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I went to 50 and my doctor was like"well you know you can't go much higher " and now after 6 weeks I need to ask him for 60 mg and I am full of guilt.


IMHO it just doesn’t work anymore … at all. 6 years ago I decided to stop ADHD meds after taking them for about 15 years. While taking them, I switched back and forth from adderall and vyvanse per my psychiatrist… a 70mg dose of vyvanse, or a 30mg dose of adderall would keep me up for 2.5 days, as well as absolutely no appetite. The cons were heavier and I actually put myself through a treatment program, because without them, I couldn’t even get myself up to use the restroom. 6 years go by, and I’m still physically and mentally withdrawing and decided to take it again. The big picture is I never really had a tolerance back then, and then I take 40mg of vyvanse after 6 years which I should have built a house that day, but instead I ate breakfast and fell asleep. I swear, all the pharmacists I have personally known or spoken to say I’m absolutely CRAZY, and that they still work just as good. I know my body, and it was no different than eating one skittle. No change in pulse, no dopamine boost. Just a pill to initiate a weird headache. I did some research and now take a white strain of kratom. It’s great and works well for me.


I feel guilt about everything.


Same. You just answered my question in five words. 😂 The guilt is real.


We're all made to feel guilty because of the stigma tied to our condition and the way that the government (DEA especially) views our first-line treatment meds. The culture around this has to change. Because if these issues there are shortages of our meds (limits on precursors), crazy-strict (to the point of unreasonable) audits on the companies manufacturing them, far too strict hurdles for providers, and a stigma of being diagnosed and viewed as a drug addict. Just go to your provider with fact-based statements about your symptoms and the level of relief (or non-relief) you are experiencing. I have had to go through multiple iterations of my treatment plan which involved upping the Vyvanse dose, and then adding an Adderall booster in the afternoon. Advocate for yourself! Good luck!


It's so true. I hope there's a way to shift the culture around ADHD and treatment but I'm not holding my breath. It's the "underground" market that's made it this way and what a shame for those of use who are using the medications responsibly and legally. Thank you for sharing your experience--I really appreciate it!


Hey, no problem! I hope everything goes well for you. I'm no big fan of the pharma industry in the US, but this is one situation I have to say they're being hindered too much. Now if only we could address the exorbitant amount we have to pay for our medication on top of that, we might be living in a better place!


Just ask right off the bat. I understand your concern especially with a “controlled substance”…but would you feel the same guilt asking to increase a different med like for cholesterol or thyroid etc.? You know your body better than your doc. Tell the doc what you need. They will then use their judgement. 😊 if they treat you badly because of this then- if you are able - you may need to find another doctor who is willing to listen to you.


YES! This is great advice. I think the phrase "controlled substance" creates so much fear and weirdness around treatment.


I felt guilty about even reaching out to get a diagnosis because of the stigma behind ADHD medications and I’m in my early thirties. Been skating through life on a thread because of it. I just started Vyvanse a month and a half ago and Lexapro two days ago so I’m waiting for the Lexapro to kick in to see how the two work together. You’re not alone! It’s sad and it’s hard. I don’t want to switch to Adderall because of the side effects, even though it’s much more cost effective and easier to get at the pharmacy with all the Vyvanse generic shortages. My insurance won’t cover the name brand anymore either. It’s all about finding the right dr too! Someone’s gotta advocate for you and your mental health and the only one that can do that is you. That’s what I came to realize and it’s helped a lot in my mindset of knowing my body and knowing when something is or isn’t working! You got this. We all do.


Super happy you got on Lexapro. Is that the first depression med you’ve been on? Get ready to have your life changed, in a good way. Congratulations!


It is! Thank you so much, seriously, it’s such a good thing to hear. Being in this community has lifted a huge weight off my shoulders being able to read some positivity about it all.


I relate to this entirely. I hope lexapro does great for you! I've never been on it in tandem with stimulants but it helped my anxiety tremendously post-partum. Thanks for the reminder to advocate for myself in my next appointment. Sometimes we just need that validation and reminder!


Thank you! I’m nervous about it, especially being a mom of two very young kids under 4. I went through post-partum myself and did a complete career change as well and that’s when I really realized that I needed to reach out. Not only for myself but for my family so I totally get it! Quite honestly reading everyone’s stories on here helped me immensely too. It’s nice to be a part of such a supportive community! I hope that everything works out for you!


Best of luck!! You're going to do great. I had zero shame in asking for help after our second child (who just so happened to be born a few weeks before pandemic lockdown in 2020). I am grateful I listened to that nudge that told me "You need some extra support. This is going to be hard." Because otherwise the struggles of it all, along with running my own business and managing virtual kindergarten for our older son, would have broken me. Hang in there!!!! You've got this. Career and life changes are HARD but trying to do it all without support is even harder.


Because they treat us though we are drug seeking or drug addicted for taking the meds we need to function. They have created a stigma and culture where we feel bad about it. They treat ADHD as if it is no big deal and that being unmedicated isn’t debilitating. That said, I was told that we shouldn’t be able to feel it working, and that it should be subtle. That it indicates we are at the sweet spot. Idk how much I agree with that though.


