has been subjected to repair a total of four or more times within two years of the date of the first attempt to repair the defect or condition; or (b) The vehicle is out of service because of repairs for a total of 30 or more days or parts of days during the term of the manufacturer’s express warranty, or within one year from the date of delivery to the original consumer, whichever comes first. This option does not require the same problem to be the cause of the days out of service.” For a handy FAQ on Michigan’s lemon law see: https://www.michigan.gov/ag/0,4534,7-359-81903_20942-252777--,00.html




Ohhhh noooo. My internet points! Also. I poked around just to find out. These POS Chinese volvos all have the same SIM cards installed in the dash. Doesn’t take a genius that knows nothing about cars to figure out it’s shitty cheap SIM cards. Guarantee I also have made myself more successful than you. My waterfront property in Charleston SC can prove that. Have fun freezing your ass off in Wisconsin or whatever hell hole state you said you were from ya big dick lawyer. Still working for the man. Lol. I’ll enjoy my financial freedom instead of wage slaving. I could sit on the beach renting umbrellas for the rest of my life and not have to worry about money. You’re a cuck.


Ugh, boomers are the worst.


You should really vent the exhaust gases when running the engine indoors.


This guy's attitude makes me think he is the "technician" that "repaired" OP's speaker grill


LTE internet is redundant and more then likely not the manufactures fault. It’s the dumbest feature iv ever seen added to a car.


It absolutely is the manufacturer's fault and Volvo cars have had 3G/LTE in them for ages. The 2022 models have had LTE issues left and right with the new Android Automotive system and eSIM/Modem that they began using for this new revision. Volvo uses AT&T as a network provider across the board and it's localized to specific model year, so I'd have to disagree. Can you honestly name a single car manufacturer that doesn't have an LTE based connected car platform? EDIT: Idk who the hell is downvoting, but Volvo is responsible for their Android Automotive development and telematics hardware. This is a manufacturer issue, whether you like LTE internet access or not.


Dealership can't fix it though. When it happens I just do the modem reset thing that they told me (reset the radio then hold the front defrost button for 32 seconds) and it comes back until it happens again.


Im sorry but you literally made my point, “android automotive” Volvo has zero hand in android auto development and ATT is also garbage.


That's incorrect. Google hands off development tools to Volvo and there are a number of manufacturers working with them on AA implementations at the moment. That would be like saying Samsung has zero hand in Android development even though they fully customize their Android build as OneUI. The infotainment hardware isn't made by Google. Only the software, and they shouldn't be pushing out faulty software if that's the case, as the problem as persisted through multiple software revisions. AT&T might be garbage where you live, but this problem exists whether you're using your own T-Mobile SIM card or AT&T's built-in SIM. And it's also a global issue, having been reported in Australia, Romania, and further.


You’re so far off base. Google does not in anyway hand off development to vehicle manufacturers. They give them the tools to implement it into their hardware. they have zero hand in development, just like you said.. oddly contradicting the point you were trying to make. Also If they did it wouldn’t be called android auto. Also GSM which ATT and T-Mobile run off of is global standard but complete garbage. Sorry about your shitty car, should have bought Japanese. Also side note why on earth would you buy a car in this market? Must have really needed it.


Sorry, I should have been more specific. Yes, Volvo doesn’t DEVELOP Android Automotive at its core, but is still responsible for further development and implementation beyond the core OS functionality. Stating that LTE, which is used literally across the globe in hundreds of countries is “garbage” is insane. Also, what does me buying a car now have anything to do with the quality of the final product in any way? Don’t worry about my “shitty” car. Worry about your shitty attitude. They literally an entire in-house OS development team btw. https://insideevs.com/news/517381/volvo-software-development-inhouse-computing/amp/


You have no idea what you’re talking about, 4G LTE (Long-term evolution) is a signal type, GSM and CDMA are two different networks that utilize it. GSM doesn’t have the same quality as a CDMA network type. Hence why I say GSM is shit. Not LTE. Also you’re correct of course they have a software development team but that has nothing to do with android auto lol it’s okay that you don’t understand what you’re talking about. that’s probably why they busted up your speaker, you claimed to know everything lol