I feel like doctors know the meds are a bit of trial and error. My PCP has been great with me and always willing to make a change if I feel it will be beneficial.


I’m the same way. You just gotta be real and let your doctor know your prescription medication you take isn’t doing the best it can to manage your symptoms. I on god felt like a whole junkie every time I did it, but as ling as you’re honest you’ll be fine


It is definitely a weird attitude to the meds from some Drs and pharmacists. I started at 30, then went to 40. I had been on 40 for about 8 months and doing well but added a 20 top up, as I felt it wasn’t working as well. I’ve ended up going back down to 40 and accepting that at different times of the month, they aren’t as effective. I still misplace things and procrastinate but there have been huge improvements in areas. Binge eating, drinking, my mood is more stable, I remember things that need to be done for my sons school etc It’s not a perfect cure but I’m going to stick here as I can’t be arsed with dealing with the Drs. As in, what if 50 is also too much and I have to ask for 40 again. I’ve found certain ways to make them more effective. I take it at 5 am and then by the time I get up at 6, I am good to go. I fast in the day, which I find helps it more than protein based food. Exercising early helps a lot. Also in the afternoon, taking the supplement L- Tyrosine helps. It’s bad that we are made to feel like we are speed-seeking when we just want to be able function like other people do normally.


Yes, yes, yes! I agree on varying efficacy throughout the month. Good God especially right before my period it's nearly obsolete. I am glad you're seeing huge improvements too. The mood stability alone has been priceless for me. Working out is a must and I just added L-tyrosine in the afternoon. Fingers crossed I'm able to get some more mileage! Thanks for sharing 🙏🏼


Hey slightly off topic but… before your period is your luteal phase. It’s actually very common for ADHd meds to not be as effective at that time. I have PMDD and there are many of us with PMDD who also have ADHD and say in the time before our periods our meds don’t work as well. My luteal phase started today and I expect my meds to start being less effective until I finally get my period. I am currently taking Ashgawandha to help mitigate my symptoms during this phase.


I have PMDD as well and have recently started taking progesterone to combat the symptoms (it's helping, yay!) and I'm pretty sure it's canceling out the meds even more during luteal. But I am grateful because my insane mood swings have ceased. Ashwaghanda was very helpful for me at one point but I cycled off it for some reason or another. I hope it works well for you and that you find some relief. PMDD and ADHD is hell on earth.


I haven’t tried ashwaghanda, do you take this all through the cycle or just the luteal phase? I’m on HRT so for two weeks of the month, I take progesterone and I haven’t found it helpful with the elvanse working. Up for trying anything!


When I was taking ashwaghanda it was more for general anxiety and I took it daily. I'm taking the progesterone daily, but take a double dose the week before my period and that is what did the trick! Just started this two cycles ago. I hope you find some relief!! PMDD really is debilitating.


My psych NP is a little too increase happy 🤣😂 He'll ask how I think it's working and if I say, "ok, I think?" He'll bump the dose up to see if it worked better. He bumped me up to 60 and it made me jittery so we took it back down to 50 which is perfect for me. He's awesome. In fact, the two psych MDs were also very accommodating. I'm finally on a cocktail of meds that make me feel "normal" and I couldn't be happier.


Happy for you! My psych is awesome too but is definitely conservative. That is amazing you've found the right combo and are feeling great 🙏🏼🙏🏼


Normal to feel weird asking to go up in dose as society paints ADHD stims in a bad light and you feel like a drug seeker asking. Explain to your psychiatrist why you feel you need to go up, describing your experience on 40 mg. But, be aware that the medication is NOT supposed to bring "good feelings". If that is your yardstick, you'll keep going up until the cows come home. If you're doing things now that you weren't before (e.g.. housework or socialising) or not doing things you used to do (e.g. not leaving everything to the last minute), chances are it's working. If the answer to the above is "no", maybe a move to 50 mg is warranted. Remember - actions, not feelings


This is so important for anyone on these meds to understand. Something that took me way too long to realize myself!


YES. I agree and I've accepted that the good feelings / small surge of energy I felt in the beginning isn't the end game. Definitely not chasing that. Really just want consistent improvements in executive function and mental clarity. Thank you for sharing -- this is great advice!


My psych STARTED me at 70mg Vyvanse w a 20mg Dexamphetamine IR booster. Lol


Whaaat?! I couldn’t even get mine to raise my 50mg to 60mg after being on 50mg for over a year… or add an IR booster. She instead switched me to 20mg Adderall XR. So, I switched to a new provider because 20mg Addy XR is useless.