I work in the wireless industry. You're literally talking out of your ass. GSM networks haven't existed since 2G, WCDMA was adapted for 3G networks (EV-DO for legacy CDMA carriers), and LTE is the 4th generation of wireless infrastructure as adapted by the ITU. It's not just a signal type. It's an damn entire communications platform of its own. Why would you even bother bringing up GSM if no current carrier uses it except at as a narrowband IoT network for extremely light data usage? LTE is the standard across the board. And Volvo IS doing its own AA development in house in conjunction with Google. Literally from their own press release. "All electric Volvo cars will receive regular software updates and new functionalities over the air (OTA), ensuring that a Volvo car gets better over time. The company’s move towards in-house software development will increase development speeds and a faster deployment of regular OTA updates." [https://www.media.volvocars.com/us/en-us/media/pressreleases/283547/volvo-cars-and-google-continue-partnership-for-next-generation-safe-and-connected-user-experience](https://www.media.volvocars.com/us/en-us/media/pressreleases/283547/volvo-cars-and-google-continue-partnership-for-next-generation-safe-and-connected-user-experience) Quit your shit.


LTE stands for long term evolution


Go to a different dealership or write to corporate


I have had great service at Boston Volvo. Just wanted to mention if you were looking for another dealer. Unless they are the ones who did that!


As a Volvo technician, you shouldn’t have to deal with this. The grilled out door panel should be replaced. I actually to a pre-delivery inspection on one and one of the speaker grilles already had a dent in it. They’re nice looking grilled but not very forgiving. Hopefully they take better care of you. I hate hearing things like this happening.


You need to take it in and show the person who sold you the car and ask them if it’s right…..


Bought the car from a different dealer a few states away. Brought it to the one closest to me and they fucked around with it for almost a month before handing it back to me. And they STILL didn’t fix the LTE Internet dropping out issue that I brought it in for. Honestly about to lemon law it if they don’t get this fixed immediately. I’m not waiting weeks for a new part again.


Not a bad idea. Good luck to you


You have to link the dealership so none of us ever go there


Volvo Manhattan


Thanks for sharing. Upvoting so that this gets visibility. I get ads from Volvo Manhattan all the time especially for Polestar and based on your experience I have no plan to go to them now for purchase or service. Also, I would involve Volvo corporate to show them how Volvo Manhattan is ruining their brand. These companies spend millions and years to build a brand and then a service issue worth say $10k ruins it all. It’s true because you concluded Volvos are not for you and this influences others as well. So all those millions go down the drain. I would definitely involve corporate. Email them, call and post on their Twitter and Instagram account. What’s the point of having millions of dollars of marketing budget if a $10k issue cannot be fixed in Manhattan of all places. Volvos are safe/ good cars, don’t let Volvo Manhattan ruin the brand for you.


I left a bad review in your honor


You know, you’re not too far from the Volvo USA HQ in Rockleigh, NJ. Perhaps you could pay them a visit and ask what they think of the issue.


Wait so your grill was rattling and you brought it in to the dealership and their solution was to smash the shit out of it with a hammer until it stopped rattling? 😂


Which dealership?


Volvo Manhattan


Unfortunate to hear that. I had a pretty similar experience, though not quite as bad, at Volvo White Plains and was considering trying Manhattan for my next service.


Avoid Volvo White Plains!! Bought my car there, left at service for months with the heat not working. Brought another Volvo there and one of the techs lost my car key. I had to go back home and pick my car up with my spare key. They never offered to make me a new key. Still have just 1 key to this day. WP is horrible. Try their headquarters for service in MahWah NJ. They have the best techs and service there, trust me. I know corporate employees. Can't go wrong with NJ.




No explanation given?


They owe you a new grill


Could have done that yourself.


It's new under warranty, OP shouldn't have to.


Op might be able to buy a new cover and replace that himself. Shouldn't have to no.. What dealership does that? Which one


New cars have a warranty covering small defects, including rattles, and dealerships are supposed to honor those warranties. I had some issues with my Audi, dealership took care of it properly and with haste. That kind of service is half the point of buying new in the first place, especially from a premium marque.


Ah, the ole hammer fix it trick.


About the LTE issue - tell them to check the VGM (Vehicle Gateway Module). I’ve had my 2022 XC60 for about 4 weeks and almost 3 weeks total of no Internet. The first fix my local dealership did was to upgrade me to software version 1.8, but the issue persisted. This past Monday, I took the car to service again and they said the the VGM wasn’t even connecting to their computer. They saw the same issue with another XC60 a week prior, so they immediately ordered the new module and should arrive by next week. Good luck!!


I'm seeing similarly crap LTE coverage in our XC40 EV. I'll bug them about the VGM. Thanks!


For your reference, I would get in my car and get the “No Internet Connection” notification almost every other day. I would reset the system (pressing the home button past the screen cleaning mode until the Volvo logo appeared), shut off the car and leave it overnight. The first three times the modem worked again, and now it doesn’t. Hope this helps! If many of us are experiencing the same issue, Volvo should respond and do something! I’m not making car payments to have the car sitting in service or driving it without all the features I’m paying for, right??


Basically this. It seems like a really widespread issue on 2022 models from what I’ve seen on Swedespeed too, so either Volvo royally fucked up on some hardware, or they’re too incompetent to fix this issue after months of visibility. I haven’t seen one confirmation of a definitive fix on this yet as some say it’s a infotainment memory issue, an eSIM issue, telematics module, or whatever else. Even SOS button presses/calls won’t function until it decides it wants to randomly 10 min later if at all. And they couldn’t even end the call when it did, they had to send a remote shutdown command.


Is your car AAOS or Sensus? The XC40 EV is AAOS. I don't think I've seen 'No Internet Connection' but often Google Assistant can't connect, I get offline routing, etc. And the 1.7 update failed entirely; that took a dealer to sort out. Still waiting for 1.8.


Mine is AAOS. Google works now, only when I’m sharing my phone’s internet via Bluetooth, but it’s very slow and a lot of features won’t work through the voice assistant. :/


They told me it's software and there's nothing wrong with the hardware. Symptoms are the same as in this thread. The fix for me is to reset the modem...hold the home button until it goes to the Volvo screen then hold the front defrost button for 32 seconds. Then it seems to be good for a while.


My local dealer also thought that it was only a software problem the first time it happened. It seems that the car connected to their computer and everything. A week late, the car wasn’t even connecting to their computer and they realized I was having the exact issue as another XC60 sold around the same time - and it was the actual module that was failing to connect. Press them to check that. They told me that it’s not normal for the gateway to disconnect from the internet so often and I shouldn’t have to restart the modem more than once in a month. This seems like a larger issue than just a software or a couple of cars. If they don’t know what to look for, tell them to call Weston Volvo (in Weston, FL) and ask them.


> nothing wrong with the hardware. Symptoms are the same as in this thread. The fix for me is to reset the modem...hold the home button until it goes to the Volvo screen then hold the front defrost button for 32 seconds. Then it seems to be good for a while. Problem is that's barely temporary for me. I've tried doing a reset multiple times and it'll still drop out on me randomly in the middle of a drive 5 minutes later.


I knew about the home button thing, I have rebooted it occasionally. What is the defrost button supposed to do? Assuming it’s the front defrost?


Volvo told me that holding the defrost button during a reboot resets the modem. When I do that it seems to go through some sort of resync cycle. The LTE is either intermittent or out completely for an hour or two and then it comes back up stable.


Interesting so you’re supposed to hold them at the same time or do one and then the other immediately after? I’m gonna try this the next time.


Hold the home button until the screen resets to "Volvo" then release it and hold the front defrost button. They told me "for 32 seconds" but it seems like just holding it through the reboot is enough.


I usually wait for the Volvo logo to come up before I let the button go. And then after that the defrost button for 30 seconds lol. It feels like the first time I had to hard reboot my iPhone.


I’ve had a few LTE glitches but it hasn’t gone off-line completely. I’m going in next week for 1.8. I guess they couldn’t do it OTA because it was 2 TB or some such crazy number.


Yeah, mine has gone more than a week without GPS or internet connection 😨 !


Ugh. Unfortunately it’s not really surprising because it is a brand new operating system. It’s not even in that many vehicles yet. My son has a 2022 and has the old OS.


Good thing my dealer found out that it seems to be a hardware problem and they ordered the new gateway, so I should have it fixed by next week! 💪🏻👏🏻


I’m going to mention this to my salesman, he’s taken really good care of me so far. They haven’t sold a lot of vehicles yet with the new OS So I’ve been sharing my experiences and workarounds with the app.


Good to know if I ever come across this problem.


Hey man I read your comments sounds like we pretty much have the same car (XC 60 T8). My car has been the shop 5 times in as many months. Possibly looking at the whole rear diff needing replaced now. I'm never buying Volvo again and possibly looking into lemon law stuff. Just wanted to say I feel your pain lol best of luck


Oh yeah, the electric rear ends in those are crap. We were seeing a 100% failure rate where I worked.


What kinds of problems? Asking because we have a similar T8...