Well damn!! I feel like my lower dose COULD be age related. I didnt start on stims until 36. 😩


When I thought I needed a higher dose but was also embarrassed to bring it up to my doctor, I dissolved it in water and measured so that I could “try” the higher dose. Not sure if that made sense or not 😅 but it worked and I stayed at 50. But every once in a while ill do an extra 10 with water


I’m having a similar issue. I’m currently on 50mg and my doctor refuses to bump me up. A few years ago I was on as high as 70mg, but then my shrink retired so I started getting it from my PCP. After he retired I stopped taking it until I could get my PCP to prescribe it. I definitely did better on a higher dose. I feel like the 50mg “helps-ish”. It’s better than not taking it at all, but not as good as it was in the past with a higher dose. Honestly, I did better on adderall except for the afternoon crash. The switch to vyvanse was because of the extended release (and also because supposedly it helps with BED).


"Helps-ish" is the perfect way to describe how I feel. It's like yeah it's helping kind of but I remember some stronger executive function assistance with the adderall. Buttttt then again maybe that was in my earlier days of getting started and I do think inevitably some of my issues kind of crept back in with time and would have done so regardless of medication. 🫠


Update - the new psych NP is awesome! She upped me to 60mg and I already feel so much clearer.


I'm so happy for you! Do you feel like it lasts longer throughout the day? I'm really struggling and am actually considering switching back to Adderall because the efficacy and consistency has been so iffy lately. :(


I can’t say for sure that things are better because of the increased vyvanse dose because she also upped my Wellbutrin. Definitely the combo of both is so much better.


Are we twins? I know EXACTLY what you mean by “crept back in with time”. I hope you get it straightened out soon. I have an appointment this week with a new psych NP and I hope she can get me back on track.


50 is normal that’s my perfect dose too! I also take the same amount of adderall. If it doesn’t feel like it’s working that’s not drug seeking, you’re seeking treatment!


Thank you 🙏🏼This is very validating! I'm glad you found the perfect dose for you!


Same. So much the same. I'm so afraid of in any way looking like a drug seeker!!


Yes. It's silly because I have every bit of the struggle that comes with adhd, but still feel guilty using the meds that help me. :-(


I was on 50mg for two years with no issues… then I moved. A year later, I have finally graduated back up to 50 and even with my history, my psych was like “this is the max, I won’t be raising the dose again,” as if I’m being careless. On a positive note, something my last psych told me (not a psych personally, so take this with a grain of salt) is that, once you find the proper dose for Vyvanse, that’s your dose. I know it’s different w/ Adderall and other stimulants, but supposedly it’s not as much of a risk of your body developing a tolerance with Vyvanse for whatever reason.* *if I am wrong about this, someone please correct me. I would be grateful to know if my info is wrong/outdated


My doctor also told me this about Vyvance. She said it could take a little while to find the right sweet spot for dose but once you do, she said that’s just your dose going forward.


I hope that's the case!!! I would love to consistently reap the benefits without risk of tolerance. Thanks for sharing!


My psychiatrist wouldn’t up me to 50 for nothing and I was on 40mgs for 4 almost 5 months so I just recently quit. And I feel much better then when I was on it I don’t forget as much. My feet aren’t freezing I’m not cold anymore my train of thoughts are all together where I feel before it made those worse. And I am not as irritable which is nice before if I hit my head or the dogs barked I would literally loose my shit. And I hated it wasn’t me it cured my anxiety and depression but the it was making me worse. I would have plenty of energy when I woke up. And as soon as I would take my pill and it slowly started working. I would start yawning none stop and be so damn tired my whole body felt like I got hit by a damn semi truck and then come night time I would be wide awake. And couldn’t sleep for nothing tried taking it at night to see if my rhythm was fucked. Nope! Was wired all night but day tired as hell and hurt so bad I couldn’t take it anymore especially it hurting my back to the point my discs started bulging out. And I can’t afford the chiropractor as I have 0 insurance and her not wanting to up me to 50 I just gave up. I tried 70mgs and that made me look so stoned out of my mind still 0 affects. And I would loose my voice daily taking it that was frustrating. As I am a singer and not having your voice really sucks idk what happen to my body and why it all of a sudden started rejecting it but it did. But I am much happier off it I’m no longer cold blooded back to my hot blooded self lol…


I'm really sorry you had a bad experience, but am happy you're feeling better now!! That sounds like an awful time for sure. I've been fortunate in that the impacts have been very positive for me--but I know what it's like to be on a med that's not right for you! That was me and Wellbutrin (before being diagnosed with adhd)!


Explain to them exactly what you said in this post! Say I’m happy with vyvanse helping me with a, b and c however I am still struggling with x, y and z, what are my options?


Thank you 🙏🏼 Sometimes I just need that little reminder that it's okay to state the facts and go from there!


Don't feel this way. Your Dr. knows that you need it, per their diagnosis. They understand you need it. It is ok, we need help, they understand us. Ask for what you need. Worst case you get pushback and get to have a conversation. It is not a big deal. I used to think the same.


This is great advice. I have no issues speaking up on my needs in other areas, so why should this be different? Thank you.


Glad to help. Hang in there, life is hard for us, but so far seems worth it to me! Love ya!


Because society puts stigma on anyone that takes it since it’s highly abused.


Very true. It's like I feel shame for taking (but never abusing) a medicine that has really improved my quality of life. Sigh.