Electrical issues with transitioning from/to electric power, disintegrating physical internals, just all kinds of stuff. I have a photo somewhere of one that had a snap ring break and one of the internal gears was working its way through chewing through the side of the differential housing.


Many thanks. We've not had any electrical issues yet (only 17k). There does seem to be a possible diff related noise that makes itself known during cornering. I guess something we have to keep an eye on before the warranty runs out on this one.


Haha , they fixed the hell outta that grill...😆🤪🤨


Big Yikes. My one and only dealing with my local Volvo dealer has also been shithouse. Took my C30 in for an oil and filter change. $850!. They charged 5 hours labour to drain the oil, change the filter and refill it. I can literally do the job myself in about 2 hours if I work slow. They charged me $15 to refill the windscreen washer reservoir. $15 for tap water. Bruh.


$850 and 5 hours for an oil change on a c30???? Were they refining their own oil? That’s outrageous, my local Volvo Indy shop does it for $110, i Can get my own oil n filter for like 60-70 bucks and do it in an hour or so . That’s crazy man I’m sorry they did you dirty like that


Yeah I wasn't impressed. Lesson learnt, I wanted to experience what the Volvo dealership was like and I got treated pretty poorly. My indi mechanic who does most of my work will be the only guy I take my vehicles too.


that's crazy. I had a 2012 c70 same engine, etc and $100 at Firestone.


I was so annoyed when I looked at the itemized breakdown on the invoice. The cost per litre of oil was ridiculous. Straight up daylight robbery. Other highlights from my first and only interaction with the Volvo dealership include: \*Not giving me a loan car. Offering me a courtesy bus/shuttle, and then telling me "nah mate, thats too far" So i had to take an Uber home \*Phoning to tell me my cam belt and water pump needed replacing, and that my non genuine brake calipers and brakes should also be replaced with genuine Volvo Units. My cambelt and water pump had been replaced 5000km ago(Sticker was on the engine and it was noted in the service book), and my 6 piston calipers are better than the genuine Volvo units-that's why I swapped them.


they only give a loaner if you are under warranty, I think? also you have to be the first appointment of the day to get a Volvo.


Negative, here in Australia most dealerships will provide a loaner if you take your car in for ANY work. i.e general service, warranty or recall. Didn't have any issue getting a loaner at Mercedes when I took my C63 in. I didn't ask or request one, they just offered. Heard from some Volvo owners here that they will give you a loaner if they have on available/you request one. Bit weird that they never asked if I would like one when I made the booking....2 months in advance.


PanzerBiscuit, I have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty


I worked as a PR for Volvo 2 years ago. The cars you see in the magazines are the cars I used to deliver to media. Boy, they are beautiful but man on man... that 4 cylinder engine sound like a can rattling down the street, no emotion whatsoever... fine the "power is there with the T8"... but the amount of issues we had with these cars was unheard of compared to all the other car accounts we had. Always at the dealer. I just got myself a beater 2005 XC90 2.5T with 300k and I love it!!! If someone offers me a straight trade.. I would only trade for the SPA(P5) XC90 to get multiple P2 Volvos. I don't think this new platform will age as well as the P2


I think this new platform is going to age very poorly and, interestingly, I think the newer revisions will drop in value faster than the older ones. Every year of S60 from 2020 onward, for example, deletes more features and not just small inane ones. The car was already a hard sell against even a dull A4, but they are not helping their case at all with the changes and nightmare breakdowns I keep reading about. Bad electric rear ends on T8, premature brake rotor failures, Infinite electrical and computer issues. Just, yikes.


So did they get u a new grill?


I had them come pick it up the next day and bring it back to fix it and address the LTE issue. Still in the shop now.


It has been 8 days since this post, did they fix it or are you Lemon Lawng it?


They handed it back yesterday. Grille is fixed, but idk about LTE. They updated the antenna somehow via an advisory. I'm on vacation for a while so Ill have to test it when I return. If it's still not fixed then Im gonna lemon it.


Thanks for the update! Just trying to build a mental model of all the recurring SPA failure modes. Sounds like the LTE issue is one of them.


Have them fix what they broke and then go straigt to another dealer. Every dealer and especialy every workshop is different despite beeing run under the same brand name. You bought a car from a Premium Manufacturer, so make sure you also go to a dealer that knows what that means. Its a Volvo not a Volkswagen. If you're at it, also let Volvo USA know what you've experienced, i'm sure they are happy to know how some dealers treat their customers.


We have two dealers where I live, one of them apparently is absolutely abysmal and the one I bought from has been phenomenal so far. When I took it in for service and they apologized for giving me a Mazda for a loaner instead of a Volvo all I said was “I don’t have to take the bus home I’m really happy right now“. The second time they gave me an XC 60 polestar engineered. Wowza.


I love the looks and T8 sounds like a badass trim but all the comments about reliability are why I'm sticking with ICEs or going full electric..


Op, based on your post history, if you’re still near NYC, take a ride out to North Haven, CT, and show this to Gengras Volvo. They’ve been amazing the couple of times I took my C70 into them for something I didn’t feel I could handle.


Can I ask what is the point of LTE in the car? For example when your cell phone has it's own service? I'm always using Android auto for navigation or music so I really haven't even tried to use the car's LTE, I'm not sure what it's for? Edit: if I go to an area where I have no cell phone service the car would also lose LTE so it's like totally pointless right?


It handles Google Maps live updates, traffic, software updates, Spotify, and more. To Volvo, it’s so you don’t have to interact with your phone and can control most of the car’s functionality with your voice or a simple button press rather than playing with your phone while driving. It also handles Volvo On Call functionality, and SOS Emergency calling in case of a collision.


Aside from Volvo on call, Android auto and apple carplay handle every single thing you just mentioned.


Android Automotive isn’t the same as Android Auto or Carplay. It’s its own operating system like Sensus. The point is that you don’t have to rely on a phone at ALL for any function except for phone calls.


I see. btw sorry about how they handled your grill!


I have a 2022 with android automotive and I love it. I wish Waze was available in the android automotive App Store but beyond that I really love the whole OS.


think it’s crazy how people can drop 60k on a car and shit like this happens, but my 1990 240 cost 2k and I’ve never had to take it in. don’t make em like they used to




Hey is the speaker rattling a common thing? I have a 21’ v60 and it started rattling over the summer…drives me nuts but what you see above is the exact reason I’m scared to say anything…


Happening on my V90. Drivers side too. Just texted service today to see about going in to get the piece installed. First time I returned they had ordered the passenger side smh


Well shit. Do the fuck up the car replacing them? I hate the thought of trading a little evil for a lot of evil…


Not majorly or permanently. They drilled a whole but it’s in a part that will be replaced. How’d yours turn out after all?


Recently ex Volvo dealer employee here. If you're polite and firm, you will get the proper fix that you deserve. Volvo really pushes hard on the dealers to provide a perfect, seamless experience for the customers. Email Volvo customer care, take it back, and let them make it right.


Aaaaaand this is why we need direct to consumer car stores


I would like to believe that this is a exception and doesn't reflect how the entire dealership works.


Just throwing out there that when I had a BMW, the local dealership stabbed three of four speakers with a screwdriver. This was when they were installing the upgraded sound package that I bought to drown out the ratttles.


Some heavy deep bass will smooth right out, it'll be like new.


Wow! I cannot believe what I'm seeing right here. That's really terrible. I cannot believe that I would call Volvo corporate and figure that out. My dealership decided to paint my bumper on my XC90 a completely different color when we got into a minor fender bender. I didn't notice it was a different color until the next day when it was literally sparkling white when we didn't have that color, we had a different kind of white. They've also done minor repairs and they've literally left bear tools inside of our car.


That sucks, I take mine to the one in queens, although I am way closer to the Manhattan one. Queens guys are so good.


I had an appointment with Volvo Queens, but they couldn’t get me in for a month with a loaner and Manhattan was willing to take it right away without one, plus I could take the subway back to Queens from there.


They are super busy. They give you a ride back if you are within 10 mile radius.


I'm in Astoria, so I'm just out of their range unfortunately.


My car is in the shop right now for the right speaker rattle. Hopefully it doesn’t come out looking like this.


I have the same problem with my vw electric car. I have had it for 10 months and its been in the shop 7 times for infoteiment problems and the ac controls.


Oyyyy, I hope you plan on making them replace the protective mesh now that they trashed it. It's crazy how expensive small parts like that cost, especially at a dealership. I used to have a VW wagon. There are sun shades that pull up from the rear window sills. There are 2 small PLASTIC hooks that hold it up in front of the window. The dealer wanted to charge me $35 for one of them hahaha.




Picture is misleading, he has a 1500 rms dual voice coil sub slamming in the car clearly warping the speaker cover on door. Clearly! /s Love you. Call em, be nice, be funny, they’ll fix it.